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MunkAid 6 - Rutherford, NC - April 14th


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2004
a day of perfection... Team Dsmash FTW... ask Twig & Ali about it or Tloz & 59js or Dollar & Brown.... or you might just want to ask LoZr & TC



Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
Kelowna BC
This was my first Smash tourney. It was definitly a great experience, I feel like I've improved alot today. Hopefully I'll improve my game for next time. GG to anyone I played.

How to counter Jigglypuff?

I need to learn more characters. Maybe Samus? :D


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
. . . I can't get a hold of anyone. It would be nice to get the results here, you know? It's not that hard to type in results . . . Hell, if I had them, I would'a done it already.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
I just got home. Had a hella good time. Everyone shoulda come to the motel with East smash, though. We had 10 guys in one tiny room playing smash until 5 in the morning.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2007
Raleigh NC
I just got home. Had a hella good time. Everyone shoulda come to the motel with East smash, though. We had 10 guys in one tiny room playing smash until 5 in the morning.
coin matches and ****** *** iceclimbers ftw,

oh and 2% doode.... team titans is coming


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2007
Raleigh NC
all day !:lick:

but really munkey needs to post the results already and stop sitting around picking his butt

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
the results are that Twig is a beast, Munkey is cool, and South Carolina still sucks.

and 1st place goes to the guy who brought tons of chips and drinks at the end. seriously. too good.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Tarboro, NC <CREW YGO>
As I know it some results just to sadate everyones hunger:

doubles : 1st - Munk and Adams - Team Downsmash, first place along with beating every team present I believe.

singles: 1st- Adam (LOZR)

2nd- TC (aka *****ed out with marth and fox because his falcon aint
good enough) >_> I dont ever want to hear you john about
characters ever again, period.

3rd- Ali (IveJihadit)
4th- Adams
5th- Twig & Munk (maybe others?)

Now this should be good for a little bit. Give Munk some time to make the official post you guys :)

ps TC i still <3 you, but my falcon is gonna have to show you the way

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
tournament was nifty.

played a lot.

munkey- thank you for hosting another tourney. you know how to make it work.

knorr- i decided to learn dk. your dk is nasty!

malk- i decided to learn g&w. i'm gonna pick dark stages. my advantage will be invisibility.

karn- good playing you casuals and teams. i'll try to learn some more fox.

adams- thanks for samus + anti-sheik tips. it helped me out a lot yesterday.

twiggy- your cheers and buck buck sounds (while doesn't substitute for advice from a coach) are invaluable. when i was doing well in my matches, the only audible sound that echoed through my ears were BUCK BUCK... bwagguuuuurrr....grat... BABY BABY. meaningless, but meaningful. that's deep.

ali- thanks for the ride, buddy. can you tell me how to moonwalk again?

2p- thanks for teaming up with me. lets be the other bonus stage next time.

nice seeing all the old & new faces again; tbo, ygo, & other players.

really good players.


Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2003
brand new controllers aren't what I'm used too =[

My old one's R button got stuck on the inside... my new one got stuck on the outside. =[

gratz TC for upsetting me, then adams, then ALI.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2007
Raleigh NC
brand new controllers aren't what I'm used too =[

My old one's R button got stuck on the inside... my new one got stuck on the outside. =[

gratz TC for upsetting me, then adams, then ALI.
would you like some catering for that pity party? or perhaps some cheese?


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2005
Seoul, SK
hey, i'm gonna do a shout out thing

ali - thanks for driving, good job at the tourney man. we'll keep practicing and do even better next time. all your tips/advice with falcon helped me out alot. thanks

peter - team Break the Targets. it was fun. but i don't think i did as well as i should have been doing. your marth is really good even though you said you aren't gonna play him anymore, yours helped me learn his disadvantages and to take advantage. thanks

chuk - wish you were there, you were missed =[

munk - another good tourney, i had more fun at this one than the last one. we didn't get to play a single against each other, that sucked. next time.

twig - you are too cool man, thanks for the support/advice during one of my matches. we'll have to play at yours or ali's sometime

jolly - we played a bunch of friendlies and they were all fun. we still got to finish our best of 3 of my falcon against your shiek. thanks for the oreo! hah

malk - fun friendlies man, those spikes on battlefield are deadly haha. i swear one day we'll do a double puff team.

knorr - your DK was crazy, i don't think people are ready for Team Titans, it may just be too much to handle. IF only fourside would be legal in tourney's haha

karn - i didn't get to play you in singles this time around, but looks like your marth improved. next time we'll play atleast some friendlies.

david - good stuff in the friendlies, when summer comes i'll be able to play you guys more

chocolate THUNDAAAAA - your luigi is getting better, i think we only played one friendly. i appreciate your comments on my bowser

toshiba - good to see you again man, i didn't get to watch any of your matches, but i hope you did well. we'll get to practice more once summer comes around.

lenca - glad you were able to make it too, fun playin you and your bro in teams. we'll play more in the summer too.

anybody i left out, sorry, i'll probably edit you in later. but it was fun.
thanks to everybody that thought my bowser was decent also, even though i think i got more comments about my controller haha.
gimme money and i'll do yours?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2006
Rocky Mount, NC

Falcon not good enough PAC!. Johns PAC! First of all I could have used CF through the whole tourney but I wasnt playing my best with him,so, I decided to use my secondary characters. I didnt even play with him in teams except once I think. But who cares I came in 2nd. yeayuhhzz! Ali keep reppn falcon until I put my helmet back on mangz! Good matches. I may post shoutouts later.

