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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
God damnit, I do not know what you people have against Shadow the man.

He was like the best character in Sonic Adventure 2, and that game was still more fun than all the old sonic games. (OPINION)
It was because of his reintroduction to the series. With each game after his initial appearance, it has done nothing more but sour people's opinion on him. His own game made worse of this fact. And this is coming from a Shadow supporter.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Raiden can have possibilities more so than Gray Fox where he is mostly a sword character.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance has Raiden as a badass supersoldier who uses a ton of different weapons, sword included. Not that his LOOK has to be from that game, just some of his moves, if any. Wario's down smash is from a game that wasn't out yet when Brawl came out, for instance.


Apr 13, 2008
Know who I've never once seen suggested in this thread?

(King of Hyrule)


This is THE KING of Hyrule. He could utilize Triforce-enhanced powers (as he commanded the Triforce in The Wind Waker's climax), while sporting some sturdy, confidant martial arts and/or some of the Blade Brothers' moves from The Minish Cap. They are as follows (Blade Brother — moves taught):
  • Swiftblade — Spin Attack, Dash Attack, Rock Breaker, Down Thrust
  • Grayblade — Roll Attack
  • Waveblade — Peril Beam
  • Grimblade — Sword Beam
  • Scarblade — Quick Spin Attack
  • Splitblade — Quick charge of Split Gauge
  • Greatblade — Prolonged Great Spin Attack
  • Swiftblade I — Great Spin Attack
Granted, not all of these moves could/should be utilized by the King of Hyrule. I foresee this stocky, brute fighter using heavy karate chops to execute the likes of Rock Breaker, Down Thrust, Dash Attack, Sword Beam (with or without a sword), and Quick Spin Attack (a single spin with a large chop). These would be accompanied by golden-hued Triforce-enhanced powers unlike his daughter Zelda utilizes. Since Link, Zelda, and Ganon each behold the Triforces of Courage, Wisdom, and Power, the King of Hyrule could equally use powers indicative of all three pieces. As such, his up, side, and down specials could reflect one of each Triforce, with his neutral special being a charge attack:
  • Up Special — Triforce of Power: King of Hyrule raises his fist skyward, charging a ball of light that when released, depending on the duration of the charge, will be thrown at an increase of speed at a diagonal akin with Ness's aerial PK Fire, exploding on the ground leaving a hitbox for a moment. Direct contact with an opponent will deal great damage, but little-to-no knockback. It instead stuns them in place. Also functions like DK's Up Special when used in-air, but with vertical recovery instead of horizontal; the King completes one full aerial rotation throughout the recovery, rising with his right hand holding a ball of light. (Reference)
  • Side Special — Triforce of Courage: King of Hyrule charges a forward or backward swipe of his divine hand and upon release, flings a "sword beam". Longer held, faster the flight. Even if he charges forward, if the analog stick is flung the opposite direction upon release, he will spin and throw it the opposite direction. (Reference)
  • Down Special — Triforce of Wisdom: King of Hyrule faces the screen, and with hands together recites an incantation that summons from within him up to three (or four) orbs of light (depending on the duration held) that eventually simultaneously slam down on the ground around him. Little damage, but area effect. (Reference)
  • Neutral Special — Triforce Charge: King of Hyrule places a fist in his hand (like Ganondorf's taunt) and begins charging up a golden light. Once fully charged, he carries that energy and can deliver it with a smash attack. If reactivated after the charge concludes, he will begin the charge from start. Best to use what power is charged instead of wasting it.
How 'bout it?
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Know who I've never once seen suggested in this thread?

(King of Hyrule)


