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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Cadet
Mar 13, 2014
I think what peoples didn't take in considerations for the votes is that's a Clone Engine Characters Thread! The Project M should inclused clones in majority, for not doing too hard work... For me the Characters should be....

+Winner of the Poll
+Unrepresented Series
+Interesting Character
-Couldn't be a clone
-Maybe in Smash 4

+Very Popular
+Unrepresented Series
+Probably not in Smash 4 (MegaMan)
-Shouldn't be a clone

+Popular Female Character
+Main Character in DKcountry 3
+Moveset inspired by Diddy Kong
+Better addition than King K. Roll, who is not more a Nintendo Character...
-Maybe in Smash 4

+5th place of the poll (Popular)
+Metroid needs new Characters!
+Not in Smash 4
+Better addition than Ridley (No size problem, No Ridley vs. Ridley in Adventure Mode, Female Character)
+Could be a Faster Version of Samus
-Ridley is more Popular...

+4th place of the poll (Popular)
+BS could have all Ganondorf moves (except Final Smash)
+A new F-Zero Character could be cool!
+Not much chance to appear in Smash 4
-Ganondorf have to be remade (hard and long work)

What do you think about my choices?


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
@ S SmashBrosPM Your grammar could use some refining. Anyway i like the first three of your choices. Dark Samus i just personally can't see making it in but i usually have the unpopular opinion. Black Shadow/Ganondorf without a sword is already very risky of a move. Even though Ganon isn't canon to his series, the people who have come to appreciate the smash iteration of ganon would be upset if their main were suddenly changed and they were forced to be this black shadow fellow. I'll admit that Ganon doesn't have the moveset he probably deserves, but for right now he is the ganon that smashers need/love. Plus Ganon overall has a lot more personality than black shadow. Again this is just stating ganon without a sword. If your talking about trying to give him a new sword based moveset then your best bet is to join forces with the users over here.

Cool Blue

Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2014
Next to a beach I never go to
I think what peoples didn't take in considerations for the votes is that's a Clone Engine Characters Thread! The Project M should inclused clones in majority, for not doing too hard work... For me the Characters should be....

+Winner of the Poll
+Unrepresented Series
+Interesting Character
-Couldn't be a clone
-Maybe in Smash 4

+Very Popular
+Unrepresented Series
+Probably not in Smash 4 (MegaMan)
-Shouldn't be a clone

+Popular Female Character
+Main Character in DKcountry 3
+Moveset inspired by Diddy Kong
+Better addition than King K. Roll, who is not more a Nintendo Character...
-Maybe in Smash 4

+5th place of the poll (Popular)
+Metroid needs new Characters!
+Not in Smash 4
+Better addition than Ridley (No size problem, No Ridley vs. Ridley in Adventure Mode, Female Character)
+Could be a Faster Version of Samus
-Ridley is more Popular...

+4th place of the poll (Popular)
+BS could have all Ganondorf moves (except Final Smash)
+A new F-Zero Character could be cool!
+Not much chance to appear in Smash 4
-Ganondorf have to be remade (hard and long work)

What do you think about my choices?
I agree with you on all of your points except for Black Shadow/Ganondorf.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
@ Solbliminal Solbliminal :

Have you created a Ray MK-III moveset?
It is not finished, but I've been working on one.

I actually played Custom Robo. One of the very many obscure Nintendo titles I actually enjoyed. The game is pretty solid even if the gameplay "looks" hectic. I actually recommend it. But if you guys are hand held gamers, Custom Robo Arena for the DS is your best bet.

As for a moveset, I've been planning it out and going through YouTube videos to refresh my memory about the game. I've been doing my best to work out ideas that would fit in a P:M setting without overlapping the requirements of being a clone. My biggest issue at the moment is that I yet again am without internet because I had to move back to Ohio, so I back to using my phone to type out replies. I'm getting internet sometime today, so I should be able go go more in depth with Ray's moveset.

For now though I have a bit of insight on the character that can help this discussion. The character Ray (any version) has one trait in common with characters like Mega Man and Samus. He has an extremely wide array of weapons with barely any physical attacks to draw inspiration from. While Samus gained physical moves based on her training with the Chozo and other forms of training (insert ChronoBound's previous Metroid discussions here), and Mega Man has modified variations of his copied abilities over the years, the only real physical combat that could be applied to Ray is based on his initial GameCube game appearance. (In case of spoilers, this next part I'll collapse.)
Ray's eventual owner in the GameCube Custom Robo, becomes a bounty hunter to pay his dues on an apartment he lives in, and at the end of the game he becomes part of a Custom Robo "Police Force". To me, this means that Ray himself might play with some limited Military and Police Academy training knowledge. Spoilers end here.
Another physical attack inspiration is a few weapons you obtain in the games that must be used at point blank. I do believe one of them was a stun gun of the sorts. Could be used similarly to ZSS's Side Smash, only horizontal / diagonal tilts on smash like Mario's Side Smash.

