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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Again, I'm sorry to anyone I was being a douche to for voting Black Shadow/Ganondorf.

I just really feel the need to emphasize how stupidly redundant the idea is now.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
Again, I'm sorry to anyone I was being a douche to for voting Black Shadow/Ganondorf.

I just really feel the need to emphasize how stupidly redundant the idea is now.
There's not even a tiny bit of reason to believe the PMBR is going to give him an extra moveset, or apply the property-swapping mechanic to anyone but Samus.

Deleted member

It would only be redundant if Ganondorf is actually getting a stance system. And if he doesn't, then I've been cheated out of a vote. (Not it matters in the long run anyway, but still...)

But then again, who's to say B.S. can't get his own moves, then? He's got supernatural powers.
(Not using that as reason to support how he's the best idea; just bringing up a point.)

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Is no one going to talk about how giving Ganon even a few extra moves, let alone an entire set, accessible via a taunt, is going to throw off his entire balance as a character? Very slightly changing the properties on a couple moves is very different from adding all new ones. So no, the "stance change" thing is probably not going to happen.
The moves don't necessarily need to have different properties. It seems as though a lot of people just want to see Ganon with a sword and magic. While magic would be impossible to do with this, you could just give Ganon sword animations and slash effects and people would be pretty psyched. Another thing to mention is that PM is in a demo phase, and the meta goes through constant change all the time. I don't see a big deal giving Ganon a stance change in this case as long as the original moveset isn't tampered with. But like you said, it's probably not gonna happen anyway (much like how Black Shadow/Ganondorf is not going to happen).

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
There's not even a tiny bit of reason to believe the PMBR is going to give him an extra moveset, or apply the property-swapping mechanic to anyone but Samus.
Then why is it reasonable to believe that the PMBR is willing to split a character in half? (especially one as popular as Ganondorf). Proposing the idea of a stance change for Ganondorf is much less controversial than splitting his current character across two slots.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
They're just not going to do it. I mean, what would they even do for splitting G's attacks? Give him a sword? Please, it'd have to be weaker since it's not his gigantic fists, and who wants a slow and weak Ganondorf? His aerials and ground normals pop out lighting-quick for the most part, he really doesn't need it.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
The moves don't necessarily need to have different properties. It seems as though a lot of people just want to see Ganon with a sword and magic. While magic would be impossible to do with this, you could just give Ganon sword animations and slash effects and people would be pretty psyched. Another thing to mention is that PM is in a demo phase, and the meta goes through constant change all the time. I don't see a big deal giving Ganon a stance change in this case as long as the original moveset isn't tampered with. But like you said, it's probably not gonna happen anyway (much like how Black Shadow/Ganondorf is not going to happen).
They could add a sword to his animations without changing his moveset or properties without using a stance change if they wanted. So I fail to see how the sudden addition of such a thing to a single character renders an entire idea useless or redundant. Making him stab when he Warlock Punches still won't make him play like Ganondorf.

Then why is it reasonable to believe that the PMBR is willing to split a character in half? (especially one as popular as Ganondorf). Proposing the idea of a stance change for Ganondorf is much less controversial than splitting his current character across two slots.
Hey, I don't believe it's going to happen. But the point of that is that the moveset stays intact on a different character, and then he gets one more like himself. It doesn't mess with the balance of the game at all.

I don't even really support the idea, but it makes more sense to me than adding a whole new set of moves to an established character, on top of his current moves.

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
If they go against the rules, then yeah, point that out. "Stupid" reasoning should be ignored by the person actually counting the votes, it's not our place to yell at them.

It's not my place to decide whether to count them or not. Of course I have my opinions as I'm tallying, like "wow that was stupid." But I still mark them. It's like how you can't select votes for politicians despite people having the dumbest of reasons at times

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
They could add a sword to his animations without changing his moveset or properties without using a stance change if they wanted. So I fail to see how the sudden addition of such a thing to a single character renders an entire idea useless or redundant. Making him stab when he Warlock Punches still won't make him play like Ganondorf.
Because a stance change for Ganondorf is literally the only thing most people wanted out of the whole Black Shadow/Ganondorf thing. They see Black Shadow and be like "Well......I guess F-Zero is kinda low on characters..........sure, I guess".

