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Mushroom Kings of MD, DC Official thread


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2006
Silver spring MD
My goodness, this started to get out of hand...
anyways, my comp got takken away cause of bad grades.

EDIT: sorry about that, i had to end it a lil early... i had resorted to using my wii to use the boards, and im not sure if my dad would let me use it... or if he would take that away too... **** it...

Deleted member

Splode ur a newb lol jk
Tru we challenge all of our crew vs u u get 4 stock and we get 100 prepare to lose those McChickens:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
ok,but not 1oo stck that would take too long lol lets see theres.....
raisin d.
how about 4 stock each.........28 stock?or how about 6 stock each?100 would be absolutely too much lol


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2006
MRK head quarters my house SilverSpring MD
Jk or not, thats why i can still regularly 3 stock you... yea, i thought so... and the fact that i beat you the first match of the year, ;P... pfft, you and your needs, lol.
Wow u 3 stock me on my secondary not my main u nub and i can beat u with my C.Falcon that u 3 stock -.-

So u wud have 4 stock and we wud have 6 each for our 7 members ?
if thats the case i wager 10190129829203 McChickens lol

Deleted member

Wow u 3 stock me on my secondary not my main u nub and i can beat u with my C.Falcon that u 3 stock -.-

So u wud have 4 stock and we wud have 6 each for our 7 members ?
if thats the case i wager 10190129829203 McChickens lol
i may suck but are you sure you want to wager thar many?

Deleted member

No its not that u suck its that my crew has 36 stock vs ur 4 stock lol
that is quite the challenge indeed.....the only thing i ask is to choose stages and change my chars. when necessary....thats not too much is it?but how many m's do you really wager?or will this just be a friendly match?

EDIT:how about this ill play you guys 2 stock on fd w/gigabowser....

Deleted member

yea i am not an spamer.....i know these guys
i play smash with them sometimes,
they go to my school
too bad the moderaters aren't physcic....i told you for your benefit not to flame you son

how bout a friendly mm some time? dont worry i suck at this game;)


Smash Cadet
Jan 27, 2007
maryland the mary state
too bad the moderaters aren't physcic....i told you for your benefit not to flame you son

how bout a friendly mm some time? dont worry i suck at this game;)
ahaha your funny...
but to tell u..what i said i kinda speak in a joking way soo yea...
dont get all mad at me..
...but yea............well...yea....nothing left to say so .....taco

Deleted member

ahaha your funny...
but to tell u..what i said i kinda speak in a joking way soo yea...
dont get all mad at me..
...but yea............well...yea....nothing left to say so .....taco
what are you tlking about i even said i wasnt flaming you i just said be careful so you dont get banned.all i wanted is a mm sheesh man. dont misenterpret my kindness son.....once again;)

EDIT:alright back on track so taco....what chars. do you use? how do u stack up to th m-kings?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2006
Silver spring MD
ow, thats kinda harsh... BUT taco_taco made it out of the pools in CCX D:
and well, even Dr. O couldnt... dosnt matter that he had an easy pool ><, lol, i dont even know what my point is anymore D:

Deleted member

i think Taco_taco shud get out of this thread cuz everyone who goes to blake who isnt Dr.O Brownio RisinDevil Okin or EM are some scrubs that is all -.-
lets not worry about it im sure taco understands by now.....but aka good guy question.you mentioned pools? was that from school or a tourny?


Smash Cadet
Jan 27, 2007
maryland the mary state
humm.....well.....tru= who do u use?

lets not worry about it im sure taco understands by now.....but aka good guy question.you mentioned pools? was that from school or a tourny?
it was a tourny
and simon....luke was in mah pool...but then again it was easy....
also simon is "Hey_its_YO"
any good?

o **** Tru= sorry....i forgot to answer ur question
i use peach as my prime, Shiek, fox ,falco, allmost every one
but now i got in to naruto gnt4...(if u play tell me who u use)

also i know can beat most of the people on there, uhh
i can beat RisinDevil,Yo,Nacker (from what akagoodguy says)
my battles with akagoodguy
we both end up with one life but he gets it most of the time.. kage...dont i can beat him....cause well idk i know, kage can beat me but i won last week but i know, he can still beat me...uhh whos left.......dr.o.....no......and luke i cant tell u now cause i never play him>_<
thank u

all so to answer a quick question.....nacker if u can get 3 stock by simon u cant beat me...

WoZ Edit: Please use the edit function and don't triple post.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2006
Silver spring MD
@ Redd-we like messing with each other... it builds character
@ Yo- i should hope you can 3 stock me now, i mean ****, thats WHY i left MY game at your house while i was away, so that YOU CAN get better than me, so i can get better off of that... too bad my dad dosent want me playing games, but i find ways to train and get better.
@ taco- Yea start going to the twins house on wednessday so that you can train with us and junk. the twins got way better since last you fought them, beleive you me.

The fact that the twins (Yo, and Nacker) have a reason for a huge ego now still dosnt give them the right to have one D:
its not like they can even rarely beat Dr. O's Dr. M tho... so yea.
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