a post made on the day I probably made this whole account...okay.
esam is pretty accurate though. but don't forget, we're not exactly talking tournament play here. we're talking goofy, recorded friendlies at phanna's apartment when it's just the two of us, and he's had a beer or two in him. He's doing SWD's and extenders, and i'm doing side b edgecancels and uair combos and pivot fsmashes every opportunity i think i might see.
i have yet to play IHSB or phanna in tournament, and would not know exactly what to expect from either. I would probably not put phanna in the top 5 either, maybe not even in the top 10 sami, but the guy was in rockcrocks crew for years, and he certainly knows how to fight ganon, and hits with some interesting combos on occasion. memorable things from a samus are few and far between.
The fact that i can respectably play against the guy (i'd say matches are his favor around 70:30) show that in these friendlies he's not some godlike samus who chooses to counter my approaches with the most useful response. I don't know if he's incapable of doing so, or is simply having a good time. to me, either one is acceptable.
in each subsequent session, i'm doing better and better vs him, because i become more and more accustomed to his style and ability. even so, even while paying attention, he pops up in unexpected areas when i think i have time.
the ganon samus matchup is even, and it's very interesting to play. Me and phanna both try to style on each other lol. he succeeds more often than i do though. when i do get styled on, i find it appropriate to show some respect.
edit: actually **** all that up there, pretty much sneak is spot on lol.