Hungry Headcrab

Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2013
This isn't really the place to discuss it, but I don't see a way that the sword could work into Ganon's game without invalidating his current game.

The sword gives more range, and at least as much power as he currently has, probably more. They could only make it slow to validate it, but that doesn't really work. Ganon is already slow.

Samus's modes help her switch between comboing and dishing out heavy hits. If you gave Ganon another mode, it has to offer something that he doesn't have. A sword just doesn't give him anything he doesn't have.

Anyway, not the place yada yada... Let's talk about Pichu. :bee:


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
Because a stance change for Ganondorf is literally the only thing most people wanted out of the whole Black Shadow/Ganondorf thing. They see Black Shadow and be like "Well......I guess F-Zero is kinda low on characters,,,,,,,sure, I guess".
As I said, changing his animations to involve a sword doesn't suddenly make him more like Ganon. To do that would mean a new moveset, or at least a few new moves, possibly including some magic. Which can't be done with a simple stance change mechanic.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
As I said, changing his animations to involve a sword doesn't suddenly make him more like Ganon. To do that would mean a new moveset, or at least a few new moves, possibly including some magic. Which can't be done with a simple stance change mechanic.
The Clone Engine is also a medium that can't produce the types of magic people are proposing for this character. Even if it could, as it's been mentioned HUNDREDS of times through out this thread, the idea has the potential to harm current players. I guess a stance change could too, but too a much smaller degree. I'm not advocating for either idea. I'm just saying a stance change (IF IT HAPPENED) would be a more preferable situation than that other crap.


Smash Rookie
Nov 14, 2013
Ok, I just got back from a screening of Catching Fire (better than the first btw) and definitely didn't expect my Pichu post to generate such response. I read all of the replies and rather than replying to specific people I will reply to the general points that were raised.

First off, I don't hate Pichu at all. Just because I don't want him taking one of the 5 remaining spots does not mean I hate the character. There is a middle ground between love and hate. I just think there are way better choices than Pichu, I don't inherently dislike him.

We already aren't getting every single part of Melee's roster back as Dr. Mario is merely a skin for Mario and Young Link does not exist (unless you consider Toon Link to be him...which he isn't). If they want to bring Pichu back in a similar way to Dr. Mario, as a skin for Pikachu, I am all for that. I know alternate skins will not be alternate characters, but technically Pichu is Pikachu's baby form anyways...so I'm pretty sure it could slide through as a loophole. If people are fine with the Dr. Mario costume then I don't see why this should be a problem.

In terms of some people wanting Pichu in as a joke character...I completely understand that. Joke characters are funny and it's fun to try to win with a character not considered to be innately good. The thing is, if they want to do a joke character I think there are better options than Pichu. Some people have been suggesting Pokemon Trainer/Red and I actually think he could be a pretty great joke character if they really want to make a joke character from the Pokemon Universe. Not to mention some of the work is already done for them there with his model, announcer call, css assets, etc. And if they want a joke character and don't need him to be from Pokemon...there are so many other options from Nintendo franchises available.

Another big thing I see people reply with is that the PMBR would, or could, make Pichu better to make him not so bad. This kind of goes against the fundamental principle people like about him though (that he's a joke, and thus fun to win with as an underdog character). He already has Pikachu's moves, making him better would make him even harder to differentiate from Pikachu. They could give him different moves, as electric pokemon can do a lot more than what Pikachu/Pichu have demonstrated...but then he isn't even the same character from a gameplay standpoint. Once you start doing that you may as well just use a different electric pokemon (at least) as that character is no longer Pichu.

Earlier in the thread I was having a conversation with someone about the Black Shadow/Ganondorf thing being bad because even though the moveset would stay the same (on Black Shadow), it would no longer be Ganondorf. Ganondorf would have a new moveset, and that wouldn't be right for the Melee vets who mained him. Well, this seems to be the opposite argument as this Pichu one...and you really can't have it both ways. Either a character who changes their moveset is a different character or they aren't.

