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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
So, hey, anybody want to expand on Headcrab's Liquid Snake idea? We've been rapping about it on Steam, and the general idea is that he'd be a Snake that doesn't rely on his tools so much, and more on physical attacks. Kind of the opposite. As such, he'd probably be zippier like Weegee, and have tight air control.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
Oh noes, the thread is unraveling! Quick - if you had to pick a DK rep, who would you rather have, Dixie or K. Rool? Bonus points if you explain why. (I'd go with Dixie myself, since DKC2 is one of my favorite games ever + one of my earliest childhood memories as far as the vidya goes).

Edit: oh nvm, looks like people are talking about Liquid Snake now. phewwwwwww at least we aren't arguing about silly things 8)

Hmm. If they did Majora's Mask 2, would you want it to be in the same place, or a completely new area? It was pretty cool how Twilight Princess let us spend some more time in OoT's version of Hyrule, but I'm not sure it's as necessary in Termina. That area was already so fleshed out and fully realized, with all the townspeople, the sidequests, the Great Bay... mmmmm.

Maybe the best way to do a MM2 would be to have the Happy Mask Salesman go off to a completely new part of the world and lose the mask again. Or maybe this time, he's the one wearing the mask.

Ultimately though, I think MM might be one of those games that's just best as a standalone title. It may be sad to never get MM 2, because it had so many interesting things going on as far as gameplay/world design/story that no other Zelda game has ever emulated or even attempted, but maybe that's why.

I dunno! Sorry, this response probably seemed like I was lecturing you - I didn't mean it like that. I'm really just thinking out loud, because as soon as you said Majora's Mask 2 I was like woaaoaaoaoaoaoaoaoah what if?
http://youtu.be/18C9hUiV0U4?t=38s Majora`s Mask 2`s story line


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2010
in a yellow submarine
Fun Trivia: Pichu was Junichi Masuda's favorite pokemon prior to Victini's introduction in Gen V.
(Masuda is the Game Director for the Pokemon series and one of GameFreak's founding members.)

This may serve to explain why Pichu was chosen for SSBM (that, and to have SOMEONE representing the series outside of the Red and Blue bunch).


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
Totally forgot about the face beam. I say it should be in, as a short-ranged but powerful smash attack. His tilts and some aerials could incorporate fire and auras that damage people that are typical of the mask's power.
I like the idea of using it as a smash attack if it doesn't have a place in his specials. Namely, he could sweep it out from himself along the ground for fsmash, or from one side of him to the other for dsmash. Or he could use something like ROB's fsmash.
More fire is always a good thing, though, especially since that sort of seems to be a major element of the mask's power.

For those of you interested, the final Majora's Mask battle:

I don't know how far one could really go with "giving" the Skull Kid's character to the mask, but there is some potential moveset material from that battle. Just a few ideas:

-Face beam, has been discussed
-Dsmash could involve the tendril/whip things shooting out from the mask as Skull Kid spins around (like the third form spinning attack), for a multi-hit move like Rob or Pikachu
-His opening or normal dash animation could use that running effect from the second form. Normal dash would make more sense, but opening animation would be neat because his dashdance would be hard to follow and really add to the whole "trickster" aspect. Not too feasible, but cool.
-A few of his dance-attacks could draw inspiration from the second form, like a kicking dash attack using the Russian dance thing. A little bizarre, and probably not too fitting alongside the idea of a more martial arts-dance style, but it's a thought. Also, he should have a good moonwalk, as evidenced by 5:10
-Grab could be based off the third form, using the tendrils from the mask as a sort of tether grab. The mask holds while he punches. Or the mask can even facebeam their face (strikes me as a good dthrow or uthrow, actually).
-Exploding top things, but that's difficult to implement and not very well-warranted.

Anyways, it's not necessary given that the Skull Kid has potential without the mask, but it might be interesting to incorporate some of this into his moveset.
If he's going to have the needle-like stuff and the tendril things, I'd say Sheik would be the most suitable character to clone him from (the needles and chain object for modifying).


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
Then I definitely have the right to say that you've come into this thread with "Guns blazing."

