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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
I can't think of any meaningful way to contribute to the argument, but for me this is just infuriating to read.

I will never understand how people take such joy out of being ***holes.


Gibdo Knight
Jan 16, 2013
I can't even share my opinions without people thinking I'm trying to start up ****.
Your post started with "Getting real dull around here..." and ended in "/flameshield", of course they think you're trying to start up something.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Your post started with "Getting real dull around here..." and ended in "/flameshield", of course they think you're trying to start up something.
That's because I really didn't want to be subjected to an attack for having my opinion.

I was confronted though and now I feel like I have to defend it!

Saito, your wisdom is wasted on these fools.
Thank you my good man.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
Fixed that for ya.
*In Shao Kahn's voice* WELL DONE....

I think his statement about Sukapon and Krystal is harsh yet holds some truth. Even though sukapon has played a much larger role in the Big N than Krystal ever has or will, at face value i would assume most players would prefer to play Krystal. I come to that conclusion because Krystal seems to have more personality and is already a part of an ongoing series that most people who know Nintendo are aware of. It is true that sukapon may have a more creative and unique play style unlike Krystal who would find her play style being somewhere in the realm of zss pit and spacies merged together. It's also true that sukapon would be easier to create and less time consuming overall. At the end of the day however adding sukapon over Krystal seems like a bad move. Krystal's appearance, personality and similar enough play style to pre-existing characters make her a better choice (in my unpopular opinion) than sukapon. That isn't to say that sukapon isn't a viable option but looking at the current cast of characters and just trying to imagine the inclusion of sukapon vs the inclusion of krystal with the rest of the cast makes sukapon seem almost third party.

It's good that a lot of thought is going into which characters you all would like to see and why but sometimes you just have to take a step back and at the most general level you can, ask if that character would really fit in with the current cast.

That being said, I'm almost starting to wonder about my own opinion on the inclusion of isaac....He's certainly viable by all means but....there's just something....
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
That's because I really didn't want to be subjected to an attack for having my opinion.

I was confronted though and now I feel like I have to defend it!
Please. You've obviously goaded people into confronting you.

You aren't being attacked for having an opinion, but rather for being obnoxious. It's because of the way you're conducting yourself that this is a battle, or whatever you want to call it, rather than a discussion.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
Yeah but you forgot one vital thing.

>Thinking I'm trolling.
>Not thinking this is all my honest opinions.

I can't even share my opinions without people thinking I'm trying to start up ****.
Accept the fact that the character choices I have are solid and the points I've pointed out against Issac are valid. Ridley isn't even on my thought bubble because Sakurai or the PMBR wouldn't be dumb enough to choose him either.
Are you ****ting me?
You said in your initial post that you knew that your opinion would start flames, and implied you didn't want that. People respected that and then you went "aww, more people aren't responding to my provoke"

You're being a bratty little child who whines about how they don't want to talk about something, so when people don't you go "HEY LISTEN TO ME!"

If you aren't trolling, you're being a grade A brat.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
Please. You've obviously goaded people into confronting you.

You aren't being attacked for having an opinion, but rather for being obnoxious. It's because of the way you're conducting yourself that this is a battle, or whatever you want to call it, rather than a discussion.
I think you are the ones who want to make this a battle. He just politely stated his opinion and you guys just jump on him like he's new prey for the hunters.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Please. You've obviously goaded people into confronting you.

You aren't being attacked for having an opinion, but rather for being obnoxious. It's because of the way you're conducting yourself that this is a battle, or whatever you want to call it, rather than a discussion.
Call it what you want. I know an attack when I see one.

Like this one.
Are you ****ting me?
You said in your initial post that you knew that your opinion would start flames, and implied you didn't want that. People respected that and then you went "aww, more people aren't responding to my provoke"

You're being a bratty little child who whines about how they don't want to talk about something, so when people don't you go "HEY LISTEN TO ME!"

If you aren't trolling, you're being a grade A brat.
There has been only one attempt to counter the arguments I've presented.

