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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Also it's pretty ridiculous to say Geno would have been in Brawl if Nintendo owned him. He would have still been a nobody that not a lot of people cared a lot about when Sakurai was actually deciding the roster. Geno only gained bunches of support after the roster had long been finished.

Just the other day, didn't someone bring up Sakurai's opinion on... I forget the exact words, but basically NON-IMPORTANT characters?


Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I pointed out though that if Nintendo owned Geno he could have made a lot more appearances and it'd be easier to justify his inclusion. As it stands, unique move-set potential and crazy demand are the things that put him on his pedestal. Although, Sonic had less than that, he just had crazy demand.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Yeah, I'm saying it being a Geno reference is a rumor. XD We already acknowledged that there is data. I don't know, I guess I'll just be neutral on the subject. Could have sworn people accepted it as false back in the day, but my memory has never liked me. XP Though Kuma does have a point, if they never secured the rights, why would Nintendo be illegally putting it in, even if they thought that Enix would surely allow it. And for what reason would Square take back any legal contract they made? And is that even possible? I mean, they'd be contracts. But again I don't know much on the matter so I'll just be Switzerland.
True, the part about it relating to Geno, or SMRPG at all is just rumor, with little (but some) evidence to support the theory.

This is just guesswork, but like I said above, it could be that Sakurai thought Nintendo owned the rights to at least the music of SMRPG. After further investigation and already making a spot for the song, it turned out the rights belonged to Square, and the song was pulled. This is just speculation to support the rumor, and at this point probably me just talking out of my ***. :laugh:

I'm not saying it's true, I'm just saying there's a chance (even a very small one) that it could be true.

edit: And I'm only talking about the song being in Brawl at one point, not Geno.


Smash Lord
Feb 29, 2012
Baguetteandwine Land
Short,i think you should make Starfy's hand go on Kirby's,and maybe even hide his eyes,now i can play with yellow kirby and feel like it's starfy(and if he's not playable,it'd be cool to copy assist)
I wonder what level would have the forest theme belonged to...


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Short,i think you should make Starfy's hand go on Kirby's,and maybe even hide his eyes,now i can play with yellow kirby and feel like it's starfy(and if he's not playable,it'd be cool to copy assist)
I wonder what level would have the forest theme belonged to...
Well it would've fit well to something like Distant Planet, even if it didn't belong to that series, but I'm guessing it would've been on something like Luigi's Mansion.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
who be mad doe
Falcon is.

If you save it as a png you can make the background actually transparent.:phone:
Yeah I have issues with that though, the one I have now is a png and had a transparent background but when I first loaded on here but it had a white background, so now I just color them in. >_<

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
The Dr.Mario theme is pretty much the best thing about Dr.Mario.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Best thing about Dr. Mario is that it led to Dr. Wario

Now that guy needs to be in SSB4. :troll:



No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC
LOL, I´ve never heard about Dr. Wario before.

I liked him.


No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC
What are your guys talking about?

I was at my gradma´s house and now I´ve returned,but I can´t figure out what your guys are discussing.


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
XD where'd you find that picture chaos?

And don't feel bad metal it's a term of endearment. (In the words of Riley- no homo) If it makes you feel any better, holder is just as much of a noob for not figuring out png's. When/if I get to a real computer tonight I'll try to fix it holder.



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I just got platinum on club nintendo. Do you get anything for being platinum?

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
XD where'd you find that picture chaos?

And don't feel bad metal it's a term of endearment. (In the words of Riley- no homo) If it makes you feel any better, holder is just as much of a noob for not figuring out png's. When/if I get to a real computer tonight I'll try to fix it holder.

I already told you it doesn't load with a transparent background on here, even though it has one. D<


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I just got platinum on club nintendo. Do you get anything for being platinum?
You do at the end of the Club Nintendo year (I think it's on June 30). You get a prize that only platinum members get.

Last year it was some pins I think... it's also been Doc Louis's Punch-Out and a Mario characters statue thing.

edit: At least for NA Club Nintendo members. Europe might work differently for Platinum, and has different prizes.