I replied to an attack. I came in to this thread with gun's holstered. I'd like to keep them that way.

I'd like to see Zant as a clone of Zelda. I think that would be awesome.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Well, this post of mine was mostly ignored last page:

Any thoughts?

I think that Liquid is a good character from a great game, but not one that I would want in Smash. I feel that Solid Snake, as a third party character, is enough to represent his entire series. The same for Sonic. I only half-voted Tails because he's more worthy than the other Sonic characters. Even then, I would prefer he wasn't there at all.

However, since Snake is just called 'Snake' in Brawl (a name which can easily apply to Solid, Liquid, and Solidus), he would be a perfect alt costume.

@ Chzrm3, kind of long and off topic, gonna spoiler this.
Oh noes, the thread is unraveling! Quick - if you had to pick a DK rep, who would you rather have, Dixie or K. Rool? Bonus points if you explain why. (I'd go with Dixie myself, since DKC2 is one of my favorite games ever + one of my earliest childhood memories as far as the vidya goes).

Edit: oh nvm, looks like people are talking about Liquid Snake now. phewwwwwww at least we aren't arguing about silly things 8)

Hmm. If they did Majora's Mask 2, would you want it to be in the same place, or a completely new area? It was pretty cool how Twilight Princess let us spend some more time in OoT's version of Hyrule, but I'm not sure it's as necessary in Termina. That area was already so fleshed out and fully realized, with all the townspeople, the sidequests, the Great Bay... mmmmm.

Maybe the best way to do a MM2 would be to have the Happy Mask Salesman go off to a completely new part of the world and lose the mask again. Or maybe this time, he's the one wearing the mask.

Ultimately though, I think MM might be one of those games that's just best as a standalone title. It may be sad to never get MM 2, because it had so many interesting things going on as far as gameplay/world design/story that no other Zelda game has ever emulated or even attempted, but maybe that's why.

I dunno! Sorry, this response probably seemed like I was lecturing you - I didn't mean it like that. I'm really just thinking out loud, because as soon as you said Majora's Mask 2 I was like woaaoaaoaoaoaoaoaoah what if?

It's cool. I think a different area would be good. I feel like Majora is the type who can't be bound by worlds or dimensions. I think MM is best left alone, but if they did do one, it would have to be in a different place, maybe even Hyrule.

Actually, I've had this vision of a Zelda game that reunites the timeline in some chaotic manner. Think about this: Majora's Mask only happened in the child timeline. That means there are two timelines where it still exists, potentially at full power. It's even possible that the Great Flood of Wind Waker was caused by the moon successfully destroying Termina and affecting the worlds connected to it.

Anyways, the idea I've had (I swear, I'm going to make it a fanfiction at some point) is that Majora's insane power reaches through the timelines and begins reviving the villains of previous games for ****s and giggles. This causes them to become unstable and slowly merge, and Link has to stop every major baddie from the previous games while trying to stabilize the timelines using the typical Zelda magical instrument. As an interesting side note, the villains actually battle each other as well because of clashing goals. I think it could be fairly interesting.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
I like the idea of using it as a smash attack if it doesn't have a place in his specials.
I always figured it'd work just like ROB's F-smash, to be honest. Just a short beam from his face.

-Dsmash could involve the tendril/whip things shooting out from the mask as Skull Kid spins around (like the third form spinning attack), for a multi-hit move like Rob or Pikachu

That could work. Most Dsmashes are attacks that hit the front and then behind the character, so using the 'whips' could work pretty well for that.

-His opening or normal dash animation could use that running effect from the second form. Normal dash would make more sense, but opening animation would be neat because his dashdance would be hard to follow and really add to the whole "trickster" aspect. Not too feasible, but cool.

Skull Kid would have the most hype dash dance in the universe if he opened with the 'afterimage' in his opening animation like Incarnation does. It'd be so ****ed up to try and follow him and predict him, and would fit perfectly into what I assume his game would be about. But, yeah, there's the matter of 'practicality', and I'm not sure if something like that is even possible.

