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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
Sort of disappointing to me that Claus has so few votes tallied. It seems like it wouldn't be as hard to base him off of Lucas, and give him stuff like bombs and the sword arm, etc. Although I guess the "Walking Spoiler" is a bit of an issue. Unless they just didn't call him Claus.
He's actually doing fairly well, considering that he was a latecomer. He passed up the 10 mark just a few posts after the votes were updated.

I'll abandon all subtlety and say if you were considering a vote, he's still a strong choice and not a waste to support.


Smash Ace
Jan 30, 2010
Auburn, Wa
Sort of disappointing to me that Claus has so few votes tallied. It seems like it wouldn't be as hard to base him off of Lucas, and give him stuff like bombs and the sword arm, etc. Although I guess the "Walking Spoiler" is a bit of an issue. Unless they just didn't call him Claus.
I'm pretty sure he has way more votes.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2012
East Coast, USA
Skull Kid has the potential to be a very unique character, but if he had to be a clone, who would be his base? I'd Say Zelda for the purpose that he is said to be a powerful sorcerer, and she uses magic in her moveset, plus with the poison darts from his flute being comparable to Sheik's knife-throwing, it could work. Ness/Lucas could also work due to the fact that Skull Kid would be be, height-wise, somewhere in the middle between their height and Zelda's.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
Anything from TP Skull Kid is just creative weirdness. The horn and torch are the only things that are feasible, and would probably be nice touches for Skull Kid, to be honest. Along with his flute, he has a horn that he just blasts a horrible note on and knocks people on their feet. Sounds like him.

As far as Tetra goes, she just never gets as developed as Skull Kid does. Not that any of this matters in terms of Smash, mind you (it really doesn't), but Tetra is a no-good, take-charge Pirate-type helping to her own ends until she becomes Zelda, at which point she instantly turns into the prim and proper do-good princess. She doesn't really develop into it, like how Skull Kid goes from this attention-seeking prankster who is really lonely deep down, who turns into an even lonelier dude, into a jealous thief-type of character, into power-tripping pawn, and into... well, yeah, his whole "Sorry I kinda almost destroyed your world" personality in the end was a bit thrown out there, but it was there.
Yeah, it'd be good to incorporate some sort of music, be it horn or ocarina. The torch would work too.

That's really not true though. When you need bombs, she doesn't exactly give them to you, but she makes sure you can get them (at her own expense too). When you go back to the Forsaken Fortress, she helps you out by distracting Ganon's bird as well as by actually rescuing your sister and the other girls while you take care of it. Then she shows back up to help you fight or escape from Ganon, putting herself in risk she didn't need to. Additionally, once she becomes Zelda (and she has barely any dialogue as Zelda), she still speaks and acts like Tetra in the final fight. Even Ganon mentions how she dreams of "oceans as far as the eye can see." She may be the new Zelda, but honestly, she's really still Tetra, still a pirate at heart. It's only that first exchange after she becomes Zelda that she mentions how sorry she is for how she treated you and for dragging you into it. From then on, she's back to being normal Tetra instead of remorseful Zelda. She doesn't really change personalities at all once she learns she's Zelda, at least I don't see it. She's still cunning, smart, and snarky, and perfectly willing to help you take down the dark lord. I honestly don't see any of the "prim and proper do-good princess" in her at all.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2012
East Coast, USA
The horn could be a good F-Special or F-Tilt, using it to blast your enemies away. I could see Skull Kid playing Saria's Song as a taunt, too, as well as mischievous stuff for the others.

Oh, Oh, Oh, that reminds me: Are Mewtwo, Roy, and the new characters going to have Codec conversations? That would be awesome.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
Skull Kid has the potential to be a very unique character, but if he had to be a clone, who would be his base? I'd Say Zelda for the purpose that he is said to be a powerful sorcerer, and she uses magic in her moveset, plus with the poison darts from his flute being comparable to Sheik's knife-throwing, it could work. Ness/Lucas could also work due to the fact that Skull Kid would be be, height-wise, somewhere in the middle between their height and Zelda's.
Skull Kid is never shown to be using any ranged magic, mostly just auras, so we don't need to base him off of Zelda. In all honesty, Zero Suit would probably be a good fit, with her projectile Neutral B, 'tether-like' side-B, and whatnot.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
The horn could be a good F-Special or F-Tilt, using it to blast your enemies away. I could see Skull Kid playing Saria's Song as a taunt, too, as well as mischievous stuff for the others.