This is THE KING of Hyrule. He could utilize Triforce-enhanced powers (as he commanded the Triforce in The Wind Waker's climax), while sporting some sturdy, confidant martial arts and/or some of the Blade Brothers' moves from The Minish Cap. They are as follows (Blade Brother — moves taught):
  • Swiftblade — Spin Attack, Dash Attack, Rock Breaker, Down Thrust
  • Grayblade — Roll Attack
  • Waveblade — Peril Beam
  • Grimblade — Sword Beam
  • Scarblade — Quick Spin Attack
  • Splitblade — Quick charge of Split Gauge
  • Greatblade — Prolonged Great Spin Attack
  • Swiftblade I — Great Spin Attack
Granted, not all of these moves could/should be utilized by the King of Hyrule. I foresee this stocky, brute fighter using heavy karate chops to execute the likes of Rock Breaker, Down Thrust, Dash Attack, Sword Beam (with or without a sword), and Quick Spin Attack (a single spin with a large chop). These would be accompanied by golden-hued Triforce-enhanced powers unlike his daughter Zelda utilizes. Since Link, Zelda, and Ganon each behold the Triforces of Courage, Wisdom, and Power, the King of Hyrule could equally use powers indicative of all three pieces. As such, his up, side, and down specials could reflect one of each Triforce, with his neutral special being a charge attack:
  • Up Special — Triforce of Power: King of Hyrule raises his fist skyward, charging a ball of light that when released, depending on the duration of the charge, will be thrown at an increase of speed at a diagonal akin with Ness's aerial PK Fire, exploding on the ground leaving a hitbox for a moment. Direct contact with an opponent will deal great damage, but little-to-no knockback. It instead stuns them in place. (Reference)
  • Side Special — Triforce of Courage: King of Hyrule charges a forward or backward swipe of his divine hand and upon release, flings a "sword beam". Longer held, faster the flight. Even if he charges forward, if the analog stick is flung the opposite direction upon release, he will spin and throw it the opposite direction. (Reference)
  • Down Special — Triforce of Wisdom: King of Hyrule faces the screen, and with hands together recites an incantation that summons from within him up to three (or four) orbs of light (depending on the duration held) that eventually simultaneously slam down on the ground around him. Little damage, but area effect. (Reference)
  • Neutral Special — Triforce Charge: King of Hyrule places a fist in his hand (like Ganondorf's taunt) and begins charging up a golden light. Once fully charged, he carries that energy and can deliver it with a smash attack. If reactivated after the charge concludes, he will begin the charge from start. Best to use what power is charged instead of wasting it.
How 'bout it?
I like. It's an interesting concept with a character we haven't yet seen, and with a relatively important character. +1/2 vote from me, Mah Boi.
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Apr 13, 2008
Besides being a sticker, he technically appears in the Pirate Ship stage as the King of Red Lions. Also, a good excuse for another toon rep without it being Zelda or Ganondorf. I suspect he'd either be a Ganondorf or Donkey Kong clone (ha, I know; it's the proportions and arm-usage).
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Besides being a sticker, he technically appears in the Pirate Ship stage as the King of Red Lions. Also, a good excuse for another toon rep without it being Zelda or Ganondorf. I suspect he'd either be a Ganondorf or Donkey Kong clone (ha, I know; it's the proportions and arm-usage).
He's also a sticker in his human form. I could see him as a Ganondorf clone, but I'm not sure about DK.

Actually, wouldn't some of those attacks require articles? Not sure either of them would have enough. DK has three, so he might work, but Ganondorf only has one, I believe.
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Apr 13, 2008
I like. It's an interesting concept with a character we haven't yet seen, and with a relatively important character. +1/2 vote from me, Mah Boi.
Furthermore, the King of Hyrule has appeared in several Zelda games. Different kings, but similar designs. His Wind Waker incarnation is the most recognizable, but he's technically a recurring character in the series. The King of Hyrule has appeared more than Skull Kid has!
He's also a sticker in his human form. I could see him as a Ganondorf clone, but I'm not sure about DK.

Actually, wouldn't some of those attacks require articles? Not sure either of them would have enough. DK has three, so he might work, but Ganondorf only has one, I believe.
Yeah, that's what I was implying. Why hasn't Wolf Link + Midna been discussed? Maybe it has, but hell I haven't heard about it. Might as well so we can get away from freakin' Ridley. What an awesome Ivysaur clone they could be! I suppose the animations could get a bit complex, but the stature is there! Wolf Link = body, Midna = bulb. The vines function similarly to Midna's hair-hand anywho!

And yeah, total Legend of Zelda bias here, but it's what I know best so my imagination can serve its potential to the fullest!
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Yeah, that's what I was implying. Why hasn't Wolf Link + Midna been discussed? Maybe it has, but hell I haven't heard about it. Might as well so we can get away from freakin' Ridley. What an awesome Ivysaur clone they could be! I suppose the animations could get a bit complex, but the stature is there! Wolf Link = body, Midna = bulb. The vines function similarly to Midna's hair-hand anywho!