-A few of his dance-attacks could draw inspiration from the second form, like a kicking dash attack using the Russian dance thing. A little bizarre, and probably not too fitting alongside the idea of a more martial arts-dance style, but it's a thought. Also, he should have a good moonwalk, as evidenced by 5:10

Maybe his aerials can incorporate this? b-air can be a ****ing moonwalk just to looks silly as hell as Skull Kid does a bair while moving backwards, and f-air can be whatever that Russian kicking dance is actually called (I know it has a name). U-air, N-air, and D-air can utilize magic.

-Grab could be based off the third form, using the tendrils from the mask as a sort of tether grab. The mask holds while he punches. Or the mask can even facebeam their face (strikes me as a good dthrow or uthrow, actually).

The grab should probably be a tether, with those whips extending from the mask itself, and Skull Kid doing the pounding on the caught opponent. It'd be pretty creepy, and go along well with the whole unsettling 'monster' vibe he'd already have going on for him.

Anyways, it's not necessary given that the Skull Kid has potential without the mask, but it might be interesting to incorporate some of this into his moveset.

I think that it's kind of obligatory at this point that Skull Kid have some major influences from Majora's Mask, seeing as that's the game in which he was a major(a) character.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
I think that Liquid is a good character from a great game, but not one that I would want in Smash. I feel that Solid Snake, as a third party character, is enough to represent his entire series.
It really bothers me that a character with as much potential as Liquid gets instantly invalidated simply because he's third-party. We have Sonic characters on the front-page, with twenty-billion times more controversy plaguing each one than we do any MGS character.

Here's a transcript between Headcrab and I that goes over his thoughts on what Liquid could be, and let me tell you, there's a ton of potential in it.

