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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
If what you say about reflex is true than slippy has potential. The unique animations were probably just stance modifications from a previous slippy mod. One of the issues however is that fox already is the base for 2 other characters. A 3rd character might cause some backlash.
Reflex may or may not have been joking.

In any case, I would accept Slippy if he had an original moveset or was cloned from a different character. Otherwise, I will most probably rage at having four characters with the same Spacie archetype.
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Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013

Reflex may or may not have been joking.

In any case, I would accept Slippy if he had an original moveset or was cloned from a different character. Otherwise, I will most probably rage at having four characters with the same Spacie archetype.
Something seemed a little :118:.
+1 for the second part.
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Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
sooo yeah... SUPPORT SLIPPY FOR PM!!! and Pichu!!! and young link mask's based moveset!!!
- specials: N: Deku shot
.. S: doble
. U: deku flower
. D: Goron ground pound(this could also be down smash(like wario's))


Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
Is that model from the Minetroid resource pack that was made to have Metroid textures everywhere? In Minecraft, that is. It made the Ender Dragon into Ridley...

Mojang, Minecraft, Minetroid... M words are everywhere.

Ridfirm "Endragon" Conley
I don't know what you're talking about Shin, that's obviously the official Project M Ridley model.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
The PMBR planted the model in my bin knowing I could find the trail of clues. Call me Nicholas Cage ***** welcome to National Treasure.
In b4 the back of the clone engine limitations blogpost leads to the building where the PMBR members congregate.

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
In b4 the back of the clone engine limitations blogpost leads to the building where the PMBR members congregate.
Tell me something I don't know. My mediocre acting abilities and I discovered that a long time ago. But PMBR knew I was onto them... I burst into the building and they were all,
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
Well I know that Warchamp digs Elsword. I've actually had the opportunity to talk to him there and he is a pretty cool guy. I did joke around about wanting Elesis for the Clone Engine, and he said he would love that.

Elesis for Clone Engine PMBR... much plzzz. Probably the most unlikely thing to ever happen, but PLZZZZZZZ!!!
Never got around to playing Elsword much, but I played a hefty amount of Grand Chase. Elesis is pretty cool, but Sieghart is where it's at.



Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Never got around to playing Elsword much, but I played a hefty amount of Grand Chase. Elesis is pretty cool, but Sieghart is where it's at.

Nope. Elesis so good she got to be in Grand Chase and Elsword. But Sieghard is coo.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
So, maybe instead of Ninten or Masked Man we could consider another great psychic from the Earthbound series, one who would be able to have both a strong melee game and psi capacities, of course I am talking about ...

The Mighty Poo!

I could see him focusing on hard and fast martial arts style hand-to-hand combat as his primary focus, with Psi augmenting his defense and mobility, such as Psi Shield and Psi Teleport, like let's say that his his Down Special instead of PK Magnet like Ness and Lucas would be PK Shield, an impenetrable shield that acts like the Shine on contact, flecting anyone it comes in contact with, but not reflecting projectiles, it is purely for defense and repelling foes. His Up Special? PK Teleport, let's turn Poo into a flash stepper, he will be able to teleport like Mewtwo but its maybe only half as far, maybe his teleport works like Wario's down special, where he can use it whenever, like charges he can use whenever, but they take time to build up, which will be a nod to Poo's overall low MP in the game. His N Special could be a chargable version of PK Starstorm, where the longer he charges the faster meteors fall, and the more of them there are? Or maybe his N Special can be PK LifeUp, Poo will sit there vulnerable as he charges, as he charges his health is healed 1% a tic! It would be like Lucas's Attack Up, Poo could just stand there using his PK LifeUp to heal when he has a moment away from the fray of battle. Just an idea!
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
To expand my idea a little more ...