How about you guys try doing that instead.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
Nobody has argued with you because you aren't worth anyones time.
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
I think you are the ones who want to make this a battle. He just politely stated his opinion and you guys just jump on him like he's new prey for the hunters.
Call it what you want. I know an attack when I see one.
There has been only one attempt to counter the arguments I've presented.

How about you guys try doing that instead.
Cool. Whatever, guys. I'll leave you to your fun, and just extract myself from this before it ruins my mood for the rest of the day.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
Then don't go about it that way?
Logic right!?
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Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
@ Saito Saito

Any argument we have with you has little to no bearing on the popularity of the popular choices or the backroom's final picks.

It's why this thread has been 'a little dull lately' because further discussing at this point is going in circles.

Also people reserve the right to roll their eyes and ignore your flame bait. It's what I did for pretty much every poster starting what, 50 pages ago? I don't know how long I've been around this thread.


Gibdo Knight
Jan 16, 2013
That's because I really didn't want to be subjected to an attack for having my opinion.

I was confronted though and now I feel like I have to defend it!
there's also this part
Issac is literally the 2edge4u cloud style character from Nintendo. He didn't work out so they ended up getting a new one in shulk, who is just as bad of a choice for smash as Issac. Even Ridley has better potential despite having ****ty potential as well. It's like every bad character choice just happened to be the top choices in this thread.
which isn't arguments, and includes calling other's opinions bad.

On top of that some of your actually usable arguments was somewhat contradicting calling him both too complex and a generic swordman.
I think you are the ones who want to make this a battle. He just politely stated his opinion and you guys just jump on him like he's new prey for the hunters.
One of his posts was
None of you accept the call to battle?

he obviously wants a battle. Until then none had argued with him, most likely because all his point is build on opinions that not everyone agrees with and therefor saw no reason to argue with.


Smash Lord
Nov 27, 2013
there's also this part
which isn't arguments, and includes calling other's opinions bad.

On top of that some of your actually usable arguments was somewhat contradicting calling him both too complex and a generic swordman.
One of his posts washe obviously wants a battle. Until then none had argued with him, most likely because all his point is build on opinions that not everyone agrees with and therefor saw no reason to argue with.


Smash Rookie
Apr 1, 2014
Here are my votes:
+Metal Mario: You know you want it, I know I want it, so let's have it
+Garchomp: Need I say more?
+Kraid: Because Ridley is too big, and we don't need any more duplicate characters like Dark Samus
+Raichu: Because Pichu is stupid. Everyone loves Raichu.
+Navi: Look at all the moveset potential

Ray: Cool ass name

-Isaac: What Saito said
-Pichu: Too many Pokemon reps
-Black Shadow: Too many F-Zero reps
-Ridley and Dark Samus: See Kraid


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
I think his statement about Sukapon and Krystal is harsh yet holds some truth. Even though sukapon has played a much larger role in the Big N than Krystal ever has or will, at face value i would assume most players would prefer to play Krystal. I come to that conclusion because Krystal seems to have more personality and is already a part of an ongoing series that most people who know Nintendo are aware of.

It is true that sukapon may have a more creative and unique play style unlike Krystal who would find her play style being somewhere in the realm of zss pit and spacies merged together. It's also true that sukapon would be easier to create and less time consuming overall. At the end of the day however adding sukapon over Krystal seems like a bad move. Krystal's appearance, personality and similar enough play style to pre-existing characters make her a better choice (in my unpopular opinion) than sukapon.

That isn't to say that sukapon isn't a viable option but looking at the current cast of characters and just trying to imagine the inclusion of sukapon vs the inclusion of krystal with the rest of the cast makes sukapon seem almost third party.
Krystal has far more negative stigma than you would think. I'm sure there are people who would rather have the formation of pink playable than the "furbait" that is krystal.

Krystal also would not play anywhere like you think since there is a high chance that the PMBR would take the time to make her a staff weapon along with fighting style to better match her. She's better off as her own thing instead of another spacie anyway.

