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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
Well, here goes. This is my first attempt at a character roster. Some of these choices are obviously of the “wishlist” variety, but I put them in for good reason (or at least reasons good enough for me). The character roster also defines who is exclusive to either system, and therefore, contains the 3DS and Wii U rosters in it. I’ve provided some explanations behind my choices and the roster character numbers below the roster.

Note: All characters exclusive to the 3DS version can be imported into the Wii U version, provided that the player of course have a copy of both versions.

*= indicates unlockable character
[Wii U] [3DS]= indicates if a character is exclusive to one of the two systems

  1. Mario
  2. Luigi *
  3. Peach [Wii U]
  4. Bowser [Wii U]
  5. Bowser Jr. * [Wii U]
  6. Toad OR Paper Mario * [3DS]
  7. Donkey Kong
  8. Diddy Kong
  9. King K. Rool * [Wii U]
  10. Yoshi
  11. Wario
  12. Link
  13. Zelda/Sheik
  14. Ganondorf * [Wii U]
  15. Toon Link *
  16. Samus/Zero Suit Samus
  17. Dark Samus * [3DS]
  18. Ridley/Meta Ridley * [Wii U]
  19. Kirby
  20. King Dedede
  21. Metaknight * [Wii U]
  22. Fox
  23. Wolf
  24. Falco * [Wii U]
  25. Marth
  26. Ike OR New Fire Emblem Character
  27. Micaiah OR Caeda OR New Fire Emblem Character * [Wii U]
  28. Captain Falcon
  29. Samurai Goroh * [Wii U]
  30. Ness
  31. Lucas * [Wii U]
  32. Pit
  33. Medusa * [3DS]
  34. Pikachu
  35. Jigglypuff *
  36. Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard) [Wii U]
  37. Zoroark OR Genesect * [3DS]
  38. Victini OR Meowth * [Wii U]
  39. Olimar
  40. Little Mac
  41. Isaac * [3DS]
  42. Starfy * [3DS]
  43. Chibi-Robo * [Wii U]
  44. Ray MK # * [Wii U]
  45. Ice Climbers
  46. R.O.B.
  47. Alice [Wii U]
  48. Mr. Game & Watch *
  49. Takamaru * [Wii U]
  50. Character from Any Franchise New to Smash Bros. * [3DS]
  51. Snake [Wii U]
  52. Sonic [Wii U]
  53. Megaman
  54. Tetris Block * [Wii U] (THE “Retro-ish WTF Third-Party Character With Zero Chance of Getting In” Character)
  55. The "Random" box on the character selection screen

Here are the numbers for my roster:
  • 29 Starting Characters
  • 26 Unlockable Characters
  • 34-33 Veterans (depends on Ike)
  • 20 Newcomers
  • 32 3DS Characters
  • 47 Wii U Characters
  • 54 Total Characters
  • 58 Total Characters (including transformations and the 2nd Ice Climber)

Now then, some explanations behind my character choices:
[COLLAPSE="Explanations"]Two New Mario Characters – Some people want Bowser Jr. Other people want Toad or Paper Mario. I say that, given that the next game is on two systems and the rosters can be different from each other, why not add both? Toad or Paper Mario is on the 3DS version, while Bowser Jr. can be played on the Wii U version. If you import the 3DS characters into the Wii U game, that means that the Mario series will have a net amount of 6 characters (not including sub-series characters) – giving it a true reign over other character franchises.

Two New Metroid Characters – In my opinion, Metroid has become a modern franchise extremely important to Nintendo and very likely to spawn more games in the future. Realizing it’s significance now, I think even two characters is a small amount for the franchise, considering that Kirby and especially Star Fox have three characters and have had large gaps between their game releases during the 20th century (Kirby: 2006-2010, not including the Kirby Super Star remake; Star Fox: 2006-2011). I realize that we will likely only get one new Metroid character, but this roster is more of my wishlist than a real roster prediction.

Ridley/Meta Ridley Combination – Although these characters do swap out between each other, this isn’t done in the traditional Zelda/Sheik or Pokemon Trainer fashion. Instead, the player starts as either character; I’ll use normal Ridley in this example. After the players dies as Ridley, Ridley doesn’t just respawn; he is “rebuilt” and spawns instead as Meta Ridley, who has some moveset and attribute differences from his natural counterpart. When Meta Ridley dies, he is “reborn” as Ridley. I thought this feature helps distinguish Ridley from other characters and makes good use of both his normal form and Meta Ridley form.

