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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
That's freakin' awesome, SwayneGreg.
@swayne: I believe you it's just the way you did about it. Haha I liked it. My best response was "Well Damn."
Thanks, guys. Had to try. And it depends on if he responds to my follow-up. If he does, I'll let you know what he said.

That's nice that you can type stuff into a message forum. I'm asking for a screen shot.
You don't mess around, do you?

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
@Luco: There is no context. They were never the same person to begin with. Ash was based upon Red, that's all. One's a Player Character, the other is an Anime character.

@SwayneGreg: You're welcome, man.

Deleted member

Outside of Pokemon and Fire Emblem.

3rd Party characters will be the most heated of character debate topics.
I don't think it'll be nearly as heated for Fire Emblem. It's pretty much just Roy, Krom, and the question if Ike is returning. Mario will have more drama, trust me on that.

@Spydr_Enzo: I agree. If 3rd parties are returning that's one of the first things we need to know. The last thing we need is to hope for Sonic/Snake/Mega Man/other potential third-parties, only to find out at release that none made it and for fans of said character to go absolutely ballistic (especially Sonic and Mega Man fanboys).


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
It will then be interesting to see whether Sakurai will have enough of an idea of what he is doing to at least have a CGI teaser trailer prepared for E3 2012 (since Nintendo has practically nothing else to build up hype from avid gamers in regards to the Wii U). However, I can also understand a Smash 4 unveil not happening until E3 2013.

If we get four newcomers in a E3 2012 trailer, I guessing it would be:

Ridley or K. Rool
Palutena or Medusa
Mega Man
Some guy that is a total curve ball (see Ice Climbers and Zero Suit Samus)
I think we might get a teaser trailer (as in no less than 8 characters, and/or no more than 2 newcomers). If we get newcomers, my bet would be on a retro character, Pac-Man, Toad, Paper Mario, Dixie Kong, or K. Rool.

I think Mega Man seems like a perfect character to reveal at E3 2013. I don't see Nintendo getting the legal rights for Mega Man by E3 2012, unless they are working on it now. I don't expect legal hell to happen like with Sonic, but I don't expect what happened to Snake to happen to Mega Man, either.

I'll go for the guy with less fourth wall breaking.
If you don't break the fourth wall, you aren't a MAN!!!

"I see you like Zelda!"

That's not what Johnknight1 and I are talking about though. Our trains of thought actually have crossed too.

And I'd like to note I am not saying one will get in over the other, just that saying one character will never get in(and so far, nobody has given an actual factual reason to why Waluigi can't, just that they don't like him) without an actual indefinite reason.
Quite frankly, I am having fun
owning Hyper
in this debate! :grin: :awesome: :cool:

Just because Hyper and I disagree doesn't mean that we want to kill each other, loot the others' coffin, and violate their tombstone.
Except I do!

Although for some reason sometimes Hyper doesn't seem to understand what I'm saying or the subject matter I am talking on... o.O

There is nothing particularly that can 100% confirm a character in smash 4-except them actually appearing. That applies to even Mario. Hyper knows that, I know that, we all know that.

OK, remember how I kept suggesting Shantae for Smash Bros.? Well, I sent an e-mail to her creator, Matt Bozon at Wayforward, about this. I suggested possible moveset styles for Shantae, and also suggested that Sky & Wrench appear as an Assist Trophy, and Risky Boots appear as an AT or as a boss (or even both).

I actually got a response from him, saying "That would be incredible!"

So, I THINK I got him interested.
I don't know who Shantae is, but that is awesome that you got an e-mail from his creator. Congratulations!

I do NOT want to have to unlock mostly veterans again.
Seriously. Make the original 12 and at least most of the Melee newcomers available from the get go (maybe minus Mewtwo, Roy, Dr. Mario, or Pichu if they for some reason return). I actually want to play as Luigi from the get go, as well as Jigglypuff, Ness, the Legendary Captain Falcon, Marth, etc. (although Ganondorf, Toon Link, and Mr. Game and Watch for some reason seems like the perfect permanent unlockable characters)

This would also raise hype to an extreme height.