Deleted member

In regards to Geno: I would love to see Geno in, but I think we all know that his chances are slim if not impossible. While I still doubt he would have gotten in SSBB if he was owned by Nintendo, I'd say he would have a much better shot in SSB4 if that was the case as his fan base wouldn't have collapsed.

@Holder of the Heel: I haven't really played any Xenoblade and I would since I have the money to get a Wii game, but I've recognized that I'm not the kind of a person that really play much video game anymore as I'm not really a well, patience person. The only game I'm currently anticipating at the moment is Smash 4 and the only games I'm hoping for now are a Star Fox and a F-zero. After that, I'm done with following video games.

The last part about the YouTube comments, if true, is interesting to hear. I only really follow Smashboards and GameFAQs for the Smash community and I wasn't aware of that.

@ChaosKid: Xenoblade may have a similar name to the Xenosaga, but they are not from the same franchise. There is also no guarantee that Xenoblade will even get a sequel. As for your point on Shulk being to Xenoblade as Ness is to Earthbound, I doubt it's a good thing for Shulk, especially with the competition he has to face, although I feel that things were a lot different in how Sakurai considered characters back in the original, so I could be wrong on that account.

Also, I don't think Sakurai stated anything in regards to him wanting characters from new franchises, just that there weren't many new characters created after Brawl.

That said, both you and Holder of the Heel did give solid points in regards to him, which I like. But I still feel that Little Mac, Isaac, and Saki are still better and more likely choices, especially after their exposure in SSBB which helped their popularity.

RomanceDawn's #101025 said:
I'm pretty sure Miyamoto does not like Toad very much, at least as far as Mario Kart is concerned Toad is his LEAST favorite.
If Miyamoto doesn't like him, then why does Miyamoto list him among his favorite characters easily? And considering that he gets to help decide the roster if he wants, this can only help Toad.
Johnknight's #101051 said:
I don't necessarily think so. If Sakurai feels Tails is more fit than some other heavily considered candidates, then I think he could be added. I am pretty confident Tails will at least be considered. Then again, I feel that upwards to 200 characters will probably be considered for Smash Wii U and 3DS!
I doubt he is going to consider over 200 potential newcomers for SSB4 as he needs to narrow down what should be in and what shouldn't be. Aside from Brawl's roster, I'd say that there are only around thirty semi-serious candidates for SSB4. Out of those, there are only two third-party characters whom I feel have a realistic chance (using it loosely here) of being in SSB4; Mega Man and Professor Layton. And third-party spots are going to be precious and few, so even if we do get four third-party spots (Sonic and Snake returning with Mega Man as the 1st newcomer), most people would prefer Layton/SE character/Ryu Hayabusa over a second Sonic rep.
Johnknight1's #101062 said:
I need to see a reliable source before I believe that.
Here you go. 2-3 years of development.

Unless we see the game being delayed, the game will be finished in three years since it started.
Johnknight1's #101062 said:
I think you need more reasons than that bro.
Well, I did mention that Toad is a very popular choice for SSB4 and could be unique.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
I could VERY easily see Saki and Starfy making it in over Mac and Isaac. Easily.

I also don't think there is going to be NEARLY as many small franchises as you guys would like to think. 3 - 4 tops. TOPS.
Including modern misc. series, retro, and third-parties, I would say that we could see anywhere from four to seven new franchises (three to six if third-parties are dropped from this game). My personal prediction is that we get six new series and those choices being Little Mac, Mii, Isaac, Takamaru, Duck Hunt Dog, and Mega Man. If we were to get a seventh one, which I feel could easily happen, it'd most likely be Saki as I don't think Starfy being placed in Fighter Related means anything towards potential inclusion so much as it is a program mistake and I doubt we're getting a 2nd third-party character. That said, none of the modern misc. series (Little Mac, Mii, Isaac, Saki, and Starfy are more of what I mean in terms of characters) are definitive choices IMO and any of them could very well miss.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
It's an MYM (Make Your Move) moveset. I had to make it over-the-top unique so I was forced to make up a dumb gimmick

About the Toad Rush, everyone was fine with it (Some/Most people even liked it). In fact, the only one who seems to despise it is you so we decided to go with it.
The reason it sucks is because of the gimmick. There is some problem people have with movesets just being normal. They just can't make a regular moveset,

The Toad one fails because it adds a gimmick that makes no sense. Olimar made sense. Ice Climbers made sense. Why is Toad doing some mushroom thing? It doesn't fit and it feels forced.

