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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I like your taste! I didn't vote for Kafei or Shadow, but your other three have my full support. I adore the thought of Skull Kid in a Smash game, and we know he won't be in Smash 4, so there's no problem there. Plus I think P:M would do more justice to how dark and creepy he could be. I've also wanted Paper Mario in for a long time, and I doubt he ever will be in an official Smash game, so P:M may be his only option.

Kafei and Shadow can offer more to the table than most people honestly can see. The way I see it, Kafei would be a hybrid of Sheik and Yink. Basically having a mix of both their movesets along with tools of his own.

As for Shadow, I imagine him to have a very Meta Knight cross Falco type of game. Quick rushdown with a lot of unique bait / mind game strategies that greatly differ from Sonic. With a combination of speed and his Chaos abilities, it would make for a very unique semi-clone. I'll post up a moveset tonight for Shadow and Kafei.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
As for the Fierce Deity, we already have 2 Links (as Solbliminal already mentioned), but the point is, because he's pretty much Adult Link physically, he could be a costume.
After all, Majora's Mask was done using the engine and models from Ocarina of Time, and the Fierce Deity is a modified Adult Link model.
But FDL has a double handed blade.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
Kafei and Shadow can offer more to the table than most people honestly can see. The way I see it, Kafei would be a hybrid of Sheik and Yink. Basically having a mix of both their movesets along with tools of his own.
I don't disagree with you! My support just lies elsewhere...sorry.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
The Zelda franchise has almost as much representatives as pokemon...
But if anyone from zelda would be added, I'd go with tetra/toon zelda.
It's five to seven currently, and probably eight with Pichu.

I'd add Skull Kid in a heartbeat, but failing that, Tetra on her own. Tetra and Toon Zelda would take up two slots.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Tetra by herself or Skull Kid.

Tetra alone would just be awkward considering how Sheik functions. It would just seem...wrong....to not mirror Zelda/Shiek with T.Zelda/Tetra. Either way, I just don't see the appeal in her.

Now if Vaati were an option, I would be voting him like no tomorrow for that "Toon Link Rival Character" position. It is an absolute shame he isn't though...

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Tetra alone would just be awkward considering how Sheik functions. It would just seem...wrong....to not mirror Zelda/Shiek with T.Zelda/Tetra. Either way, I just don't see the appeal in her.

Now if Vaati were an option, I would be voting him like no tomorrow for that "Toon Link Rival Character" position. It is an absolute shame he isn't though...
Vaati would be #1, no question about it. I don't think Tetra alone would be awkward at all. Just because Sheik transforms doesn't mean Tetra has to. I don't think Tetra even liked being Zelda, since she even ditched that form after Wind Waker ended.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Vaati would be #1, no question about it. I don't think Tetra alone would be awkward at all. Just because Sheik transforms doesn't mean Tetra has to. I don't think Tetra even liked being Zelda, since she even ditched that form after Wind Waker ended.

The same could be said about Zelda posing as Sheik. She was forced to do it to hide from Ganondorf. It is the same situation for the two characters. Besides, Toon Zelda would be different enough with the right approach. And if it is a slot we are worried about, shouldn't we be happy she takes up 2 if it means the chances are it would benefit PMBR's workload?


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
Tetra is a much more prominent character than Sheik. There's no need to waste a slot in Baby Zelda just because we want Cool Pirate Chick.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
The same could be said about Zelda posing as Sheik. She was forced to do it to hide from Ganondorf. It is the same situation for the two characters. Besides, Toon Zelda would be different enough with the right approach. And if it is a slot we are worried about, shouldn't we be happy she takes up 2 if it means the chances are it would benefit PMBR's workload?
It's a bit different, though. Zelda hid from Ganondorf as Sheik, but Tetra only became Zelda when the Triforce of Wisdom was completed, and she went back to being her alter ego as soon as the Triforce was gone.

In other words: Zelda became Sheik out of necessity. Tetra stayed Tetra because she wants to be Tetra.

I'd rather not use two slots on what amounts to a single character. I'd prefer Skull Kid over Tetra in any case, but I would rather not have Tetra than to have her and Toon Zelda take up two slots.

I'd like Tetra. We need more pirates and Captain Syrup wasn't in Brawl.
Plus pirates vs ninjas if we have them both.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Tetra is a much more prominent character than Sheik. There's no need to waste a slot in Baby Zelda just because we want Cool Pirate Chick.

I'm just saying it doesn't seem right. Either way, I could care less about Tetra or Toon Zelda. I only suggested what would be an easier workload for PMBR to work with since this is a character discussion thread. Knocking out two slots with a clone and a unique character would be ideal for their goals. Plus I've seen a few suggestions throughout the thread saying that people want a Zelda clone of the sorts.

That aside, I want to see Ashley ideas. She is a character I've grown fond of since the moment she was suggested.


Apr 13, 2008
I understand the sentiment towards Kafei because of his trite playability, but as far as moveset potential goes, he's basically a weaponless Young Link. Lending any tools would be a stretch from his in-series depiction, crossing the threshold of complete invention. I can't argue against this because Captain Falcon never fought outside of the Blue Falcon before Smash 64 (beyond his bounty hunter background, but that's irrelevant), but I do believe there are more iconic representatives of the Zelda franchise. Kafei was playable, sure, but so are the seagulls in The Wind Waker.