And yeah, total Legend of Zelda bias here, but it's what I know best so my imagination can serve its potential to the fullest!
You can never have too much LoZ.

And yeah, that's an interesting idea for cloning Wolf Link + Midna, although I'd bet a lot of people would be against another Link even if he's entirely different.

I would also be pretty interested in seeing a standalone Midna, perhaps as a Mother clone. Fused Shadows for the Final Smash, with her normals using her hair and her specials being twilight magic-based.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
I feel sorry for bringing this up, but I'd probably crack up laughing if he said "Dinner!" as a taunt or during one of his attacks.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Spire in charge of original ideas.

9/10, Would probably play as for fun.

Daily reminder though.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
Did you draw this up in just a couple hours/an hour? If so, amazing job!

I like his initial stance, it's sort of like fencing by the looks of it. DK's ftilt animation could probably be worked into this pretty easily if they used him as the base, at least it looks that way to me.

How far do you think this would go? If it doesn't travel far it could very well be a fake projectile and therefor beat out reflectors, which a large/heavy character like this could probably use.

By the way, what do you think his recovery will be like?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 14, 2013
You could put him as his appearance as the mysterious creature and have him change into the hulking monstrosity up there for his FS.
This'd be hilarious but I doubt anyone'd be happy with it.

Edit: King of Hyrule looks like a great idea, +0.5 from me.
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Apr 13, 2008
Did you draw this up in just a couple hours/an hour? If so, amazing job!

I like his initial stance, it's sort of like fencing by the looks of it. DK's ftilt animation could probably be worked into this pretty easily if they used him as the base, at least it looks that way to me.

How far do you think this would go? If it doesn't travel far it could very well be a fake projectile and therefor beat out reflectors, which a large/heavy character like this could probably use.

By the way, what do you think his recovery will be like?
Oh yeah, I completely forgot about recovery, heh. Well, the Up-Special (Ganon's Energy Sphere) works well; consider how Ganondorf rises into the air and floats around; the King of Hyrule could uppercut with the ball of light and "ride" it upwards at a slightly controlled angle. It'd basically be like DK's up-special, but with vertical recovery instead of horizontal—and maybe a slower spin, like the King completes one full rotation through the recovery, instead of many rotations as per DK.

This projectile would HAVE to be deflectable in reference to Ganon's energy sphere from OoT. Furthermore, for added awesome, the King should be able to deflect it back with a well-timed Side-Special tap—just a tap. Holding beyond a half second begins to charge the Beam, but tapping it parries the attack.

Also, it took me about 30 minutes to draw that.
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Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
Oh yeah, I was never asking if UpB would be reflectable, that was a given since it was based off of Dead Man's Volley. I was asking about your sideB Sword Beam.

Also, making sideB a projectile or a reflector based on the time held sounds really cool and unique.

Definitely supporting this character. I'll give a 1/2 vote for King of Hyrule.


Apr 13, 2008
Oh yeah, I was never asking if UpB would be reflectable, that was a given since it was based off of Dead Man's Volley. I was asking about your sideB Sword Beam.

Also, making sideB a projectile or a reflector based on the time held sounds really cool and unique.

Definitely supporting this character. I'll give a 1/2 vote for King of Hyrule.
Brain fart, SIDE B being reflectable. No. Link's Sword Beams are never reflectable and that's basically what these are. Up B would have to because of Dead Man's Volley. Glad I got yo support!

Man, King of Hyrule is hittin' home tonight. I just may draw up more diagrams to display his potential. Anyone is free to expand on the idea.
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Alex Night

Smash Ace
May 15, 2013
Know who I've never once seen suggested in this thread?