[collapse=Liquid Snake Codec-like Thing]
Hungry Headcrab: well, the biggest physics quirk of Snake is his outstandingly slow aerial mobility
Hungry Headcrab: overall, he's slow
Hungry Headcrab: on the ground, he's average, but in the air
Hungry Headcrab: terrible
Hungry Headcrab: give him some good aerial speed and he'll feel very different
Hungry Headcrab: Snake's physical attacks have high knockback
Hungry Headcrab: most of them are meant to get the opponent away
Hungry Headcrab: despite this, he has a decent combo game that throws the opponent all over the place
Fortress: So, by giving Liquid LOW knockback and sick aerial control
Fortress: you want to create a more combo-orientated character?
Hungry Headcrab: Liquid's attacks can have fairly low knockback, and he'll have a better combo game
Hungry Headcrab: yeah
Hungry Headcrab: in addition, Snake's approach is pretty terribad
Hungry Headcrab: Liquid's tools can be used to assist him in getting in close
Fortress: would Liquid deal with pressure up close better than Snake?
Fortress: but lack in zoning and stage control?
Hungry Headcrab: I wouldn't call Snake a zoner, really. His projectiles are too slow and difficult to place properly to zone like Ivysaur or Link
Hungry Headcrab: but less stage control for sure
Fortress: I guess zoning is the wrong word
Fortress: it's a really WEIRD zoning
Hungry Headcrab: but his tools could be based around helping his approach and getting in for combos
Hungry Headcrab: not sure what they would be exactly
Fortress: what kind of neat Metal Gear Solid tools could he have?
Fortress: oh lol
Hungry Headcrab: he has the same basic skills and training as Snake, so he can really use anything he can
Fortress: because I know none of the gadgets from the series
Hungry Headcrab: he uses an assault rifle at the end of MGS
Hungry Headcrab: that could sort of work like Sheik's needles
Fortress: I was going to say the same thing
Fortress: just pepper people
Fortress: or like Fox's lasers
Fortress: but that'd make him inclined to be campy
Fortress: I think
Hungry Headcrab: Maybe a burst shot with an effect similar to Sheik's needles
Fortress: yeah, that'd be a nice balance
Hungry Headcrab: instead of charging, he has to reload after a certain number of shots
Hungry Headcrab: like the new tranq. gun
Fortress: that's not too bad
Fortress: you should get this down in notepad
Fortress: and post it once the boards come up
Fortress: so, Snake has a nade, and can do some AGT tricks
Fortress: what would Liquid have in that department?
Fortress: And what would he have in terms of a recovery game?
Fortress: Would it be like the Tink/Link relationship?
Fortress: Same recovery, but applied differently?
Hungry Headcrab: I'd like him to have a sweet recovery, just because he "dies" a lot in MGS, but he manages to come back from situations that anyone else would have died in
Hungry Headcrab: he's resilient
Hungry Headcrab: that said, I don't know what it would look like
Fortress: just have him recover, impailed on a giant spike from the bottom blast line
Fortress: that carries him up
Hungry Headcrab: maybe a recovery that can't come back from as far as Snake, but he could have more mix-ups, unlike Snake
Hungry Headcrab: Snake uses a rope in MGS to do some cool stuff
Fortress: maybe he could act out of HIS cypher faster?
Hungry Headcrab: maybe a tether?
Fortress: maybe
Fortress: but how would this help on-stage?
Fortress: Because Snake can drop out of cypher with aerials
Hungry Headcrab: I don't really see him using it for anything else, so it's probably not the best choice
Fortress: could the tether pull people down, like Zamus's?
Hungry Headcrab: the rope isn't really something I see being used outside of recovery, probably a bad choice overall
Fortress: Are there jetpacks in MGS?
Hungry Headcrab: a cypher could work, it would make as much sense as it does for Snake really
Hungry Headcrab: and, like, one dude has a jetpack
Hungry Headcrab: it's not really prevalent
Hungry Headcrab: just a boss from one of the games
Fortress: lol okay, then I guess Cypher is the safest route to go
Hungry Headcrab: a cypher without the shock, but faster, he spends less time on it
Fortress: that would be a nice balance
Hungry Headcrab: his aerial speed could make up for the lack of time
Hungry Headcrab: and it could be incorporated better into his combo game than Snake's
Fortress: he'd be easier to pick out of the air while recovering, but he could combo out of it better than Snake can
Fortress: yeah
Fortress: what about the nade?
Hungry Headcrab: grenade makes enough sense for the character, but I don't know how it would be changed for Liquid
Hungry Headcrab: I'd like to think that Liquid is less sneaky than Snake, not that he doesn't have the same training or abilities really
Hungry Headcrab: but he would rely less on tricks
Fortress: just a brawler
Hungry Headcrab: so, a flash grenade would be cool
Fortress: I thougth the same thing
Fortress: a stun nade
Hungry Headcrab: but it would make more sense for Snake's trickery
Hungry Headcrab: that said, it would be real cool
Fortress: I guess you're right
Hungry Headcrab: he could have the same basic interactions with the grenade, but it could be used to get in for combos
Fortress: what if his exploded on contact?
Hungry Headcrab: Now that Snake doesn't have the Nikita, he could have a rocket launcher of some sort
Hungry Headcrab: not Nikita, because that's dumb
Hungry Headcrab: but a straight up rocket launcher
Fortress: what about a nikita that fies nly straght?
Fortress: and blows up at a certain distance
Hungry Headcrab: well, as far as missiles that go straight, Samus has one
Hungry Headcrab: and she can have it seek as well
Hungry Headcrab: I'd like something that's different
Hungry Headcrab: than Nikita and Samus's
Fortress: hmm
Fortress: what if it was C4?
Fortress: snake drops, liquid throws?
Hungry Headcrab: Throw C4 on people?
Hungry Headcrab: That'd be insane
Fortress: yeah, right?
Fortress: the way you apply using it would change so drastically between the two
Fortress: Snake would rely on his grab game generally to drop C4 on people
Hungry Headcrab: well, C4 is one of the things that's pretty BnB Snake
Fortress: Liquid would pepper it in with his forward-marching combo game
Hungry Headcrab: that
Hungry Headcrab: that's one I would like to see changed
Hungry Headcrab: and it doesn't mesh as well with my vision of his combo game
Fortress: well, what if it didn't perform like Snake's C4?
Hungry Headcrab: IT SPIKES
Fortress: HA
Fortress: well, a different trajectory than Snake's, yeah
Hungry Headcrab: Nah, remote spiking that can be activated at will
Hungry Headcrab: might be OP
Fortress: what I was thinking is that it would detonate after a couple of seconds
Fortress: so that it wouldn't be a finisher