I wouldn't mind unlocking any of the Brawl newcomers, though (although Sonic and Snake should definitely be starters).

what? was most of it trolling around? omega needs to come back...
Omega always needs to come back. Who else is going to be the whipping boi of every discussion ever=??? (this dates back to like 2006 or 2007) :awesome:


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Uhh, alright, to clear that up, i'd just say the context is whats going on around them. And what goes on around them is... The same. Basically that makes me think they're the same person.

I'm just saying that with minor exceptions the story of pokemon the anime basically follows what you do in the game, to a slightly looser extent.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I'd listen to it smashchu but i'm in the library right now and i don't want to... Disturb the silence.

but nice to see you're getting in to the music business now. :awesome:


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Anyone else think this who Zelda 6th representative talk is kind of silly given that a 6th Zelda representative doesn't seem warranted at a ll=??? I still have a hard time seeing Giranhim given he is a one off character most likely. Midna, Tingle, Skull Kid, and now even Vatti seem to all be characters of the past.

I mean, I understand if Zelda had a recurring Wolf-esk character (not particularly a anti-hero or villain, but an important character in each game), which the Zelda series had in a few games via Vatti. But now Zelda is just Link, Ganon/Ganondorf, Zelda, whatever transformation or alternate appearance Zelda has this time, and a bunch of temporary characters. And Beedle. Yes, Beedle. :laugh:

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
If you don't break the fourth wall, you aren't a MAN!!!

"I see you like Zelda!"
Not a fan of the fourth wall, sorry.

Quite frankly, I am having fun
owning Hyper
in this debate! :grin: :awesome: :cool:
Twas the other way around, really.

Just because Hyper and I disagree doesn't mean that we want to kill each other, loot the others' coffin, and violate their tombstone.
Except I do!

Although for some reason sometimes Hyper doesn't seem to understand what I'm saying or the subject matter I am talking on... o.O

There is nothing particularly that can 100% confirm a character in smash 4-except them actually appearing. That applies to even Mario. Hyper knows that, I know that, we all know that.
Um, yeah, Mario'll be in. I don't think we have to actually guess that he won't be. Any true main character already added in of many major series most likely won't leave. Samus, Falcon, Fox, any of the original 12 but Jigglypuff(to be fair, she might have not made it into Brawl, so we can't say her for sure, although I doubt she'll leave).

@Luco: Ash was only in one video game to date, Pokemon Puzzle League. It was still Red in Pokemon Yellow. They're not even similar characters outside of their physical appearance and a few same Pokemon. Red is one of the most known protagonists and the ultimate winner. Ash... sure, he's well-known. Unfortunately, that says nothing about his status as a good character. He loses too much, makes stupid mistakes despite being there for an extremely long time as well. This includes bad match-ups, clearly doing no research. Compared to Red, he's pretty stupid. Likewise, the only reason he's still in the Anime is because he's the main character, being the original protagonist. His popularity is there, but not that high. Most of the other similar protagonists tend to somehow be less popular than him much of the time.(Ritchie, May, Dawn) And that's because they either knock Ash out of the tournament so he can't have an official win(and move on with his life) or because they're even worse Trainers than him. Either way, the easiest way to save the Anime is a true restart. Get rid of Ash, and let someone new appear. If it wasn't for Pokemon Chronicles, we would have never seen Gold's counterpart either.

I also agree with Johnknight's other Zelda choices. All of those are good. Except Beedle. He'd be an interesting Assist Trophy maybe. Also, it's spelt Vaati. I'd add Richard(or whoever the one-off protagonist(that you don't play as, your rival) in the Oracle games were) as a WTF choice.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Yes, i know there's a personality difference, but what goes on around them is too similar for them to be that different. Besides, Red in the games' personality we never end up knowing, simply because the game dowesn't reveal all that much about him. For all we know, all those times he blacks out in those occasional battles we lose are those times when he loses in the anime, or perhaps when he wins he's really just an annoying kid.

Now i know there are differences but MOST of them are minor and can still have the characters being the same person, whereas the differences are not so.

Remember, just because people don't always like Ash's personality in the anime, doesn't always mean that he is automatically separated from the god of pokemon red that we all love, know what i mean?


