Well on Monday there was enough for all of the following to happen:
-My usual 50 minute commute to college took 3 and a half hours
-During this commute I passed over a dozen disabled vehicles, some nearly entirely buried in the snow
-A major highway running between London and Sarnia was entirely closed down for days resulting in a trucker being stuck on the highway for 36 hours
-Someone walking to work in the area got disoriented from the cold and snow, wandered into a field, got lost, and eventually died from the cold
-It was so cold/there was so much snow that it took over 24 hours before the road salt started to take any effect whatsoever
-The highways that I took to reach school were closed down by the time I was leaving so I had to spend the night at a friend's place
-It was not a fun day to have exams on
Things are very much like Scott Pilgrim Vs The World here; any time you're short on change for the vending machine just punch someone and they explode into coins!