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Montreal Thread - You better comming!!!1

what do we do now?

  • Play Brawl.

    Votes: 127 41.4%
  • Play Melee.

    Votes: 167 54.4%
  • Steal Airman from the Toronto guys, think about it later.

    Votes: 42 13.7%
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUVdA9ABzpg

    Votes: 19 6.2%

  • Total voters


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
No i am not a homophobe, i am just a phobe of homo's hitting on me, such as yourself kev. I dont care which way you swing, as long as you are not influencing it on me


Smash Rookie
Dec 21, 2009
Hi, i'm new to the competetive smash play and i would like to give it a shot. I'm from Montreal and I play melee. I would like to know if there are any new melee smashfest soon.

Thanks in advance



Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Sorry, no one has played Melee in Montreal since 2004.

...But seriously, come to the weeklies, we have a lot of active Melee going on over there and you can meet some players around here. You can find info about the weeklies in my sig.

Since I need more text to make my sig appear, here's a list of people online so they can namesearch themselves:

ThatGuy, 'Ejo', *SniperNightOwl*, -Annet211-, -ANTi-, -Hilt-, -Jumpman-, -Rei-, -Tempest-, .joel, 01011010, 112, 1UPChris, :mad:, :V, Acherontic, Acrean, Adetque, Admiral Pit, Advent Lee, Aibou, Akuma2120, Alessandra, Allied, AlphaZealot, Alphicans, ama(m/t), Amazing Ampharos, Angelglory, arch knight, Arty, Atomsk_92, AZenith, Bad!, bambam95, Bandit, BearsAreScary, BetaBahamut, bigserg, Bionic Sonic, BL!TZ, Bl@ckChris, Black Tyranno, blackanese, bladeboys, BlargCow, Blazing, Blinds, blizako, Bloodcross, Blood_Hawk, Bloshi, bmaster77, Bnzaaa, BOB SAGET!, BoredPeanut, Brizzle, burntsocks, CaliburChamp, Ch3s, CHAiN-ACE, chaoechidna, chaoscontrolASH, ChaosDrifter, Chaosgriffin, ChaosKnight, ChaosofST, chaosscizzors, ChiboSempai, Chill, chillindude829, chisox2894, Chuee, Clai, clowsui, CluelessBTD, Cobalt, cobaltblue, Col. Stauffenberg, Corrupted, Count, Coyn3Masta, Criosphinx, Crystalnite, curiousthoughtsbear, Cyner, D'oH, D.B.K., da K.I.D., dabuz, DaDAM631, DaiAndOh, DallasPhat, DarkDragoon, Darr06, Dazwa, DC, defsithe, Delta-cod, Demacrez, demonictoonlink, Denzi, derkapalooza, DiamondJ09, Diddyknight, DJRome, DMG, Doc71890, Dodongo, Dorsey, Dr Drew the Dragon, Dragonrage, Dragonz7, ds22, Duchock, Duff0, Duskshadow, Dyyne, DZhou, E-Jolteon, Earthbound360, Ebo!, Ehic, EmanjL, ErikG, Esca, ETWIST51294, e__, Fabian, falconpunch64, Filter, Finch, firemario149, Fizzle_Boy, Flayl, Fletch, Flower Avatar, flyinfilipino, Fogo, FoonZ, forute, freezinboi280, frenchfri, Frogles, FrozenHobo, Fubudis, G-Beast, g-regulate, gamemasterdevil, gamesandgoodies, Ganonsburg, Gantz ak-47, getapanda, Gf2tw, Glusent, GoadMoose, Goat M.D., God of Humility, GOD!, goosefactor, Guest438, Gultigargar, haloredvsblue13, hamburglar, handsockpuppet, Hatacatan, HelpR, Hey_Its_Nacker, highandmightyjoe, hiROI, HK Donut of the Blue Fire, HollaAtchaBoy, hotdogturtle, hotgarbage, Humpy Thrashabout, Hype, Hyro, HyugaRicdeau, I'm You, ihavespaceballs, IrisKong, Irow, I_am_Cheer, j0s3ph, Jakebudden, Jar'd, jason_voorhese329, Javon89, Jayford, Jigglymaster, jmo