Ike/Micaiah/Caeda/New FE Character – Although there has been no announcements, there will probably be a new Fire Emblem game with different lords in the future, and that game will probably need representation. That characters would probably swap out with Ike or the third Fire Emblem spot - not both, obviously. However, if no character really fits the bill for the next game, then Ike can stay and the third spot can be chosen between Caeda or Micaiah.

Character from Any Franchise New to Smash Bros. – I have no idea who would fill in this space; it could a retro character or a new franchise character. Smash Bros. on the 3DS will probably have a retro character, but I have no idea who it could be. At the same time, I could see a character from a potential new franchise - such as the armadillo from Rolling Western - as being added. It's up in the air for me.

Tetris Block – Firstly, you know you want him. Secondly, he has got some of the advantages that a retro-ish WTF third party character would need: he has historical significance for Nintendo, both for spurring sales of the original Game Boy and for all later Nintendo re-releases and spin-offs of Tetris. Although he is technically third-party since the Tetris Company owns the rights to the game, seeing as how the company has allowed Nintendo to make so many spin-offs and re-releases, the two should have a friendly and cooperative relationship.
One of the problems that you could associate with Tetris Block is possible lack of moveset potential. But he actually has decent moveset potential. I’ve seen an image on the Internet that provided an entire, comprehensive moveset for him. Unfortunately, I don’t have the picture on me, and I can’t find the image anywhere on the Internet. Still, I can think some of it off the top of my head, and I might post a partial moveset later.
I do realize his real chances in the next game are absolutely zero. But I think he (or rather “it”) and his franchise is deserving of recognition.[/COLLAPSE]

And that is my ideal character roster. Feel free to comment with constructive criticism - I'm not expecting my roster to be perfect, and I'm sure my reasoning is off. Again, this roster is more of a "wishlist" roster than a "predicted" roster, but was made with thought behind each character. I plan to eventually create a couple of simple diagrams of how this roster would look like on the character selection screens.

By the way, Iblis, I have a Ridley/Meta Ridley moveset myself that I plan to upload, but would like to post your moveset first?

Edit: Since I have a feeling that Tetris Block won't prove very popular, know that I would substitute him with either another "Character from Any Franchise New to Smash Bros." spot or with either Slime, Bomberman, or Pac-Man as the other third-party character.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
I heard somewhere that Uematsu, the guy (I think) who has done the orchestral scores for Mario Galaxy 2 and Skyward Sword, would be interested in doing something like that for Smash 4.

That would be.... EPIC. EPIC. EPIC!!!


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
@ JavaCroc: Here's a Tetris moveset:

Challenger: Tetris Block. You know you want it.

Appearance: Default = Vertical, straight tetris block. Top block is slightly oriented in the direction you are facing. May vary shape when executing attacks.

Moveset: (warning, some spatial awareness needed to visualise these moves)

B moves:

B - Square block: Transforms into square block for an extremely short period of time (ala Marth's counter).During this time, Tetris block takes damage as normal but ignores all knock back effects. Tetris block may be grabbed. Any non-grappling attack that makes contact with the Square block will cause the opponent to be knocked back a set distance that does not scale with damage in the direction the attack came from (i.e. an attack from below will send the opponent straight downwards). (0%)

>B - Tetris Gun: Transforms into L shaped block rotated 90 degrees, shoots the block at the end of the 'gun', travels about half the length of Final Destination. (3-4%)

vB - Instant Down: Chargeable. Tetris block lifts a certain distance vertically upwards and transforms into a random tetris shape. Hovers in place until release of charge (automatically releases after 4-5 seconds) and then drops down very quickly. Shape can be rotated while charging but not during descent. (8-17%)

^B - Tetris Platform: Transforms into upside down T shape, Horizontal component acts as a platform for the remaining block to jump off of. Tetris block reconsititutes itself after the attack ends, can only be performed once without landing. Only initial transformation does damage. Tetris block is impervious to attacks from below while the 'platform' is present. (5-6%)