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Not a fan of the fourth wall, sorry.
Then obviously you are a robotic lie created by the government to destroy us...

... I just don't know which government yet. Maybe the Ancient Egyptian Government=???

Um, yeah, Mario'll be in. I don't think we have to actually guess that he won't be. Any true main character already added in of many major series most likely won't leave. Samus, Falcon, Fox, any of the original 12 but Jigglypuff(to be fair, she might have not made it into Brawl, so we can't say her for sure, although I doubt she'll leave).
You can't prove Mario will be in smash bros. until he is confirmed. There was about a dozen to a dozen and a half people who actually felt Luigi wouldn't be in Brawl. A similar amount of people felt Luigi wasn't deserving enough or original enough to be in Brawl, either.

Again, I'm not an idiot, so I am not going to even pretend that Mario and Luigi won't be in all future smash bros. games, but it still is a ridiculously small, miniature, tiny, miniscule, and microscopic chance they won't make it. I guaranteed there is somebody who still thinks Mario or Luigi won't be in a future smash bros. game.

Also, Pokémon Puzzle League is balls. That game is friggen awesome. Tru fax bro! ;)


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
@Shantae: I don't doubt a guy like Matt Bozon (The one from IGN right? Lol) wouldn't have the time to answer some fanmail, but to me at least it seems pretty obvious that he was just appreciative of his fan and was going along with entertaining the idea of his character in Smash. I mean, who WOULDN'T want to see their character in Smash?
When I entertain silly game ideas, I like to think it's GOOD DESIGN if my character could translate well into Smash.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
@Luco: No, I don't. Because they were designed differently with different goals as well. Ash wanted to catch more Pokemon, and go to other regions.

Red wanted to truly be the best of the best. And the champion, which he succeeded as well. Then he trained for a few years and became the ultimate challenge.

Ash has not done this. He has caught more Pokemon, yes, but isn't badass either. He's not even CLOSE to that. Fact of the matter is, he's a totally different person that looked like Red. He's based upon him, but not the same person. And really what goes around them isn't as similar as you think. Red earned every badge through hard work. Ash got them by beating some, and was just given a badge by others. This trend has continue on throughout every saga in general. In fact, Ash has only one two leagues completely by beating the Gym Leaders/Frontier Brains through pure battle. That was the Orange Islands and Battle Frontier. Beyond that, he has never won a league, and at this point, unless it's a filler-based season, probably never will.

They're counterparts, but not the same guy. There's a difference there. At best, Ash is an Other of Red, but they're different people altogether.

Likewise, Blue goes on the exact same Journey as Ash in the alternate timeline of Pokemon Red and Blue. But he's clearly not the same as Gary either. They're counterparts, but really just aren't the same people in general. In fact, they don't even have the same overall Pokemon. Red has a smaller list, and arguably at best all 151 of the original Pokemon(or a small bit less if we remove the Legendaries). Ash... a lot more officially caught. They live different lives, only having one saga as their start. What they have in common is quite a lot smaller than you think.

Also, if Red has no personality at all in Canon. He's just the ultimate Trainer in the R/B/Y/G/S/C era, that's all.

Johnknight1 said:
Then obviously you are a robotic lie created by the government to destroy us...

... I just don't know which government yet. Maybe the Ancient Egyptian Government=???
Or maybe I don't think fourth wall breaking is all that great.

You can't prove Mario will be in smash bros. until he is confirmed. There was about a dozen to a dozen and a half people who actually felt Luigi wouldn't be in Brawl. A similar amount of people felt Luigi wasn't deserving enough or original enough to be in Brawl, either.

Again, I'm not an idiot, so I am not going to even pretend that Mario and Luigi won't be in all future smash bros. games, but it still is a ridiculously small, miniature, tiny, miniscule, and microscopic chance they won't make it. I guaranteed there is somebody who still thinks Mario or Luigi won't be in a future smash bros. game.

