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New Character: Stafy (Densetsu no Stafy series)


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2007
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
yah but you have to be able to back your opinion up with fact if you want it to be taken seriously. right now hes just restating the same dumb post over and over. "stafy looks to kiddy to be in brawl", which has already been rebuked 3 times and yet he still brings it up as an argument
1) Virtually unknown in the united states.

2) Targeted even in Japan at very young kids

They would never put a character in who is not even present in North America/Europe/Australia. Period.

Please share your counterargument that is obviously so informative for you to be making such bold statements.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
1) Virtually unknown in the united states.
same with marth and roy.

2) Targeted even in Japan at very young kids
and how do you know this? plenty of older people still enjoy kirby games and pokemon games.

They would never put a character in who is not even present in North America/Europe/Australia. Period.
wow, I had no idea you were making the game. plus, marth and roy.

Please share your counterargument that is obviously so informative for you to be making such bold statements.
my hipocrisy senses are tingling!


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2007
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Oh wow. Everything about that post was just not smart :(

Hypocrisy? I was the one who was told to give my argument, and then I genuinely said to give a counter argument.

And you do know that Marth and Roy were originally just going to be released on the Japanese version of Melee right? But then the 7th FE game came to the U.S. and they garnered popularity in NA. And what does some adults playing the game have to do with the demographic? Do you know what a demographic is? Stafy is a character in a game with a very young demographic. It would make no sense to put him in a game with a different demographic.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
**** you tirkaro, i was going to say all of those things

Oh wow. Everything about that post was just not smart :(

Hypocrisy? I was the one who was told to give my argument, and then I genuinely said to give a counter argument.
I was actually talking about the whole "bold statements" stuff, since the only reasons your giving why stafy shouldn't be in brawl is "Z0mG, He IS 2 CUTE, AND JAPAN ONLY, HE CANT BE IN!!!!!1" thats some pretty bold crap right there.

And you do know that Marth and Roy were originally just going to be released on the Japanese version of Melee right? But then the 7th FE game came to the U.S. and they garnered popularity in NA. And what does some adults playing the game have to do with the demographic? Do you know what a demographic is? Stafy is a character in a game with a very young demographic. It would make no sense to put him in a game with a different demographic.
melee was relesed before the 7th FE came to the US. Marth and roys inclusion in melee was a large reason why it came to the US anyway.

and....erm....hullo......smash is supposed to be a FAMILY game. as in, fun for the whole FAMILY. why else do you think snake cant use realistic guns in brawl? because its aimed at EVERYONE. including, the young'uns

can he even walk?


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2007
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
I will be back to this thread once all the characters in brawl have been announced, so I can power my new car. It runs on the tears of children.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
wow, you've got a car that runs on your own tears, thats nice. its also sad that you've completely given up at arguing and have resorted to idiotic statements


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
Mililani Mauka, Hawaii
So I guess if Stafy is too cute, then I guess Pikachu and Kirby are f*ck-a*s ugly. I would love to see Stafy in the game, and maybe later get Stapy in the next game. Also, if Stafy gets in then that makes a better possibility that Legend of Stafy games will be released in the US.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Actually, I thought it was pretty funny. But in any case. Smash's 'demographic' is pretty much anybody who considers themselves a Nintendo fan and wants to see Mario and Link beat eachother up. This runs the gamut from college kids who still appreciate Nintendo as a company all the way down to 8+ kids who need an entertaining, child-safe fighting game.

To the best of my knowledge, Starfy, in terms of game difficulty and character cast, is about on par with Kirby. That is: a colorful cast of child-friendly characters in a game anyone can appreciate. If you haven't noticed yet... Kirby's already in Brawl.

(Feel free to watch a boss fight on YouTube if you need proof that Starfy can have a workable moveset. Seems pretty acrobatic to me.)

The things working against him, of course, are his Japan only status, and the fact that his games don't seem to nearly as well selling and universal as Nintendo's other lines. But he has a chance, at least.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
well the reason his games don't seel as much as other big franchises is because
1, hes relatively new
2, so far his games have been only gba
and 3, he is a japan only character.

now putting him in smash can easily fix all of these issues, and if they let marth in on melee why not stafy

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I would refuse to buy Brawl if this POS was in it.
For that very reason, I hope he is in.