I do also believe the MKIII variant (and maybe more since I'm going off memory ) have a jet mode transformation. If cloned from Samus, the morphball model can be replaced with his jet mode as a Side B or glide function similar to Pit, Meta, and Charizard. This also brings up a concept for his Up-B recovery. Basically the concept is that he burst jumps upward a certain short distance upwards, then from the position he is at after the initial burst jump you have 4 options:
- Jet burst a short distance backwards.
- Jet burst a short distance forwards.
- Fast fall by pressing down.
- Cancel out of one of the above options with an A-Button air attack. Even the initial Up-B without a following input.

This concept is similar to that of Rob's Up and Air Side B moves.

One last idea I had was brought up earlier, a playstyle similar to that of Mega Man. And no I'm not suggesting he should be P:M's replacement Mega Man or anything of the sorts. But there is one interesting aspect of Mega Man that fits snug within the concept of Ray's playstyle. Mega Man's jabstring is his buster shots, and a lot of his smashes / A button attacks are various modified projectile moves. Since Custom Robo is a very weapon oriented game to the same extent as that of Mega Man, this concept translates nearly seamless for a Ray playstyle. If this concept has balancing issues, than I can understand not using it or limiting it in some manner.

This is all I've got for now, so feel free to discuss it and give feedback. I'll be getting my internet soon enough, so maybe I'll try sketching out the moveset concept similarly to how the Lyn one from the op was made. Hope you guys enjoyed this post.
I've got a lot going on, hence why there has been lack of updates with the moveset visuals. The moveset is by no means complete. You would already be seeing a moveset sheet if I did that. But I do have move concepts written out. Here are a few:

-Claw/Grapple Gun: Functions as a grab similar to that of Link or Samus.

-Drill Gun: A multi-hitting move that functions similar to a one-path PK Thunder. So obviously a lot of continuous hitstun based on charge duration.

-Gravity Gun: A small hitbox range black hole that appears on screen a set distance based on length of charge. Think Dormammu from UMvC 3.

-Stun Gun: Planned to use as grab pummel.

-Charge: Dashing A attack obviously.

-Standard Bomb: Was planned for Side-Smash, may re-map. Travels a 45 degree angle for a set distance and drops straight down after reaching maximum height/distance. Has KB based on charge.

-Standard 3-Shot Gun: Set as a jab string with very little hitstun. It is a trade off for his mobility and being able to use it during air dashes. L-Cancelable.

-Blade Gun: Converted to a melee blade for his B-Air. A good move for air juggles.

-Knuckle Gun: Set for either his forward or up tilt to pop the opponent into the air.

-Air Dashes: A main function for Ray as part of his air game. Backwards dashes can be utilized to combo with B-Air, U-Air, and D-Air, while Forward dashes can utilize spacing and F-Air.

The focus is to make his specials set-ups for his kill shots via: Bombs or other high KB moves. I'm still researching what would make a decent pod for his game style. The guns are part of his damage game

Nothing new to those who have already seen my Ray stuff, but for those who have not...
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Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
It is not finished, but I've been working on one.
Other than that you´ve got a worthy vision; however, I wish there were more.
I never played any of Ray´s games.
Since Ray is a machine, and he can fly, it would be a reasonable thing to give him the mobility options of R.O.B. and the gliding characters IMO. I´d say to give him one of the longer wavedashes also.

I´m going to be the devil´s advocate for a moment. Ray would have great mobility and great projectiles, as projected by your description. My imagination agrees with this. The difficult thing would be balancing his projectile game and mobility; we probably couldn´t have too much of both, right? Maybe it´s not important, but I don´t like to imagine him having the aerial-horizontal speed of Wario and lazers and projectiles that can control the stage as well as Samus, Snake, Falco. Let´s see his strengths as well his weaknesses.

Again, I enjoyed the post dude. I just wish there was more.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
+4th place of the poll (Popular)
+BS could have all Ganondorf moves (except Final Smash)
+A new F-Zero Character could be cool!
+Not much chance to appear in Smash 4
-Ganondorf have to be remade (hard and long work)
I don't know why everyone thinks Ganondorf needs to be remade to that he can use a sword, honestly I see people I play PM with use Ganondorf every day and he's already quite beastly, he seems faster than he was in Brawl, and he's just as powerful. His moves are powerful and cruel, yeah a lot of them are similar to C. Falcon's, but the two cannot be played the same and all due to the fact they are two polar opposite ends of the speed spectrum.