Also, Pokémon Puzzle League is balls. That game is friggen awesome. Tru fax bro!
We don't have to guess they won't be in. We already know that anyway. Some are clearly obvious, and there's no reason to second-guess the obvious. My only point is that saying main characters will be cut is silly, nothing more.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
You like everything Capcom does. Joking aside, leet's get to the real meat....
I like what they do. Except for possibly not including Rainbow Mika and Karin in Street Fighter X Tekken despite rabid fan demand. And what they did to Jill, Tron, and Hsien-Ko in UMvC3. And choosing to not release AAI2 for some mysterious reason. And canceling Megaman Legends 3 when the first two looked like a lot of fun. And the absurd balance changes in SSF4 AE.

That's the big difference between Smash and any fighter Capcom has come out with in the last 3 years. Capcom needs the hype. They want those sales to be high right off the bat, but their games have less substance. Basically, it's a bait and switch. Not saying they are bad. Capcom makes some good games. But their series, especially the Vs. series, are not AAA material. Maybe low A?
Are you saying they're not AAA material because of sales or personal preference or what?

Smash is different. Smash's hype was more people's love of Smash. I mean, showing Pokemon Trainer dominate the airwaves. Being on 4chan at the time, the announcment took the entire front page. Brawl was always a hot topic, and they showed very small things. Never major. The big difference her is that Smash doesn't need a big band stand and a parade like Capcom puts out.
It wouldn't hurt Nintendo if they took some notes from Capcom. Of course, not every game needs it. It depends on the nature of the game. Zelda doesn't need the MvC3 treatment, but Smash could use some elements from it.
The thing is, you (and others that hated the Dojo) would hate it even more if they did what Capcom does. They would ruin any ounce of surprise as everything would be in the open. There wouldn't even be waiting to see how the character looks in motion. And the end result is your hype after the fact washes away.
You're acting as if the surprise is purely good. What you don't realize is that the worst thing about the pre-Brawl days was the insanely massive and moronic speculating surrounding forums everywhere. Aside from very few trailers, we didn't see a whole lot of footage, and you'd be pressed to find actual match footage provided by Nintendo. Snapshots are great for teasers and showing WIPS, but a video would quell a lot of senseless speculation.

Not only that, but fans get to see the game and action and can make a legitimate decision on whether they like what they see. That was not the case with Brawl, and as a result, we got a very polarizing game amongst the people who played the previous games (before you bring your sales bullcrap into this, need I remind you that Melee sold more proportionally speaking and that Japanese sales mean little to nothing).

BTW, I never got how people hated the Dojo. Again, the Japanese release and the leaks ruined it more than anything else. Sakurai only showed content that comes when the game turns on, and he still didn't show some stuff till after release. We found out about Final Destination though magazine scans. The beauty of the Dojo was you would literally wake up and find something new. I actually remember the day Ice Climbers was announced and how some Mod here said "So fuzzy". Even though it ws gruling towards the end, it was the best. We were never in the dark. And trust me, the Dojo is worse than just nothing. After Nintendo world '06 everything was dark. This was from about Septermber/October until April. 7-8 months of NOTHING. No news was released. And when you all are speculating, any lull will kill you. We knew Pit, Wario, Meta-Knight, ZSS and Snake were in for almost forever (and I'll bet your dollar that it will be the same again). So what I'm saying is the Dojo was a godsend. It was something that not only made your day but was well worht it after the long darkness.
Because You Must Recover! put a smile on my face. :troll: If you really need that to keep you busy, you need to get a life. I can live without SSB4 speculation because I have other things to do, be it school, playing videogames, practicing martial arts, etc.

EDIT:It never amazes me how many typos I can make.
It amazes me that I rarely, if ever, call you out on that.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Honestly, I don't think Sakurai or most fans really give a care as to whether Ash or Red. Clearly they represent the same character or similar characters. It is not like Nintendo goes out of its' way to disprove Red is Ash or vice versa. They've actually gone out of there way to make Red like Ash, giving him a Pikachu as his started in Yellow Version, and his highest level Pokémon in the 2nd Generation Pokémon games (and his starter there too).

And again, nothing is clear with Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS until we get video of it, Sakurai tweets it, or it appears on the (new?) Smash Dojo.

Also, who isn't upset about Mega Man Legends 3 getting cancelled=??? I'm still mad about that.