(King of Hyrule)


This is THE KING of Hyrule. He could utilize Triforce-enhanced powers (as he commanded the Triforce in The Wind Waker's climax), while sporting some sturdy, confidant martial arts and/or some of the Blade Brothers' moves from The Minish Cap. They are as follows (Blade Brother — moves taught):
  • Swiftblade — Spin Attack, Dash Attack, Rock Breaker, Down Thrust
  • Grayblade — Roll Attack
  • Waveblade — Peril Beam
  • Grimblade — Sword Beam
  • Scarblade — Quick Spin Attack
  • Splitblade — Quick charge of Split Gauge
  • Greatblade — Prolonged Great Spin Attack
  • Swiftblade I — Great Spin Attack
Granted, not all of these moves could/should be utilized by the King of Hyrule. I foresee this stocky, brute fighter using heavy karate chops to execute the likes of Rock Breaker, Down Thrust, Dash Attack, Sword Beam (with or without a sword), and Quick Spin Attack (a single spin with a large chop). These would be accompanied by golden-hued Triforce-enhanced powers unlike his daughter Zelda utilizes. Since Link, Zelda, and Ganon each behold the Triforces of Courage, Wisdom, and Power, the King of Hyrule could equally use powers indicative of all three pieces. As such, his up, side, and down specials could reflect one of each Triforce, with his neutral special being a charge attack:
  • Up Special — Triforce of Power: King of Hyrule raises his fist skyward, charging a ball of light that when released, depending on the duration of the charge, will be thrown at an increase of speed at a diagonal akin with Ness's aerial PK Fire, exploding on the ground leaving a hitbox for a moment. Direct contact with an opponent will deal great damage, but little-to-no knockback. It instead stuns them in place. Also functions like DK's Up Special when used in-air, but with vertical recovery instead of horizontal; the King completes one full aerial rotation throughout the recovery, rising with his right hand holding a ball of light. (Reference)
  • Side Special — Triforce of Courage: King of Hyrule charges a forward or backward swipe of his divine hand and upon release, flings a "sword beam". Longer held, faster the flight. Even if he charges forward, if the analog stick is flung the opposite direction upon release, he will spin and throw it the opposite direction. (Reference)
  • Down Special — Triforce of Wisdom: King of Hyrule faces the screen, and with hands together recites an incantation that summons from within him up to three (or four) orbs of light (depending on the duration held) that eventually simultaneously slam down on the ground around him. Little damage, but area effect. (Reference)
  • Neutral Special — Triforce Charge: King of Hyrule places a fist in his hand (like Ganondorf's taunt) and begins charging up a golden light. Once fully charged, he carries that energy and can deliver it with a smash attack. If reactivated after the charge concludes, he will begin the charge from start. Best to use what power is charged instead of wasting it.
How 'bout it?
:yeahboi: By the Goddess... This is possibly one of the coolest concepts I have ever heard. Forget Skull Kid, I give my body in service to the King! 1/2 vote for King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule!


Apr 13, 2008
Since I haven't stated it, might as well for officiality's sake: 1/2 vote for King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule. Unless... I'm not sure, but I may have 1 vote left. If so, I give the full vote to this ol' chap.

I see him as the type of fighter whose smashes connect and delay for a slight moment before sending other characters flying, like, the two just freeze for a split second. This would add emphasis to just how powerful he is. Kind of like when Ganondorf's Warlock Punch connects and the game just "stops" for a second. I see that happening with the King's smashes. His power has got to equal Ganondorf's. I want him to be a very grounded fighter with little reason to take to the air. He is the king of his land and thus the master of the ground.
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Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Wait, How would we get Midna+Wolf Link to even work?

I'd be so down if that was actually possible!


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
Since I haven't stated it, might as well for officiality's sake: 1/2 vote for King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule. Unless... I'm not sure, but I may have 1 vote left. If so, I give the full vote to this ol' chap.

I see him as the type of fighter whose smashes connect and delay for a slight moment before sending other characters flying, like, the two just freeze for a split second. This would add emphasis to just how powerful he is. Kind of like when Ganondorf's Warlock Punch connects and the game just "stops" for a second. I see that happening with the King's smashes. His power has got to equal Ganondorf's. I want him to be a very grounded fighter with little reason to take to the air. He is the king of his land and thus the master of the ground.
I believe this is called "hit stop" and it's used in a lot of fighting games to create a sense of power behind an attack. I could see a lot of his attacks having a lot of hit stop, although this isn't necessarily a good thing since that would be pretty detrimental in team play. It also increases the amount of time the defender has to correctly DI if I'm not mistaken.