Grounded A moves:

AAA(AAAxN/hold) - 3 hit combo: Transforms into upside down L block ('7' shape), then transforms into T block rotated 90 degrees in the direction you are facing, then transforms into L block, no rotation. Holding down or subsequent presses of A cause a rapid cycle of transformations. Short range. (2% + 2% + 2% + 1%xN)

>A - Transforms into the gun shaped tetris block (aka L block rotated 90 degrees) pointing in the direction you are facing. Similar to G&W's chair in effect (9%)

vA - Transforms into |__ shaped tetris block in the direction you are facing. (5%, chance of tripping)

^A - Top two blocks in default form jump upwards slightly (3-4%, juggling capability at lower percentages)

Dash A - Tetris block flings itself forward as a horizontal straight block. (7-8%)


Nair - Transforms into square block and spins. (6-7%)

Fair - Rotates Straight block 90 degrees in the direction you're facing. (i.e. facing right = clockwise rotation) Trajectory of knockback depends on initial orientation of Tetris block (8-9%, potential meteor)

Bair - Exactly the same as Fair but in the opposite direction. (8-9%)

Dair - Accelerated Down: Tetris block moves down quickly a short distance. (9-10%)

Uair - Tetris block moves one unit block length upwards and then returns to original position. (12-13%, high Vertical KO potential)


Fsmash - Transforms into Z shaped block and the block pointing in the direction you are facing disconnects and travels forward a short distance. (9 - 17%, medium KO potential)

Dsmash - Transforms into upside down T shape block, blocks extending out horizontally on both sides disconnect and travel forward a short distance. (7 - 15%, sends opponent out as a near horizontal trajectory)

Usmash - Transforms into upside down T shape block, the single block on top jumps upwards a short distance. (10-17% Medium vertical KO potential)


Grab - Tetris transforms into a 90 degree rotated T shape block and grabs, short range.

Pummel - Top block slides forward (makes a 90 degree Z shape) and hits opponent repeatedly (1% per hit)

Fthrow - Block holding opponent punches outwards, throwing opponent forwards (6%)

Bthrow - Tetris block turns around while grabbing, does not throw.

Dthrow - Block holding opponent slides downwards to make an L shape, brings opponent crashing down too. (9%, combo potential at low percentages)

Uthrow - Block holding opponent slides upwards and throws opponent skywards (makes a 7 shape) (7%)

Final Smash:

Tetris block teleports off screen and a player controlled tetris game begins. Falling blocks do damage, making lines causes explosions. Multiple lines cause exponentially more powerful explosions.

Tetris block totally has moveset potential.

As far as your roster is concerned, 55+ is way too many characters, you have to remember that Sakurai mentioned something about not wanting to double the overall roster.

Realistically speaking, I'm expecting at least 48/49 characters including transformations, I'm not to see that many in a roster, though it would be nice.

I agree with your FE selection, Ike may be replaced IF we get a new FE lord, otherwise he isn't going anywhere plus he's a starter from Brawl, Caeda definetly has a chance, I fully support her.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2007
United Arab Emirate, Abu Dhabi
I heard somewhere that Uematsu, the guy (I think) who has done the orchestral scores for Mario Galaxy 2 and Skyward Sword, would be interested in doing something like that for Smash 4.

That would be.... EPIC. EPIC. EPIC!!!
Uematsu....is the one who composed Brawl main theme....and he is a Final Fantasy composer...the one who worked on Super Mario Galaxy 2 is Mahito Yokota and he is now working on Skyward Sword....having great music composers Nintendo don't need a guy like Uematsu.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Well, here goes. This is my first attempt at a character roster. Some of these choices are obviously of the “wishlist” variety, but I put them in for good reason (or at least reasons good enough for me). The character roster also defines who is exclusive to either system, and therefore, contains the 3DS and Wii U rosters in it. I’ve provided some explanations behind my choices and the roster character numbers below the roster.

An interesting way to implement the Wii U and 3DS versions. Though I am uncertain about some of your version exclusive picks.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
Well, the roster is split between 3DS and Wii U roster; they're only combined to show how the full roster would look if you imported your 3DS characters into the Wii U (thanks to SSBFan for the idea).