And Smash does not need "Capcom Vs. *insert the company name here* hype. Brawl sold about 10 million units, and was always huge news. I don't think a Capcom Vs. game will ever sale that many units, or garner hype for a single character like Brawl did with Sonic (even if a Capcom Vs. game had Sonic).


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Vs. games don't have the star power the Smash series has. As a result, it's very unrealistic to expect most games to even sell ten million copies in the first place.

Also, need I remind you that the Sonic hype came from the fact that Mario vs. Sonic was finally made a reality.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Alright, put it to you this way.

If Ash and red aren't the same person, explain how they both know Professor oak, all the gym leaders that have the same names (or were they born from their mothers with the same name?), Both know a mean son of a rival, Both live in a world where exactly the same types of animals come out and they use exactly the same type of items to catch them, and indeed that the culture of such is the same in both worlds, that they both go to cities that have the same names, such as Vermillion city, Cerulean city, Pewter city, Veridian city, Cinnabar island, Fuschia city, Saffron City, and so on, both meet a pokemon expert known as Bill, both have similar clothing (at least from what you can tell of the 8-bit image, such as the hat and such), both win badges that look exactly the same and are called exactly the same, both go to a place called the SAFARI ZONE, both go through certain places that inhibit certain pokemon, in which those places correspond (for instance, they both travel to veridian forest, and in both they meet bug pokemon), both seem around the same age, both meet a bunch of people known as Team Rocket, and their leader, Giovanni, as the 8th gym leader, both meet Brock and Misty (both of which have the same pokemon in the anime as they do in the games), both go through mt. moon, etc etc.

And also if you listen to Ash throughout the series at all you'll know he wants to become the greatest pokemon master of all time, which entails becoming champion. Why else would he be collecting gym badges? To catch pokemon? that don't make sense to meeeee.

Now i will comprimise and accept that Ash can be an other of red, for the sake of it, but I don't think i can accept they are two completely different people, for the reason above, the big reason: the differences are so small, and the similarities are too huge.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I hate how they're treating MegaMan.

Likewise, Yellow, Crystal, etc. were based upon the Anime anyway. So it's not really them going out of their way so much as capitalizing on the Anime's popularity.

I agree with them being similar though. Just not the same.

I think it'd be better if their was less Dojo stuff, and a few more character trailers too. This is one thing that made the Capcom trailers just plain better. We found out what they can do. Giving us all the information beforehand like the Dojo did... well... it kind of ruined of the surprise. Likewise, as said before: If there was less concentration on the Dojo, perhaps a bit more could've been put into Brawl? More costumes(Dr. Mario), finished characters, more balance? Who knows, really.


@Luco: Easily. The Anime was based solely upon the games. However, Gary and Ash were two seperate people that were changed to be unique characters.(for better or worse) The gym leaders do not act the same either as in the games. So far, they just have the same basic story, but the characters are widely different. The story is the only thing the same, the characters are widely different, and do not reflect eachother besides maybe a few similar Pokemon catches. Not much else is the same.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Vs. games don't have the star power the Smash series has. As a result, it's very unrealistic to expect most games to even sell ten million copies in the first place.

Also, need I remind you that the Sonic hype came from the fact that Mario vs. Sonic was finally made a reality.
Smash has more star power because the characters aren't created for said series, unlike the Street Fighter characters. On top of that, IP characters like Tekken, SNK, and Marvel have been in several fighting games. (I'm still waiting for DC vs. Capcom, because DC vs. Mortal Kombat Universe was awful) That and quite frankly, they are gaming (original) characters.

Meah, the Sonic hype for Brawl was still bigger than any hype for the Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games series. Because we finally got to see the two biggest video game icons of the 20th century clash for the first time.

Let us hope we get a certain blue Capcom character to bring out a huge hype (albeit not big enough to kill smash boards for 6 months).

Madame puff

Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2011
@ Luco Dont all pokemon trainers try to become the best by getting all 8 badges?
Then proceed after getting the badges to try to beat the elite 4 and try to beat the champion?


