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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
But people travel between the dimentions through the (kokiri?) forest, not the middle of nowhere. Also, he can summon organs out of nowhere and teach little boys how to seal dead spirits into masks that he can wear to trick other people into doing what he wants.

Ehh, but there are a lot of people in Zelda who can perform magic... it's not uncommon, really. Conjuring organs and teaching songs (he doesn't actually use its power...) doesn't really compare to sealing a demigod of madness into a mask. He could have easily learned the song from the place where he found the mask. He may not even know how it works.

On the other hand, he's really creepy. What if it was him, and he became a mask salesman in the first place so people wouldn't think twice about him having such a creepy mask? That way, fewer people would become overly curious about the mask and it's less likely to be stolen, and therefore, easier to protect... Hmmmm... Maybe he even lied to Link at the end when he said the Mask's power was gone so that anyone who heard of it wouldn't come after it. Maybe it'll be found and taken again some day.

Majora's Mask 2 confirmed.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
I'm definitely liking the ideas for Skull Kid, but how many powers would reflect the Mask's? It has some weird stuff he could use as well, like that heat ray/fire beam it uses in the final battle.
Totally forgot about the face beam. I say it should be in, as a short-ranged but powerful smash attack. His tilts and some aerials could incorporate fire and auras that damage people that are typical of the mask's power.

Damn, you're right. I forgot about that! All right, I could get behind that. Doesn't it also pierce your shield? I only fought them once, a long time ago, but I think I remember ineffectually guarding.

Yeah, guarding was useless against it, but in a Smash setting, that would be a little too much. I mean, maybe a charged one could do some heavy shield damage as a reference, or maybe he'd be able to fire them quickly enough to where simply taking the hits (they'd have no hitstun if it was rapid-fire) would be better than them quickly eating up your shield.

Hmmm. What if the teleport was his side-B and the horn (or a scream) was his forward smash? It could work differently and do some knockback, or it could be exactly the same and trip, setting them up for a down smash or something. Kinda like ZSS's down smash.
Tripping isn't something that a Smash attack typically does, though, but the horn could easily be a f-smash attack without the tripping attack.

And does he just drop the fire in front of him, or what? Sorry, I must have skimmed your post in the first place, 'cause I'm a little unclear.

I don't think I laid it out properly, but the fire would drop in a 'circle' around him, so a little to his front and back on a 2D plane. Of course, he could lay it out and act again quickly so as to grab and roast.

He says you have the same smell as the fairy kid that taught him the song. I can give that grounds that it might of been link, but what if Saria taught him the song? :smirk:
Then that means that he was in the Lost Woods in Hyrule, anyway, because that's where Saria is, as well as Link.

I can also counter my own argument and say that it has been quite some time since the events of Ocarina of time..
It'd only been like a year, I'm pretty sure, if that. It's made out to be a very short time before Link actually heads out after travelling back in time. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it was immediately after that.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
So, this is just me thinking out loud of course.

I don't wanna see anymore Pokemon as full fledged, Slot holding characters, Pichu especially. I'd rather see the team's time dedicated into bringing a more unique character, from a less represented franchise into the mix.
I also don't wanna see anymore 3rd Party representatives. This is a Nintendo title after all. Tradition was broken, but it was still limited to two. Those same two are in the game. I do want to see characters like Knuckles, but I'll just use a texture hack personally, since so many already exist. Or learn to make them myself.

Metroid and F-Zero could use more character reps. Or maybe an entirely new franchise altogether.

I really wanan see Saki, personally.
Skull Kid
Skull Kid sounds interesting. Having never played MM myself, I need to investigate this a bit. If he comes on in, that Fierce Deity Link needs to make an appearance (as an alt of course).


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Just going to remind everyone....

Finally to close things out, attentive users may have noticed we mentioned our limit of new characters earlier in this post. That limit as it stands is 7 new characters, it is the absolute max we have the potential to add currently. We will not have 7 brand new characters in the next release of Project M, and we may not ever create 7 new characters. The option is there though, and perhaps one day, in the distant future, we might reach that.
Consider that Pichu is not taking a character's space, but merely filling a hole that may never be filled at all.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
Pichu was undoubtedly the worst character conceived for anything ever. A true "flavor of the month" inclusion in Melee. He's new and cute and all the 8 year olds love the new even CUTER Pikachu! Let's put him in the game! And lets not give him any new moves, lets give him the SAME moves, and make them worse!