The Mighty Poo

Attacks: Based on classic martial arts moves and kung-fu, kicks and jabs, all fast and powerful as Poo's real ability to do damage and KO are not his specials but his martial arts training, a reference to his hand-to-hand focus in Earthbound.
Neutral Special: PK LifeUp, Poo meditates and slowly regains health, the effect is a slow but as long as Poo continues to meditate he continues to slowly recover health. The slow recover is also a nod to the HP system of Earthbound.
Side Special: PK Starstorm, unlike the Final Smashes of Ness and Lucas, Poo takes a more hands on approach to his PK, as he launches himself in a glowing aura of white light, acts similar to Fire Fox, and can be aimed in any direction as Poo takes a moment to charge, and can tilted slightly during its motion, leaves Poo in a helpless state after.
Up Special: PK Teleport, Poo slowly gains charges over time, similar to Wario's Down Special, the longer he waits the more charges he has for a total of maybe 3-5. This allows Poo to teleport without helpless state, he can freely acts out of Teleport, but teleports are short distance, possibly half the distance of Mewtwo's Teleport. If Poo has no charges saves up, he will always default to one charge as soon as he hits the ground or takes a hit.
Down Special: PK Shield, defensive move, Poo surrounds himself in a shield of psychic energy that protects him from attacks and expels foes away. It will not reflect projectiles, but will block them, but it will launch enemies away from him, similar to how Shine works.

As you can see, Poo's specials focus mostly on defense, mobility, and recovery, otherwise, unlike the other current Earthbound representatives, Poo is a very melee-oriented character, wanting to get into the frey, attack quickly, and withdrawl at a moment's notice when needed if he needs to heal or avoid counterattacks. His spcials aid his ability to use his martial arts in combat, but most won't do damage or be much of a finisher.

Also: his alternative costume can be based on his robot form from the end of the game! Since we got pajama Ness instead of Robo-Ness, this would be an opportunity for us to still get it in spirit by having Robo-Poo!
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Smash Lord
Nov 27, 2013
See despite all of these characters being mentioned, the only characters that would change my mains would be:


ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
I'd like to see Pichu back since that little guy sure knew how to make people laugh but, as you say, there aren't many characters who would change my mains and, infact, the only one got shot down on page 1. So I guess I'm going with:

+ Pichu
+ Bass
(Best Megaman character)
+ Krystal (First unique Starfox character)
+ Isaac (Beautiful series deserves some representation)

+/ Skull Kid
+/ Paper Mario
+/ Black Shadow/Ganonsword
+/ Sukapon
+/ Claus

- Red (A human fighter from Pokemon would be idiotic)
- Samurai Goroh (IDK, I just don't like the guy)

- Waluigi (A dumb character who's most noticeable appearance was in DDR)
- Ridley (A non-sentient character who would be the second from a game about solitude)
- Dark Samus (Why would we ever need a third Samus?)
- Slippy (A fourth non-unique Starfox cast member?)

And the wishful extras who will never happen:
++ Lloyd (Western icon of a glorious series and a swordsman with a gimmicky moveset like no other)

++ Cless (The first protagonist of said series, with timey-whimey nonsense in his skills, would pose less item holding issues than Lloyd)
++ Banjo (One of the very best the N64 had to offer)
++ Dr. Kawashima (Dude! Giant floating head!)

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I'd like to see Pichu back since that little guy sure knew how to make people laugh but, as you say, there aren't many characters who would change my mains and, infact, the only one got shot down on page 1. So I guess I'm going with:

+ Pichu
+ Bass
(Best Megaman character)
+ Krystal (First unique Starfox character)
+ Isaac (Beautiful series deserves some representation)

+/ Skull Kid
+/ Paper Mario
+/ Black Shadow/Ganonsword
+/ Sukapon
+/ Claus

- Red (A human fighter from Pokemon would be idiotic)

- Samurai Goroh (IDK, I just don't like the guy)
- Waluigi (A dumb character who's most noticeable appearance was in DDR)
- Ridley (A non-sentient character who would be the second from a game about solitude)
- Dark Samus (Why would we ever need a third Samus?)
- Slippy (A fourth non-unique Starfox cast member?)
And the wishful extras who will never happen:
++ Lloyd (Western icon of a glorious series and a swordsman with a gimmicky moveset like no other)