I have no taste because I don't want a little star as a playable character in this game?

Stop wasting our oxygen please.
This guy has a lot of personality. He would be a fun and unique character. Let me also add that you are the one who said that anyone who wanted Ridley in was stupid. So, yes you have no taste. For point of proof, the following quote:

Kirby, Jigglypuff, Yoshi, and Pikachu all walk upright on two legs and have arms and hands with some sort opposable digit allowing them to grab things.

Ridley is a skeletal looking pteradon.

And clearly you aren't a metroid fan, because the only people who think he would make a good character in brawl either know nothing about ridley or they are just young and silly.
(I'd like to know what Jiggs' or Kirby's opposable digits are...:ohwell:)

How much oxygen does it take to type anyway?

I don't want a character who was designed by a 3-year old in Smash bros.
Wow, I wonder how much money that 3-year-old is making...

He is a lamer idea for a character than a Nintendog. I am confident that Stafy will not be included in any way shape or form in the game. Simply, because he is lame.
And what character exactly do you want in Brawl? Master Chief? You don't know jack. The only thing you should be confident in is that you will inevitable say something dumb when you post.

in that case, get the hell off these boards and go buy a ps3. Nintendo is obviously to kiddie and will insult your allmighty manliness. :laugh:

The Wii doesn't insult it. Lame characters like Stafy do.
"Lame characters like Stafy." Can you please clarify? How exactly is he "lame." Because he has personality? Because he has no hands? Because he doesn't have a first-person shooter game? Because he doesn't hang around loose women at bars on the weekends? What? Please, help me understand.

What assumption was made? You don't have to play a game to know it is a little kids game that is exclusive to Japan. Which in itself is a guarantee it will never be in brawl. At least not in the form of a playable character.
Actually, that is the exact definition of "assumption." And what Nintendo games are you playing that are so manly? Nintendo games in general are designed for a wide range of audiences. Until you play it, nothing you say holds any merit.

And what everyone else has said..."Japan-only" doesn't really mean anything. Sakurai said he'd like to stay away from it, but he then followed that up by saying he'd probably do it anyway. Stafy is very/I] popular in Japan. And as far as Smash goes...they get what they want. (Jigglypuff, Ness, Marth, Pichu...)

1) Virtually unknown in the united states.
That's pretty relative. Most people in the US don't know who Samus Aran or Fox McCloud are. A lot of people didn't know half of the roster in SSB64. How is someone being unknown a hindrance to their chances at all??

2) Targeted even in Japan at very young kids
As opposed to?...Kirby? Mario? Pikmin? Animal Crossing? What?

They would never put a character in who is not even present in North America/Europe/Australia. Period.
You're wrong. Period.

Oh wow. Everything about that post was just not smart :(
I'm glad you finally realized that.

And you do know that Marth and Roy were originally just going to be released on the Japanese version of Melee right? But then the 7th FE game came to the U.S. and they garnered popularity in NA.
Wow, did you just pull that out of your butt? You really have your cause and effect mixed up there. FE became popular after Melee came out. Not the other way around.

And what does some adults playing the game have to do with the demographic? Do you know what a demographic is? Stafy is a character in a game with a very young demographic. It would make no sense to put him in a game with a different demographic.
You really must not watch any Nintendo press conferences...

Please define what the demographic is for each then, since you are clearly an expert on the subject.

well the reason his games don't seel as much as other big franchises is because
1, hes relatively new
2, so far his games have been only gba
and 3, he is a japan only character.

now putting him in smash can easily fix all of these issues, and if they let marth in on melee why not stafy
He is a hand-held character, sort of like Kirby has been as of late, but I'm pretty sure Stafy is a purely hand-held character.

