Valentine's day already?
Love Akairiot's artwork, especially how he draws Rosalina.
I have something I want to state and I'd very much appreciate it if you all take the time to listen... If many of you have noticed, I've absent lately, it was due to the facts that my grades were suffering and I had to make-up. And other problems as well, not that you would care of. I don't want to start off by complaining (About life, hardware problems, etc.) so I'll move on ahead of that topic. I will try to post here daily and come here under no matter what to get news on Rosalina and other Nintendo stuffs.
Okay, look, eveyone in this thread loves Rosalina. However you may also notice me being inactive in this thread as well. That's because I had try on other stuff in my life, like playing new games and watching animes etc. I also remember back in my high school days I often go to my school's library and use the PC to check my Youtube sub videos and Smashboards. The reason why I check Youtube everyday is because I don't want to miss any videos, just imagine it's like I can't miss my favorite TV show. But of course there were times I got to deep and get a bit of trouble. So I did went on a short web hiatus last year in order to prepare for an important exam in my life.
Besides Smashboards there are other more websites that you can get Nintendo news on, I highly recommend you , its a website that post Nintendo news daily, it's clean and easy.
The reason I post here daily is because I am so much of a fan of Rosalina that I'm willing to spend my dedication 90% to her.
About you are wiling to spend that much of dedication on Rosalina...I have to say is a bit of silly, I mean it's your choice and it's not wrong to be a big fan of Rosalina. But if you had more thing that are important in your real life, you should diminish that passion just a bit. I know my advice can be cruel, so take it whatever you will.
I just want to say how often you want to stay on this website is your own choice. Just don't be addicted… and I have to say, nobody really cares if you are active or inactive or not...well...I mean for users on the Internet at least.
Another reason is that more I post here, the more I benefit. Maybe I'll get premium, so I can change the hideous name I currently have. I really don't know why I named myself "Char Seasalina" just because it rhymes with Rosalina. I guess you can call this a get-to-know topic since I feel that I need to be more aquaintance with everyone here, and do note that I am not sharing private information. I feel so blessed coming here and it means to me how I get to communicate with everyone who shares the same interest as me, which is rare IRL.
I'm not sure what does your "benefit" mean, the reason why I post comments on Smashboards is just because I want to share my ideas and thoughts to people on Smashboards. Sometimes I had decent chat, sometimes I had some flame wars. Also premium, you can only get it buy paying with Paypal, or ask other people to gift a premium to you. And it's not rare at all, if you like Smash Bros and Rosalina, this is a place for you to stay.
To be truthful about the Super Smash Brother series, I don't really fit with that because of my lack of skills and wit. First off, I don't even know where to train/learn and I speak poor fighting lingo such as Jab, Nair, or other attacks you can name. I'm an amateur. I think I've said everything that needs to be said.
Hey, you don't need to be good at Smash Bros to fit with us, if you are referring to competitive scene, you can try to find some Smash Bros Youtube channels like VGbootcamo, Rush Hour Smash, to get started.
Me for example, English is my second language, so it's often hard for me to understand some Smash Bros terms. And hell, I actually know Smash back when I was in USA, after I return to my country. The only source for me to find Smash Bros info and stuff... is Internet. Back I was in middle school I went on a short game and Internet hiatus. I focus more on my real life instead of Internet. But nowadays I had became more mature and know how to balance my time... well.. sort of...
As the last part, I can say is: PRACTICE, find some Smash communities near you or even fight against Lv 9 CPUs and Single player mode helps. Train whenever you can. I personally can't because I really don't have time, and Taiwan doesn't have a solid Smash4 community. Time is still the biggest problem though.
All in all, just go enjoy Internet,Smash Bros and Smashboards the way you like. Just please, never get too deep. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'm always welcome.