All I can see being accomplished by giving Ganondorf his sword is basically doubling his range, and frankly Ganondorf is already quite huge and has a decent range, he does not need any more. Frankly between Ganondorf and Bowser I think PM has the Mighty Glacier role pretty much filled pretty well, I don't think we really need Black Shadow or Black Knight (FE) for that matter, cause I only see them as being another slow and defense heavy character with powerful attacks, and we already got a few of those.
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Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
All I can see being accomplished by giving Ganondorf his sword is basically doubling his range, and frankly Ganondorf is already quite huge and has a decent range, he does not need any more. Frankly between Ganondorf and Bowser I think PM has the Mighty Glacier role pretty much filled pretty well, I don't think we really need Black Shadow or Black Knight (FE) for that matter, cause I only see them as being another slow and defense heavy character with powerful attacks, and we already got a few of those.
This EXACTLY. Boozer and Gonandarf already have enough problems because they are slow and defense heavy in a game that favors quick low commitment offense. Adding another character who plays that role would just cause unnecessary balancing worries. Honestly even adding an extremely light and floaty character still would cause some issues, just look at puff who isn't nearly as good as she was before. Whoever makes it in, I'll bet they're somewhere around the middle just because it's easier to balance i would think.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
This is why despite people having an issue with one in one context or another, I do think Ridley would be an interesting addition, because I could honestly see him as a "Speedy Glacier" instead, he's big and heavy, but slow? Certainly not, he's very aerial heavy and an A-class air game. However I definitely see him being balanced out with a subpar ground game ... which makes sense if you know anything about large pterodactyloids, they were agile and strong in the air but on the ground they were quite vulnerable and even had trouble getting back into the air due to how big and clunky they sometimes were, Quetzalcoatlus being the perfect example.

I could see them being very creative with a Ridley add-on, the more I think of it, staying true to the core of Ridley as a Metroid character, while borrowing a few things from real-life pterodactyloids (like, say for instance, giving his ground to air game a slight punishable lag, but giving him an extra floatiness where before he touches the ground outside of a spike he will flap his wings to remain elevated to prolong air combos?), and I could even see them filling in any of the gaps with his grabs and smash moves from Pokemon Aerodactyl, another large Nintendo pterodactyloid (assuming there are any gaps in Ridley's moveset).

Yeah the model and hit boxes might be a problem, but so was Mewtwo's, and I doubt Project M would pass up the challenge just because it would be difficult, if PM was looking for an easy way out, why do through all the trouble of making the clone engine in the first place?


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
I played Smash 64 just for the heck yesterday and I rediscovered that Captain Falcon had a different moveset in that game.
His up-smash was a quick-upthrust elbow move.
His F-Smash was a flame kick.
among a few other differences.

If there is a large enough group of players who are still salty about the clone-ness of Ganon, they could give Ganon Falcon´s old, fast up-smash? That would change it up a bit.

Changing my P:M main anyway beyond that would be sacrilege.
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Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
Honestly, Ganondorf may appreciate 64 Falcon's F-Smash.
He needs the range.


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
Honestly, Ganondorf may appreciate 64 Falcon's F-Smash.
He needs the range.
I agree Ganon lacks the speed so he could use the range of the F-Smash.
I was reading the thread about How to Perform DACUS and Ganon´s was rated as extremely viable. I think a great way to make Ganon better in a less subtle way would be to make his DACUS better by giving him a faster, 64 Falcon Up-Smash. This would make it more rewarding for the advanced Ganon players than for the Ganon newbies.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Other than that you´ve got a worthy vision; however, I wish there were more.
I never played any of Ray´s games.
Since Ray is a machine, and he can fly, it would be a reasonable thing to give him the mobility options of R.O.B. and the gliding characters IMO. I´d say to give him one of the longer wavedashes also.

I´m going to be the devil´s advocate for a moment. Ray would have great mobility and great projectiles, as projected by your description. My imagination agrees with this. The difficult thing would be balancing his projectile game and mobility; we probably couldn´t have too much of both, right? Maybe it´s not important, but I don´t like to imagine him having the aerial-horizontal speed of Wario and lazers and projectiles that can control the stage as well as Samus, Snake, Falco. Let´s see his strengths as well his weaknesses.

Again, I enjoyed the post dude. I just wish there was more.
While I'm not the PMBR, I do know that just because something is a projectile, doesn't mean it can't be balanced. A lot of the vision I had for Ray is projectiles set at certain speeds and paths, all with different attributes. No different than Snake from Vanilla Brawl, just purely focused on the ranged aspects. Custom Robo is a game that focuses on pure fire-arms combat. But that is not to say he isn't without close range attacks. He just has very few, if not the least amount of physical attacks of any character. This also means his close range game is weaker than the rest of the cast.