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Smash has more star power because the characters aren't created for said series, unlike the Street Fighter characters. On top of that, IP characters like Tekken, SNK, and Marvel have been in several fighting games. (I'm still waiting for DC vs. Capcom, because DC vs. Mortal Kombat Universe was awful) That and quite frankly, they are gaming (original) characters.
What point are you trying to make? It's a very obvious statement. When I was talking about star power, I was referring to the Vs. games. That series uses characters from other games like Smash, but more people know Princess Peach than they know Chun-Li. Likewise, Tatsunoko and Marvel appeal to completely separate fanbases. Believe it or not, the characters in UMvC3 from the Marvel side are pretty close to what fans of the Marvel comics wanted, note that these aren't the same as everyone else


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I hate how they're treating MegaMan.

Likewise, Yellow, Crystal, etc. were based upon the Anime anyway. So it's not really them going out of their way so much as capitalizing on the Anime's popularity.

I agree with them being similar though. Just not the same.

I think it'd be better if their was less Dojo stuff, and a few more character trailers too. This is one thing that made the Capcom trailers just plain better. We found out what they can do. Giving us all the information beforehand like the Dojo did... well... it kind of ruined of the surprise. Likewise, as said before: If there was less concentration on the Dojo, perhaps a bit more could've been put into Brawl? More costumes(Dr. Mario), finished characters, more balance? Who knows, really.
Everyone hates how Capcom is treating Mega Man. Watch Mega Man (as in the classic Mega Man) get ignored.

Again, who cares if Red or Ash are the same=??? Even if they are not, both contribute to the Pokémon Trainer's popularity.

I love, love, loved the Dojo, but I am not staying up to 12 midnight again... until brand spanking new characters are revealed! I was about to stop staying up until midnight on the dojo after August 1st. Of course, on August 1st, the first Dojo-revealed character Ike was revealed.

I would like there to be trailers and videos of the revealed characters, though. The Sonic video was friggen mad hype. I still watch that occasionally, and it still gives me goosebumps! I think if the next Dojo blog was done the same way, but had videos for every or nearly every blog post it would be great. Also, let's not have the "Ness has been in every smash. bros game up until now" stuff, the ROB revealed as a common enemy stuff, or the Yoshi's comment on the Yoshi's Story ending theme song.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Everyone hates how Capcom is treating Mega Man. Watch Mega Man (as in the classic Mega Man) get ignored.
Yeah, tis ridiculous.

Again, who cares if Red or Ash are the same=??? Even if they are not, both contribute to the Pokémon Trainer's popularity.
It matters because people severely keep calling him the same person, when it's just an infuriating lie that people make up to make Ash look better than he is.

I love, love, loved the Dojo, but I am not staying up to 12 midnight again... until brand spanking new characters are revealed! I was about to stop staying up until midnight on the dojo after August 1st. Of course, on August 1st, the first Dojo-revealed character Ike was revealed.
I prefer no spoilers. And as I said. There was better time spent elsewhere.

I would like there to be trailers and videos of the revealed characters, though. The Sonic video was friggen mad hype. I still watch that occasionally, and it still gives me goosebumps! I think if the next Dojo blog was done the same way, but had videos for every or nearly every blog post it would be great. Also, let's not have the "Ness has been in every smash. bros game up until now" stuff, the ROB revealed as a common enemy stuff, or the Yoshi's comment on the Yoshi's Story ending theme song.
So would I. The main trailer didn't do much for me. I want something like the Melee video that showed off the main characters not unlocked. Stuff like that is sweet.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
What point are you trying to make? It's a very obvious statement. When I was talking about star power, I was referring to the Vs. games. That series uses characters from other games like Smash, but more people know Princess Peach than they know Chun-Li. Likewise, Tatsunoko and Marvel appeal to completely separate fanbases. Believe it or not, the characters in UMvC3 from the Marvel side are pretty close to what fans of the Marvel comics wanted, note that these aren't the same as everyone else
I know I am being uber obvious, but it is true.

I'm not so sure about the star power of Marvel, though. Sure, their movies make a crap ton of money, but just about any movie with lots of explosions (and minimal plot) makes a crap ton of money. The comic book industry isn't doing that well last I checked.