For the people who want Pichu in just because he was in Melee, changing him like this would fundamentally make him not Pichu...and that would make doing it because he was in Melee completely pointless. At that point a different character is a better option. So, with that in mind, if Pichu came back due to his spot on the roster in Melee...it really only makes sense for him to come back as an underpowered joke just like he was then. But, if he does come back as that then he is just a not-as-good Pikachu taking up a spot that a more creative idea could occupy.

This is my "problem" with Pichu taking a spot. It goes beyond whether we "have 7 Pokemon reps" already or not. In the end that really doesn't matter that much, you guys saying that are right. But what does matter is if the character is interesting, and Pichu just isn't. Again, I don't hate him, but there are so many promising and great options out there...including for a joke character that isn't just a weak Pikachu. If Pichu makes it in at all, it should be as a Pikachu skin. It really is a total waste if he takes a valuable spot that could go to an idea that would better diversify the roster.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
The Clone Engine is also a medium that can't produce the types of magic people are proposing for this character. Even if it could, as it's been mentioned HUNDREDS of times through out this thread, the idea has the potential to harm current players. I guess a stance change could too, but too a much smaller degree. I'm not advocating for either idea. I'm just saying a stance change (IF IT HAPPENED) would be a more preferable situation than that other crap.
Except it could, but okay.
Honestly the best solution here, if the PMBR wants to do anything at all about it, is to just make a second Ganon, so current players can be happy with their "Ganondorf" and people who want one more like him can have one too.

Hungry Headcrab

Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2013
Except it could, but okay.
Honestly the best solution here, if the PMBR wants to do anything at all about it, is to just make a second Ganon, so current players can be happy with their "Ganondorf" and people who want one more like him can have one too.

You don't want Pichu, but you want two Ganondorfs? Don't get me wrong, I love Ganondorf. He's my spirit animal. A second Ganondorf just seems like an incredible waste of time.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
This is my "problem" with Pichu taking a spot. It goes beyond whether we "have 7 Pokemon reps" already or not. In the end that really doesn't matter that much, you guys saying that are right. But what does matter is if the character is interesting, and Pichu just isn't. Again, I don't hate him, but there are so many promising and great options out there...including for a joke character that isn't just a weak Pikachu. If Pichu makes it in at all, it should be as a Pikachu skin. It really is a total waste if he takes a valuable spot that could go to an idea that would better diversify the roster.
I agree with most of what you said, but if Pichu wasn't interesting, he wouldn't even be a voting option. Just saying.


Smash Rookie
Nov 14, 2013
Except it could, but okay.
Honestly the best solution here, if the PMBR wants to do anything at all about it, is to just make a second Ganon, so current players can be happy with their "Ganondorf" and people who want one more like him can have one too.
I would actually support this too. I think a "Toon Ganondorf" (Wind Waker Ganondorf) that is a sword user could work as its own character if giving the existing moveset to Black Shadow and making Ganondorf completely his own thing is unacceptable.


Smash Rookie
Nov 14, 2013
I agree with most of what you said, but if Pichu wasn't interesting, he wouldn't even be a voting option. Just saying.
I don't agree with that. Anything in this topic is a voting option if someone brings it up and gets enough support. The attention being thrown on Pichu is not because he is interesting or uninteresting anyways, it's because he was in Melee.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
You don't want Pichu, but you want two Ganondorfs? Don't get me wrong, I love Ganondorf. He's my spirit animal. A second Ganondorf just seems like an incredible waste of time.
No, I don't. Don't misconstrue this debate for me actually wanting any of this to happen. My most recent votes say absolutely nothing about Ganondorf. I don't really care if Ganon gets modified, at least not in P:M. I'm just saying, hypothetically, were any of this to actually happen, that solution would probably please the most people...

Actually I guess I lied, I kinda wouldn't mind seeing Toon Ganon; I think his playstyle could be very interesting. :p

Hungry Headcrab

Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2013
I would actually support this too. I think a "Toon Ganondorf" (Wind Waker Ganondorf) that is a sword user could work as its own character if giving the existing moveset to Black Shadow and making Ganondorf completely his own thing is unacceptable.