To add to his "master of the ground" status, his dsmash could be something along the lines of Wario's. He smashes his fist into the ground and it erupts in the symbol of the triforce around him. It shouldn't be used as a tech chasing move though, so perhaps it could be a combo starter and knock them up into the air for follow ups.

Wait, How would we get Midna+Wolf Link to even work?

I'd be so down if that was actually possible!
What an awesome Ivysaur clone they could be! I suppose the animations could get a bit complex, but the stature is there! Wolf Link = body, Midna = bulb. The vines function similarly to Midna's hair-hand anywho!


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2013
I'd rather have Classic Pig Ganon as the next Zelda character if we even get another.

I do like the idea of the King, though.


Apr 13, 2008
I'd rather have Classic Pig Ganon as the next Zelda character if we even get another.

I do like the idea of the King, though.
I support this as well, but technically we only have TP Beast Ganon available. I mean, it is the Ganon property and considering the P:M team is more lenient for alt costumes, they could go a step further and just make it Classic Pig Ganon instead. Even the Trident is present in Brawl in the Phantom Ganon sticker.

Skull Kid + Majora
King of Hyrule

These four characters would rock the world. Super Hyrule Bros. yeah?
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Alex Night

Smash Ace
May 15, 2013
Ah dang it, I messed up my vote due to me not reading the whole topic of voting correctly. I failed my king. ;_; Now he won't have my +1 support.


Apr 13, 2008
Did you draw this up in just a couple hours/an hour? If so, amazing job!

I like his initial stance, it's sort of like fencing by the looks of it.
This nails it. This is a man of regality. He is a bare-handed fencer empowered by the Triforce. Its golden radiance transforms his fists into weapons of might and judgement.
Ah dang it, I messed up my vote due to me not reading the whole topic of voting correctly. I failed my king. ;_; Now he won't have my +1 support.
You can still add a 1/2 vote! Most people have already spent their full votes, but 1/2 votes can forever be added.

Also, final smash:

World Order
The King summons and wishes upon the Triforce. The screen flashes white and upon resumption, every player's damage percentages are averaged and equaled.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2013
Chicago, IL
Ok so I'm about to blow everyone's mind.

James McCloud.
...from F-Zero.


Fox's down, neutral, and up specials.
Captain Falcon's everything else.

Best character or bestest character?


Apr 13, 2008
Ok so I'm about to blow everyone's mind.

James McCloud.
...from F-Zero.


Fox's down, neutral, and up specials.
Captain Falcon's everything else.

Best character or bestest character?
Sorry man, but he's not applicable. He neither appeared as a trophy or sticker. Obvious and fair idea: take the best of Fox and Falcon and merge them into an actual Nintendo character. Great in theory, but impossible by the PMBR's rules. Black Shadow's got the best chances, so at least F-Zero COULD get a new rep. The whole Black Shadow/Ganondorf deal is a win-win-win scenario where F-Zero fans win with a new rep, Ganondorf-accurate fans win with a moveset that reflects his appearances in The Legend of Zelda, and Smash-Ganondorf fans win because their favorite moveset survives in Black Shadow. It's possibly the best addition to the roster.
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Alex Night

Smash Ace
May 15, 2013
Well, then I guess I'll add another 1/2 vote for the King of Hyrule. I guess I'll also be one of those guys that puts a +1 for Paper Mario. Need more hammer characters. :D So that leaves me with 3 more points, I guess.


Smash Rookie
Oct 10, 2012
Wait, How would we get Midna+Wolf Link to even work?

I'd be so down if that was actually possible!
How I would envision it. Use the bulbasaur model... for the Wolf part. Midna's orange hand thing would be the main source of attacks.... They could even have a transformation... to change midna into human form as a final smash...using young link to accompany as a fighter.. Similar to Samus..you would revert with a smash ball. A lot of shadow esque moves using Mewtwo as reference.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 14, 2013
wolf link's final smash should be a huge circle (you know the thing Midna lets him use to multikill enemies) which should cover enough space to have a high chance of catching all players on screen. Link starts flying about really fast between them racking up damage before returning to the middle howling and having everyone caught by the attack hit by a smash and sent flying. A smaller one hit per person caught in it should probably also be his neutral B though. I imagine that this may be a really hard thing to do, I have no idea how much work it would be or if it's even possible but it would be such a satisfying finisher.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
I believe this is called "hit stop" and it's used in a lot of fighting games to create a sense of power behind an attack. I could see a lot of his attacks having a lot of hit stop, although this isn't necessarily a good thing since that would be pretty detrimental in team play. It also increases the amount of time the defender has to correctly DI if I'm not mistaken.
It's actually called hitlag in smash.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Know who I've never once seen suggested in this thread?