Skull Kid & Majora's Mask would bring unprecedented originality to the table. A dual-character, capable of switching between Skull Kid's grounded control and Majora's Mask's aerial control, all within the same moveset. On foot, Skull Kid runs around, but in the air, Majora's Mask drags Skull Kid like a puppet, taking a leaf from its floaty movement in the final battle. They would form a symbiotic relationship akin with Olimar and his Pikmin, with the tight groundplay of Sheik and the levitation of Mewtwo. With the added potential of separating, taking control of Skull Kid while leaving Majora's Mask—like a bumper—to hover in a fixed spot, surging darkness on those unlucky foes to make contact with it would bring something unseen to Smash. To forcefully separate a character in two, potentially controlling either half or even switching between them... Think about it. A character that could move as one unit, or as two—with one becoming immobile. Skull Kid would fall and lie limp like an abandoned marionette while the player controls the speedier, completely-aerial Majora's Mask. The ability to divide and conquer the stage like so only brings to mind Zelda's trapping with Din's Fire. This would be new.

I only foresee Kafei being an alternate Link, using items not yet represented between Link and Toon Link. Kafei would simply be a visual substitute for yet another actual Link.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Damn if that doesn't sound (a) cool, (b) creepy, and (c) potentially unfeasible. If they could pull that off it'd be awesome though.
This is PMBR. If they can't pull it off, no one can. It would be so epic to see him play like that - he'd be a really advanced character with the switching mechanism.

One question for thought: which part needs to be KO'd for it to count? Skull Kid or Majora?

Guys, use the ignore feature. Also join me in reporting him for spam.
Already done :p Well, with the reporting, anyways.


Apr 13, 2008
That is the point of a clone character.
We don't need to revive Young Link though. That's what Toon Link is for. I love The Legend of Zelda and would gush over maximum representation thereof, but I respect the space and necessity that other series deserve. I stand by the notion that if The Legend of Zelda gets a new rep, it should be Skull Kid. The only addition to that would be the Ganondorf / Black Shadow split. The Legend of Zelda would then gain two new movesets, but only one new slot. The series is oversaturated with heroes as is—we need another villain!

Sharic X

Skull Kid & Majora's Mask would bring unprecedented originality to the table. A dual-character, capable of switching between Skull Kid's grounded control and Majora's Mask's aerial control, all within the same moveset. On foot, Skull Kid runs around, but in the air, Majora's Mask drags Skull Kid like a puppet, taking a leaf from its floaty movement in the final battle. They would form a symbiotic relationship akin with Olimar and his Pikmin, with the tight groundplay of Sheik and the levitation of Mewtwo. With the added potential of separating, taking control of Skull Kid while leaving Majora's Mask—like a bumper—to hover in a fixed spot, surging darkness on those unlucky foes to make contact with it would bring something unseen to Smash. To forcefully separate a character in two, potentially controlling either half or even switching between them... Think about it. A character that could move as one unit, or as two—with one becoming immobile. Skull Kid would fall and lie limp like an abandoned marionette while the player controls the speedier, completely-aerial Majora's Mask. The ability to divide and conquer the stage like so only brings to mind Zelda's trapping with Din's Fire. This would be new.
You know, I would actually like that. Now I'm also curious to see what Majora's Mask alone could do, if for the special attacks it could switch between Majora's Incarnation and Majora's Wrath.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
We don't need to revive Young Link though. That's what Toon Link is for. I love The Legend of Zelda and would gush over maximum representation thereof, but I respect the space and necessity that other series deserve. I stand by the notion that if The Legend of Zelda gets a new rep, it should be Skull Kid. The only addition to that would be the Ganondorf / Black Shadow split. The Legend of Zelda would then gain two new movesets, but only one new slot. The series is oversaturated with heroes as is—we need another villain!

I agree for the most part, although... I'm still very fascinated by that Mask Link idea, the one without the transforming but just the changing stats.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
One question for thought: which part needs to be KO'd for it to count? Skull Kid or Majora?
Another question is can you damage the Skull Kid while they're controlling the mask? Imagine if in addition to having to swap your focus for offense, you had to be able to defend both the mask and the prone Skull Kid.

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
I understand the sentiment towards Kafei because of his trite playability, but as far as moveset potential goes, he's basically a weaponless Young Link. Lending any tools would be a stretch from his in-series depiction, crossing the threshold of complete invention. I can't argue against this because Captain Falcon never fought outside of the Blue Falcon before Smash 64 (beyond his bounty hunter background, but that's irrelevant), but I do believe there are more iconic representatives of the Zelda franchise. Kafei was playable, sure, but so are the seagulls in The Wind Waker.

Skull Kid & Majora's Mask would bring unprecedented originality to the table. A dual-character, capable of switching between Skull Kid's grounded control and Majora's Mask's aerial control, all within the same moveset. On foot, Skull Kid runs around, but in the air, Majora's Mask drags Skull Kid like a puppet, taking a leaf from its floaty movement in the final battle. They would form a symbiotic relationship akin with Olimar and his Pikmin, with the tight groundplay of Sheik and the levitation of Mewtwo. With the added potential of separating, taking control of Skull Kid while leaving Majora's Mask—like a bumper—to hover in a fixed spot, surging darkness on those unlucky foes to make contact with it would bring something unseen to Smash. To forcefully separate a character in two, potentially controlling either half or even switching between them... Think about it. A character that could move as one unit, or as two—with one becoming immobile. Skull Kid would fall and lie limp like an abandoned marionette while the player controls the speedier, completely-aerial Majora's Mask. The ability to divide and conquer the stage like so only brings to mind Zelda's trapping with Din's Fire. This would be new.

I only foresee Kafei being an alternate Link, using items not yet represented between Link and Toon Link. Kafei would simply be a visual substitute for yet another actual Link.

This isn't Smash 4. That's pretty much impossible to do here...
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