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
As much as I disliked Pichu, and still think he's a turd, it wasn't a bad idea to try and incorporate his heavy risk/reward gameplay into Melee. If he came back, I'm sure P:MBR could easily make me like him.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
Pichu was undoubtedly the worst character conceived for anything ever. A true "flavor of the month" inclusion in Melee. He's new and cute and all the 8 year olds love the new even CUTER Pikachu! Let's put him in the game! And lets not give him any new moves, lets give him the SAME moves, and make them worse!
DID SOMEONE SAY......................................................................................................................................................................................... :026:


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
DID SOMEONE SAY......................................................................................................................................................................................... :026:

Much better choice lol

As much as I disliked Pichu, and still think he's a turd, it wasn't a bad idea to try and incorporate his heavy risk/reward gameplay into Melee. If he came back, I'm sure P:MBR could easily make me like him.
Oh, I'm sure they could work some magic. Pichu just ain't worth it in my ol' Book of Worth.


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
Pichu was undoubtedly the worst character conceived for anything ever. A true "flavor of the month" inclusion in Melee. He's new and cute and all the 8 year olds love the new even CUTER Pikachu! Let's put him in the game! And lets not give him any new moves, lets give him the SAME moves, and make them worse!
You make it sound like age makes people inferior. Believe it or not video games aren't all made for hardcore 20 something y.old gamers. Sometimes a game needs something for the little guys. And there's nothing wrong with kids, you were one. Oh, and a game thats trying to appeal to a certain group of people? Unheard of! Blasphemy! No game is allowed to be appealing whatsoever because thats a sellout thing to do. Next time you say stupid **** like that remember that you were 8 once.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Man now I can't get the idea of how amazing a playable MM Skull Kid. Dat laugh!

Gah! And there's PSAs I think, yeah? I know someone's made a "Moon Falling" FS for him before.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
Skull Kid is totally viable. Just gotta open up and think about it. I'm mulling around thinking of how his specials would act in the air and on the ground.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
You make it sound like age makes people inferior. Believe it or not video games aren't all made for hardcore 20 something y.old gamers. Sometimes a game needs something for the little guys. And there's nothing wrong with kids, you were one. Oh, and a game thats trying to appeal to a certain group of people? Unheard of! Blasphemy! No game is allowed to be appealing whatsoever because thats a sellout thing to do. Next time you say stupid **** like that remember that you were 8 once.

Holy crap, did I personally offend you? Is Pichu your favorite Pokemon or something? Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

And because I state my view that Nintendo's more than obvious decision to include Pichu in Melee was a ploy to attract younger player's attention, doesn't make what I stupid. -_- You obviously still have some growing up to do, Mr. ArticFox8.

And you are totally off on your assumption with that post, FYI.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
Holy crap, did I personally offend you? Is Pichu your favorite Pokemon or something? Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

And because I state my view that Nintendo's more than obvious decision to include Pichu in Melee was a ploy to attract younger player's attention, doesn't make what I stupid. -_- You obviously still have some growing up to do, Mr. ArticFox8.
Cut this **** out and take it to a private message if you two are going to argue. Legitimate Skull Kid discussion is finally happening.

Pichu sucks, his concept was cool. P:M could make it work, the end.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
Cut this **** out and take it to a private message if you two are going to argue. Legitimate Skull Kid discussion is finally happening.

Pichu sucks, his concept was cool. P:M could make it work, the end.
Cut what **** out? The dude straight attacked me. I JOINED in the discussion on Skull Kid. Don't play Mini Mod on me, young sir.

I agreed that the team could very well make him work, and I digress, I rather they you know, bring someone like Skull Kid in.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Oh, I'm sure they could work some magic.
Glad to see that we agree.

Beyond legal restrictions, characters are chosen based on how popular they are as well as the unique gameplay and personality elements they can bring to the roster.
Now if only we could get the popularity thing worked out.

