That was the first reply you made directed towards in this topic.
I didn't say in any of my posts prior to yours that Geno had no chance. All I did was explain why he's a dumb character choice (Because he's unimportant to the Mario series and would require more effort than he's worth to put in, given that he's third party and all the other third party characters are major gaming icons). The closest thing I said to "he has no chance" is that Cranky Kong is likelier to get in than he is, which isn't really a bad comment (Cranky Kong just came off being a playable character in DKC: Tropical Freeze).
The argument was going on
before I even arrived in this topic, by the way, with you taking part in it. So, please, cut with the "IT'S CUZ U SAID HE'S IMPOSSIBLE" bull. You were angry before I ever typed the word.