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There was a portrait at Otakon this year at the Artist Alleyway that was bidded on for 250 dollars. I was right about to go up to 275 but my friends talked me out of it.
Friday I woke up at 10 am spent the whole day awake, took a nap at 2 pm on Saturday, stayed up until 10:30 Sunday morning. I went to bed at woke up at 3:30.
I have had such a small time of sleep it sucks.
Right, so apparently Scoot's cutie mark will involve a butterfly somehow and Sweetie Belle's will involve a heart somehow. Granted that's if they decide to go with having their cutie marks based off their predecessors from previous versions of the show in some way. Sadly I find this likely since they've done it with many of the cast members on FiM already.
Applebloom fortunately doesn't have a predecessor that I know of so her cutie mark can freely be anything.
i'm in a serious debate in another forum about how the MLP world works. i'm talking to someone who doesn't watch MLP. we've been debating (among other things) a caste system in pony society, molecular structure in the ponyverse, architectural standards for building castles on the sides of cliffs, where baby ponies come from, and the type of morals laws present in equestria.
...i'm on episode 11 however i know some major spoilers and characters that haven't appeared yet (i.e. Near(Spike's VA :D) and that one blonde girl who has her own shinigami with her)
I've actually never seen any Doctor Who episodes before Christopher Eccleston, who was good imo, but i still like David Tennant da bess. There may be a better one like you said, but i'll stick to Tennant in my lack of Doctor Who knowledge for now.
While i couldn't really tell the genders of about half those people in that video, that actually looks like fun.
I've actually always wanted to do a cosplay, but never was able to so far (i never save up money for much, plus everyone i know irl thinks i'm insane for wanting to cosplay)
Also, i didn't think about the Jack Sparrow cosplayer until you said something.
I'm now worried
Just got back from Target with the DCPI number found on EqD for the Luna toy.
When I got to Target there wasn't anything on the shelf so I had an employee look it up. She then looked in the back room to see if there was anything despite it not being on the shelf's record (or whatever it's called since I forget).
When she came back she had...
Nothing. She couldn't find it in their backroom.
No luna toy for me yet. FML
JK. She came back with it and needed to scan to see if they could sell it yet. I was a bit worried that they wouldn't of been able to sell it to me. Luckily I was able to buy it now early and I've now the proud owner of my Luna toy.
Joy! <3333~
That's awesome dude! grats :D
I wish i had a Derpy toy but they're never making that, so i may have to just wait for like a fanmade one someone sells or something. At least i have my Derpy Shirt <3
Dude, Razrs were THE ****. I'm still mad i lost mine back in '09 >_< But I do love my iPhone. I still don't know how to get custom ringtones on it tho :<
I think it's more of a cry of jealousy because i can hold real life conversations with zajice while you're stuck 2000 miles away partying with cactuses.
Lessee.....my brother caved in after about 3 weeks of trolling me for watching it, and my sister liked it after about a week, my grilfriend immediately became a full fledged brony, and there was one other friend of mine who eventually watched it after i kept asking them to. Other than the ones i mentioned, NONE of my friends will even watch anything with the slightest amount of pony in it (cuz they're too busy jerking off and eating beef while watching Spartacus and being "real men" >_>)
I've been looking at the other shirts on this site. Some of the best MLP shirts i've seen so far.
I'm definitely getting this shirt and this as a hoody
Also, NiTE, i feel pretty bad for you there I've honestly never been in a situation where something i like has gotten me beat up. And i'd hate to put in my opinion because it sounds kinda cliche' and i've never been in that situation before, but imo come back at them fighting each time. Even if you don't stand a chance. Just let them know everyday, no matter how much they beat you up, they will NEVER have the satisfaction of stopping you from watching what you like. They can't change you, so throw a punch back, be packing knives in your socks (actually don't do that, i think it's illegal in schools) at least come back at them fighting with whatever you've got. Just spit in their face when they punch your gut. Laugh at 'em when they kick you in the face. Let them know you don't give a flying **** about them.
But if you like get bones broken and such, i wouldn't listen to me. Medical Bills are bad >_> I'm just trying to say stay strong and carry on with your love for MLP, no matter what.
No you're right it doesn't.
But it does when you get right back and continue on.
Don't let anyone else bring you down from being you are.
Just remember, you can't punch ignoramus out of them, just like they can't punch who you are out of you.
His design isn't even the best part about him imo.
He's basically just a puffed up version of of growlithe.
Growlithe's design is more simple and to the point, which is why i like him better.
but arcanine's cool too because he's the bad*** version while growlithe is the cute one.
Zangoose is another one of my favorite pokemon, and my favorite 3rd gen overall.
Oh look, a pokemon conversation to follow it. There's so many pokemon i like, it's so hard to narrow down.
i also don't play competitive pokemanz tho, which i'm guessing affects some of y'alls decisions.
I believe it's "CARZY"
And that seems to fit slush more in terms of insanity, but i guess Mink's got the trolling part down. Also, when did Mink get banned, and how did he get unabnned so fast? I was gone, so y'all still need to fill me in on a couple of key plot points here.
The story of a handful of heroes and their quest for fame, fortune, and adventure traveling in a new land.
Join our heroes as they take on monsters, meet new people, and travel across the land in the search for the ultimate muffin.
i have over 200 posts to read. D:< seriously if you guys keep it up at this rate, i might get lazy and tarnish my perfect record of reading every post in the thread.
Heres a storee.
[collapse=derpys storiie of nacho supreom.]
Derpy got to a tcao bellsh store and got nacho so i put it on my sombrero hat cap asnd add chesee on them with jalapeno salsa while mustache.
