I'm going to go ahead and do this, too. Just for funsies, though. Even though I think we'll be getting more than 15 newcomers (I honestly think we could get as many as 20), I'll stick to the rules.
15 characters, 15 Franchises.
Rules (Spread the characters as you please):
You must have TWO shock/WTF characters (Like, Sheik/ZSS/PT and ROB/G&W)
You must have a new Weapon weidling character
A new heavy character
A new Light character
A character who brings a new gimmick (Peach, IC's, Diddy/Dixie, Olimar, ect)
Super Mario (2) - Toadsworth (Basically just Toad, so don't go flipping out errbody), Bowser Jr. (Absolutely no Shadow Mario. No.)
Yoshi Island/Story - X
Wario Ware/Land - X
Donkey Kong - (1) King K. Rool
Legend Of Zelda (1) - Ghirahim
Kirby Series (1) - Prince Fluff (Transforms on the go for attacks, movement, and pretty much everything a la Epic Yarn)
Pokemon (2) - Mewtwo, N (Cubchoo, Scrafty, Golurk. Or some trio that isn't starters/flavor of the month/legendaries.)
Metroid (1) - Ridley
StarFox - X
F-Zero - X
Fire Emblem (1) - Roy
Mother - X
Kid Icarus - X
Smaller Franchises (4) - Little Mac, Jill Dozer, Tom Nook, Mii
Third Party (2) - Megaman, Professor Layton
Many didn't get in that I really wanted. To be exact, I had to cut 10 from my ideal roster. About half of them are ones that you guys would scoff at for no particular reason, and the other half were just unfortunate...