Oh, Oh, Oh, that reminds me: Are Mewtwo, Roy, and the new characters going to have Codec conversations? That would be awesome.

That would be pretty hard, I think... the dialogue would need to be completely original, so they would need convincing voice actors for Snake and whoever he talks with about them, like the Colonel and Otacon.

As for Tetra vs Skull Kid... I love Majora's Mask, and I love Wind Waker, so I'm very torn on this. Overall, I think Tetra would be the more interesting fighter if she used Wind Waker items like the Deku Leaf and Grappling Hook. Further, I think Skull Kid's dancing style would be harder to animate believably than Tetra's mostly cloneable moveset. But the thing is, I like Majora's Mask more just because of its darker, grittier feel when compared to Wind Waker, so I really want it to be represented. I don't want both for the sheer fact that Zelda is already well-represented, the same reason I don't want Pichu. So, I dunno... I guess I'll be happy with either of them.


Smash Rookie
Oct 19, 2013
When i look at the post it sounds like most people like the idea of skull kid and yet he is not even on the list( so he has not even 10 votes?)


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
From a gameplay standpoint I would prefer Tetra with Telda, just because I like how Zelda plays and how Toonie plays in comparison to Link. It'd be an interesting playstyle. Tetra would have to be there too because you can't have a non-transforming Zelda. Tetra could bring something interesting because pirates are coolio julio.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
From a gameplay standpoint I would prefer Tetra with Telda, just because I like how Zelda plays and how Toonie plays in comparison to Link. It'd be an interesting playstyle. Tetra would have to be there too because you can't have a non-transforming Zelda. Tetra could bring something interesting because pirates are coolio julio.
But we could have a non-transforming Tetra. Honestly, Telda would probably be an almost verbatim clone of Zelda so I really don't want her. I'd rather have Tetra as a standalone character.

You do bring up a good point, though - with both Tetra and Sheik, we can have a Ninja vs Pirate Brawl :p


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
Tetra has been in 3 titles if you count japan exclusive Tetra's Trackers... where she has extensive actual dialouge.


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
But we could have a non-transforming Tetra. Honestly, Telda would probably be an almost verbatim clone of Zelda so I really don't want her. I'd rather have Tetra as a standalone character.

You do bring up a good point, though - with both Tetra and Sheik, we can have a Ninja vs Pirate Brawl :p
I just feel like it'd look weird having Tetra by herself and Sheik and Zelda being tied together. I think the PMBR could do cool things with Toon Zelda, this isn't Sakurai we're talking about.



Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Oh yeah, Tetra's Trackers! XD What's the gameplay in that like? It seemed cute.

Tetra or Skullkid... This is actually a pretty tough choice. I love both of those characters! I guess one factor to help break the tie is that there's something of a chance that Tetra could pop up in Smash 4, since she was in the Brawl files initially. I think we all kind of know that Skullkid will never get into an official Smash game at this point. ( :( ) So PM might be the best chance for him to shine.

And yeah, just the chance to get a proper MM rep seems nice, too. A game that's about loneliness, suffering, despair, and how despite all the horrors in the world, you can still find beauty and happiness (that Anju/Kafei ending always makes me cry, how Link spends an entire 3 days devoting his time to giving them a couple minutes of happiness together, that they won't even remember once he winds back the clock...) It's such a special game, it'd be nice for it to get a nod the same way that WW and OoT have specific reps.

If they did do Skullkid, I think it'd be awesome if they also brought back Great Bay. That's one of my favorite levels, and it'd be nice for him to have a stage.

As always, my opinion might be biased cause I'm a big LoZ fan. : > I think either choice would be awesome for Zelda fans, though, and adding either a pirate or a music-based fighter would be really interesting.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
I forgot all about that! What was it like?
I've not played it but from what I've read it's a sort of mini-game hide and seek thing in the style of four swords.