Sukapon does look strange I can agree to that but the option still ends up having just as much potential as Krystal.

However, one character is unknown and may cause raised eyebrows.
The other may cause an outrage at her addition.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Yeah but you forgot one vital thing.

Those characters were good.

Try again.
Opinion. Try again.

You see though, these are well formed arguments of why he is a bad character. I mean you brought up a counter-argument but it was bad nonetheless.
There is nothing good about the argument you have posed, because it is not an argument. It is an opinion. Which you are full of. You've gone and wasted what respect you've built by poorly formed opinions you claim as a legitimate argument. And you keep avoiding MY point. You jump everyone's case for having literally the same type of opinion about Pichu that you do about Isaac. It is extremely contradicting. The fact is that even if you have a very well constructed vocabulary, your thought process is poor and self-contradicting.

If someone so much as even poses the thought of disliking Pichu, you go off into a tangent on why people should give him a chance. But here you are talking **** about a character based off appearance and limited knowledge. You are shutting down the opinion of an entire fanbase, limiting the argument to "becuz he is anime" and passing it off as if it is a realistic argument. That is your preference, not the majorities.

Comparing me to him is an insult, and I take heavy offense to that as well.
I don't really care what you take offensive, because you didn't consider a realistic majority of others opinions and feelings with your attempt to talk down about a character that is nothing like you have described him to be. You are not the victim here. Stop pretending to be one.

Oh, so now you're saying that my point of view about krystal deserving a spot isn't worth being taken seriously? A character from a series that is already represented in smash is far more deserving than some pink abomination fighter. (Not kirby tho, he's kool)

Besides, Star fox may be dead but he is also one of the most important series in Nintendo's history. Giving them another unique character is far better than Generic Issac.
Krystal isn't an important part of Nintendo's history. Nor is Sukapon. The fact you brought them up in comparison shows me you have absolutely no grasp of the argument you are trying to defend. Sukapon does offer some things Krystal does not. A history in a fighting game, a realistic first attempt in the fighter franchise from Nintendo, an untouched franchise, a considerable amount of voter interest. Star Fox already has the characters that best represent the series as playable characters. Either way, Sukapon is a Japan-only titled character. Of course he isn't going to leave as much of an impact if nobody even knew he existed. Pretty sure the same could be said about Fire Emblem, Earthbound, and a few stray titles.

To your 2nd point, So was Ice Climber, Kid Icarus, R.O.B., and Punch-Out!!. What makes you think generic mountain climbers, generic angel boy, generic toy robot and a super generic boxer is anymore unique than a generic sword mage? Golden Sun has a good history in Nintendo's archives. One inferior title is not going to seal the fate of that series.

Lastly, your insults towards the aesthetics of these characters only hurt your argument more. Give a realistic reason why they are undeserving and I'll take you seriously. That is, given you even care. But know I have no personal beef with you. I'm just not going to let you be a hypocrite and pull the same **** Anti-Pichu groups did and get away with it.

Seven Tools of the bandit.
Solemn warning.
That is why I pop them with MST or counter with Dark Bribe before Royal Decree'ing your sorry ass. Or I could always go with the Skill Drain deck option. Although you likely have no skill worth draining to begin with.

>Thinking I'm trolling.
>Not thinking this is all my honest opinions.

I can't even share my opinions without people thinking I'm trying to start up ****.
That is because you are starting ****. Generic anime character is not a realistic point. If that were true, Pokemon and Fire Emblem would not be here. If Golden Sun didn't have an impact on the history of Nintendo in some form, Isaac wouldn't be an assist trophy.

Accept the fact that the character choices I have are solid and the points I've pointed out against Issac are valid. Ridley isn't even on my thought bubble because Sakurai or the PMBR wouldn't be dumb enough to choose him either.
I can't accept a point that does not exist.


I can't even share my opinions--
Accept the fact that the character choices I have are solid and the points--
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Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Opinion. Try again.

