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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2014
The land of Yuri
There are no initial requirements. We just discuss what we wish to see of the characters here and if something catches people's attention, they usually vote on it. It is more of a case of showing how a character would be fun to play in the Project M format. But with that also comes the difficulty of mod programming.

You have to consider the amount of time and polish PMBR has to put into each character they decide to add, assuming they do add another character. Characters are voted on based on desirability and creation difficulty. The reason for this is because the PMBR makes almost everything from scratch so they can make the character the best they possibly can, but no matter what the character has to be ported over a clone of an existing character. If a character has a complex moveset, it will take the PMBR much longer to create the character, as Roy took them somewhere around...700 hours?

This is also why we are limited to 5 votes, because we are only capable of having 5 more characters in PMBR's clone engine (unless things have changed recently, but I highly doubt it). The reason being is that there are 7 slots, 2 of which are occupied by Mewtwo and Roy, that were left blank in Brawl's code where Sakurai had originally planned on adding 7 more characters. Due to time constraints, these slots were left empty with only a few tid bits of data on the characters intended for those slots.

These 5 votes are to signify who we most want to see fill those 5 slots, and the half-votes are characters we would be pleased with seeing if any of our top 5 does not make the cut.
I know most of this, which is kinda why I don't really see Medli making it, kinda makes me sad.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2013
+1/2 to Medli. Wind Waker is a masterpiece and Medli is just one of the amazing characters found within.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I know most of this, which is kinda why I don't really see Medli making it, kinda makes me sad.
As I said, this shouldn't prevent you from discussing and supporting this character here. PMBR will make a character based on popularity, regardless of the difficulty. It is more of a precaution to not suggest impossible characters and to consider some characters will take longer than others.
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Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2014
The land of Yuri
I will continue to support Medli, and I hope you don't mind me posting pictures of her here, she's just my most favourite and I totally "would"

She is also rather important in Windwaker, I don't see why people don't realise that, I mean you even play as her at one point.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I will continue to support Medli, and I hope you don't mind me posting pictures of her here, she's just my most favourite and I totally "would"

She is also rather important in Windwaker, I don't see why people don't realise that, I mean you even play as her at one point.
You also play as the seagulls, and Kafei was the first playable side character in Zelda. She is important, and no one is denying that. What is in question is her importance to the overall series.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2014
The land of Yuri
You also play as the seagulls, and Kafei was the first playable side character in Zelda. She is important, and no one is denying that. What is in question is her importance to the overall series.
I don't know why you brought up Kafei as the first, you play as Kafei for about...err it's timed so 10 seconds at least.

You can also control those statues and Makar too if you want to get into anymore playable roles.


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
She is also rather important in Windwaker, I don't see why people don't realise that, I mean you even play as her at one point.
You play as Dry Bones in multiple Mario Kart games. Doesn't mean he's gonna make it.
Hell, you play as Excitebiker through all of Excitebike. He's not looking too likely.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I don't know why you brought up Kafei as the first, you play as Kafei for about...err it's timed so 10 seconds at least.

You can also control those statues and Makar too if you want to get into anymore playable roles.
The point was that her being playable for a short time is not the only thing that should merit her a vote, because other characters have been playable too. And note that I'm not arguing against her, but trying to help you show others why she should be considered over any other Zelda character, or for that matter, a Nintendo character. To get her supporters, it is going to take more than just a moveset. I know you like this character, but what is her importance to The Legend of Zelda? Tell us why you like this character. Stuff like that.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2013
You play as Dry Bones in multiple Mario Kart games. Doesn't mean he's gonna make it.
Hell, you play as Excitebiker through all of Excitebike. He's not looking too likely.
And yet you never once played as the Condor.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
But I don't want Dry Bones, why did you bring him up?

I'm confused now.
All they're saying is that whether you play as the character or not isn't necessarily a strong reason for their inclusion.

You can keep liking Medli though.

EDIT: ninja'd
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
All they're saying is that whether you play as the character or not isn't necessarily a reason for their inclusion.

You can keep liking Medli though.

EDIT: ninja'd
Thank you Edge.

@ lightdasher lightdasher I'm not saying anything against Medli, but as her supporter you should try and explain reasons why people should vote for her too.
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Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2014
The land of Yuri
The point was that her being playable for a short time is not the only thing that should merit her a vote, because other characters have been playable too. And note that I'm not arguing against her, but trying to help you show others why she should be considered over any other Zelda character, or for that matter, a Nintendo character. To get her supporters, it is going to take more than just a moveset. I know you like this character, but what is her importance to The Legend of Zelda? Tell us why you like this character. Stuff like that.
Well lets see, she's the Earth Sage who helps restore Links Master Sword. (Makar does this too) She could also represent that there are other species in Zelda that aren't "human" so to speak, she is shown to have a crush on Link (at least, I think so, I'm probably just reading a video game character weirdly) obviously visually different from Falco, she helps link on quite a few occasions.

