Once upon a time, ROB decided he wanted to be the best!
So he set out!
And at first...he *****!
And the ladies loved him!
He felt like a million bucks!
He met a foe that possessed an unimaginable skill.
A foe that would not only dominate him, but the rest of the competitors.
He met, sadface, Metaknight.
ROB, as high and mighty as he first felt
Now felt pitiful and worthless. He had to do something!
So he trained!
But it never mattered, Metaknight still *****! =[
ROB felt hopeless.
So back on the shelf he went to weep
But luckily for him, on a magical day, the community came to their senses and shunned Metaknight out of the smash scene!
ROB was overjoyed!!
It was like his very own birthday!
And now he was able to just chillax and enjoy the little things
And finally get a peaceful night of sleep.
So now ROBs can live in love and harmony!!
And get frisky if they so choose.
My fellow robots, it's time to take over<3
The end
The beginning...