And thanks for the Tetris Block moveset. I'll see if it's better than the partial moveset I can remember. :)

An interesting way to implement the Wii U and 3DS versions. Though I am uncertain about some of your version exclusive picks.
Yes, I am a little wary too of how I integrated the version-exclusive characters. I only added the 3DS/Wii U indicators after I had put all the characters together, so it may not be perfect. The 3DS characters can be imported into the Wii U version, though, so it may not matter since every character is available in the game in the end.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I am working on some MASSSIVE essays for Smash 4 currently. Don't expect anything until September though. I really want to post them in a separate topic though, considering what I will write will probably be buried. These essays will be a precursor to the "Smash 4 Newcomer Bible" which is basically an expanded version of the analysis topic I did for Brawl back in late 2007.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I am working on some MASSSIVE essays for Smash 4 currently. Don't expect anything until September though. I really want to post them in a separate topic though, considering what I will write will probably be buried. These essays will be a precursor to the "Smash 4 Newcomer Bible" which is basically an expanded version of the analysis topic I did for Brawl back in late 2007.
Post it in the Smash 4 private discussion four sure.

Anyways, it has come to my attention that none of you have been discussing a very important topic. This link right here is a link to something called Operation Rainfall. They are a group who set out to get popular Japanese Nintendo games localized. Please, go on here and do what you can. They have a planned date for mailing letters and they are doing things like getting people to pre-order games in hopes that it will be released in the US/EU/CA.

The titles that they are trying to get localized as of now are: The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, and Xenoblade.

Please take a look at this article and participate in some of the events. I for one am going to mail the letters for all three games to Nintendo with the approipriot items placed in said letter. Give it a look guys, we can make a difference :D


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I am working on some MASSSIVE essays for Smash 4 currently. Don't expect anything until September though. I really want to post them in a separate topic though, considering what I will write will probably be buried. These essays will be a precursor to the "Smash 4 Newcomer Bible" which is basically an expanded version of the analysis topic I did for Brawl back in late 2007.
Well then, we can't wait for your input in all this:)

and where is everyone? This thread has been partially abandoned by Fatman, shortie, you, arcadenik, pieman etc..

It's frustrating. <_<


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
This thread's stupidity is getting to be intolerable.

And I'm off today, and I see nothing worth discussing besides Operation Rainfall.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Here's something then. I'll post a moveset for Krystal, going indepth so as to define her playstyle and try to come up with a general strategy for her.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I'm baack!

Tried to make some Event Match ideas.There are mostly rehashes, but still.

Triblet Trouble Kings (Or just Triplet Trouble Kings)

Description: King K. Rool's appearance turns the terrible twosome into a tyrannical threesome! Show him that three is a crowd!

Goal: Defeat Bowser, King DeDeDe, and King K. Rool. 3-stock, damage counter at 2.0, 5:00 time.

- Quick Target Shooting -

Description: The elites of rail shooting duel it at target smashing. Break all the targets before opponent does!

Goal: Choose either Saki or Pit and break the targets before the other does. There's a time limit to make stuff quickly done: 0:30 seconds!

- Super Mario Bros... 2? -

Description: It's a reunion for the heroes of dream world Subcon. Yet someone's hold grudge against the rest for never getting credited...

Goal: Play as Toad and defeat Mario, Luigi and Peach. Sorta like a remake Super Mario Bros 2-event match from SSBM. Each has two lives and there's a time limit.

- Starfy and Yoshi's Egg -

Description: Starfy, you have to help Yoshi! Some strangers try to break Yoshi's dear egg!

Goal: The stage is Good Egg Galaxy, (or some kind of SMG-level appearing in SSB4, preferably Star Phoenix's stage idea).
You have to play as Starfy, who has to protect Yoshi's Egg and stop random opponents breaking it.

(As you can see, it's a remake from Yoshi's Egg-event match from Melee, but is made incharacter with Stafy's tendency to help people in his games)

- Over The Skyworld -

Description: Lip volunteerily wants to flower up Angel Land... but looks like someone's against her sweet idea.

Goal: In my moveset for Lip, Lip has a final smash which lets her flower up the stage (while making everyone have flowers on their heads) by making a rainbow and running on top of it while creating up her spell.