If I recall she has more screen time than Tetra and Zelda combined in Wind Waker, (although, so does a lot of characters so that's not surprising) this isn't to say she's more important than Zelda, but I think Medli (and Makar, not just Medli in this instance) kinda makes Windwaker more unique with it's sages compared to other Zelda games where they only appear for about 5 minutes, tell Link something and then bugger off, I feel that Medli (and Makar) are more hands on sages in the Zelda series and would probably represent Windwaker more than TZelda actually would (If you ask me, TZelda represents the DS games in my opinion) Tetra is who you're looking for if you want a Zelda to represent Windwaker though.
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Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
And don't worry, @ lightdasher lightdasher , a lot of us support unlikely characters. For example, I really want to play as Toad because I loved Super Mario Bros. 2 as a kid and I want to see the whole cast playable. I played as Toad all the way through Super Mario 3D World, too, and people tell me he's the hardest character to jump with. Still, I don't see him as likely to be in either Sm4sh (Peach pulls him out of her vagina AGAIN) or Project M (people are going to complain about too many Mario characters, which is a valid argument).

Edit (have any of you guys noticed I edit my posts a lot :( )

Well lets see, she's the Earth Sage who helps restore Links Master Sword. (Makar does this too) She could also represent that there are other species in Zelda that aren't "human" so to speak, she is shown to have a crush on Link (at least, I think so, I'm probably just reading a video game character weirdly) obviously visually different from Falco, she helps link on quite a few occasions.

If I recall she has more screen time than Tetra and Zelda combined in Wind Waker, (although, so does a lot of characters so that's not surprising) this isn't to say she's more important than Zelda, but I think Medli (and Makar, not just Medli in this instance) kinda makes Windwaker more unique with it's sages compared to other Zelda games where they only appear for about 5 minutes, tell Link something and then bugger off, I feel that Medli (and Makar) are more hands on sages in the Zelda series and would probably represent Windwaker more than TZelda actually would (If you ask me, TZelda represents the DS games in my opinion) Tetra is who you're looking for if you want a Zelda to represent Windwaker though.
I never looked at it that way, neat. Strong reasoning here, folks.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Well lets see, she's the Earth Sage who helps restore Links Master Sword. (Makar does this too) She could also represent that there are other species in Zelda that aren't "human" so to speak, she is shown to have a crush on Link (at least, I think so, I'm probably just reading a video game character weirdly) obviously visually different from Falco, she helps link on quite a few occasions.

If I recall she has more screen time than Tetra and Zelda combined in Wind Waker, (although, so does a lot of characters so that's not surprising) this isn't to say she's more important than Zelda, but I think Medli (and Makar, not just Medli in this instance) kinda makes Windwaker more unique with it's sages compared to other Zelda games where they only appear for about 5 minutes, tell Link something and then bugger off, I feel that Medli (and Makar) are more hands on sages in the Zelda series and would probably represent Windwaker more than TZelda actually would (If you ask me, TZelda represents the DS games in my opinion) Tetra is who you're looking for if you want a Zelda to represent Windwaker though.
I was meaning towards the entire Zelda series, but this is a start. She is a SAGE. The Zelda series has always had several incarnations of the 6 Sages, which are a staple to the series now. Medli and Makar are both very popular incarnations of sages and therefore make them very worthy candidates.
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
And don't worry, @ lightdasher lightdasher , a lot of us support unlikely characters. For example, I really want to play as Toad because I loved Super Mario Bros. 2 as a kid and I want to see the whole cast playable. I played as Toad all the way through Super Mario 3D World, too, and people tell me he's the hardest character to jump with. Still, I don't see him as likely to be in either Sm4sh (Peach pulls him out of her vagina AGAIN) or Project M (people are going to complain about too many Mario characters, which is a valid argument).
Most of us do. I, in particular, greatly support Ninten.
I was meaning towards the entire Zelda series, but this is a start. She is a SAGE. The Zelda series has always had several incarnations of the 6 Sages, which are a staple to the series now. Medli and Makar are both very popular incarnations of sages and therefore make them very worthy candidates.
That's the next step - showing why she's more worthy than the other Sages. She's certainly one of the best, but she's got some strong competition with the likes of Saria. I would say Impa as well, but as we all know, she's not eligible.
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Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
Oh... are we just putting in cray-cray roster suggestions now?
Alright, I think I understand where this topic is going. So I'm redoing my entire votes.