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
The grab should probably be a tether, with those whips extending from the mask itself, and Skull Kid doing the pounding on the caught opponent. It'd be pretty creepy, and go along well with the whole unsettling 'monster' vibe he'd already have going on for him.
That's horrifying and perfect. O_o


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
That's horrifying and perfect. O_o
Here's the way I liked to describe the torch down-special combined with the grab.

Fortress: I just got so into that slow-roasting thing
Fortress: I mean, come on, Majora's Mask itself holding the opponent over a flame and torching them while Skull Kid is left helpless to stand there and watch like a good little puppet?
Fortress: ****ing unsettling.
Fortress: Right?
Hungry Headcrab: Extremely so


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
Here's the way I liked to describe the torch down-special combined with the grab.

Fortress: I just got so into that slow-roasting thing
Fortress: I mean, come on, Majora's Mask itself holding the opponent over a flame and torching them while Skull Kid is left helpless to stand there and watch like a good little puppet?
Fortress: ****ing unsettling.
Fortress: Right?
Hungry Headcrab: Extremely so
You have some great ideas of how to make a simple moveset look absolutely horrifying. Honestly, this kind of stuff would probably never make it into an actual Smash game. I'm even more convinced P:M is the perfect place for Skull Kid to shine now.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
It really bothers me that a character with as much potential as Liquid gets instantly invalidated simply because he's third-party. We have Sonic characters on the front-page, with twenty-billion times more controversy plaguing each one than we do any MGS character.

Here's a transcript between Headcrab and I that goes over his thoughts on what Liquid could be, and let me tell you, there's a ton of potential in it.

