I dont believe I ever questioned if it would be more powerful, what I was implying, however indirectly, was the degree to HOW much more powerful it will be.
My issue is the degree to which Ninty is going to have to step it up in terms of graphics if they want to match gen 8 consoles. Theyve got a big catch-up to do to meet PS3 and if this new console doesnt want to be left behind in the dust of the new xbox/ps, its going to have to step it up massively. Being more powerful than gen 7 wont mean much because I doubt how long it will last. If the xbox/ps really did have a life of 10 years and this new console is the most powerful one on the market for the next 5, even if only a fraction more than PS3, that would be enough. I dont think for one second though, that Sony and MS wont try to out-do it as fast as possible, and then nintendo is back to the weakest console, graphically, for the vast majority of another generation.
I realise I worded my post into making it look like I was questioning whether they can beat gen 7 console graphic power, what I was trying to question was the reason for this.
1) If they really want to focus on graphics, it should be made considerably more so to actually compete with gen 8 xbox/ps.
2) by doing so, what is the reason for it, the market for such a console by nintendo isnt really there.
of course theres the other possibility, that this console is simply going to be more powerful than the 360 and thats it. I beleive that contradicts other rumours though, about hardcore gamers etc.