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New Character: Stafy (Densetsu no Stafy series)


Smash Rookie
Jul 17, 2007
I would really love to see Stafy as a playable character. He is my most wanted character for Brawl.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Stupid crappy threads that people are making about worthless characters...we need to convince more people of the greatness that is Stafy. I...want...him. o.0

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
I know this is a bit off subject about the topic but out of the 3 GBA stafy games, which is considered the best? I might plan on importing one of the games.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
There's actually a DS Stafy, too. And a fun fact: Stafy's been around since the GB color. So, I think he's enough of a veteran game icon to be in...

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I really want/need to learn Japanese sometime. That would really expand my opportunities.

Anyway, I don't know what to tell you, though. I'd say...probably one of the first two because they pretty much stick to just Stafy. Later on, they include his friends a lot more, which is fine...but you don't get as much of a feel of Stafy. Those are just my impressions based on what I've seen/read.

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
I really want/need to learn Japanese sometime. That would really expand my opportunities.

Anyway, I don't know what to tell you, though. I'd say...probably one of the first two because they pretty much stick to just Stafy. Later on, they include his friends a lot more, which is fine...but you don't get as much of a feel of Stafy. Those are just my impressions based on what I've seen/read.
Well the games are pretty cheap to import :D


Under 16 dollars :p

Awesome I can get Stafi one and two for under 22 dollars O_O

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I should totally get that, too...Just what I need, more stuff to take up my time. :p I just now picked up Pikmin 2, also...lol. I'm way behind. I gotta get all my other game playing out of the way before Brawl. ^.^

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
The thing is though if I spend my money on these 2 stafy games (probably ask my dad tomorrow if I can order) I won't have any money for Picross DS at the end of this month >_>

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Metroid Corruption in August, Mario Wii and Zelda DS in November, and Brawl in December...my wallet isn't going to hurt pretty soon...

Iggy K

Smash Ace
May 18, 2006
I found the third game in the series the most fun if you're still wondering, Lemon Drop.

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
Well I just ordered Stafi part 1 and 2, be here in 5-10 days (not paying 20 dollars to get it here sooner)

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Stafy...woot! To actually get on some sort of discussion...He would (obviously) be unlockable; do you guys think he'd have his own stage? What would his stage look like?


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
I found the third game in the series the most fun if you're still wondering, Lemon Drop.
It seems part 3s of every game are always excellent. Devil May Cry 3, Super Mario Bros 3, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Metal Gear Solid 3, etc. Makes you wonder about Brawl.

Sorry if I went offtopic. I just found this interesting.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2001
I guarantee Stafy will get something in this game. He Nintendo's new hot property for handhelds and putting him in SSBB will give them a good reason to release his games here.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
OK, what are Stafy's honest chances of getting in? And I don't want some noob negative nancy answering that question either. He's an awesome character suggestion.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
I just read up about it on Wikipedia. I like to know which of the 4 I should get >_>
Play the first one first, then the second, then third, and then fourth. That way, you'll follow the storyline from the beginning to the present, making it easier for you to understand the plot of the series. Even though it's in Japanese, language sometimes means nothing.

One time, I let a friend of mine play Super Mario Bros. 3, and he asked "Where's Yoshi?", and I told him "Yoshi wasn't made back when Super Mario Bros. 3 was released. He first appeared in Super Mario World."

I wish that someone would translate all four Stafy titles, because I'm curious about what the storyline is all about.


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2007
Maan, i just got third game and i beat it up.. But that would be enough, until i get more Stafy-games.
By the way, would Kyorosuke the clam can be used as a item?

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
The fact that so many people are interested in this character and importing these games tells me that: 1) They will likely translate these to English and have a release for them (or maybe just a new game) 2) That he has a good chance to get into Brawl in some form 3) Maybe both ^_^

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Stafy can't really grab or punch or anything because he's.... well... a star with a face. Yeah. I don't really see that happening.


A Ram
AA Ram
AAA Fly Headbutt

>A Diving Headbutt
VA Falling Headbutt
^A Rising Headbutt

>>A Spinning Headbutt
VVA Flipping Headbutt
^^A Twirling Headbutt

Look at the possibilities!!

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Stafy can't really grab or punch or anything because he's.... well... a star with a face. Yeah. I don't really see that happening.
Yeah and Ridley's too big to be in the game...

He has plenty of moves already if you look at the first post. :ohwell:

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Four special moves isn't plenty of moves. How the hell does a star or starfish fight? He doesn't have anything to offer to the game, and on top of that, he's a pretty overlooked character. Why do you guys think he even has a shot?

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
I watched nearly all of them, and all I saw were spinning head butts and a few punches. I just don't see how you can make an entire move set with someone who has such tiny legs, arms, and can only really spin and head butt as an attack. He has no originality or uniqueness going for him (he's practically Kirby, just with a different shape.) And, he's a Japan only, unknown character. He has absolutely nothing going for him.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I can see your point, Gypsy. I wouldn't be too upset if he was just an AT, but I still think he'd be awesome to be playable.