I'm willing to hear from SmashChu (or any active Shulk supporter like him) on why Shulk is likely, but I don't really see Shulk in Smash. Nothing indicates that Sakurai would like to see Shulk in Smash and I feel that it's popularity is overstated. While Xenoblade may have universal critical acclaim, I feel that the hype for Shulk will die down as we get further and further from Xenoblade's North American release (as has been happening to Ghirahim and Victini). Perhaps it will remain strong in Japan, but we have to remember that Sakurai looks outside of Japan for what people want to see and outside of Japan, Isaac, Little Mac, and Saki all beats him. The best I feel he'll reach is beating both Starfy and Ray in popularity (currently) and even then, as I stated before, I doubt it'll hold.
Two things
1)People put a lot of emphasis on series made by non-Nintendo developers. This means Golden Sun, Sin and Punishment, and Starfy. These development studios are not owned or controlled by Nintendo. Yet if you look at Smash, the series that get the most representation are ones Nintendo owns directly. Earthbound, Kirby, and Pokemon are the only ones that fall outside of this. Nintendo does have significant influence over HAL and Pokemon in general. Xenoblade is made by Monolith which is wholly owned by Nintendo. This puts it a step above the rest.

2)Xenobalde is very popular. First, the whole Operation Rainfall thing. Second, in a Japanese magazine (Famiutsi I think) gamers out it as the 6th best Nintendo game. Shulk is also requested a bit in the land of the rising sun.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
Cob often misses the point.

Gosh! I don't see tthe big deal about Geno. I mean, he's a freakin' wooden dall with a star for a spirit!! He has moves that would make Magikarp seem decent, except for Geno Beam. Also, Square only wants their character's to have a little amount of importance in any Nintendo game, with the exception of Hoops and Sports Mix. If anything, we will most likely see Slime, that is, if Square decided to even have a Sm4sh appearance.

Also, I like the Doctor Who reference.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Gosh! I don't see tthe big deal about Geno. I mean, he's a freakin' wooden dall with a star for a spirit!! He has moves that would make Magikarp seem decent, except for Geno Beam. Also, Square only wants their character's to have a little amount of importance in any Nintendo game, with the exception of Hoops and Sports Mix. If anything, we will most likely see Slime, that is, if Square decided to even have a Sm4sh appearance.

Also, I like the Doctor Who reference.
Are you even going to try and make an argument, or are you going to throw out horribly biased, uneducated nonsense?


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
@ChaosKid: Xenoblade may have a similar name to the Xenosaga, but they are not from the same franchise. There is also no guarantee that Xenoblade will even get a sequel. As for your point on Shulk being to Xenoblade as Ness is to Earthbound, I doubt it's a good thing for Shulk, especially with the competition he has to face, although I feel that things were a lot different in how Sakurai considered characters back in the original, so I could be wrong on that account.

Also, I don't think Sakurai stated anything in regards to him wanting characters from new franchises, just that there weren't many new characters created after Brawl.

That said, both you and Holder of the Heel did give solid points in regards to him, which I like. But I still feel that Little Mac, Isaac, and Saki are still better and more likely choices, especially after their exposure in SSBB which helped their popularity.
I don't remember exactly what I said, but I didn't mean to give the impression that I thought Xenosaga and Xenoblade were the same series, I realize they're not. I also know that there is no guarantee, or right now even talk of a sequel for Xenoblade, but I still hope it happens one day. I don't know how it ends, so I don't know how well it would set itself up for a sequel, but I still hope it gets a sequel eventually. But I'm aware that as far as we know there are currently no plans for one.

And in regards to Shulk being in a similar situation to Ness, I agree that it won't help him ever get to the top of the most requested or popular newcomer list, but it would give him at least a vocal support group from Xenoblade fans for years to come if it is to become a cult game. Which is still something, even if not on the same level as major candidates. As long as his game has cult support, he will always be a "dark horse possibility" if not a probability.