A second Ganondorf seems pretty pointless, given our other options. At least Pichu isn't Pikachu, strictly speaking.

That said, Toon Dorf would be neat. Pretty low on my list of guys I want though, we already have one Ganondorf after all.

Edit: Fair enough Hero_42. My bad.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Except it could, but okay.
Honestly the best solution here, if the PMBR wants to do anything at all about it, is to just make a second Ganon, so current players can be happy with their "Ganondorf" and people who want one more like him can have one too.
What character base would you use to get that painfully slow excuse for a projectile everyone is begging for?
That wasn't the only form of magic people wanted. Some people wanted some lightning ****, I don't remember.
In order to get the results everyone would want, they'd need to clone off of multiple characters, which ISN'T possible.
If the win-win situation is 2 Ganondorf's then there are obviously some better options out there.


Smash Rookie
Nov 14, 2013
A second Ganondorf seems pretty pointless, given our other options. At least Pichu isn't Pikachu, strictly speaking.

That said, Toon Dorf would be neat. Pretty low on my list of guys I want though, we already have one Ganondorf after all.
I agree, I rather not have two Ganondorfs. That is why I prefer the Black Shadow/Ganondorf new moves option. But if enough people are against that then I would be okay with Toon Dorf being a separate character since it is at least a new moveset. Pichu pretty much is just Pikachu, but weaker. He's literally baby Pikachu. If Pichu had a different moveset from Pikachu it would be a bit of a different story, but like I said in my big post...if they did that then they may as well just use a different character.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
There should be two identical Ganondorfs on the roster just one holding a sword. It'll be like those two wolverines in MvC2. (Lol)


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
What character base would you use to get that painfully slow excuse for a projectile everyone is begging for?
That wasn't the only form of magic people wanted. Some people wanted some lightning ****, I don't remember.
In order to get the results everyone would want, they'd need to clone off of multiple characters, which ISN'T possible.
If the win-win situation is 2 Ganondorf's then there are obviously some better options out there.
P:M Lucario has the exact attack you're talking about. You realize that, right? His more powerful Aura Sphere?
Either way, articles can be modified, and they could clone Ness or Lucas to get multiple magic abilities.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
A slow moving powerful character with a sword=???
Ike exists.

A slowly moving heavy character that uses magic=???
Bowser, Lucario, and Charizard (I guess).

Maybe Mewtwo as well (I don't know Mewtwo's new weight, but he's clearly not in the middle of the pack like in Melee).

Hungry Headcrab

Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2013
We don't need a second Ganon. We don't need to scrap our current Ganon.

Toon Dorf would be fine, but there are new, better, more exciting options for the clone engine. Five brand new characters are on the table, and everybody is obsessed with changing a moveset that's twelve years old.

Whatever, I don't want to argue this again. Let's talk about more exciting things.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
I'm not gonna lie, Tetra + Toon Ganondorf being added would be siiiiiick.

Tetra because I love the character, Toon Ganondorf because I think he'd be a blast to play. I dunno, I never really got into pit and he doesn't feel like a dual wielding character. I'd love to see what they'd do with Toon Ganondorf. I'm imagining long-range, sweeping aerials where one sword comes out, then the other comes out a little later (kind of like Ivy's back air!)

It seems like it'd be a really flowing play-style.

As for Tetra based off Toon Link, I like that! As long as she doesn't feel like another Link, that's cool. I love TL's bair and fair so it'd be cool if Tetra kept that, but I'd go as far as to say that every other A-attack should be changed in some way. Maybe her uair/nair/dair become more like Marth's, her tilts become like Sheik's wild leg-tilts (but with a cutlass), and her smash attacks are her own kind of thing?

That'd be a pretty fun amalgamation of sword-fighters, haha.

Tofer Dallah

Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2012
Ok, I just got back from a screening of Catching Fire (better than the first btw) and definitely didn't expect my Pichu post to generate such response. I read all of the replies and rather than replying to specific people I will reply to the general points that were raised.