The arms and legs thing isn't an issue, though. You said it yourself: Kirby. His arms are about as stubby. As for his A-attacks and whatnot...if Sakurai and them wanted to do it, they could. It's just a matter of whether or not they would. He is known, although not really really well. And those that do know about him, are the kind of people who are importing his games and whatnot (although you could just get a ROM :ohwell:) And the Japanese-only thing isn't a problem. Japan gets what they want. I mean, just look at Ness and Marth...

Anyway, I think he could work as a PC if Sakurai wanted him to be one, but I'd be cool with an AT, too.

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
I have nothing against him being a playable character or anything; I was just confused as to why the people here are raving how awesome he is and speculating that his chances in Brawl are pretty good. I asked before, but no one answered me. So sometimes the best way to find out is to basically act like a noob and flame the thread and the character so that the supporters will give you reasons why he should be in the game. I was merely trying to get a little information (that Wikipedia page had next to no info on him).

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I suspected as much. ;)

He has four games, which isn't too shabby for any Nintendo character. He is really popular in Japan. And as I said, that actually does matter. I would be curious to see non-tackle A-moves, but I don't know that I'm creative enough to come up with something. Honestly, I think the main thing he has going for him are his hilarious facial expressions...and he's sewww kewt! ^_^

Edit: I did the same thing in the Sonic thread (acting like a noob to get answers) and all I got was...meh, go look it up yourself. It's somewhere back there. There was no suggested anything within the most recent 10 pages. And when they finally did repost it, it basically was just spinning, and the rest was stealing Mario's moves. :p I was actually hoping other people would show up to answer, but they must all be away today...:ohwell:


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
How would Stafy punch? He would punch like Jigglypuff. Click here to watch the commercial for Densetsu no Stafy 3. You'll see him planning to fight against Ogura with his hands.

If Kirby copied Stafy, then Kirby would wear a hat shaped like Stafy's head, just like how Kirby copied Pikachu and Yoshi.

Anders Kaiser

Smash Apprentice
Nov 14, 2001
Somewhere to your left.....
I got your back on this one, Grim. :)

I'm amazed that the "moveset argument" is used in any capacity at all anymore. I think that the Smash Bros team of the past proved that they could make a competent fighter out of any of Nintendo's icons, and the team working on Brawl sounds pretty dedicated to maintaining that sort of ability. Kirby, Jigglypuff and Pikachu all have similarly-stubby limbs and were given plenty of attacks, why would Stafy be any harder to work with? He can pull off kicks, spins, headbutts, body slams, and slaps just like any other Smasher. Remember that a big part of the Smash Bros style comes in the characters' "stretchiness" during fights (think about how huge Mario's fist gets during his forward-air in Melee). Even Stafy's little limbs should have no problem getting decent reach that way. If that's not enough, some of his attacks can be drawn from the huge range of gadgets and friends that he accumulates. After having experienced it in my run-through of Stafy 3, I'm starting to think that Stafy's final smash should be pulling out the rest of the Legendary Band (Stapy, Kyorosuke, and Woshalt) and kicking everyone else's ***** with the power of rock. Heck yeah.

As for what I really think of his chances of making it into the game...it's a little tough to say. Discounting Marth, I'd say that Stafy is probably the most likely Japan-only character to make the cut since his series is fairly popular, he's a relatively recent new icon, and the games have a big mythos to draw content from (I want an arrangement of Ogura's theme to make it into the game somehow). So, his chances really rest with Sakurai's willingness to include limited-territory characters. He stated that he wanted to keep thing more "international," but also acknowledges that Marth and Roy's inclusion in Melee had a pretty big role in sparking interest in Fire Emblem outside of Japan. Now it's an international property as a result. Localizing Stafy would be a little more difficult, since so many characters and events carry over between games, but I'm sure if Nintendo and TOSE put an effort toward making a Stafy game for first-timers (probably DnS 5), they could pull the series to America and beyond. If he were presented well in Brawl, Stafy's popularity would skyrocket outside of Japan.

So with all of that in mind, unless Sakurai was completely forbidding Japan-only characters from making it into the game, I believe that Stafy's chances are really good. There really isn't much of an argument for why he shouldn't make the cut.

And for fans of the series: please tell me I'm not the only one that would like to see Kyorosuke become fully-playable in future series installments. Stapy's introduction did strike me as a little odd when Stafy already has a perfectly good sidekick. Get on it, TOSE!


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
Play the first one first, then the second, then third, and then fourth. That way, you'll follow the storyline from the beginning to the present, making it easier for you to understand the plot of the series. Even though it's in Japanese, language sometimes means nothing.

One time, I let a friend of mine play Super Mario Bros. 3, and he asked "Where's Yoshi?", and I told him "Yoshi wasn't made back when Super Mario Bros. 3 was released. He first appeared in Super Mario World."

I wish that someone would translate all four Stafy titles, because I'm curious about what the storyline is all about.
Same, here.

Although, I'm mostly hoping Nintendo would get around to localizing them internationally, but that's highly unlikely.

That's partly the reason why I want Stafy in Brawl, if I haven't already said it several times before.
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