In Skyworld, she has to flower up the stage enough, so it's filled with flowers. Pit tries to stop her. No time limit, and the match ends when you used the Final Smash successfully enough to fill Skyworld with flowers.

- Mysterious Hyrule Castle -

Description: Someone's attacking Hyrule Castle! But the Hero Of Destiny's mysteriously absent. Can Takamaru volunteer to save Hyrule?

Goal: Takamaru battles in Hyrule Castle, and unexpectedly enough, is confronted by Dark Link! Defeat Dark Link like in the previous installments of SSB. This is stamina-based match.

- Mysterious Hyrule Castle 2 -

Description: What's this? It's attacked AGAIN? But there's a sudden twist of events...

Goal: You have play as Takamaru again, and oddly enough, you confront... Dark Takamaru! Defeat him to reveal the Murasame-statue from his game and break it to kill the alien.

*You earn Murasame Statue-trophy from this event.*


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
That's your answer OMEGA.

I for one, think people should probably take a look at operation rainfall. In fact, an Operation Rainfall link will be in every post I make here, until I see more support from this community. You can simply post on Nintendo's Offical facebook! That's what I'm doing. Come on you guys. Don't be lazy, these three games look amazing, and we all want them. Help out.
I already did, according to Operation Rainfall, the letters are supposed to be by the 6th..Xenoblade needs to be released by NoA.

Ok shall I VM you and discuss this with you?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I'm currently playing Radiant Dawn and let me tell you this :WE REALLY NEED BLACK KNIGHT!!!
See!! You finally came to your senses :)

I've been supporting him from the beginning, heck I'd rather see him than Caeda instead, besides his chances aren't all that bad, game sales have NOTHING to do with a characters overall chances.

Okay IkeSama, I'm gonna go ahead and create an in-depth moveset for him, unless you've got one course.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
I'm baack!

Tried to make some Event Match ideas.There are mostly rehashes, but still.

**event matches**
Good ideas, Young Horsetail. I like them. Here's an event match of mine:

- Are You Chicken? -

: Captain Syrup's minions have stirred up Wario's prized hen again. Can he save her this time?

Goal: The stage is a preferably Wario Land-based level ripped from Adventure Mode. Wario starts on one side of the level, and his hen is on the other side. He must grab the hen and return her to her roost at the beginning of the level safely. However, enemies dot the area between Wario and the hen. Any time Wario is hit by an enemy on the way back, the hen flies off back to where she was. If Wario is successful, the hen will sit down in her nest and lay an egg while Wario shows off a victory pose.

Note of Interest: This event match is based off a level in Wario Land 2.


Smash Master
Jul 7, 2006
Seattle, WA
Switch FC
Takamaru's was the third worst, Metroid was the second worst. I'm only noting this because there was a several thousand copy divide between the three.
to it's credit though, Metroid was prbably secondworst because of Zero Mission.

and now,my updated character list!


Mario Series
Bowser jr.*

Yoshi series

Wario series

Zelda series

Metroid Series

DK series
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong

Pokemon Series

Kirby Series
King DeDede

Starfox series

F-Zero series
Captain falcon
Samurai Goroh*

Mother Series

Fire emblem Series

Mr. game & Watch*
Mike Jones*
Ice climbers*

3rd Party

assist trophies

Wanda(Mario& wario)*
Fawful(Mario& Luigi)*
Kain (Final Fantasy IV)*
Bass (Mega man 7)*
Ninian & nils (Fire Emblem)
Ashley(Warioware touched)
Eggplant wizard(kid icarus)
Alexandra Rovias (eternal Darkness)*
Stanley The Bugman(Donkey Kong 3)
Boo(Mario Bros. 3)

I'll add stages and whatnot later.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I didn't want to say it like this, but most of the folks you mentioned Omega haven't been very productive thus far. I've got examples of this since I got back on.
Probably because they're all veterans. Everything has already been said. That's why it urks me when people here don't take advantage of news when it actually does come. I bet none of you knew about the rumors of Metroid being relesed on Wii U, or that the Dev kits are being sent out to third party developers so they can further their titles for the Wii U. Most people here didn't or don't know about the fact that both Retro and Sora are gaining a heap of new employees for upcoming games. And most recently, a lot of you didn't or worse, didn't talk about Operation Rainfall. I can't blame you for not knowing everything every second of the day, but most of this news has been out for weeks. The older posters have contributed tons, you just don't see it because it was on the old SSB4 thread. You seem to know Kuma, bug if you don't think other veterans haven't contributed, you're crazy.