There is nothing good about the argument you have posed, because it is not an argument. It is an opinion. Which you are full of. You've gone and wasted what respect you've built by poorly formed opinions you claim as a legitimate argument. And you keep avoiding MY point. You jump everyone's case for having literally the same type of opinion about Pichu that you do about Isaac. It is extremely contradicting. The fact is that even if you have a very well constructed vocabulary, your thought process is poor and self-contradicting.

If someone so much as even poses the thought of disliking Pichu, you go off into a tangent on why people should give him a chance. But here you are talking **** about a character based off appearance and limited knowledge. You are shutting down the opinion of an entire fanbase, limiting the argument to "becuz he is anime" and passing it off as if it is a realistic argument. That is your preference, not the majorities.

I don't really care what you take offensive, because you didn't consider a realistic majority of others opinions and feelings with your attempt to talk down about a character that is nothing like you have described him to be. You are not the victim here. Stop pretending to be one.

Krystal isn't an important part of Nintendo's history. Nor is Sukapon. The fact you brought them up in comparison shows me you have absolutely no grasp of the argument you are trying to defend. Sukapon does offer some things Krystal does not. A history in a fighting game, a realistic first attempt in the fighter franchise from Nintendo, an untouched franchise, a considerable amount of voter interest. Star Fox already has the characters that best represent the series as playable characters. Either way, Sukapon is a Japan-only titled character. Of course he isn't going to leave as much of an impact if nobody even knew he existed. Pretty sure the same could be said about Fire Emblem, Earthbound, and a few stray titles.

To your 2nd point, So was Ice Climber, Kid Icarus, R.O.B., and Punch-Out!!. What makes you think generic mountain climbers, generic angel boy, generic toy robot and a super generic boxer is anymore unique than a generic sword mage? Golden Sun has a good history in Nintendo's archives. One inferior title is not going to seal the fate of that series.

Lastly, your insults towards the aesthetics of these characters only hurt your argument more. Give a realistic reason why they are undeserving and I'll take you seriously. That is, given you even care. But know I have no personal beef with you. I'm just not going to let you be a hypocrite and pull the same **** Anti-Pichu groups did and get away with it.

That is why I pop them with MST or counter with Dark Bribe before Royal Decree'ing your sorry ***. Or I could always go with the Skill Drain deck option. Although you likely have no skill worth draining to begin with.

That is because you are starting ****. Generic anime character is not a realistic point. If that were true, Pokemon and Fire Emblem would not be here. If Golden Sun didn't have an impact on the history of Nintendo in some form, Isaac wouldn't be an assist trophy.

I can't accept a point that does not exist.

Ouch. So mean.:urg:


How long did you take to type that all out?

That is why I pop them with MST or counter with Dark Bribe before Royal Decree'ing your sorry ***. Or I could always go with the Skill Drain deck option. Although you likely have no skill worth draining to begin with.
Oh, now that I actually take offense to.
I may not like where Yu-gi-Oh has gone right now but I still trust in my ability to play the game at a proficient level.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Ouch. So mean.:urg:
I'm just being realistic.


How long did you take to type that all out?
About an hour, between doing things in my life that actually matter. It was a rough battle between eating, filling out apps, and typing a painful response.

Oh, now that I actually take offense to.
I may not like where Yu-gi-Oh has gone right now but I still trust in my ability to play the game at a proficient level.
I apologize. I can somewhat agree. But looking back on it, Yu-gi-oh was rather bland at its roots. A lot of the new things are just allowing room for creativity. It is just that the majority like to be Meta Knights.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
About an hour, between doing things in my life that actually matter. It was a rough battle between eating, filling out apps, and typing a painful response.
Well friend I'd hate to break it to you but there is one real fatal thing with this whole scenario.

My picks were already posted. You're free to go look at them again.
You never checked your facts.

I apologize. I can somewhat agree. But looking back on it, Yu-gi-oh was rather bland at its roots. A lot of the new things are just allowing room for creativity. It is just that the majority like to be Meta Knights.
Hmm, I don't think I like the direction XYZ monsters took it.
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