brawler, JOE!, jokey665, Jon?, JPeGImage, Juggleguy, justaway12, JWT2k6, Jys072595, k/mh, K1K3, kackamee, KamiStriker, Kamui Ryu, keeper, Kewkky, Kholdstare, Kilut, King Beef, King Yoshi, KirbyKaze, Kishin, kleenexboxman, kr3wman+, KrazyKnux, kSo_Chun, Kudemo, KumaOso, Kyo Kusanagi, kyoskue, Kyu Puff, Laijin, LaserBust, lax guy5, LAX_, lcampoy8, leafgreen386, Lemon?, Lifeisweird, Linkshot, Liquid-117, LivewiresXe, Livvers, Llumys, Lokee, lonejedi, Lord Rayku, lordhelmet, lou4222, Lovage, Luigi player, Luigi_Lova62, luke_atyeo, Lythium, m&m1992, M3tr01D, M@rik, M@v, Magik0722, magikguy, Maniclysane, Marc, marthshadow, matrix13, matt4300, MattDotZeb, MCmaniacDBR, mcmuff1nman, Meadow, Meme, Menergy125, MeSSi, Metaknight457, Metal~Mario, Mewtwo_2000, mib004, Mifune, Mike G, Milos, Miztik, MK26, MnM, Mogwai, Moko, monkeyx4, moogle, mountain_tiger, Mr. Escalator, Mr. Game and Pichu, mr.fizwidget, Msingh0, Muhznit, MuraRengan, MXXD123, n3wbie, N64, n88_2004, Naota21t, Ndayday, Neb, NeverFiniteX, NeverKnowsBest, NF Alex, ngfc_0, nickcam, NightroGlycerine, NightSky, Niko45, Nikz0r, Ninfreak, Ninja Edd, Nintendude1189, Nintens, nipoo, noodles, Nova9000, odlid, OneGreyWolf, Overswarm, Owa5489, P-99, Pakman, Pakpak, Paladin77, papermarkis, Peachkid, Pengie, Pharaoh.Pch, Phen, phi1ny3, Phiddlesticks, pickle962, Piggyman86, pikazz, Pika_Cam, PK Zucco, Plairnkk, Plan 9, Player-1, Player-4, PNDMike, pockyD, pokelover980, Popertop, powuh_of_PIE, PozerWolf, practice_mAn, precision, professor mgw, Professor Pro, prog2112, pure_awesome, QDVS, QuestionMonkey, Quic, Quik17, quinnydinny, RageofNidhogg, Rappster, raydude, Reaver197, Red Ryu, RedShadow530, Reioumu, Reneblade, Rickerdy-doo-da-day, Riddle, Riddlebox, Ripple, riverkitsune~, Rkey, RocketPSIence, Rockettrainer, Rockmix, Rohins, ROMBO69, Ronike, RPGsFTW, saliksaliksaliksalik, sammy p, Santi, Sariku, sasook, SauceKay, ScaryLB59, ScAtt77, Seagull Man, Seikishidan Soru, Shadic, shadow1pj, Shaky, shanus, Shenlong, Shinku, shlike, Siglemic, Signia, Silent Beast, Silly Kyle, SirIKE, Skrlx, skyheart, SleepyK, Slice~, Smash Daddy, smash64, SmashChu, smasher4roy, smashfan666, smashtwisted, Smooooooom, Smooth Criminal, SnackAttack, Sneak8288, So Fatal, SoldierRift, some-guy, Sonic Storm, sonicmaster5000, SoulPech, ssbbFICTION, stabbedbyanipple, StaFu, Stealth Raptor, stingers135, SunLeo89, Suntan Luigi, superyoshi888, swordsaint, T. Webb, Tails chao, takeurlife2, Tambor, Tamoo, TaterSalad0811, Te-Jay, Tearbear, TechnoDreamer, tedward2000, Teneban, Terios the Hedgehog, Tesh, th0rn, Th3 Master Composer, The BlackChrimson, The MC Clusky, The Nameless Wanderer, The Paprika Killer, The Real Inferno, thechunkylover, ThePointingMan, TheReflexWonder, TheTantalus, thethirdkoopa, thexsunrosered, The_Fool, ThreeSided, Tink, tirkaro, TK1991, TokiDoki, Tommy_G, Trela, TwentyTwo, T_Bag, UberMario, Umbreon, Uncle0wnage, Underload, UTD Zac, verge, Vex Kasrani, Viction, VideoKidHEERO, Vincent46, Voidious, Vulcan55, Vyke, Wafles, wakka444, Wave Kusanagi, Weejoh, What's The Point, Wiimote, Will_, WingedKnight, Writer Kupo, x After Dawn x, Xane, Xatic, Xis66, xLeafybug =D, Xonar, xxCANDYxx, XxCrossReaverxX, Xyro77, xYz, xzax1337, Youko, yuki, Zeborg, zeldspazz, zeriph, Zeruel21, Zeton, Zig-Zag!, Zinth, Zori, zulie2389, Zulu EU, _KuyaSombreo_, ~Espy~, ~Firefly~, ~Van Jones~