In lighter news, I'll be making a moveset as well. I'm going to go for someone fromn the Legend of zelda series. Either Tingle or Majora(Skull Kid). Any preferences?

@Omega I'm cool with a PM, but I don't know what else we could talk about.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2007
United Arab Emirate, Abu Dhabi
See!! You finally came to your senses :)

I've been supporting him from the beginning, heck I'd rather see him than Caeda instead, besides his chances aren't all that bad, game sales have NOTHING to do with a characters overall chances.

Okay IkeSama, I'm gonna go ahead and create an in-depth moveset for him, unless you've got one course.
I'm going to do one later make your own you might inspire mine xD....we have to make an ultimate moveset.

Deleted member

In terms of priority of likeliness of third-party companies supporting Nintendo, these are IMO, the ones most likely:

1. Sega (Sonic the Hedgehog)
2. Konami (Metal Gear)
3. Capcom (Mega Man)
4. Square Enix (Dragon Quest)
5. Tecmo (Ninja Gaiden)

Everyone else stands very little chance of getting in and even the latter two is pushing it in terms of likeliness.

@Shortiecanbrawl: I'll look at your post later when I get time. I can't pre-order, thought, since I don't know how nor do I want to pre-order games that may not come out, but I will try to help out whenever I can.
Hyper Luigi said:
Yeah it's long overdue since it's the only franchise present in all the SSB games other than Yoshi (which is still part of the Mario family of franchises) to only have 1 rep in all 3 games. It took until Brawl for Donkey Kong, Metroid, Kirby and MOTHER to get more than 1 rep but poor Captain Falcon is still all by his lonesome and it's entirely possible it's going to stay that way.
I think we have a decent chance of that finally changing in SSB4. Samurai Goroh was an Assist Trophy in SSB4 and I can easily see Sakurai take the easy route and upgrade Assist Trophy characters to playable status since I think they'll take less work. However, major relevancy issue could keep a second F-zero rep from appearing, which is why I am not expecting him.
Reyairia said:
Furthermore, her moveset could be transferred to a new pokemon with a couple of modifications, without much problem.
By who? Wigglytuff, who stands little chance of getting in? I don't think you can replace a player like Jigglypuff. At least there is some resemblance between Mewtwo and Lucario's play style.
ssbowns said:
Based on fan demand. And if the game will add even 5 new characters there aren't much more high profile characters to add.

Oh and I meant that I rather have Ridley as Bowser clone than not have him at all. True it would be awful match but like I said I'd have Excite Biker as a clone of Captain Falcon, Paper Mario as clone of Mario and other as ridicilous matchings if it's a matter of getting a clone or not getting at all.

But I'm in the gang who wants 100 characters even if they're all not that balanced or worthwhile so judge my statement with that in mind.
I'm all for a large roster, but if it means making the balance so bad that in SSB5, they have to press the restart button, forget it. It is better for the team to improve the balance with a 42-49 slot roster and have it gradually increase within each installlment.
JavaCroc said:
Well, the roster is split between 3DS and Wii U roster; they're only combined to show how the full roster would look if you imported your 3DS characters into the Wii U (thanks to SSBFan for the idea).
You're welcome. I'm very glad to see that people actually like my idea (Well, actually, it was Cell Junior's idea from GameFAQs). I'd love to see a balanced 50+ roster and that would convince me to buy both versions if that was the case.
ChronoBound said:
I am working on some MASSSIVE essays for Smash 4 currently. Don't expect anything until September though. I really want to post them in a separate topic though, considering what I will write will probably be buried. These essays will be a precursor to the "Smash 4 Newcomer Bible" which is basically an expanded version of the analysis topic I did for Brawl back in late 2007.
Why not post them on the User Blog section we have on this forum? Also, I'd be interested in seeing your essay.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
You're welcome. I'm very glad to see that people actually like my idea (Well, actually, it was Cell Junior's idea from GameFAQs). I'd love to see a balanced 50+ roster and that would convince me to buy both versions if that was the case.
I don't know how easy that would be unfortunetly. I would love to see that too, but it's unlikely. I really see a small roster with lots of cuts. DUN DUN DUN! But yeah, I wonder how Nintendo goes about deciding how balanced the game is? Maybe they try to balance the game while playing it with four players, all items on. I can see Brawl looking a lot more balanced if that is the case.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
While I'm all for Operation Rainfall... in some horrible subconscious way I hope it fails, because it succeeding would just make me even more bitter about Mother 3.