And when do sales matter as far as characters getting in?? If that were the case, we'd have 20 Mario characters, and 15 Pokemon. Disregarding the fact that FE had no sales in the US prior Melee...F-Zero, EB, heck even SF have pretty low sales, relatively speaking. Sales is not a factor. Sakurai said himself that he likes characters that excite him. I could definitely see Stafy exciting him...


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
underwater stage would pwn, we need that and a space stage. also bravo on grim for smashing what was left of that guy to a bloody pulp, although i'm upset that tirkaro got more quotes then i did ='(


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
It would be interesting to see a character like Stafy in Brawl, but because his/hers/its games never came to the US and I've never played them, I really have no opinion whether he should be in.

Unless... someone's able to convince me what new things he could bring to Brawl.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Well, after seeing those, I'd think it would be nice to see him in Brawl.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
Maybe as an assistant trophy but not a chance in hell for a playable character, who has heard of him anyway?

if you bothered to read the rest of the thread: stafy is a very popular character in japan [I remember seeing some awesome stafy cookies somewhere] and has recently become more popular in america, due to the recent rise in import gaming. stafy is, at least, according to most english-speaking brawl communities, the most popular japan-only character choice for brawl.

in my opinion, stafy would make a great and unique character, especially if you check out some of the gameplay clips on youtube posted on this thread.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
Look at the Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan series, due to its surprisingly high import rate, Nintendo and iNiS began discussing the possibility of officially exporting the game to other regions. However, as Keiichi Yano, vice president of iNiS and director of the game explained in an interview with 1UP.com, selling the game at retail in Western markets would have been unfeasible due to the game's innate reliance on Japanese popular music and cultural references. So they decided to make it American-style, and call it Elite Beat Agents.

When the Custom Robo V2 trophies (Ray Mk II, Bayonette, and Annie) were showed in Super Smash Bros. Melee, three trophies didn't seem to earn much attention due to Super Smash Bros. Melee being more about fighting than collecting, while the Custom Robo series was Japan-Only back then, making many non-Japanese gamers overlook the series. However, it may have caused Nintendo of America to think about localizing and marketing Custom Robo games for North American release. Nintendo of America was planning to release Custom Robo GX, the third title in the series, but later cancelled it for unknown reasons and decided to release Custom Robo: Battle Revolution, the fourth title in the series, which became the first to see an international release in 2004. Released outside of Japan simply as Custom Robo, the game was designed specifically with newcomers to the series in mind. All Custom Robo titles produced since have also seen international release, as well as considerable success.


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2007
Newark, Ohio
Remember what Masahiro Sakurai said? He's going to refrain from using Japan-only characters. And since Starfy NEVER CAME TO AMERICA, it's likely we won't see him as a PC in brawl, and more likely as an AT.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
Remember what Masahiro Sakurai said? He's going to refrain from using Japan-only characters. And since Starfy NEVER CAME TO AMERICA, it's likely we won't see him as a PC in brawl, and more likely as an AT.
sakurai never said he was DEFINETLY going to not include japan only characters, he just said he would avoid including too many of them.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Remember what Masahiro Sakurai said? He's going to refrain from using Japan-only characters. And since Starfy NEVER CAME TO AMERICA, it's likely we won't see him as a PC in brawl, and more likely as an AT.
Quote please.

From now one, when people make absurd statements, claiming Sakurai said it, I'm demanding a quote. And he said he wanted to try to stay away from using Japan-only chars but that he'd probably do it anyway.


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2007
Newark, Ohio
Quote please.

From now one, when people make absurd statements, claiming Sakurai said it, I'm demanding a quote. And he said he wanted to try to stay away from using Japan-only chars but that he'd probably do it anyway.
That's what I was pointing at. I said he wanted to refrain from using them, and that means he wants to stay away from using them. And, I didn't mean Starfy has no chance at getting in at all. I might wanna edit my post and make it sound less like I'm outright saying, "STARFY IS NOT IN BRAWL. U SUCK." Which I wouldn't say in the first place.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
Well, even so. He's in Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga and is even an enemy in Super Princess Peach.


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2007
Newark, Ohio
Oh, I wasn't aware of that. Since I don't own Superstar Saga or a DS, I guess I'm missing out on something here.
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