I still think part of the appeal of Smash Bros. is that most of the characters in Smash Bros. are not in fighting games, or at least not many. As the old business phrase goes, "Less is more."


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Well, Shortie, obviously they are not needed because they have not been in any of the three games presently. I would also use the word need very seldom. There are very few characters that are actually needed, and half of the time need is subjective anyways so this debate really is moot. The only thing the next game truly needs is good direction.
Everything is subjective, therefore I win. That's what you sound like. You're still missing the point. You just picked out a word and ran with it. You didn't adress the fact that all you did was find a random common ground with two completely different characters and went, "Look at this! You think about that"

Shyguy and Jigglypuff BOTH are generic species and have no canon representative. You think about that.

@Oasis, I almost NEVER read anything he says, or really JohnKight for that matter. But that's because John talks too muuuuuuuuch. Too much for me to swallow down in one sitting. So I give up.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
@ Luco Dont all pokemon trainers try to become the best by getting all 8 badges?
Then proceed after getting the badges to try to beat the elite 4 and try to beat the champion?
Exactly, so then they would be the same.

@Hyper: I dunno, if we don't gleam all that much from the Red of pokemon of the games then for all we know he's exactly like the Ash of the anime.

And then again, you proved my point right there. the STORY is the same. And usually, if the story/context are the same, so will the characters.

BUUUUUTTTT as i said i'm ok to comprimise for the sake of it and say they are alternate forms or parallel or whatever.

Madame puff

Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2011
Exactly, so then they would be the same.

@Hyper: I dunno, if we don't gleam all that much from the Red of pokemon of the games then for all we know he's exactly like the Ash of the anime.

And then again, you proved my point right there. the STORY is the same. And usually, if the story/context are the same, so will the characters.

BUUUUUTTTT as i said i'm ok to comprimise for the sake of it and say they are alternate forms or parallel or whatever.
Saying that is like saying that two completely different characters are the same person because they want to achieve the same goal. ( Not trying to be rude just making a point.)


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Starphoenix is just some idealistic hippie. Spaces out listening to music, thinking up new worlds maaan.

But we still love him~

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
...Except the story in the anime follows only Ash.

The story in the games follows each new protagonist. They're also widely different besides the very basic "Stop the bad guys, get the badges".

Heck, Black and White(Anime) have yet to show anything related to the Game story.

I think you misunderstood what Others are. They share the same basic body(sometimes), but have different personalities and lives. This is pretty much the main difference between Ash and Red. The only thing they had in common was the first game/first season. Beyond that, they have their own different storyline.

You'd have a point if the Anime actually followed the game's storyline to a T, which it doesn't anyway. Basics, yes, but they have many differences. And not just Pokemon caught. Brock and Misty are not friends with Red in the games. Red never had to sneak into the Celadon City game. Red never had a one-on-one battle with Blaine or faced other trainers. In fact, Ash never had to face most of the extra trainers under the Gym Leader. Their lives are pretty different overall.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Alright, true, but I say they are the same when looking at that AND all the other reasons. Also, i looked it up, Yellow DOES have the name Ash as a possible option.

@Hyper: Yes but we don't even KNOW Red's personality, and as for the lives part, yess it is different, but it's actually not so much, when you think what are the chances that they both even live in a world where there are pokemon anyway, and the same ones, for that matter. If someone were to say to me from outer space that they saw someone who was called (insert my name here) and did mainly the same things i did, with the possible exception of a personality change, i'd say "Oh, you've probably seen me, and made a mistake on whatever you thought i was talking about."

Madame puff

Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2011
Never argured that ash and red couldnt be the same person. Just wanted to fix that one reason.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Only because Yellow was based upon the Anime. That's the only time they're fairly similar.

Also, Ash's name first originated from Red and Blue as random options.(as did Satoshi) After that, they decided to make an Anime based upon the games. And make the hero close to an Idiot Hero(so he could gain character development), and make it so he's there... all the damn time.(whether you like it or not)


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
^^That sounds about right. I do think though that Sakurai can at least put something together by E3 looking at the amount of time he has and how quickly Melee was done.