Oh another thing. I dont make "johns" about characters PAC. ok. Don't talk to me about johns when I hear them after every, and I mean every match that you LOSE!!! But it's all good mangz.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2005
i have one shout out

to that blind nigg samurai
or what ever your smash boards name was lol

your the man dude
and your dk was insanely good.


Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2003
Unless I somehow get more practice playing after I move back to dallas, then I think this will be my last tournament. Thanks for all the people that came to the tournament, I enjoyed you all a lot.

LOZR - gj yet again on winning singles.

TC - you had an awesome day man. 2nd in singles while still having to go through me, adams, then ali... wow good stuff.

Ali - I still and always will root for you to win tournaments now. You have taken all the advice I've given you over the last year and put it to amazing use with peter. You're a better player than I am and I wish you the best of luck in the future.

Adams - I am glad I didn't have to play you for the 4th spot... you would have killed me I think. Everyone is getting better while I just stay the same. **** this Charlotte area.

Munk - I have and always will love the heck out of you man. Congrats on finally getting 1st in a teams tournament. You deserve it. I could tell you and Adams really worked on strategies and stage selections to pull this off. I'm glad to be your coach.

Brown - thanks for being a great crewmate and I look forward to playing with you at MLG halo 2.

Jollz - your **** aint weak... man you don't even play this game and you were BALLLLIIIIN.

Yay - I'm glad we finally got some matches in, friendly AND tournament. Sorry I had to send you into losers bracket with fox. I was purely going on what you've told me about your game. "I don't like fox" Thanks.

blind *** ***** sam. - I met you when I was taking a **** when I first arrived. You are a funny guy and I like your DK, it was good stuff.

more later.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2006
Rocky Mount, NC

Twig is too cool pplz!
Well YGO I guess its back to Chu's tourneys again. I have to get my ****ing revenge on CACTUAR and TOPE! Not driving! (called it)

will post shoutouts tommarrow. goodnight.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2007
Rochester NY
awwsommeee =)))))

knorr! 1$ mm =).. i will claim it back! ^_^

will see all of you at the next tourny...

and those that i didnt get a chance to play..

hopefully next time.

see you in the summer 2_percent


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Yeah TC we gotta get back up there. Tope beat my game and watch with boozer. Not cool!

I should be in school but Karn wouldn't give me a ride this morning so I am skipping to post shout-outs.

Munk- you get the first for hosting the only tournament West NC goes to.

Pac- you get the second for calling me and inspiring me to use my game and watch roots, when all else was failing

Lozr- nice win, again. Luigi is too good. We have to team next time, GAW > Dsmash anyday.

Yay- you had all the stupid **** memorized that we have hahaha. Good to finally meet you man, close matches in teams. David alone is just too good though.

David- spooned with chocolate thunda all night

Chocolate Thunda- Yeeash, some chocolate lovin'

2percent- Someday my ninja skills will let me go through those spikes, and when that day comes, you better be ready.

Jolly- The tattoos still kick ***

Knorr- if we get a central representative on power rankings board, it will be a nonstop chant: Knorr for power rankings; Knorr for power rankings; Knorr for power rankings

Triforce- I couldn't even tell you apart at first with the new hair. So sneaky! Nice **** in teams, like always, we just couldn't take it away from you. BTW I'm working on my TLOZ combo in the bathroom - you know.

TC- Well done! I walked away when you were 0-2 against Ali and I came back to see you win it Niceeee! That's what happens when you actually play in the tourney.

Ali- You are too cool. We didn't talk or play all day until you started taking pictures. That was too fun. Great falcon, you predict so well.

Everyone else- I had nonstop fun the whole day, and I played with most of you, so good **** all! Come to the Mourning Pirates Smash Jubilee 5 in April. We're going to have 3 stories of smash all day, all night, a pool table, quad stackers, and of course Knorr's DK tearing it up. See you there.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2007
Raleigh NC
oh i almost forgot

i gots a shout outs.... to PETER!!! i think aka el cancel

that ***** beat me in an intense money match and still gave me the money bc i was working up towards my entry fee!!! thanks buddy if you come to jubilee i will take care of you!

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
i'm glad i could contribute to some dk tourney representation. your dk must have been hustling some money that day!

i'll try to make it with some dk practice/experience.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2005
Catfish Country
im back from the mtns now i even got chance to play dr. neo and them. SHoutouts later you know how it goes peace. Awesome tourney
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