[collapse=Liquid Snake Codec-like Thing]
Hungry Headcrab: well, the biggest physics quirk of Snake is his outstandingly slow aerial mobility
Hungry Headcrab: overall, he's slow
Hungry Headcrab: on the ground, he's average, but in the air
Hungry Headcrab: terrible
Hungry Headcrab: give him some good aerial speed and he'll feel very different
Hungry Headcrab: Snake's physical attacks have high knockback
Hungry Headcrab: most of them are meant to get the opponent away
Hungry Headcrab: despite this, he has a decent combo game that throws the opponent all over the place
Fortress: So, by giving Liquid LOW knockback and sick aerial control
Fortress: you want to create a more combo-orientated character?
Hungry Headcrab: Liquid's attacks can have fairly low knockback, and he'll have a better combo game
Hungry Headcrab: yeah
Hungry Headcrab: in addition, Snake's approach is pretty terribad
Hungry Headcrab: Liquid's tools can be used to assist him in getting in close
Fortress: would Liquid deal with pressure up close better than Snake?
Fortress: but lack in zoning and stage control?
Hungry Headcrab: I wouldn't call Snake a zoner, really. His projectiles are too slow and difficult to place properly to zone like Ivysaur or Link
Hungry Headcrab: but less stage control for sure
Fortress: I guess zoning is the wrong word
Fortress: it's a really WEIRD zoning
Hungry Headcrab: but his tools could be based around helping his approach and getting in for combos
Hungry Headcrab: not sure what they would be exactly
Fortress: what kind of neat Metal Gear Solid tools could he have?
Fortress: oh lol
Hungry Headcrab: he has the same basic skills and training as Snake, so he can really use anything he can
Fortress: because I know none of the gadgets from the series
Hungry Headcrab: he uses an assault rifle at the end of MGS
Hungry Headcrab: that could sort of work like Sheik's needles
Fortress: I was going to say the same thing
Fortress: just pepper people
Fortress: or like Fox's lasers
Fortress: but that'd make him inclined to be campy
Fortress: I think
Hungry Headcrab: Maybe a burst shot with an effect similar to Sheik's needles
Fortress: yeah, that'd be a nice balance
Hungry Headcrab: instead of charging, he has to reload after a certain number of shots
Hungry Headcrab: like the new tranq. gun
Fortress: that's not too bad
Fortress: you should get this down in notepad
Fortress: and post it once the boards come up
Fortress: so, Snake has a nade, and can do some AGT tricks
Fortress: what would Liquid have in that department?
Fortress: And what would he have in terms of a recovery game?
Fortress: Would it be like the Tink/Link relationship?
Fortress: Same recovery, but applied differently?
Hungry Headcrab: I'd like him to have a sweet recovery, just because he "dies" a lot in MGS, but he manages to come back from situations that anyone else would have died in
Hungry Headcrab: he's resilient
Hungry Headcrab: that said, I don't know what it would look like
Fortress: just have him recover, impailed on a giant spike from the bottom blast line
Fortress: that carries him up
Hungry Headcrab: maybe a recovery that can't come back from as far as Snake, but he could have more mix-ups, unlike Snake
Hungry Headcrab: Snake uses a rope in MGS to do some cool stuff
Fortress: maybe he could act out of HIS cypher faster?
Hungry Headcrab: maybe a tether?
Fortress: maybe
Fortress: but how would this help on-stage?
Fortress: Because Snake can drop out of cypher with aerials
Hungry Headcrab: I don't really see him using it for anything else, so it's probably not the best choice
Fortress: could the tether pull people down, like Zamus's?
Hungry Headcrab: the rope isn't really something I see being used outside of recovery, probably a bad choice overall
Fortress: Are there jetpacks in MGS?
Hungry Headcrab: a cypher could work, it would make as much sense as it does for Snake really
Hungry Headcrab: and, like, one dude has a jetpack
Hungry Headcrab: it's not really prevalent
Hungry Headcrab: just a boss from one of the games
Fortress: lol okay, then I guess Cypher is the safest route to go
Hungry Headcrab: a cypher without the shock, but faster, he spends less time on it
Fortress: that would be a nice balance
Hungry Headcrab: his aerial speed could make up for the lack of time
Hungry Headcrab: and it could be incorporated better into his combo game than Snake's
Fortress: he'd be easier to pick out of the air while recovering, but he could combo out of it better than Snake can
Fortress: yeah
Fortress: what about the nade?
Hungry Headcrab: grenade makes enough sense for the character, but I don't know how it would be changed for Liquid
Hungry Headcrab: I'd like to think that Liquid is less sneaky than Snake, not that he doesn't have the same training or abilities really
Hungry Headcrab: but he would rely less on tricks
Fortress: just a brawler
Hungry Headcrab: so, a flash grenade would be cool
Fortress: I thougth the same thing
Fortress: a stun nade
Hungry Headcrab: but it would make more sense for Snake's trickery
Hungry Headcrab: that said, it would be real cool
Fortress: I guess you're right
Hungry Headcrab: he could have the same basic interactions with the grenade, but it could be used to get in for combos
Fortress: what if his exploded on contact?
Hungry Headcrab: Now that Snake doesn't have the Nikita, he could have a rocket launcher of some sort
Hungry Headcrab: not Nikita, because that's dumb
Hungry Headcrab: but a straight up rocket launcher
Fortress: what about a nikita that fies nly straght?
Fortress: and blows up at a certain distance
Hungry Headcrab: well, as far as missiles that go straight, Samus has one
Hungry Headcrab: and she can have it seek as well
Hungry Headcrab: I'd like something that's different
Hungry Headcrab: than Nikita and Samus's
Fortress: hmm
Fortress: what if it was C4?
Fortress: snake drops, liquid throws?
Hungry Headcrab: Throw C4 on people?
Hungry Headcrab: That'd be insane
Fortress: yeah, right?
Fortress: the way you apply using it would change so drastically between the two
Fortress: Snake would rely on his grab game generally to drop C4 on people
Hungry Headcrab: well, C4 is one of the things that's pretty BnB Snake
Fortress: Liquid would pepper it in with his forward-marching combo game
Hungry Headcrab: that
Hungry Headcrab: that's one I would like to see changed
Hungry Headcrab: and it doesn't mesh as well with my vision of his combo game
Fortress: well, what if it didn't perform like Snake's C4?
Hungry Headcrab: IT SPIKES
Fortress: HA
Fortress: well, a different trajectory than Snake's, yeah
Hungry Headcrab: Nah, remote spiking that can be activated at will
Hungry Headcrab: might be OP
Fortress: what I was thinking is that it would detonate after a couple of seconds
Fortress: so that it wouldn't be a finisher