/end discussion.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
Glad to see that we agree.

Now if only we could get the popularity thing worked out.

/end discussion.

Well, if the people in charge love them some "smaller, cuter Pikachu", then I'm sure it will happen. I'd rather have something much more original and interesting. I'm sure they could make Chansey intresting, at this point.

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
Why? Sorry, but that's kind of ********. I can upvote whomever I like just because I like them and think they'd be cool, and it gets them a vote, but I can't downvote somebody without giving some crap reason which will always boil down to "I don't like them".

Which is why I haven't voted.

At least try to think about it logically first before calling it ********. You'd get burned for saying that in my profession.

1) Gain. You obviously gain something for positive votes by voting for who you like. Whereas with negative votes, you can't tell whether they're doing it to boost other characters up or do they legitimately have a reason. You haven't seen posts like "I vote +1 for X and -1 for everyone else." That's why.

2) Because some people have spammed negative votes, and it was getting suspicious, and there needs to be more control because...

3) Weighting. Negative votes are worth as much as full votes but there is no restriction on count. So having a control of that helps. Also the psyche behind negative votes is different behind positive ones. For positive ones, the reason why you vote for them is obvious, and the fact that you have to pick and choose your top 5 makes it even more so. For negative votes, it's harder to control for that, because even though I said it has to be a legitimate reason that separates an anti vote from an indifferent one, some people don't seem to be following that. So again, a little damage control


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Well, if the people in charged love them some "smaller, cuter Pikachu", then I'm sure it will happen. I'd rather have something much more original and interesting. I'm sure they could make Chansey intresting, at this point.
Son. That's just like your opinion. Ya don't gotta come in guns blazing whenever someone throws out a suggestion you don't like.

Just say you're not fond of the idea and move along.


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
Ignore this if not Silpheed
Holy crap, did I personally offend you? Is Pichu your favorite Pokemon or something? Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

And because I state my view that Nintendo's more than obvious decision to include Pichu in Melee was a ploy to attract younger player's attention, doesn't make what I stupid. -_- You obviously still have some growing up to do, Mr. ArticFox8.

And you are totally off on your assumption with that post, FYI.
It has nothing to do with Pichu, its your attitude. You make it sound like a bad thing to include a character that attracts future players. You could've said that about Jiggs or Kirby or Mario and it'd be the same difference. Its a narrow-minded thing to say. You can take this advice or ride on your superiority complex some more. These are my final thoughts on the matter.

To get back on topic, Skull Kid is cool, I have no desire for him, somebody bring up another left-field character that people can start a cool discussion on again.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
At least try to think about it logically first before calling it ********. You'd get burned for saying that in my profession.

1) Gain. You obviously gain something for positive votes by voting for who you like. Whereas with negative votes, you can't tell whether they're doing it to boost other characters up or do they legitimately have a reason. You haven't seen posts like "I vote +1 for X and -1 for everyone else." That's why.

2) Because some people have spammed negative votes, and it was getting suspicious, and there needs to be more control because...

3) Weighting. Negative votes are worth as much as full votes but there is no restriction on count. So having a control of that helps. Also the psyche behind negative votes is different behind positive ones. For positive ones, the reason why you vote for them is obvious, and the fact that you have to pick and choose your top 5 makes it even more so. For negative votes, it's harder to control for that, because even though I said it has to be a legitimate reason that separates an anti vote from an indifferent one, some people don't seem to be following that. So again, a little damage control
Please tell me you arn`t counting the -1 votes for reasons like "I don`t know who this guy is, but he looks ***.

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
Y'know what? I think I only used three votes (I had 5 right?)

Full vote:

Skull Kid
Claus/Masked Man

I'm WAY on board with the Majora's Mask (Primarily) Skull Kid idea. It'd be a really great addition to the roster, and since he has almost no chance of being in Smash 4, it's certainly a safe bet. That said, I'd prefer others before him (K. Rool chief among them) but if they don't compete (I'm not sure why they would) I'm down for some Majora's Mask terrifying goodness.