First off, I don't hate Pichu at all. Just because I don't want him taking one of the 5 remaining spots does not mean I hate the character. There is a middle ground between love and hate. I just think there are way better choices than Pichu, I don't inherently dislike him.

We already aren't getting every single part of Melee's roster back as Dr. Mario is merely a skin for Mario and Young Link does not exist (unless you consider Toon Link to be him...which he isn't). If they want to bring Pichu back in a similar way to Dr. Mario, as a skin for Pikachu, I am all for that. I know alternate skins will not be alternate characters, but technically Pichu is Pikachu's baby form anyways...so I'm pretty sure it could slide through as a loophole. If people are fine with the Dr. Mario costume then I don't see why this should be a problem.

In terms of some people wanting Pichu in as a joke character...I completely understand that. Joke characters are funny and it's fun to try to win with a character not considered to be innately good. The thing is, if they want to do a joke character I think there are better options than Pichu. Some people have been suggesting Pokemon Trainer/Red and I actually think he could be a pretty great joke character if they really want to make a joke character from the Pokemon Universe. Not to mention some of the work is already done for them there with his model, announcer call, css assets, etc. And if they want a joke character and don't need him to be from Pokemon...there are so many other options from Nintendo franchises available.

Another big thing I see people reply with is that the PMBR would, or could, make Pichu better to make him not so bad. This kind of goes against the fundamental principle people like about him though (that he's a joke, and thus fun to win with as an underdog character). He already has Pikachu's moves, making him better would make him even harder to differentiate from Pikachu. They could give him different moves, as electric pokemon can do a lot more than what Pikachu/Pichu have demonstrated...but then he isn't even the same character from a gameplay standpoint. Once you start doing that you may as well just use a different electric pokemon (at least) as that character is no longer Pichu.

Earlier in the thread I was having a conversation with someone about the Black Shadow/Ganondorf thing being bad because even though the moveset would stay the same (on Black Shadow), it would no longer be Ganondorf. Ganondorf would have a new moveset, and that wouldn't be right for the Melee vets who mained him. Well, this seems to be the opposite argument as this Pichu one...and you really can't have it both ways. Either a character who changes their moveset is a different character or they aren't.

For the people who want Pichu in just because he was in Melee, changing him like this would fundamentally make him not Pichu...and that would make doing it because he was in Melee completely pointless. At that point a different character is a better option. So, with that in mind, if Pichu came back due to his spot on the roster in Melee...it really only makes sense for him to come back as an underpowered joke just like he was then. But, if he does come back as that then he is just a not-as-good Pikachu taking up a spot that a more creative idea could occupy.

This is my "problem" with Pichu taking a spot. It goes beyond whether we "have 7 Pokemon reps" already or not. In the end that really doesn't matter that much, you guys saying that are right. But what does matter is if the character is interesting, and Pichu just isn't. Again, I don't hate him, but there are so many promising and great options out there...including for a joke character that isn't just a weak Pikachu. If Pichu makes it in at all, it should be as a Pikachu skin. It really is a total waste if he takes a valuable spot that could go to an idea that would better diversify the roster.

I understand your argument but I have something to say:

First: Why change Pichu that much to make him good ? Roy is a good example, he have been luigified. He keep all his good nostalgic move and seem to play the same way. Pichu can be luigified too !

Pichu can stay a joke / hard character and still be a potent and fun fighter to use !

And about YL and Doc. they all many of their move/style on TL and Mario. Pichu have nothing. Pikachu is different and learn nothing from Pichu in Melee ! And: The blue costum is invalid argument and don't say Pichu have any good move, it not true. ><

And I would appreciate Pichu as a alt costume, but it not possible I think...