1) 3-13 Archer- Fire Emblem is underepped and we NEED a new weapon user. 3-13 is also popular with those cray-cray FE fans before Awakening... so like 10 of them.

2) Goombella- We need moar females and Goomba's are important in Smash, she's also a trophy for some reason.

3) Kremling- Smash doesn't have any sorts of generics, we need to change this.

4) BANG SHISHIGAMI- Wolf has proved that all good things come in three. Snake and Falcon need a third manly man. And who better then- "BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG, BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG, BANG BANG BANG-" I made my point.

5) Pichu- because BAAAAAAWWWWWWWW


1) Lyn- Fire Emblem is overepped and we don't need another sword user, even if she uses a different style and can use a bow.

2) Ridley- Not a female, disgusting piece of trash. Also Sakurai says he's too big and Project M was made to ensure Sakurai's vision is ENSURED

3) Sukapon- Characters from actual fighting games don't deserve to be playable in Smash, they have their own games to do that.

4) Mew2King- Would have OP frame advantage on all techniques

God, it feels good to think rationally on Smashboards.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Most of us do. I, in particular, greatly support Ninten.

That's the next step - showing why she's more worthy than the other Sages. She's certainly one of the best, but she's got some strong competition with the likes of Saria. I would say Impa as well, but as we all know, she's not eligible.
And I with Kafei and Shadow.

I honestly believe Medli and Makar even separate have more personality than Saria and played a much larger role in their game. Stacked with their temporary playabilty and pseudo-reappearance through incarnations, I believe it most definitely merits them a vote.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2014
The land of Yuri
I was meaning towards the entire Zelda series, but this is a start. She is a SAGE. The Zelda series has always had several incarnations of the 6 Sages, which are a staple to the series now. Medli and Makar are both very popular incarnations of sages and therefore make them very worthy candidates.
I thought I already pointed out the fact that they're more popular sages?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2013
Because she is a nostalgic, iconic, popular, good, female character. Who even wanted Lucario? Last I remember, everyone wanted Mewtwo.
Let's see, half the ppl who played gen 4, the majority of people who saw his movie, annnd gee idk people who play pokemon in general?

Just because they wanted mewtwo, doesn't mean lucario WASN'T wanted. Lol?

Oh and there's me. I wanted Lucario. Right here =o

Also mister condor,
a decloned starfox character? Because 1, they refuse to continue games for that awesome series and we NEEED eht. xDD
nah, 1, Krystal's easily a fun melee character with long legs and a staff to attack with, magic-optional projectiles OR use Starfox assault Krystal's blaster. Maybe even mix em and have the jab 2hit combo as a kick and a staff hit. B cud be the blaster, side B the fireballs, i recall seeing in SF Adventure.
It'd add such flavor to the roster with her options based just on who/what she is alone. Like, at first glance.
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Cool Blue

Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2014
Next to a beach I never go to
Most of us do. I, in particular, greatly support Ninten.

That's the next step - showing why she's more worthy than the other Sages. She's certainly one of the best, but she's got some strong competition with the likes of Saria. I would say Impa as well, but as we all know, she's not eligible.
I am also a big fan of Ninten.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2013
Also i believe i saw someone say dixie shud be able to carry ppl similiar to DK's grab, using her ponytail??? whatttt?
-1 Dixie if i havent already, this is ridiculous. I mean, i get it, they can DO that, but...that doesn't seem to fit smash

No im not hating, that's just ridiculous imo.. hope no one is taking my -votes/opinions of dixie to heart. Im just a guy who avidly wud like certain characters to get in, and certain others to never get in..

Oh, and a buddy has an idea.

Emerl from sonic battle..

taunt to switch character, as in. Since emerl learned from multiple people by absorbing their techniques and attacks, down taunt for knux mode, up taunt for tails, left for sonic etc.

Or make it his down B, so that he loses a special slot. Possibly make him have certain moves that are locked as emerls main moves, and then the other few wud be switched. Just a thought
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Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
Also i believe i saw someone say dixie shud be able to carry ppl similiar to DK's grab, using her ponytail??? whatttt?
-1 Dixie if i havent already, this is ridiculous. I mean, i get it, they can DO that, but...that doesn't seem to fit smash

No im not hating, that's just ridiculous imo.. hope no one is taking my -votes/opinions of dixie to heart. Im just a guy who avidly wud like certain characters to get in, and certain others to never get in..
Holy **** stop. There's a difference between opinion and stepping on toes and you sir are stepping. You say you're not hating but that's exactly what the **** you're doing.
And while you're at it FIX YOUR GRAMMAR. JEEZ
Btw that ponytail thing is canon so it's not ridiculous. What is ridiculous is you still on your anti-Dixie trip.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
+1/2 vote for Medli. I like that GIF so much that it alone literally just convinced me.

