On the topic of adventure mode, here is a plot I made:
Crazy Hand and Master Hand are the lords of the multiverse. They can manipulate the universes relative positions and create new ones. 1 day, Crazy Hand finds a small universe he had never seen before. Curious, he enters. It is filled with floating fluorescent spheres, that interestingly, bear the symbol of the hands, an off-centered cross.(They are Smash Balls, if you haven't guessed). He pokes one. It breaks and he surges with energy, and more madness. He breaks more. Now even crazier, he heads for the Universes. Though mad, he is not stupid, so he first visits the universe of Dark Bugs. He takes control of them, and gheads for the mushroom kingdom. He invades with Primid minions. Some are equipped with trophy guns. Rather than target the heroes however, they trophyize generic enemies, like goombas and koopas. They return the trophies to the Hand ship, Crazy Hands flagship. Mario, Peach, Luigi and Toad are hiding. They see Bowser Outside preparing to challenge Crazy Hand. Mario has a flash back, of Bowser assisting him defeating Tabuu. He prepares to go help Bowser, but crazy hand hits Bowser with a ray of smashball light, posessing him. Bowser is pulled into The Handship, and it flies over the horizon. A similar scene plays out across the Multiverse. Dark bugs have copied the trophies of minions, and the army is now a mix of Primids and generic enemies. Meanwhile master hand is recuperating in his own private universe, recuperating from his battle with Tabuu. He senses a disturbance. He investigates, and sees what has happened. Master Hand isn't exactly a good samaritan, but he doesn't want Crazy Hand destroying his creations. He goe to the universes and raises a resistance. He recruits the heros and heroines of the multiverse, any followers they may have, as well as the henchmen of those possesed by Crazy Hand, seeking to rescue their leader. He recruits powerful Aliies, such as legendary Pokemon, The 7 Sages, Rosalina, and more. He even recruits generic minions, seeking revenge for the loss of their masters. Crazy hand may be powerful, but he is far from invincible, for an army is rising against him.
The "characters" (Playable)
Master Hand
Various generic fighters, such as Toad soldiers and Goombas, Hyrule soldiers and Octoroks. Any sort of generic henchman, good or bad.
Portagonists that would be God-Moddy to play as, like the 7 sages, and legendary PKMN. Palkia plays an especially important Role.
Crazy Hand
Various Characters and Bosses possesed by Crazy hand. They later regain their freedom and turn against him. Crazy Hand tries to Posess Tom Nook and Dedede, but they succesfully resist him.
Primids and generic enemy copies.
What do you think?