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New Character: Stafy (Densetsu no Stafy series)


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
Wow, nice-looking picture, except...Kyorosuke doesn't look nearly angry enough there. XP

I'd love for Kyoro to show up as an AT, if only to hear him yelling insults at people as they fight.
He's only angry during bad moments. Hide and Seek isn't bad at all. I believe every time Stafy wins, Kyorosuke would become angry. Kyorosuke is trying to find Stafy in this artwork, while Stafy is watching Kyorosuke while hiding behind a sea anemone.


Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Performing aerial bombing raids on the Marth forum
Stafy.... Stafy's just....Unnecessary

Seriously, why do people contantly insist characters that are Japan only? I don't want to sound like him picking on you, but you really should just stop bumping this thread up. Stafy is a nobody here. And despite all of the Marth users out there, I bet most of them never even played his game.

I mean... what's the point in using a character when you can never buy their game? Playing their game then playing Smash is exciting to me.

People compare him to Kirby, but if you decide to view him this way, then you can probably see hes just like Kirby but without any powers. Though I still can't understand why everyone makes that comparison.

I just don't understand why anyone would want him.


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2007
Then, Play the games, dammit!

This was almost the same situation, like i haved one time.
I didn't play the games too, so i wasn't so interested about Stafi, while thinkin' almostly like you.


the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
How can you hate a character this cute?

And not that I'm endorsing this but, even if you don't buy the games (which it's pretty easy/cheap to import them) you can, um, ahem...*coughgetcoughthecoughromscoughcough* pretty easily. I just think he's hilarious to watch/play as in the game.

And the Kirby comparison is just that he is a cute little character with stubby arms and legs. Meaning, you don't have to have arms, fingers, toes, and legs to be in Smash. And let me also add that he's been in more games than a lot of those who've appeared in Smash (he has four games)...

Super Smash Master

Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
I don't want a character who was designed by a 3-year old in Smash bros. He is a lamer idea for a character than a Nintendog. I am confident that Stafy will not be included in any way shape or form in the game. Simply, because he is lame.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
1) Obscure as hell.
he's only obscure in america. he's very popular in japan, and even has a cult fanbase in america.
by that same logic, I suppose marth and roy are too obscure also. good thing they didn't get into melee.......oh, wait......

2) Looks like some 5 year olds anime/manga character.
you know what I hate? people who judge a character by its looks. so what if he's a simple-looking starfish? thats doesn't make him any less deserving. if only "cool looking" characters got in brawl, I guarentee, smash wouldn't be nearly as fun. you, good sir, phale.

E: also, notice how pretty much all the anti-stafies never played one of his games.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2007
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
he's only obscure in america. he's very popular in japan, and even has a cult fanbase in america.
by that same logic, I suppose marth and roy are too obscure also. good thing they didn't get into melee.......oh, wait......

you know what I hate? people who judge a character by its looks. so what if he's a simple-looking starfish? thats doesn't make him any less deserving. if only "cool looking" characters got in brawl, I guarentee, smash wouldn't be nearly as fun. you, good sir, phale.
1) By cult fanbase in America you mean the younglings in this thread who just found out who he was? And are you honestly comparing Fire Emblems popularity to the Legend of Stafly?

2) It's not just about them looking cool. They wouldn't add a freakishly childish character to brawl to appease the 12 kids in this thread.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
or they could add him to appease the massive fanbase he has in japan. and hes not comparing the entire FE series, he's comparing marth and stafy, mainly because noone knew about marth in america until he came to america, so the same goes for stafy. and why do his fans have to be 12 years old, all of kirby's fans aren't 12 years old, and all of megaman's fans aren't 12 years old, so stop saying that because all it suceedes in doing is making you look like a douche


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2007
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
or they could add him to appease the massive fanbase he has in japan. and hes not comparing the entire FE series, he's comparing marth and stafy, mainly because noone knew about marth in america until he came to america, so the same goes for stafy. and why do his fans have to be 12 years old, all of kirby's fans aren't 12 years old, and all of megaman's fans aren't 12 years old, so stop saying that because all it suceedes in doing is making you look like a douche
If I stop saying 12 years old and replace it with 14 will you be happy?

And he doesn't have that massive of a fanbase in Japan. So you can cut that chord right now. None of the Stafy games were ever top sellers.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
1) By cult fanbase in America you mean the younglings in this thread who just found out who he was? And are you honestly comparing Fire Emblems popularity to the Legend of Stafly?
I wouldn't say he's as popular as FE, since stafy is more recent than FE (he started out on the GBA) He is still very popular. he's had 4 games so far, an even faster rate than FE.

2) It's not just about them looking cool. They wouldn't add a freakishly childish character to brawl to appease the 12 kids in this thread.
hello. smashboards is not the world. stafy would make a fun and unique addition to the brawl roster. then again, how would you know? you never played one of his games. so your just going to keep on barraging me with your laughably flawed logic, no matter what I say. ah well :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
man they have stafy balloons, a stafy tv show, stafy underwear... the guy has good merchandising and hes popular enough to be known over her even though he hasn't set foot in american soil.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
hwat about kirby, hes just as kiddy as stafy is, or mario, he's marketted to kids, or pikachu, or sonic or megaman. hell half of the smash bros roster look to kiddy by your definition. i guess they should all go then and we can watch people do link vs. ike matches to the end of eternity


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2007
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
what part of P-L-A-Y A S-T-A-F-Y G-A-M-E B-E-F-O-R-E Y-O-U M-A-K-E S-U-C-H L-A-U-G-H-A-B-LY
F-L-A-W-E-D A-S-S-U-M-P-T-I-O-N-S dont you understand!!!!?????
What assumption was made? You don't have to play a game to know it is a little kids game that is exclusive to Japan. Which in itself is a guarantee it will never be in brawl. At least not in the form of a playable character.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
What assumption was made? You don't have to play a game to know it is a little kids game that is exclusive to Japan. Which in itself is a guarantee it will never be in brawl. At least not in the form of a playable character.
Looks cute.
Moveset's curious, I like it.

So he's lame because he's Japan-Only and cute?


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
What assumption was made? You don't have to play a game to know it is a little kids game that is exclusive to Japan. Which in itself is a guarantee it will never be in brawl. At least not in the form of a playable character.
kirby, by your same flawed logic, is a childrens game. and he already has 2 reps in brawl. why cant stafy? and why would having a cutesey appearence make him any less deserving for brawl? its not like rockstar entertainment is developing the game. plus, its about time nintendo brings the stafy franchise to outside of japan, outside from cameos in mario games.

Pretty much ya.
screw it. why do I even bother?


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
yah but you have to be able to back your opinion up with fact if you want it to be taken seriously. right now hes just restating the same dumb post over and over. "stafy looks to kiddy to be in brawl", which has already been rebuked 3 times and yet he still brings it up as an argument
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