It wasn't localized due to the full dialogue and the fact that she has the capability to say your name in japanese (up to 2 characters)


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
Oh yeah, Tetra's Trackers! XD What's the gameplay in that like? It seemed cute.

Tetra or Skullkid... This is actually a pretty tough choice. I love both of those characters! I guess one factor to help break the tie is that there's something of a chance that Tetra could pop up in Smash 4, since she was in the Brawl files initially. I think we all kind of know that Skullkid will never get into an official Smash game at this point. ( :( ) So PM might be the best chance for him to shine.

And yeah, just the chance to get a proper MM rep seems nice, too. A game that's about loneliness, suffering, despair, and how despite all the horrors in the world, you can still find beauty and happiness (that Anju/Kafei ending always makes me cry, how Link spends an entire 3 days devoting his time to giving them a couple minutes of happiness together, that they won't even remember once he winds back the clock...) It's such a special game, it'd be nice for it to get a nod the same way that WW and OoT have specific reps.

If they did do Skullkid, I think it'd be awesome if they also brought back Great Bay. That's one of my favorite levels, and it'd be nice for him to have a stage.

As always, my opinion might be biased cause I'm a big LoZ fan. : > I think either choice would be awesome for Zelda fans, though, and adding either a pirate or a music-based fighter would be really interesting.
Ahhh, but the time he doesn't turn back the clock...those two will remember Link for the rest of their lives as the person who brought them back together. My god Majora's Mask is so ****ing good, and it makes me so sad how criminally overlooked it is. Even in the Hyrule Historia, it only had like three pages...

I think Skull Kid would be a terrific choice. He'd have a sweet playstyle, he'd represent my favorite game ever, and yeah, he's insanely unlikely to ever show up in Smash, especially when character like Tetra or Vaati (or even Tingle, god forbid) are more likely than him, so P:M would be a great place for him to shine. Plus he has the most obvious Final Smash I've ever heard of.

And yeah! Great Bay was a great stage. I actually do have it in my build. The only problem is the moon in the background, which would certainly look strange were Skull Kid to perform his Final Smash.

I've not played it but from what I've read it's a sort of mini-game hide and seek thing in the style of four swords.

It wasn't localized due to the full dialogue and the fact that she has the capability to say your name in japanese (up to 2 characters)
Was it on GameCube or what?


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
Skull Kid is cool but is he a pirate? Does he also happen to be a princess? Oh yeah but he brought down the moon and now he's a big deal. Whatever man. Come back when you're a pirate princess.


Smash Rookie
Nov 25, 2013

-Black Shadow / Ganondorf (I find this incredibly appealing since it not only brings new representation from F-Zero, but also allows for a Ganondorf to be represented with a proper moveset)

-Bower Jr. (A fantastic character with a lot of great possibilities for moves. Immediatly, his paintbrush for smashes, or range and his hover craft for an up-b come to mind)

-King K Rool (The main DK antagonist. Enough said)


-Dixie Kong (I don't think she brings anything interesting to the table that Diddy hasn't already covered other)

One character who I haven't seen brought up in the pages I've scrolled through (which admittedly isn't all 85 Pages) is Boo.

One character who I haven't seen brought up in the pages I've scrolled through (which admittedly isn't all 85 pages) is Boo. Boo is an iconic character in the Mario franchise who I think could fit right into the Smash Bros. Universe. He already has a trophy in Brawl, so he is fair game for licensing in Project M.

I could see Boo being used as a heavier, floaty character, so possibly a Kirby or Jigglypuff clone. His abilities in the Mario games to fly, turn invulnerable / invisible, store objects inside of him could be used in really interesting ways. Additionally Big Boo / King Boo are made up of many smaller Boos meaning that they could split smaller Boos off of them. I don't have a full moveset outlined like some of the other characters, but I think Boo's unique ghostly properties along with his iconic ties to Mario and Luigi could make for a unique play experience.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
That poll I mentioned earlier talked about a martial art known as "capoeira," a Brazilian one centered around dance. I know dance sounds silly, but it could be interesting, and underneath the mask, the Skull Kid really is just a playful character.

