Smash Ace
Lol, I enjoy road tripping, so, yeah, I guess I'm starting rides requests for Apex now. Probably stopping by the night before in Atlantic City for some beach and boardwalk chillage (and so I don't have to do a 10+ drive in one day), then heading directly to the tourney.
Be aware that my vehicle is a monstrocity at 16mpg and takes Plus, but should not be a lethal amount if I have 4/5 people. At the very least cheaper than a 2 way flight.
My only condition is that you either also partake or do not have any medical/moral/mental problems with counterpicking Green Greens. After all, it's an MLG counterpick now, so they clearly support this lifestyle choice
Be aware that my vehicle is a monstrocity at 16mpg and takes Plus, but should not be a lethal amount if I have 4/5 people. At the very least cheaper than a 2 way flight.
My only condition is that you either also partake or do not have any medical/moral/mental problems with counterpicking Green Greens. After all, it's an MLG counterpick now, so they clearly support this lifestyle choice