With some inspiration from TP. I don't see what Skull Kids in Ocarina would have that Majora's Mask Skull Kid wouldn't.

I must've missed your original vote or something. What's your full vote again?

Please tell me you arn`t counting the -1 votes for reasons like "I don`t know who this guy is, but he looks ***.

Probably, I can't remember.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
To get back on topic, Skull Kid is cool, I have no desire for him, somebody bring up another left-field character that people can start a cool discussion on again.

Skull kid is the champion of Zelda history and deserves everyone's votes. :smirk:


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
Son. That's just like your opinion. Ya don't gotta come in guns blazing whenever someone throws out a suggestion you don't like.

Just say you're not fond of the idea and move along.

Naw, this ends now. There's seems to be a very childlike nature with some of the newer members of this forums. I stated my opinion, and nothing else. The fact that my opinion seems to differs from yours is what you have an issue with. I'm not personally attacking anyone for having a differing view on said character. And you (and the other guy) are the one quoting me in disagreement, attacking me, then saying "It's over It's done, end of discussion!" I tried numerous times to "move on".

Now it's just ridiculous.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Don't tug at my heartstrings like that... :c

Sorry, it was just some wishful thinking on my part...

Ignore this if not Silpheed

It has nothing to do with Pichu, its your attitude. You make it sound like a bad thing to include a character that attracts future players. You could've said that about Jiggs or Kirby or Mario and it'd be the same difference. Its a narrow-minded thing to say. You can take this advice or ride on your superiority complex some more. These are my final thoughts on the matter.

To get back on topic, Skull Kid is cool, I have no desire for him, somebody bring up another left-field character that people can start a cool discussion on again.

How about that Goomba, then?

Since I didn't put reasons on a couple of my downvotes when I first did them, I'll write them out here:

Knuckles & Shadow - I feel like Tails is a more worthy and iconic Sonic character.

And... uh, those are the only ones I didn't write out. I only downvoted like 3 in total...

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
Btw, I will be adding Tetra, Red, and Skull Kid to the OP sometime this week hopefully.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Naw, this ends now. There's seems to be a very childlike nature with some of the newer members of this forums. I stated my opinion, and nothing else. The fact that my opinion seems to differs from yours is what you have an issue with. I'm not personally attacking anyone for having a differing view on said character. And you (and the other guy) are the one quoting me in disagreement, attacking me, then saying "It's over It's done, end of discussion!" I tried numerous times to "move on".

Now it's just ridiculous.
I won't speak for Articfox8 but I brought out a fact that all of these spots may never be filled as to remind people not to downvote the character simply because they think he takes a potential spot from another character. I don't care if you downvote him if you actually dislike the character.

It wasn't directed at you but at everyone.

Now the first post I quoted was directed at you. It would of involved Fortress as well but I vaguely recall already talking about that with him earlier.
It was also just a statement that we agree on. We both think that the PMBR can make something work out of him. We are in agreement.

However, you come in saying things like

Holy crap, did I personally offend you? Is Pichu your favorite Pokemon or something? Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

And because I state my view that Nintendo's more than obvious decision to include Pichu in Melee was a ploy to attract younger player's attention, doesn't make what I said stupid. -_- You obviously still have some growing up to do, Mr. ArticFox8.

And you are totally off on your assumption with that post, FYI.
Then I definitely have the right to say that you've come into this thread with "Guns blazing."

Perhaps I was wrong since the second post I quoted you in regarding the opinion of Pichu didn't include the above quote; but I figured that was implied.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
At least try to think about it logically first before calling it ********. You'd get burned for saying that in my profession.
Are you kidding? Where were you for my entire tirade on why Black Shadow is a Black Turd? There was plenty of legitimate reasoning there besides "He's stupid". That's a huge part of it, but not all of it.

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
Are you kidding? Where were you for my entire tirade on why Black Shadow is a Black Turd? There was plenty of legitimate reasoning there besides "He's stupid". That's a huge part of it, but not all of it.

...what are you talking about. I was responding to your post about the voting system.

Hungry Headcrab

Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2013
To get back on topic, Skull Kid is cool, I have no desire for him, somebody bring up another left-field character that people can start a cool discussion on again.