Also, I already discussed his mobility. I had expressed interest in air dashes and even 8-way air dashes. It is an interesting flavor to make Ray purely dependant on spacing for his combos, but suffer at close-range, and maybe even struggle at mid-range. All of this is merely brainstorming though.

This EXACTLY. Boozer and Gonandarf already have enough problems because they are slow and defense heavy in a game that favors quick low commitment offense. Adding another character who plays that role would just cause unnecessary balancing worries. Honestly even adding an extremely light and floaty character still would cause some issues, just look at puff who isn't nearly as good as she was before. Whoever makes it in, I'll bet they're somewhere around the middle just because it's easier to balance i would think.
I played Smash 64 just for the heck yesterday and I rediscovered that Captain Falcon had a different moveset in that game.
His up-smash was a quick-upthrust elbow move.
His F-Smash was a flame kick.
among a few other differences.

If there is a large enough group of players who are still salty about the clone-ness of Ganon, they could give Ganon Falcon´s old, fast up-smash? That would change it up a bit.

Changing my P:M main anyway beyond that would be sacrilege.
Honestly, Ganondorf may appreciate 64 Falcon's F-Smash.
He needs the range.
Not sure if anyone is interested or not, but Warchamp did mention something "neat" was being done with Ganondorf when I spoke to him on Elsword. Though he did also mention that the stuff they are doing may not be final. He didn't really say anything in detail. I would suspect something is going to change by the next update though.


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
While I'm not the PMBR, I do know that just because something is a projectile, doesn't mean it can't be balanced.]

Not sure if anyone is interested or not, but Warchamp did mention something "neat" was being done with Ganondorf when I spoke to him on Elsword. Though he did also mention that the stuff they are doing may not be final. He didn't really say anything in detail. I would suspect something is going to change by the next update though.

I hope there´s enough Custom Robo fans amongst the developers. I would like to see this idea come to fruition. There´s a lot more creativity here than what I´ve heard thusfar about some of the more popular candidates.
The best thing that I could hear is that the changes to Ganon won´t be final.
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Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
This is why despite people having an issue with one in one context or another, I do think Ridley would be an interesting addition, because I could honestly see him as a "Speedy Glacier" instead, he's big and heavy, but slow? Certainly not, he's very aerial heavy and an A-class air game. However I definitely see him being balanced out with a subpar ground game ... which makes sense if you know anything about large pterodactyloids, they were agile and strong in the air but on the ground they were quite vulnerable and even had trouble getting back into the air due to how big and clunky they sometimes were, Quetzalcoatlus being the perfect example.

I could see them being very creative with a Ridley add-on, the more I think of it, staying true to the core of Ridley as a Metroid character, while borrowing a few things from real-life pterodactyloids (like, say for instance, giving his ground to air game a slight punishable lag, but giving him an extra floatiness where before he touches the ground outside of a spike he will flap his wings to remain elevated to prolong air combos?), and I could even see them filling in any of the gaps with his grabs and smash moves from Pokemon Aerodactyl, another large Nintendo pterodactyloid (assuming there are any gaps in Ridley's moveset).

Yeah the model and hit boxes might be a problem, but so was Mewtwo's, and I doubt Project M would pass up the challenge just because it would be difficult, if PM was looking for an easy way out, why do through all the trouble of making the clone engine in the first place?
What do you think of this Ridley rendition?


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
Same to me. But it´s the only thing out there yet.

I like the trow that grinded Samus into the ground.

Everything else looked pretty weak. The Up-Special was the worst for me.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
What do you think of this Ridley rendition?
I like some elements of it, obviously my first complaint is that Ridpley is way too small, that's a baby Ridley right there! He needs to be sized up.

I like the N Special, how low it is, there is not a projectile attack that is that low by default, and I like the concept, wish I could have seen how it looked in the air, or if you can aim it up like Charizard's flamethrower, but I do like the concept. It punished ground foes and tries to force them into the air, which should be where Ridley shines.

The Air Special is kinda lazy, it's just Metaknight's Air Special, I do like the Glide though, seems powerful and Ridley needs a strong air game in my opinion, I think this rendition is on the right track, but Ridley needs a more powerful air game than that.

Down special caught me by surprise, like the idea of a charge attack, seems very Metroid at this point since Samus is all about projectiles. I like the concept of Ridley's side special, but I think instead of damage it should be knockback, like Squirtle's watergun, but it needs reflect properties, IMO. Ridley is the bane of Samus, who is all about the camp and projectile control, Ridley needs a projectile reflector of some sort I think to counter that and elevate his anti-projectile game.

