apparantly this is the NM social board.
just moved out west from the ol' dirty jersey. currently holding up in LOS ALAMOS till i can get back in school down in Albuquerque.
so. the question i put to the kind and jolly southwest USofA is:
who in LOS ALAMOS plays smash?
because i'm bored as doodie in this lonely lonely place and the only people who i've found to play against are scruuuuuubbbs.
so anyway long story short my apartment is going to waste if i'm not holding smashfests with lots of people and lots of smash and if I can generate actual interest in starting up something real in LOS ALAMOS I think I've got a place perfect for weeklies or bi-weeklies or monthlies or whatever the hell works to get the people of LOS ALAMOS playing smash with me.
or maybe this little dream of mine already exists in this tiny little blackhole. if it does, someone point me in the direction of said dream so i might chase pursuit follow or stalk this dream to fruition aka someone(s) in LOS ALAMOS to play smash with.
p.s. if anyone from LOS ALAMOS happens to read this or care, i'm the dude down at the Reel Deal Theater playing DDR as FigFog. yeah /that/ Figfog.