++ Cless (The first protagonist of said series, with timey-whimey nonsense in his skills, would pose less item holding issues than Lloyd)
++ Banjo (One of the very best the N64 had to offer)
++ Dr. Kawashima (Dude! Giant floating head!)
Voting is currently closed. You should also note that Bass is not eligible, as only characters in Brawl in some form are acceptable.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
- Ridley (A non-sentient character who would be the second from a game about solitude)
Even speaking as someone who doesn't particularly want Ridley in Smash... this is a terrible statement. Not only will this incite much anger, it clearly shows you haven't done your research.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
See despite all of these characters being mentioned, the only characters that would change my mains would be:

I know it will likely never happen for as long as I live. But if Elesis were playable, I would drop every character I've ever tried to learn and ignore every other Smash entirely. No character draws as much hype to me than the main character of Grand Chase and major popular character of Elsword. Invest into an MMO Nintendo gosh darn it!!!

But alas. I know there as a thin slate of ice between me and hell before I would ever see that happening.

Never got around to playing Elsword much, but I played a hefty amount of Grand Chase. Elesis is pretty cool, but Sieghart is where it's at.

Wait...Rasgar you actually played Elsword? Dude, you should jump on and play some with me sometime. Seriously.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
So here's a question, everyone keeps wanting to shrink Ridley down and make him Charizard-sized ... but what about we just keep him the size he is during the boss fight in SSB?

Am the only one who thinks having a huge character might be an interesting change of pace? I mean, yeah, he's big, I get that, but many fighting games have a 'huge' character, except Smash. I think it could be rather interesting to have someone who is Giga Bowser sized by default.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
So here's a question, everyone keeps wanting to shrink Ridley down and make him Charizard-sized ... but what about we just keep him the size he is during the boss fight in SSB?

Am the only one who thinks having a huge character might be an interesting change of pace? I mean, yeah, he's big, I get that, but many fighting games have a 'huge' character, except Smash. I think it could be rather interesting to have someone who is Giga Bowser sized by default.
I don't see a problem with a Giga Bowser-sized character.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
So here's a question, everyone keeps wanting to shrink Ridley down and make him Charizard-sized ... but what about we just keep him the size he is during the boss fight in SSB?

Am the only one who thinks having a huge character might be an interesting change of pace? I mean, yeah, he's big, I get that, but many fighting games have a 'huge' character, except Smash. I think it could be rather interesting to have someone who is Giga Bowser sized by default.
I would say that Ridley should at least be between Bowser and Giga Bowser's size for me to even want to care about Ridley. Because:

1) Kirby needs to be able to swallow and copy his ability.
2) He needs to be able to be grabbed.
3) All that would look janky at Giga Bowser's size.

An MMO with Nintendo characters and worlds sounds amazing. It'd be like Smash Bros, but in an MMO style. I would play the crap out of a game like that.
I think that is why I love Elsword so much though. The characters are all very vibrant and coordinated in a Nintendo fashion. It feels almost like playing a hybrid of Smash Bros, a traditional fighting game, and the style of the Tales Of series.

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Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2013
Naked in Magicant
So here's a question, everyone keeps wanting to shrink Ridley down and make him Charizard-sized ... but what about we just keep him the size he is during the boss fight in SSB?

Am the only one who thinks having a huge character might be an interesting change of pace? I mean, yeah, he's big, I get that, but many fighting games have a 'huge' character, except Smash. I think it could be rather interesting to have someone who is Giga Bowser sized by default.
Yeah it could be a interesting idea, but he could get easily combo'd 0% to death, with those giant hurtboxes.

I just hope they don't use his brawl model as default, it looks so awkward.
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Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
What's Elsword like? I played Grand Chase once then never again. It wasn't that i didn't like it but i just didn't commit to it.