Eddy Gordo for Clone Engine/Smash 4


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
Was it on GameCube or what?
Yeah, it was on the gamecube but it required gameboy advances... like four swords adventures.

and on the note of skull kid, I'd note he is OoT/MM style when all the other characters are TP/WW... so how would people feel about a TP style Skull Kid?


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
and on the note of skull kid, I'd note he is OoT/MM style when all the other characters are TP/WW... so how would people feel about a TP style Skull Kid?
As long as he wore the mask, I suppose it would be okay. But then again, wouldn't an MM-style Skull Kid redone in Brawl's format look kind of TP-esque anyway?

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
As long as he wore the mask, I suppose it would be okay. But then again, wouldn't an MM-style Skull Kid redone in Brawl's format look kind of TP-esque anyway?

I think so. Hmm... it probably doesn't matter. It can't be worse than Toon Link's Brawlification. At least Skull Kid isn't meant to be cel-shaded.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Ok so i'm just going to give out a statement regarding Skull kid.

Almost everyone who wants the skull kid is exclusively referring to the skull kid from Majora's mask due to him leaving a permanent mark on their gaming history.

So remember, the mass amount of support for the skull kid is almost exclusively directed at Majora's mask's wearing skull kid.

This goes for me too. I couldn't care less about the skull kids from TP, or Ocarina of time. But THAT specific skull kid, the one that threatened to crash a moon on the planet, take my horse, attempt to stop a relationship by turning someone into a kid, Inadvertently get many denizens killed, and turn me into a scrub (Literally :smirk:) is definitely worth a place on a smash roster.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
Ok so i'm just going to give out a statement regarding Skull kid.

Almost everyone who wants the skull kid is exclusively referring to the skull kid from Majora's mask due to him leaving a permanent mark on their gaming history.

So remember, the mass amount of support for the skull kid is almost exclusively directed at Majora's mask's wearing skull kid.

This goes for me too. I couldn't care less about the skull kids from TP, or Ocarina of time. But THAT specific skull kid, the one that threatened to crash a moon on the planet, take my horse, attempt to stop a relationship by turning someone into a kid, Inadvertently get many denizens killed, and turn me into a scrub (Literally :smirk:) is definitely worth a place on a smash roster.
I thought this was going to be a post against Skull Kid, so I'm glad to see it was in support of him.

However, that's not to say he couldn't take inspiration from the other Skull Kids, right?

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I thought this was going to be a post against Skull Kid, so I'm glad to see it was in support of him.

However, that's not to say he couldn't take inspiration from the other Skull Kids, right?

Exactly. He could easily be a composite character between the three with the main focus being Majora's Mask.


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
wait, **** is censored?

that's almost as stupid when I tried to spell cofagrigus and it bleeped the middle


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
I think Skull Kid's dancing style would be harder to animate believably than Tetra's mostly cloneable moveset.
I want to point out that I don't think the Skull Kid should dance on all of his moves, just his idles and taunts or something. And not some huge dance, just a little jig.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
I thought this was going to be a post against Skull Kid, so I'm glad to see it was in support of him.

However, that's not to say he couldn't take inspiration from the other Skull Kids, right?
Of course he could. He is a skull kid.

The real thing we need to worry about is giving him a moveset.

Skull kid is a trickster by nature with a ton of power due to his mask.

Fast and tricky is probably how this character would come out. Weak physical attacks with strong magical properties. I could see his attacks lasting a bit of time but connecting them at specific parts of the attack animation would get the most knockback and power. Whereas hitting with the early or late parts of the attack animation would result in less knockback and power but be better to set up for combos.

Reasoning behind this. The skull kid is inherently weak. The magic from the mask is what makes him powerful. Specific parts of his attacks will have the magic at full power thus more knockback and power.

Stop me if this is starting to sound too impossible.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
This goes for me too. I couldn't care less about the skull kids from TP, or Ocarina of time. But THAT specific skull kid,
That's the same Skull Kid from Ocarina, brah. Who, coincidentally, didn't actually do any fighting himself in that particular title. Skull Kid's moveset could be drawn from the Ocarina/Twili one(s).
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