After much thought, the character I most want in Smash Bros is
Liara T'Soni from the Mass Effect series.
Liara T'Soni Moveset Concept
(A quick note: If you're not familiar with the Mass Effect series, you might want to read about
Biotics to understand this moveset. If you are familiar with Mass Effect and Liara, please forgive me for including some biotic abilities that Liara never actually had. I don't think it's necessary to be 100% true to canon here, though, and I couldn't come up with a reasonable Smash moveset otherwise.)
**Special Attacks**
Neutral Special - Warp
Applies a biotic field to a target that deals damage over time and reduces target armor. Affected opponents receive additional damage from other attacks while the Warp effect is active. Animation would have a purple-colored biotic field briefly appear a fixed distance in front of Liara and hit any opponent within an area of effect. Minimal shield damage.
Also, primes
biotic explosions. If an opponent affected by Warp is hit with another biotic power, a biotic explosion will occur and hit all opponents within a given range. ==> warp combos and biotic explosions are intended to be a core element of Liara's gameplay and her primary means of killing
Side Special - Throw
Toss your enemy through the air with this biotic blast.
Comes out FAST, very low endlag.
Animation is a small, spherical projectile of biotic energy directed at an opponent and travels very quickly. Auto-targets from range but can be avoided (similar to Palutena auto-reticle).
VERY HIGH fixed knockback but low damage. Deals no shield damage at all but CANNOT be parried.
Detonates biotic explosions.
Down Special - Barrier
Surrounds the user with a high-gravity mass effect field that can absorb a fixed amount of damage before dissipating. The barrier will absorb 80% of all damage taken while active. Field can be detonated before expiring to deal damage within a limited radius and detonate biotic explosions on enemies primed with a Warp effect. Has a cool-down period after dissipating. Cool-down is proportionally shortened if the field is detonated prior to absorbing the max amt of damage. (i.e. the more damage absorbed, the longer the cooldown with some minimum cooldown if detonated w/o taking damage) Biotic explosions triggered by detonating the barrier decrease in power in proportion to how much damage the barrier has absorbed.
Up Special - Biotic Charge
The character uses biotics to augment speed and strength, and charges at a target while encased in a biotic barrier. Invulnerable while this power is in effect. Can be angled in any direction. No damage on startup. When it hits, causes in a powerful collision that deals high damage and knockback. High damage to shields. Detonates biotic explosions.
Final Smash - Singularity/Flare
Uses biotics to form gravitational singularity that sucks multiple enemies within a radius to a single area, leaving them floating helplessly and vulnerable to attack. After sucking opponents into the singularity, Liara focuses all of her biotic energy to unleash a huge flare dealing massive damage to anyone within the singularity and detonating massive biotic explosions as the singularity expires sending opponents flying.
**Regular Attacks**
Jab - Liara pulls out an
M-6 Carnifex heavy pistol and fires at the opponent. Tap or hold A to fire up to 6 shots before needing to reload. A meter (similar to the ones for Robin's attacks) will display how many shots are remaining. Only has endlag when reloading after the 6th shot. The player can immediately act after the firing animation of any shot prior to the 6th.
Uses biotically charged ammo that applies a weakened warp effect. This warp ammo effect has shorter duration than the Warp ability (Neutral Special) and deals no DOT, but still primes the target for biotic explosions and increases damage taken from other attacks while the effect is active. Biotic explosions primed with ammo are also weaker than explosions primed with the full Warp ability.
Forward Smash - Releases a cascading
biotic shockwave. Multi-hit. Charging increases distance the shockwave travels on top of increasing damage/knockback. Lower than average smash damage but higher than average knockback and detonates biotic explosions.
Down Smash - Liara pulls out an
Arc Pistol and fires an electric shock attack at the ground in front of her. Literally the same as ZSS's d-smash but with a different gun in the animation.
Up Smash - Liara pulls out an Arc Pistol and fires an electric shock attack upwards above her head.
Tilts - Various melee style attacks.
Aerials - Various melee style attacks. Possibly could have an aerial that involves the M-6 Carnifex or Arc Pistol.
Down Throw - Biotic slam. Levitates the opponent briefly before smashing them into the ground. Detonates biotic explosions, kill throw.
Up Throw - Uses biotic abilit to lift opponent overhead and shoot them with an Arc Pistol. Should start combos at low %.
Forward throw - Levitates opponent and hits them with a jumping kick.
Back throw - Levitates opponent and spins around to biotically hurl opponent in the other direction.