(King of Hyrule)


This is THE KING of Hyrule. He could utilize Triforce-enhanced powers (as he commanded the Triforce in The Wind Waker's climax), while sporting some sturdy, confidant martial arts and/or some of the Blade Brothers' moves from The Minish Cap. They are as follows (Blade Brother — moves taught):
  • Swiftblade — Spin Attack, Dash Attack, Rock Breaker, Down Thrust
  • Grayblade — Roll Attack
  • Waveblade — Peril Beam
  • Grimblade — Sword Beam
  • Scarblade — Quick Spin Attack
  • Splitblade — Quick charge of Split Gauge
  • Greatblade — Prolonged Great Spin Attack
  • Swiftblade I — Great Spin Attack
Granted, not all of these moves could/should be utilized by the King of Hyrule. I foresee this stocky, brute fighter using heavy karate chops to execute the likes of Rock Breaker, Down Thrust, Dash Attack, Sword Beam (with or without a sword), and Quick Spin Attack (a single spin with a large chop). These would be accompanied by golden-hued Triforce-enhanced powers unlike his daughter Zelda utilizes. Since Link, Zelda, and Ganon each behold the Triforces of Courage, Wisdom, and Power, the King of Hyrule could equally use powers indicative of all three pieces. As such, his up, side, and down specials could reflect one of each Triforce, with his neutral special being a charge attack:
  • Up Special — Triforce of Power: King of Hyrule raises his fist skyward, charging a ball of light that when released, depending on the duration of the charge, will be thrown at an increase of speed at a diagonal akin with Ness's aerial PK Fire, exploding on the ground leaving a hitbox for a moment. Direct contact with an opponent will deal great damage, but little-to-no knockback. It instead stuns them in place. Also functions like DK's Up Special when used in-air, but with vertical recovery instead of horizontal; the King completes one full aerial rotation throughout the recovery, rising with his right hand holding a ball of light. (Reference)
  • Side Special — Triforce of Courage: King of Hyrule charges a forward or backward swipe of his divine hand and upon release, flings a "sword beam". Longer held, faster the flight. Even if he charges forward, if the analog stick is flung the opposite direction upon release, he will spin and throw it the opposite direction. (Reference)
  • Down Special — Triforce of Wisdom: King of Hyrule faces the screen, and with hands together recites an incantation that summons from within him up to three (or four) orbs of light (depending on the duration held) that eventually simultaneously slam down on the ground around him. Little damage, but area effect. (Reference)
  • Neutral Special — Triforce Charge: King of Hyrule places a fist in his hand (like Ganondorf's taunt) and begins charging up a golden light. Once fully charged, he carries that energy and can deliver it with a smash attack. If reactivated after the charge concludes, he will begin the charge from start. Best to use what power is charged instead of wasting it.
How 'bout it?
I love your ability to concept a moveset for a character no one has thought of, but sadly I haven't the slightest interest in the King of Hyrule. Moveset or not. You definitely win my respect points though Spire. Good on you mate. This does inspire me to put more time into that Ray moveset. After I finish up a couple late Valentines, I'm gonna get back to work on that.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I love your ability to concept a moveset for a character no one has thought of, but sadly I haven't the slightest interest in the King of Hyrule. Moveset or not. You definitely win my respect points though Spire. Good on you mate. This does inspire me to put more time into that Ray moveset. After I finish up a couple late Valentines, I'm gonna get back to work on that.

Can't wait to see more Ray stuff, though :p
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013

Can't wait to see more Ray stuff, though :p
I can't say I agree. I respect the thought of the character, but I find him far less interesting than many characters on the list.

As for Ray, I'll do my best to reach everyone's expectations.
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