They're on the front page, yes, and if you want to put Liquid there, then I'm fine with that, but look at how low their votes are. The Sonic characters may be in the OP, but their votes are the lowest of the low there, and I feel like Metal Gear characters probably wouldn't outplace them. You could argue that Tails, Knuckles and Shadow have a lot of potential, as well, but it doesn't really change how many people voted them down.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
They're on the front page, yes, and if you want to put Liquid there, then I'm fine with that, but look at how low their votes are. The Sonic characters may be in the OP, but their votes are the lowest of the low there, and I feel like Metal Gear characters probably wouldn't outplace them. You could argue that Tails, Knuckles and Shadow have a lot of potential, as well, but it doesn't really change how many people voted them down.
Well, they're doing bad because a LOT of people don't like any Sonic characters that aren't Sonic himself (It's actually inverse for me. I HATE Sonic, but I like Tails and Knuckles). Metal Gear characters would rarely get ANY hate at all. The only reason anyone would have to downvote them is "third-party", whereas with the Sonic characters, people straight up don't like them.


Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Well, their doing bad because a LOT of people don't like any Sonic characters that aren't Sonic himself (It's actually inverse for me. I HATE Sonic, but I like Tails and Knuckles). Metal Gear characters would rarely get ANY hate at all. The only reason anyone would have to downvote them is "third-party", whereas with the Sonic characters, people straight up don't like them.
Do characters aside from Mei Ling, Colonel, and Otacon have representation in Smash? Stickers?

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Well, they're doing bad because a LOT of people don't like any Sonic characters that aren't Sonic himself (It's actually inverse for me. I HATE Sonic, but I like Tails and Knuckles). Metal Gear characters would rarely get ANY hate at all. The only reason anyone would have to downvote them is "third-party", whereas with the Sonic characters, people straight up don't like them.

I personally like Sonic and Tails, approve in general of Knuckles, and am very unfond of Shadow.

Do characters aside from Mei Ling, Colonel, and Otacon have representation in Smash? Stickers?

They do.


Liquid is a sticker, as are Ocelot, Solidus, Raiden, Big Boss, and a few more.

Although... speaking of potential Metal Gear characters, isn't Grey Fox more likely since he's an Assist Trophy?


Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Joke's on you, Liquid is a clone of a certain character who happens to be playable in Smash :troll:
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻Fortress┻

Damn you. I was thinking of Big boss. lol.

And Grey Fox sounds more feasible, yes.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
Gray Fox being a trophy doesn't really mean he's more feasible. Besides, I'd rather see another dude with Snake's moveset (Solid Snake, that is) who uses it in a totally different way, ala Mario/Weegee. Liquid would be more feasible, anyway, since he'd use pretty much the same moveset as Snake, where you'd have to animate, texture, and do all of this other junk for Gray Fox.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
I love that trailer. I wish it was real sooo badly!
So do I. =( On the plus side, MM3D will almost certainly happen now that they're done with ALBW. Which I haven't gotten to play yet because GameStop doesn't actually bring you preorders on launch, which is ****ing terrible. =/ My mom bought me the Zelda 3DS XL for my birthday and it's not supposed to be here for another two days. What the hell?

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
So do I. =( On the plus side, MM3D will almost certainly happen now that they're done with ALBW. Which I haven't gotten to play yet because GameStop doesn't actually bring you preorders on launch, which is ****ing terrible. =/ My mom bought me the Zelda 3DS XL for my birthday and it's not supposed to be here for another two days. What the hell?

