ok guys, i just watched it, and as you said, it's not their, but if you pause it and rewind and stuff, the aspect of the video changes a lil and you can see them.
i found it coz 1st time i watched it, i missed them, then clicked back, but instead of going back to the chibi robo trophy, i went back to where sonic is selected, and i could see his icon while it loaded, then it vanished as soon as it started changing frames, did it a few times, once the audio turned into screeches and all distorted, and i landed on the ness one, and his face was there, i didn't bother trying to get the pokemon one, as if ness was real, chances are lucario was too, and it was hard getting it to land right on that frame.
but yes, you can still trick it out of video.
i use firefox with noscript, i allowed wii.com scripts to play it, incase thats what let me see them.
grats ness fans, i never would have believed he was in if it wasn't for this.