Well, this post of mine was mostly ignored last page:

Are people as adverse to another Metal Gear character as they are to another Sonic character?

The more I think about it, the more I think Liquid Snake would a good addition to the roster. Most of it is just my love for Metal Gear, I'm sure, but I honestly see some potential in the idea.

Here's the way I see it:

Liquid would obviously be a clone of Snake. They are twins, after all. Moreover, I like the idea of a Snake clone as a part of the roster simply because Snake is an odd character, and if his physics, tools, and play-style are changed on a new character you get someone that feels entirely different. The same goes for the possibility of an Advance Wars based Snake clone as well, but I'm mostly indifferent to that idea whereas Liquid gets me hyped.

I would see Liquid as similar to Snake, but with the aerial mobility that Snake lacks. In addition, he would rely less on his tools and weapons than Snake does, and would be more based on physical attacks that didn't have as much knock-back as Snake's moves. This would give him a different kind of combo game altogether when compared to his twin. That's not to say that Liquid would not have tools of his own, but they would be made to assist his approach, an area in which Snake sorely lacks.

Also, his recovery has to be awesome, because this guy just refuses to die.

I could go into more detail and try to think up some specifics, but I don't expect this idea to pick up much traction. I just want to see what people think. Before you cast your judgement though, think of how hype-inducing the Snake vs. Liquid match-up would be...

Gah! The idea just gets me so excited!

Any thoughts?


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
...what are you talking about. I was responding to your post about the voting system.
Oh, then I agree with whatever that me said.

*continues drinking*

Well, this post of mine was mostly ignored last page:

Liquid Snake stuff

Any thoughts?
Same thing I thought of Liquid the last time; a very cool idea that should be taken more seriously, third-party or not. Think about what the tiniest changes in physics alone between Mario and Luigi did for them, and now think about what could be done similarly with Snake and Liquid? Not saying we should have a slippery Liquid sliding all over the place (scratch that, maybe, just for his namesake), but you get the idea.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Oh noes, the thread is unraveling! Quick - if you had to pick a DK rep, who would you rather have, Dixie or K. Rool? Bonus points if you explain why. (I'd go with Dixie myself, since DKC2 is one of my favorite games ever + one of my earliest childhood memories as far as the vidya goes).

Edit: oh nvm, looks like people are talking about Liquid Snake now. phewwwwwww at least we aren't arguing about silly things 8)

Ehh, but there are a lot of people in Zelda who can perform magic... it's not uncommon, really. Conjuring organs and teaching songs (he doesn't actually use its power...) doesn't really compare to sealing a demigod of madness into a mask. He could have easily learned the song from the place where he found the mask. He may not even know how it works.

On the other hand, he's really creepy. What if it was him, and he became a mask salesman in the first place so people wouldn't think twice about him having such a creepy mask? That way, fewer people would become overly curious about the mask and it's less likely to be stolen, and therefore, easier to protect... Hmmmm... Maybe he even lied to Link at the end when he said the Mask's power was gone so that anyone who heard of it wouldn't come after it. Maybe it'll be found and taken again some day.

Majora's Mask 2 confirmed.

Hmm. If they did Majora's Mask 2, would you want it to be in the same place, or a completely new area? It was pretty cool how Twilight Princess let us spend some more time in OoT's version of Hyrule, but I'm not sure it's as necessary in Termina. That area was already so fleshed out and fully realized, with all the townspeople, the sidequests, the Great Bay... mmmmm.

Maybe the best way to do a MM2 would be to have the Happy Mask Salesman go off to a completely new part of the world and lose the mask again. Or maybe this time, he's the one wearing the mask.

Ultimately though, I think MM might be one of those games that's just best as a standalone title. It may be sad to never get MM 2, because it had so many interesting things going on as far as gameplay/world design/story that no other Zelda game has ever emulated or even attempted, but maybe that's why.

I dunno! Sorry, this response probably seemed like I was lecturing you - I didn't mean it like that. I'm really just thinking out loud, because as soon as you said Majora's Mask 2 I was like woaaoaaoaoaoaoaoaoah what if?
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