I'm guessing I interpreted what Sakurai said incorrectly. He was probably just mentioning the lack of newer characters compared to older existing ones, not that he necessarily wanted to put new characters in. Good point.

And thanks, I tried to come up with good points toward Shulk, but I still realize that Little Mac, Isaac, and Saki (and many others) have better chances than him.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Gosh! I don't see tthe big deal about Geno. I mean, he's a freakin' wooden dall with a star for a spirit!! He has moves that would make Magikarp seem decent, except for Geno Beam. Also, Square only wants their character's to have a little amount of importance in any Nintendo game, with the exception of Hoops and Sports Mix. If anything, we will most likely see Slime, that is, if Square decided to even have a Sm4sh appearance.

Also, I like the Doctor Who reference.
This shows that you know nothing of Geno. :p

The Toad one fails because it adds a gimmick that makes no sense. Olimar made sense. Ice Climbers made sense. Why is Toad doing some mushroom thing? It doesn't fit and it feels forced.
I hate when characters have no set potential and they are forced. My bias for picking characters always bases its love off of how interesting a character's moves can be (hence Geno, Ghirahim, Shulk, and why I also like Aeron/Ende and Amaterasu, two nonexistent fanbases). We only have Captain Falcon who was let in during the first SSB that was forced, Peach is only slightly so. The rest draw upon something at least. That is why I feel looking for move-set potential characters when choosing which ones to look towards is best, that, and Sakurai mentioned it as one of his criteria.

Two things
1)People put a lot of emphasis on series made by non-Nintendo developers. This means Golden Sun, Sin and Punishment, and Starfy. These development studios are not owned or controlled by Nintendo. Yet if you look at Smash, the series that get the most representation are ones Nintendo owns directly. Earthbound, Kirby, and Pokemon are the only ones that fall outside of this. Nintendo does have significant influence over HAL and Pokemon in general. Xenoblade is made by Monolith which is wholly owned by Nintendo. This puts it a step above the rest.

2)Xenobalde is very popular. First, the whole Operation Rainfall thing. Second, in a Japanese magazine (Famiutsi I think) gamers out it as the 6th best Nintendo game. Shulk is also requested a bit in the land of the rising sun.
Excellent points. Didn't know he was requested so much in the East either, good to hear. ^_^

That said, both you and Holder of the Heel did give solid points in regards to him, which I like. But I still feel that Little Mac, Isaac, and Saki are still better and more likely choices, especially after their exposure in SSBB which helped their popularity.
Two of them I can't really argue with, I personally just enjoy Shulk more and can't argue for it, but didn't Sakurai already say no to Little Mac because of no moveset potential? I remember him saying that.

He is only listing off characters that come to mind after he says they are all important. To say that Toad is among his favorites easily is stretching it a bit.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
Are you even going to try and make an argument, or are you going to throw out horribly biased, uneducated nonsense?
Alright, I kinda deserved that. But, Geno was only in one game. Ever. Meanwhile, Slime started on NES and will end on a Nintendo system. Sakurai seems to be neutral on Slime, but also seems to dislike Geno. Then there's the arguement of White Mage, Black Mage, and Ninja tag-team.Well, let's let the Square Chart sum this up for you:
Geno is the most requested, but least possible of the three.
The Warriors of Light are a good idea, just not popular.
Slime is both popular and logical, having a moveset like, say, Shy Guy might have.
So that is an unbiased, educated report.

Oh yeah, and the Mario and Luigi cameo with Geno doesn't count. By the same knowledge, E.Gadd is possible.


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
I already told you it doesn't load with a transparent background on here, even though it has one. D<
Lesson #1: Don't doubt me. Ever.

Is that what you said? I hadn't noticed =P. All I saw was:

To rise to the challenge and show me a png without a background. So I was all like

And then

Ta da!

On topic: according to Wikipedia, sin and punishment, nor starfy, nor golden sun cracked 5 million sales yet. Which is at least worth noting.



No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC
Can I make a question?

When your guys will stop talking about Geno?
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