That pic is removed..
Ok... didn't see the pic before quoting your post, now I see it, now that's magic (Sort of...)
And one of the Luma got scared actually..
Welcome to Smashboards! You can go the Welcome Center to make a hello thread if you haven't already!
I have the same question as well back before when I had joined Smashboards, you can quote multiple posts in one posts, but you can't post individual post twice in a row.
Here's a tip, if you want to reply to more user's post but your post is the latest, you can edit, and copy and past the reply to the edit section.
Edit: When on a short trip, so I didn't have the time to use Internet until now, here are my further replies:
He's now addicted to the word "autism".
Not to mention most of his YT videos...
I will main him 100%.
This thread was about 50 pages or so when I came here for this first time, too bad I didn't join Smashboards before Rosalina's reveal. There was also a user
@Shirma Akayaku who often came to this thread before, until she decides to quit Smashboards this year and focus on Smashboard's sister website, Squidboards, that also launched this year, if you like Splatoon, you can go there for a visit! And you can use your Smashboards account to make a Squidboards account, which will sync your Smasboards join date.
It's not about a year ago, it's this year's February actually. And I kind of don't understand your meaning, is "going at him" means "against him"?
I only take a bit sneak peek on a news about a man who bought 100 Rosalina amiibos on this year's January, at first I thought this was just a typical scalper, and at that time I was preparing on my important exam so I decided to take a short hiatus on the Internet. At first, I accept his apology, but when I saw how a terrible person he is, I take it back, and starting against him that bad. I'm not the only one of course.It's not really that worth it to talk logic to him, he only accepts those who compromise, or has same **** thoughts like him (And yes, there are), but I will never regret my action against him. I even countered one of his buddy's lame opinions on Nintendo. Even though he post one of my a bit sensitive criticism on MTP on his Youtube comment section, but I won't mind at all. It's not really a win by just exposing other people's comments on MTP.
Right now I'm taking most people's advice: Ignoring his existence, at least not commenting on any of his videos and tweets. Right now he's banned from Smashboards, he deserves it, heck, maybe he doesn't even like this website at all.