Anyway, back to SSB4.

I was just thinking one problem with Little Mac: he doesn't Jump. At all. Okay, there is the uppercut, maybe, but....

Deleted member

I don't know how easy that would be unfortunetly. I would love to see that too, but it's unlikely. I really see a small roster with lots of cuts. DUN DUN DUN! But yeah, I wonder how Nintendo goes about deciding how balanced the game is? Maybe they try to balance the game while playing it with four players, all items on. I can see Brawl looking a lot more balanced if that is the case.
That's probably why for now, I'm sticking to my prediction of 44 slots (Wii-U version). However, as I have said before, I really doubt that even with a small roster, they'll take out many players already in. If anything, they'll try to keep as many of the Brawl veterans as they possibly can with possibly no cuts at all to avoid alienating mains. As shown with Brawl, the only planned cut was Pichu. Dr. Mario, Roy, and Mewtwo were all planned to be in playable in some way or form and given enough time, that would have happened. Sakurai probably is not a fan of cutting characters for the sake of it and the only planned cut deserved the boot anyway.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Its nothing incredibly groundbreaking, yet it can be interesting in the eyes of the beholder (some of us perhaps?)
I think you're forgetting that this is a community. When a significant amount of people take interest in something as big and major like trying to localize a game, you should help them. I thought it went without saying that even if you don't like the games listed, you would still support the cause. Even if it doesn't interest you (I'm not really interested in Xenoblade as much as I am with Pandora's Tower and The Last Story) you should still work with the cause for your fellow Nintendo fans.(I'm still going to do everything I can to get Xenoblade localized)

I still can't see how you don't understand that any news pertaining to recent Nintendo games, upcoming titles, and the Wii U is 100% relevant in the SSB4 thread. It's more than just interesting news, it's important to this thread.

I'm also done discussing this with you.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Here's that Krystal moveset I mentioned.

[COLLAPSE="Specials"]B: Fire Blaster
Krystal shoots a Fireball with small knockback from her staff. However, by holding B, you can hold the charge and have a stronger, in general fireball. The main purpose for this attack is for zoning and scaring your opponent that you’ll shoot a fireball.

Side B: Ice Spray
Shoots a spray of ice from her staff. While Krystal is in any part of the startup or while it’s active, Krystal can adjust her aim. This is used as an anti-air, keep-out attack, or an edge guard move. Over time, the range of the spray decreases. If the spray is done at point blank, however, the opponent will be frozen.

Down B: Quake
Krystal strikes her staff to the ground to create a localized shockwave, there are three “points” where the shockwave will rise. This depends on your directional input. If you hold back during the startup, the shockwave will be close to you, while holding forward goes for max range. Holding just down or neutral lands between the two points. Useful for countering camping, or like the fireball, scaring the opponent. This attack is also jump cancelable. This attack does not work in the air for obvious reasons.

Up B: Rocket Boost
Krystal raises her staff and flies up. Doing straight Up causes her to go up vertically while Up-Left and Up-Right will cause her to travel in those directions. Like’s Snake’s Cipher recovery, Krystal can exit out of the recovery.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Ground attacks."]AAA: Krystal does a forward jab with her staff high, then low, and then does two kicks.
FTilt: Swings her staff downward. A good poke.
DTilt: Krystal crouches and sticks her staff out, this is her best poke.
Up Tilt: Like Pit’s UTiltt, but has two types of hits. If the opponent is next to you as you hit, the move has more knockback and damage, but the longer range attack has less knockback and damage.
FSmash: Krystal raises the staff behind her and drops the staff like an axe.
DSmash: Krystal places her staff to the ground, spins around and then does a downward double kick to the opponent. This has good horizontal knockback, but poor vertical knockback. This is best used for tech chasing or as an edgeguard.
USmash: Krystal holds her staff like a baseball with the charge going to her staff’s head. She swings upward. Unlike the above attack, this has poor horizontal knockback, but good vertical knockback.
Wakeup Attack: Like AA, but the second hit goes behind her.
Ledge Attack: Climbs and does a quick, weaker version of her FTilt
100% Ledge Attack: Weaker version of her DSmash[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Aerials"]NAir: Spins once with her staff horizontally.
FAir: Spins once with her staff vertically. The range, unlike her NAir, goes far in front instead of covering both sides.
DAir: Pokes directly below her.
UAir: Extends her staff 30 degrees upward to the direction she’s facing.[/COLLAPSE]