I probably won't be able to get it till some time next year =( I'll be graduating from college, so I'll hopefully be able to afford getting a 3DS and a Wii U when that happens.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
I must've missed your original vote or something. What's your full vote again?

Full vote is now:


K. Rool
Skull Kid


Paper Mario
Bowser Jr.


Black Shadow/Dorf


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
I probably won't be able to get it till some time next year =( I'll be graduating from college, so I'll hopefully be able to afford getting a 3DS and a Wii U when that happens.
Aw dude, that sucks. =( Maybe you should ask for one as a graduation present! :awesome:


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Majora's mask remake confirmed.
More like sequel, nintendo was contemplating whether to do a ALTTP sequel or MM sequel (there was an article about it), I bet they had a "why not both?" moment. so I bet we'll get ALBW for the 3ds (got that) and MM sequel for the wii U.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Aw dude, that sucks. =( Maybe you should ask for one as a graduation present! :awesome:

Perfect! :awesome:

More like sequel, nintendo was contemplating whether to do a ALTTP sequel or MM sequel (there was an article about it), I bet they had a "why not both?" moment. so I bet we'll get ALBW for the 3ds (got that) and MM sequel for the wii U.

I thought it was between a MM remake or ALBW.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
More like sequel, nintendo was contemplating whether to do a ALTTP sequel or MM sequel (there was an article about it), I bet they had a "why not both?" moment. so I bet we'll get ALBW for the 3ds (got that) and MM sequel for the wii U.
No, those were both about remakes, I'm pretty sure. Either way, from what I understand (don't spoil anything you know), ALBW contains a bunch of references to MM.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
More like sequel, nintendo was contemplating whether to do a ALTTP sequel or MM sequel (there was an article about it), I bet they had a "why not both?" moment. so I bet we'll get ALBW for the 3ds (got that) and MM sequel for the wii U.
I coulda sworn it was a MM remake or the new LoZ game.

I thought it was between a MM remake or ALBW.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Yeah it was a remake, although based on the references....but i'm not gonna spoil anything, It wouldn't surprise me if the wii U zelda was an MM sequel, I mean what else could be it be?


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
Yeah it was a remake, although based on the references....but i'm not gonna spoil anything, It wouldn't surprise me if the wii U zelda was an MM sequel, I mean what else could be it be?
It could be a whole lot of things, but I would love a followup to MM!

I'd also love a steampunk Zelda at some point...but we should really talk about characters here, not the Zelda games.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Ok guize let's talk about pi- *shot*

Gray fox is feasible, but I don't think 3rd parties is going to be the PMBR's main priority. I think they'll focus on Issac first.

As for skull kid....it could work, but would he be popular enough to warrant a spot?


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
As for skull kid....it could work, but would he be popular enough to warrant a spot?
That's my biggest worry about him getting in. If we could get the word out...he'd have such a good moveset, and there's virtually no chance of him ever showing up in an official Smash game. Plus MM is the only 3D Zelda not currently represented in some way in P:M, and that feels weird. I'll gladly admit I'm biased because it's my favorite game, but he could absolutely bring a unique playstyle, and a new level of darkness to the game if done right.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
Not much to do about Skull Kid's popularity except to see where the discussion and votes take him.

+1/2 vote for Skull Kid, given that. I've admittedly been thinking about how cool that (dash)Dance of Illusions would be if they could make the animation work, but there's still a lot going for this guy outside of that. Strong moveset potential, easily workable with a unique (but not gimmicky) playstyle, and a lot of bizarre, yet disturbing personality to back that all up. Not without his problems, but definitely a good candidate.


Smash Rookie
Nov 25, 2013
arcticfox8 said:
Skull Kid is cool, I have no desire for him, somebody bring up another left-field character that people can start a cool discussion on again
Boo! A heavy, floaty, ghost with the ability to turn invisible / become invulnerable? Already has a trophy in Brawl, and has options to be cloned from. On top of that a huge character in the Mario franchise, and has a lot of potential with eating things, hitting things, and flying! I know you're probably thinking, "Not another Mario character!" But Boo is way more iconic than Bowser Jr. and look at the support he's getting!
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