Woaw why are people so butthurt over something so insignificant. You act like people who do this do it just to spite the winner. In reality I would guess that 95%+ of people do it just to move on to the next game and stay focused.
You're the one who sounds childish for caring so much over something so trivial. If the opponent shakes your hand at the end of the set there's nothing disrespectful going on.
Who cares if there's no victory screen? You both know who won and that's all that counts. In Starcraft people surrender, in Dota people surrender and even in League they do it. The only reason to not surrender is when you still have a chance of winning even if its small. When someone surrenders he's telling you that you beat him and he recognizes it yet you act like its the complete opposite. Just because in Smash its not technically a surrender it doesn't change that its treated the same way.
Grow up and learn to enjoy your victory without the need of a meaningless victory screen.
You still don't get it.
It is a statement that few would disagree with that -
especially in streamed matches - unwarranted and, honestly, appearing-to-be-butthurt no contests kill the hype of a match.
No contests are probably the most unexciting, anticlimactic end to a match, no matter what the kill actually was (it could have been eight knee of justices in a row), largely because they give off this sorrowful feeling of bitterness. Every character is shown in their losing animations, most of which being a sarcastic clap.
And that's what last-second no-contests are. A sarcastic clap.
A way to negate the winners win in the most childish way. So much of the hype of smash comes from the little things, and the iconic "GAME!" and victory music after a match contribute to it's finality. No-contest ends are unrewarding and largely appear as disappointing and unnecessary (the crow actually moans with distaste during it, which should show the kind of action that even sakurai perceives it as being). Acceptance of defeat, signaled by a victory screen, shows a sign of respect towards the victor by letting them enjoy their victory as the game intends, and how the crowd and both the winners desire. It's an unspoken "you earned it", and shaking hands after that accentuates that message.
Not only do no-contests actually take
longer in sm4sh, they are not a sign of some sort of "surrender". Even if, say, the victory screen still played for the player who didn't no-contest, the surrender would prove unnecessary. Mind you, the examples you and others have states (starcraft, dota) don't have such dignified endgame victory acknowledgements, and the surrender comes long before the game would actually mandate a certain player's win.
We're not talking about "3 stocks down, he's styled on me the entire match, there's no point" upon respawn no-contests, we're talking about "I'M AN INCH AWAY FROM THE BLAST ZONE AND MY DELICATE LITTLE HEART CAN'T TAKE THE SHAME OF A VICTORY SCREEN WAAH" no-contests.
It isn't a logistical problem. Like think said, if we want to be treated like a sport, we have to act like it. It's blasphemous to think that it would be common-practice to use the built-in ragequit/reset button during a match we lost, and then have the
sheer nerve to shake the hand of the opponent who's victory they've just denied as the Smash crowd boos in disappointment of such a boring end to a match. It would be akin to if a sports-ball match shut off right in the middle of the insane final play because the disadvantageous team couldn't handle the viewers seeing the rest. The act itself logistically isn't really an issue, but the message it sends from the losing player is childish and shameful at best, and the fact that there are those who would insult those who think this practice is terrible and then fervently defend it almost make it worse.