[collapse="Throws"]Pummel: Knees the opponent.
FThrow: Lunges at them in the stomach.
BThrow: Stomps on their foot, uses the staff to push them behind by their neck moving them behind her, and then kicks them.
DThrow: Tosses them to the ground, does a quick jump and spin of the staff above her, land with her staff lying, hitting the opponent and causing a ground bounce.
UThrow: Punches the opponent and then uses the staff like a shovel to launch the opponent.[/collapse]

Playstyle: Krystal is a character that excels greatly at mid-range combat thanks to her range while having her Fire Blaster and Quake as zoning backup. Your objective with Krystal is to scare the opponent with these projectiles while being close enough to poke in for damage. Her preferred way to K.O. is horizontally. Her attacks don’t do the greatest knockback aside from a few so use her aerial pokes, Ice Blast and potentially other attacks for edgeguarding the opponent which she is also good at.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I was just thinking one problem with Little Mac: he doesn't Jump. At all. Okay, there is the uppercut, maybe, but....
Well that's just silly.

That's probably why for now, I'm sticking to my prediction of 44 slots (Wii-U version). However, as I have said before, I really doubt that even with a small roster, they'll take out many players already in. If anything, they'll try to keep as many of the Brawl veterans as they possibly can with possibly no cuts at all to avoid alienating mains. As shown with Brawl, the only planned cut was Pichu. Dr. Mario, Roy, and Mewtwo were all planned to be in playable in some way or form and given enough time, that would have happened. Sakurai probably is not a fan of cutting characters for the sake of it and the only planned cut deserved the boot anyway.
I don't think anyone is a fan of useless cutting. I think most cuts that have been predicted/suggested have valid points that back them up. Also, alienating mains shouldn't be something to worry about. Mewtwo isn't going anywhere. Yes he was cut, but he can still be mained in SSBM. If we saw someone like Falco get cut, or even someone like Jigglypuff(Who I think is very unlikely) get cut, they will still be in the past games. Your favorite character isn't really going anywhere.

I just think if someone has to go, they have to go.


What is her look going to me modeled after? Adventures, Assault, or Command? I like the moveset a lot. It definitely takes roots with her first game appearence.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
How about Prince Tricky as Final Smash?

And how about switching Fireball with Ice spray mapping?

You press B for Ice Spray and you can easily adjust the direction later.

And Side B for Fire Ball since it basically goes forward only anyway. :p

Just my suggestion. :D


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
It could, but it's more of a preference thing.

Sure, you may have those characters in other games, but that's a moot point (I think I'm using that word right) if no one's around to play the game with them.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Where is the staff-spinning multi-hit attack on the Krystal moveset? >:I Oh, Also she probably wouldn't have her Adventures outfit. Not exactly at least. With Brawl they sort of took some liberties with the space animal designs, so they'd probably do the same for Krystal. I guess?

I think maybe I'll work on a Ridley moveset if Iblis doesn't beat me to it...

AlsoIhadtogiveuponthatJoyMechFighttracklistbecausethesongsaren'tonYouTubeINTHEWAYIWOULDLIKETHEMTOBE. PICKY AS ****.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I was just thinking one problem with Little Mac: he doesn't Jump. At all. Okay, there is the uppercut, maybe, but....


Link (originally)
Captain Falcon
Pokemon Trainer (jumping down ledges doesn't count)

These and some others don't jump in their games either. :p

And Little Mac jumps rope in his training, proving he can jump. :D
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