It's weird I've only looked at 1 page so far of the 99 and one question by a fan was to have Charizard playable, Sakurai then stated that he would consider it. :surprised:
I have to say...I really believe Smash will be absent from E3 2011. For some reason I have a hunch that if we get anything at all, it will be a 10-20 second long logo "trailer" at the end of the Nintendo presser, with no actual information of any kind given. That being said, I would piss myself laughing if Reggie got up on stage and proudly proclaimed "December 3rd".

You know... out of the potential four Mario newcomers: Toad, Bowser Jr., Waluigi, and Paper Mario... Toad is the biggest gun compared to them.
If I were to rank them, I'd say Paper Mario, Waluigi, Bowser Jr, Toad.


There is absolutely nothing to suggest that Waluigi is "unworthy". Nothing.
THIS. When have Sakurai and the devs EVER said anything about what makes anyone worthy? He said 3rd party characters need to have appeared on a Nintendo platform. That's it. All we know at this point is that Sakurai felt Waluigi was important enough to put him in the game as an AT. That could mean a lot or nothing. But it sure as hell doesn't mean any character is "more worthy" than any others. That is strictly opinion. Tell me, how many people really thought Rob was more worthy than Ridley?

Well it seems that all of this is opinion based with nothing really backing either side up.

So might I ask why we're arguing this? Or is everyone just that ignorant?

Waluigi is in the character pool to get in, deal with it people.

Whether or not he's deserving or not is all up you, not that it matters to begin with, or do I need to get out Sakurai's character criteria again? :facepalm:

I gotta say, I'm sick of all these "deserving, not deserving" wars. IMO you're all acting no better than the alliances that are sure to start up soon.

On Gamecube Controllers:

Here's an idea! Like the classic controller, make the Gamecube controller able to connect to the Wii U or Wii controller via cable!
While extremely unlikely, I could see them releasing a GC controller made for the Wii U specifically for this game. Wouldn't be any different than companies releasing specifically designed fight pads or fight sticks, which happens all the time in fighting games. Hell, when Brawl came out, Nintendo for a short time sold wii-white Wavebirds with the gamecube logo missing.

Who do you guys think are the most likely newcomers to be unveiled at a possible E3 2012 trailer?

My guesses are:
Ridley or K. Rool
Palutena or Medusa
Mega Man
One characters the practically no one requested (see Ice Climbers and Zero Suit Samus)
Like I said earlier...I don't think we'll see anything at E3. If I had to choose though, I'd say:

Kid Icarus character
Mario character
3rd party character

Honestly, I hope that if Sakurai decides to go ahead and let Sonic and Snake stick around for SSB4, he also includes them in the announcement trailer. This will make speculating on third parties soooo much easier, as it is really hard to tell what Sakurai is going to do in that area. Will Sonic and Snake stick around or were they just a one-time thing? Will any new third parties be introduced? Will we see any third parties at all? I'd rather be able to speculate on those questions with much more ease once the internet is ablaze with SSB4 speculation.

Same goes for Jigglypuff. If Jigglypuff is announced early on, we won't have to deal with all of the crazies out there who insist that she won't return. I'd like to put those debates to rest as well.
Agreed 100%


Here's a character suggestion I saw somebody mention a few pages back: Pokemon Ranger. I think this could be pretty interesting.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Oasis how do YOU feel about Pokemon Trainer? I don't recall you having a strong feeling on him. Unlike me. WELL, it's not him, it's how he ended up. I still like Red, just not the Smashy Red

Waluigi is in the character pool to get in, deal with it people.
I get it. He's still balls. I've said why he is balls like 100 times.

Whether or not he's deserving or not is all up you, not that it matters to begin with, or do I need to get out Sakurai's character criteria again?
This is true. It doesn't make him a GOOD CHOICE. If you're not willing to define words, among other things, you probably shouldn't debate. You're right, but this is a pass time where you need to make arguments, and you need definitions to base the arguments on. Don't debate SSB4 if you don't like assumptions and people looking for meaning~

I gotta say, I'm sick of all these "deserving, not deserving" wars. IMO you're all acting no better than the alliances that are sure to start up soon.
Waluigi being "deserving" doesn't matter when any sort of stand out quality a character can have others already DO BETTER.
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