Tacos taste like french socks and i love mcpony french socks so i put french toads and eat them with a guitarro. and this is my epic essay. the beginning.
Speaking of dreams, i've been disappony in myself lately Ever since i've become a brony, i haven't had a single dream about anything pony related. Also, i've had ALOT more nightmares and bad dreams recently. And no, none of them are recurring and none of them have to do with things about myself. Still, it's worrying me a bit :/
That has to be one of the best Banjo Kazooie art images ever. I especially love the style of the jinjos in that pic. I always loved the Jinjos ^_^
ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, the camp i just came back to has made me feel all emotional and happy and gushy and mushy and such, so i just want to say this
All of y'all in here are the best. I've spent so much time in this thread it's crazy, which still is relatively nothing compared to at least 7 other people in this thread. I remember when i started coming into this thread back in April (or whenever it was)
i didn't really have high hopes about this thread, considering i had lost interest in all other threads i frequented or had left myself with noob status. However, i quickly learned how amazing bronies were. Y'all quickly accepted me as one of you. From all our crazy chats, great nights of spam, and in depth pony discussions, i learned so much about the brony culture, from meme to power levels to realizing inchworm. I even learned trolls can be lovable (lookin' at you Spelt *hugs*) I admired lots of things about each of y'all.
Zajice, with the element of drawing and leading the swf brony nation.
Rei, with the element of vegan.....jk, he's got the element of super kindness.
Mink, with the element of being the coolest guy ever.
Leaf, with the element of being Rainbow Dash herself (and for going easy on me on wifi brawl )
Espy, with the element of helping this thread whenever it's on the verge of collapse.
Tofer, with the element of being incredibly fabulous and attractive, and caring to all of us
Gashi, with the element of making me smile every time i see him
Slush, with the element of being the flat out funniest and craziest pony ever
PG, with the element of being so encouraging to me and everyone else in here
john!, with the element of being one of the most sensible posters in here (imo)
phoenix, with the element of epicness (he's a phoenix, you can't get more awesome than that!)
Tokyo, with the element of randomness, which i love, even from his spamming from time to time , with the element of the time lords, and being legit, despite his age (seriously, i thought you were like 24 until i saw a pic of you)
NiTEWING, with the element of creativity (i've always loved your OC ponies :D)
Spelt, with the element of Paramore
Doll, with the element of happiness (you're always so happy whenever you visit ^_^)
anyone else i forgot to mention, i'm sorry, there's just so many of us here.
Anyway, as you can see, i made great friendships with all of y'all, and love every second of it. I can't wait for us to experience S2 together, and other crazy pony antics.
Also, i don't think anything needs to be said about how the thread kinda...ok really went downhill at one point. Sure, we make mistakes, but we're bronies. We band together to pick eachother back up, and slap eachother in the face and tell eachother to learn from our mistakes and move on towards a brighter future, for friendship's sake.
Just remember, all of y'all will always be my best brony friends ever.
And together with eachother (and me as the element of....something unimportant idk), we make...
tl;dr, the place i just came back from has left me an emotional mushball and i love you.
anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyy, the camp i just came back to has made me feel all emotional and happy and gushy and mushy and such, so i just want to say this
all of y'all in here are the best. I've spent so much time in this thread it's crazy, which still is relatively nothing compared to at least 7 other people in this thread. I remember when i started coming into this thread back in april (or whenever it was)
i didn't really have high hopes about this thread, considering i had lost interest in all other threads i frequented or had left myself with noob status. However, i quickly learned how amazing bronies were. Y'all quickly accepted me as one of you. From all our crazy chats, great nights of spam, and in depth pony discussions, i learned so much about the brony culture, from meme to power levels to realizing inchworm. I even learned trolls can be lovable (lookin' at you spelt *hugs*) i admired lots of things about each of y'all.
Zajice, with the element of drawing and leading the swf brony nation.
Rei, with the element of vegan.....jk, he's got the element of super kindness.
Mink, with the element of being the coolest guy ever.
Leaf, with the element of being rainbow dash herself (and for going easy on me on wifi brawl )
espy, with the element of helping this thread whenever it's on the verge of collapse.
Tofer, with the element of being incredibly fabulous and attractive, and caring to all of us
gashi, with the element of making me smile every time i see him
slush, with the element of being the flat out funniest and craziest pony ever
pg, with the element of being so encouraging to me and everyone else in here
john!, with the element of being one of the most sensible posters in here (imo)
phoenix, with the element of epicness (he's a phoenix, you can't get more awesome than that!)
tokyo, with the element of randomness, which i love, even from his spamming from time to time , with the element of the time lords, and being legit, despite his age (seriously, i thought you were like 24 until i saw a pic of you)
nitewing, with the element of creativity (i've always loved your oc ponies :d)
spelt, with the element of paramore
doll, with the element of happiness (you're always so happy whenever you visit ^_^)
anyone else i forgot to mention, i'm sorry, there's just so many of us here.
Anyway, as you can see, i made great friendships with all of y'all, and love every second of it. I can't wait for us to experience s2 together, and other crazy pony antics.
Also, i don't think anything needs to be said about how the thread kinda...ok really went downhill at one point. Sure, we make mistakes, but we're bronies. We band together to pick eachother back up, and slap eachother in the face and tell eachother to learn from our mistakes and move on towards a brighter future, for friendship's sake.
Just remember, all of y'all will always be my best brony friends ever.
And together with eachother (and me as the element of....something unimportant idk), we make...
theelementsof swf!
tl;dr, the place i just came back from has left me an emotional mushball and i love you.
Goodness, what a beast of a post that was. And I'm totally OK with my Element. If anypony's going to be the Element of Epicness, it may as well be me. I mean, just look at this shirt.