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
I don't agree with that. Anything in this topic is a voting option if someone brings it up and gets enough support. The attention being thrown on Pichu is not because he is interesting or uninteresting anyways, it's because he was in Melee.
Obviously, if there have been pages upon pages of discussion regarding Pichu, it's PRETTY damn easy to see that some people are interested.
It seems that your main beef with Pichu is that he would be boring, in your opinion. Key Words: IN YOUR OPINION. I guess that isn't a big deal, since 95% of speculation is subjective any way. The fact remains that Pichu has been around for a while, and as such, he's garnered a considerably large fan base. You say that if Pichu were buffed, people wouldn't like him. That's pretty counter-intuitive to me. I'm certain most Pichu mains would be welcome to any buffs they can get.

Tofer Dallah

Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2012
(Sorry for double post Edit don't work...)

I don't want to continue this debate too, I just wanted to answer this post, now if he want to continue, maybe we should make a new topic about... Pichu ? o:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
The Clone Engine is also a medium that can't produce the types of magic people are proposing for this character. Even if it could, as it's been mentioned HUNDREDS of times through out this thread, the idea has the potential to harm current players. I guess a stance change could too, but too a much smaller degree. I'm not advocating for either idea. I'm just saying a stance change (IF IT HAPPENED) would be a more preferable situation than that other crap.
I feel like I've said this about a million times, but couldn't they just clone Lucario and move over Ganon sans neutral B? They seem to be capable of taking animation from characters other than the base, as evidenced by Roy, so all of Ganon's animations could potentially be ported to New Ganon. You could then overwrite the old Ganon with a clone engine character.
Am I just crazy or something?

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
P:M Lucario has the exact attack you're talking about. You realize that, right? His more powerful Aura Sphere?
Either way, articles can be modified, and they could clone Ness or Lucas to get multiple magic abilities.
I do realize this. The main point I was getting at was that a lot of ideas people had for his new moveset were EXTREMELY unrealistic (I.E. his projectile acting like it does in his boss battles). I didn't word it very well. You do realize that articles can really only be modified aesthetically and statistically, right? Any new behavior for projectiles is not possible, which is why Ness/Lucas or Lucario wouldn't cut it for a lot of people.


Smash Rookie
Nov 14, 2013
I understand your argument but I have something to say:

First: Why change Pichu that much to make him good ? Roy is a good example, he have been luigified. He keep all his good nostalgic move and seem to play the same way. Pichu can be luigified too !

Pichu can stay a joke / hard character and still be a potent and fun fighter to use !

And about YL and Doc. they all many of their move/style on TL and Mario. Pichu have nothing. Pikachu is different and learn nothing from Pichu in Melee ! And: The blue costum is invalid argument and don't say Pichu have any good move, it not true. ><

And I would appreciate Pichu as a alt costume, but it not possible I think...
Why wouldn't Pichu be possible as an alt costume? If Doc can happen then he can too. The only thing "preventing" it is the PMBR implemented rule of no alternate characters as alternate costumes. But really, like I said before, Pichu IS Pikachu. He's baby Pikachu. So he could technically still be considered for an alt costume, even under that rule.

I'm not saying Pichu can't be Luigified either. I am just saying we already have a few instances of that, I don't think we need that sort of situation with so many people on the roster.

Obviously, if there have been pages upon pages of discussion regarding Pichu, it's PRETTY damn easy to see that some people are interested.
It seems that your main beef with Pichu is that he would be boring, in your opinion. Key Words: IN YOUR OPINION. I guess that isn't a big deal, since 95% of speculation is subjective any way. The fact remains that Pichu has been around for a while, and as such, he's garnered a considerably large fan base. You say that if Pichu were buffed, people wouldn't like him. That's pretty counter-intuitive to me. I'm certain most Pichu mains would be welcome to any buffs they can get.
I'm not really sure Pichu has a "considerably large fan base" rather than a vocal minority. It's hard to prove one way or the other, I suppose, but I haven't really seen as much Pichu love (in regards to Smash) my whole life until this topic.

I don't mean to say or imply that people wouldn't like Pichu if he was buffed. I just think that with Pikachu already on the roster a buff Pichu is even more redundant than the current version of Pichu in Melee.

Yeah, all of this stuff is my opinion. Any post anyone makes on a forum is their opinion. I happen to think (and not wrongfully so, I believe) that most people would take a different character filling Pichu's spot in Melee if they had the option.
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