Love his dash attack and his forward throw, in fact most of his throws are pretty strong, but the forward throw is probably my favorite, grind that Samus into the floor! Also like the default pose being flying, I could see Ridley's get up attack animation being a quick and desperate flap of wings to elevate and knocking enemies away.

Overall, yes it is flawed and a needs a little more direction to affirm a specific and unique personality in the PM roster, but I do see it as a decent backboard, and the person who created obviously has a love of Ridley that you can see conveyed through his moveset. I like it!


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
Would it be cool if they gave Ridley bombs for his D-special that were like Samus, dropped down straight from his body, but fell faster like Ivy´s D-Special? Would it be cooler if Ridley could perform D-Special bombs while he´s gliding? That would be pretty Ridley-like.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
Would it be cool if they gave Ridley bombs for his D-special that were like Samus, dropped down straight from his body, but fell faster like Ivy´s D-Special? Would it be cooler if Ridley could perform D-Special bombs while he´s gliding? That would be pretty Ridley-like.
I admit I like Ridley as a character concept but am not a player of the Metroid series, does Ridley have bombs that he drops in the games?


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
I like some elements of it, obviously my first complaint is that Ridpley is way too small, that's a baby Ridley right there! He needs to be sized up.

I like the N Special, how low it is, there is not a projectile attack that is that low by default, and I like the concept, wish I could have seen how it looked in the air, or if you can aim it up like Charizard's flamethrower, but I do like the concept. It punished ground foes and tries to force them into the air, which should be where Ridley shines.

The Air Special is kinda lazy, it's just Metaknight's Air Special, I do like the Glide though, seems powerful and Ridley needs a strong air game in my opinion, I think this rendition is on the right track, but Ridley needs a more powerful air game than that.

Down special caught me by surprise, like the idea of a charge attack, seems very Metroid at this point since Samus is all about projectiles. I like the concept of Ridley's side special, but I think instead of damage it should be knockback, like Squirtle's watergun, but it needs reflect properties, IMO. Ridley is the bane of Samus, who is all about the camp and projectile control, Ridley needs a projectile reflector of some sort I think to counter that and elevate his anti-projectile game.

Love his dash attack and his forward throw, in fact most of his throws are pretty strong, but the forward throw is probably my favorite, grind that Samus into the floor! Also like the default pose being flying, I could see Ridley's get up attack animation being a quick and desperate flap of wings to elevate and knocking enemies away.

Overall, yes it is flawed and a needs a little more direction to affirm a specific and unique personality in the PM roster, but I do see it as a decent backboard, and the person who created obviously has a love of Ridley that you can see conveyed through his moveset. I like it!

The Side-Special was my other peev. It needs more useful properties and shouldn´t be a piss-ant FLUDD/Water Gun throwback.

Since Link has a shield that can block some things without the player even trying, I thought that Ridley´s wings coud have a similar function, not having his entire wingspan to be invulnerable mind you, but something like that. Ridley has developed some neat tricks or just plain old armor over the years to get even with Samus, so the developer team should look to the Metroid games to find inspiration, not from the Brawl boss form. IMO not from Other M either...
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Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
If Jiggs and Zard had a child it would be Ridleys Aerial game
If Olimar and Ness had a child it would be Ridleys Ground game
If Mewtwo and Rob had a child it would be Ridleys Recoverability ;_;
If Ganondorf and Sheik had a child which then was adopted by Fox it would be Ridleys Neutral
If Metaknight and Dedede adopted a child it would be Ridleys Combo game

Does this sound about right?


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
If Jiggs and Zard had a child it would be Ridleys Aerial game
If Olimar and Ness had a child it would be Ridleys Ground game
If Mewtwo and Rob had a child it would be Ridleys Recoverability ;_;
If Ganondorf and Sheik had a child which then was adopted by Fox it would be Ridleys Neutral
If Metaknight and Dedede adopted a child it would be Ridleys Combo game

Does this sound about right?
Sounds broken.

Confirmed never add to Project M.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2013
The only issue I see with Dixie King is that no one really knows if she will or will not be in Smash 4. Same with K. Rool. On the other hand, I'd hate to see K. Rool counted out because of us thinking he's in Smash 4 and then having it turn out that he is in neither.
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Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
Unlike Smash 4, Project M does not have a set release date, so the developers have all the time they want to make the game. Keep calm and hold on to your joystick.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
While technically your right i think their intentions might be to release something before smash 4's console version comes out.
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