Edit: Been trying to post this comment for like ten minutes but my stupidly slow internet wouldn't let me!
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Let's see, half the ppl who played gen 4, the majority of people who saw his movie, annnd gee idk people who play pokemon in general?

Just because they wanted mewtwo, doesn't mean lucario WASN'T wanted. Lol?

Oh and there's me. I wanted Lucario. Right here =o
First off, you're late to reply to me and I almost have no interest in burning you again.

And you are right that he was highly requested, but the point was that more people wanted Mewtwo than Lucario bro. Read instead of raging.

Lastly, don't avoid the fact that Dixie is a popular character and spout pointless B.S. about how you think people are tasteless for liking her. You are disrespecting others opinions. You should have expected retaliation for your pointless remark.

Also i believe i saw someone say dixie shud be able to carry ppl similiar to DK's grab, using her ponytail??? whatttt?
-1 Dixie if i havent already, this is ridiculous. I mean, i get it, they can DO that, but...that doesn't seem to fit smash

No im not hating, that's just ridiculous imo.. hope no one is taking my -votes/opinions of dixie to heart. Im just a guy who avidly wud like certain characters to get in, and certain others to never get in..
Lucario has a counter similar to Marth, Roy and Ike, and fights generically bland it is disgusting. To deal any real damage and KB he has to get the crap beat out of him and be losing the match. Now in P:M he fights like a generic rip-off of a fighting game character.

Lucario replaced Mewtwo, a clearly much more popular character. Not hating, that's just ridiculous imo.

That is what you sound like. Now take it in.

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity

The Lucario change was so f***ing brilliant. The counter and general defensivy-ness of his Brawl incarnation violates his super offensive frail canon incarnation so hard. Now with OHC his entire moveset feels like Close Combat + Swords Dance.

Hope no one wasted SAtk EVs on Aura Sphere though.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013

Did I mention Medli is adorable, even when you smack her into a wall?
I remember playing through that area with her. Wind Waker is quite a gem in the Zelda series, so I do believe the toon portion does deserve another character. On that note...

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Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2013
First off, you're late to reply to me and I almost have no interest in burning you again.

And you are right that he was highly requested, but the point was that more people wanted Mewtwo than Lucario bro. Read instead of raging.

Lastly, don't avoid the fact that Dixie is a popular character and spout pointless B.S. about how you think people are tasteless for liking her. You are disrespecting others opinions. You should have expected retaliation for your pointless remark.

Lucario has a counter similar to Marth, Roy and Ike, and fights generically bland it is disgusting. To deal any real damage and KB he has to get the crap beat out of him and be losing the match. Now in P:M he fights like a generic rip-off of a fighting game character.

Lucario replaced Mewtwo, a clearly much more popular character. Not hating, that's just ridiculous imo.

That is what you sound like. Now take it in.
What's what I sound like? Definitely not that red area. I've spoken about ONE dixie kong ability, her supposed grab. and you go off about lucario's counter, compare it to 3 other characters, AND his system. Christ lol o_o I'm more concerned with you thinking you're "burning" me. What is that, who are you lol. you go on to say, Read instead of raging. wat? nobody is raging o.o Show me where I'm raging, I'll give ya a dollar. When did I say people are tasteless for liking her? If I said that, I'm sorry, that's not what I wanted to say, but I highly doubt I said that. Retaliation fine, but "burn"ing? idk what you think this is, I think it's a forum post. I'm not about to engage you in conversation/debate if you're going to reply with burns. That's not what I'm here for.

Also, I don't like getting burned. Half my attack, DoT, and I'm a physical sweeper dammit. Not fun
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Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
Look, a perfect reference to use for Medli's stunned animation. Why am I such a sucker for cute characters?

God, I was so depressed when I realized that Vaati wasn't eligible for PM. He would have been an automatic +1 for me.

Cool Blue

Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2014
Next to a beach I never go to

The Lucario change was so f***ing brilliant. The counter and general defensivy-ness of his Brawl incarnation violates his super offensive frail canon incarnation so hard. Now with OHC his entire moveset feels like Close Combat + Swords Dance.

Hope no one wasted SAtk EVs on Aura Sphere though.
Some people use special Lucario.
Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon.
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