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
An idea regarding Ridley´s giant hurtboxes:

So here's a question, everyone keeps wanting to shrink Ridley down and make him Charizard-sized ... but what about we just keep him the size he is during the boss fight in SSB?

Am the only one who thinks having a huge character might be an interesting change of pace? I mean, yeah, he's big, I get that, but many fighting games have a 'huge' character, except Smash. I think it could be rather interesting to have someone who is Giga Bowser sized by default.
Make his hurtboxes on his body, and at no greater width than his body and shoulders. That would make his hurtboxes around the same size as Bowser´s, but taller. It might look illusory or ¨janky¨ but it could help him against other character´s combos.

No hurtboxes on his wings neither. I don´t know about his big head though.
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
Wait...Rasgar you actually played Elsword? Dude, you should jump on and play some with me sometime. Seriously.
Yeah, maybe I should. I only played it for a few minutes to see what it was like once it was released. At the time I was still into Grand Chase so I didn't feel like committing to another time-sucking game like that. Interestingly enough GC recently got handed over to the North American distributor of Elsword and had a "grand re-opening" of swords, so I've started playing it again a bit. I found out about another MMO/action/fighting hybrid called Lost Saga around the same time and I've been playing that too (it has Blazblue characters in it, how can you go wrong?).

What's Elsword like? I played Grand Chase once then never again. It wasn't that i didn't like it but i just didn't commit to it.
Elsword is more or less like a sequel to Grand Chase - it has similar gameplay (and some similar characters). I think they improved the combat system to some degree, but I'll let someone who knows better explain it.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
An idea regarding Ridley´s giant hurtboxes:

Make his hurtboxes on his body, and at no greater width than his body and shoulders. That would make his hurtboxes around the same size as Bowser´s, but taller. It might look illusory or ¨janky¨ but it could help him against other character´s combos.

No hurtboxes on his wings neither. I don´t know about his big head though.
That would basically make for a bigger, stronger Marth, with a likely projectile, multiple jumps, a glide, and above average weight.
That doesn't sound fun.

I'd say Ridley should be as big or a little bigger than PM Bowser.
Giga Bowser height would be tragic for everyone.
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Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
Masked Man, Ninten, Poo, or any other Mother psychic are probably appealing to the PMBR, because to a certain extent any of then can be partially cloned from Lucas or Ness,

Lucas lends ability to Mask,

While Poo and Ninten could be partial clones of Ness easily.

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
Yeah it could be a interesting idea, but he could get easily combo'd 0% to death, with those giant hurtboxes.

I just hope they don't use his brawl model as defualt, it looks so awkward.
I recall somewhere reading that Assist Trophy and Boss Models would probably be off limits, as (as we all know) trophy models are poor and Boss models would be difficult to manage as a fighter. Maybe I'm imagining things tho.


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
That would basically make for a bigger, stronger Marth, with a likely projectile, multiple jumps, a glide, and above average weight.
That doesn't sound fun.

I'd say Ridley should be as big or a little bigger than PM Bowser.
Giga Bowser height would be tragic for everyone.

I´m not too familiar with what the community has been talking about with his number jumps and glide and things. But I respect your gameplay-oriented opinion, while others seem to have more aesthetically-oriented opinions in which I, personally, see less relevance in. Aesthetics are for developers and maybe also those who put in the effort to illustrate how Ridley could appear in P:M, they could offer some fresh perspective that the developers could use.

I personally prefer the size Darkmask has shown than massively shrunken version I saw on Youtube. I also agree with you that he probably shouldn´t be THAT big. An even compromise could be to make him a little bigger than P:M Bowser.

But, I don´t think he should be hurt if his wings get hit.
Any thoughts?


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2013
Naked in Magicant
No hurtboxes on his wings neither. I don´t know about his big head though.
And that's the problem with brawl's model, his proportions are just awkward.
I think he shouldn't have that lanky body, and give him more buffed limbs, torso and neck (like in other m don't hurt me) with a smaller head.
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