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Hey guys. So there were "freeze warnings" on TV in Florida today. (Cause temperature might go bellow 0 overnight). I thought it was pretty lulz so I decided to share.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2005
Hi, i'm new to the competetive smash play and i would like to give it a shot. I'm from Montreal and I play melee. I would like to know if there are any new melee smashfest soon.

Thanks in advance

J'espère que ton prénom c'est Jason...



Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to

Sorry, no one has played Melee in Montreal since 2004.

...But seriously, come to the weeklies, we have a lot of active Melee going on over there and you can meet some players around here. You can find info about the weeklies in my sig.

Since I need more text to make my sig appear, here's a list of people online so they can namesearch themselves:

ThatGuy, 'Ejo', *SniperNightOwl*, -Annet211-, -ANTi-, -Hilt-, -Jumpman-, -Rei-, -Tempest-, .joel, 01011010, 112, 1UPChris, :mad:, :V, Acherontic, Acrean, Adetque, Admiral Pit, Advent Lee, Aibou, Akuma2120, Alessandra, Allied, AlphaZealot, Alphicans, ama(m/t), Amazing Ampharos, Angelglory, arch knight, Arty, Atomsk_92, AZenith, Bad!, bambam95, Bandit, BearsAreScary, BetaBahamut, bigserg, Bionic Sonic, BL!TZ, Bl@ckChris, Black Tyranno, blackanese, bladeboys, BlargCow, Blazing, Blinds, blizako, Bloodcross, Blood_Hawk, Bloshi, bmaster77, Bnzaaa, BOB SAGET!, BoredPeanut, Brizzle, burntsocks, CaliburChamp, Ch3s, CHAiN-ACE, chaoechidna, chaoscontrolASH, ChaosDrifter, Chaosgriffin, ChaosKnight, ChaosofST, chaosscizzors, ChiboSempai, Chill, chillindude829, chisox2894, Chuee, Clai, clowsui, CluelessBTD, Cobalt, cobaltblue, Col. Stauffenberg, Corrupted, Count, Coyn3Masta, Criosphinx, Crystalnite, curiousthoughtsbear, Cyner, D'oH, D.B.K., da K.I.D., dabuz, DaDAM631, DaiAndOh, DallasPhat, DarkDragoon, Darr06, Dazwa, DC, defsithe, Delta-cod, Demacrez, demonictoonlink, Denzi, derkapalooza, DiamondJ09, Diddyknight, DJRome, DMG, Doc71890, Dodongo, Dorsey, Dr Drew the Dragon, Dragonrage, Dragonz7, ds22, Duchock, Duff0, Duskshadow, Dyyne, DZhou, E-Jolteon, Earthbound360, Ebo!, Ehic, EmanjL, ErikG, Esca, ETWIST51294, e__, Fabian, falconpunch64, Filter, Finch, firemario149, Fizzle_Boy, Flayl, Fletch, Flower Avatar, flyinfilipino, Fogo, FoonZ, forute, freezinboi280, frenchfri, Frogles, FrozenHobo, Fubudis, G-Beast, g-regulate, gamemasterdevil, gamesandgoodies, Ganonsburg, Gantz ak-47, getapanda, Gf2tw, Glusent, GoadMoose, Goat M.D., God of Humility, GOD!, goosefactor, Guest438, Gultigargar, haloredvsblue13, hamburglar, handsockpuppet, Hatacatan, HelpR, Hey_Its_Nacker, highandmightyjoe, hiROI, HK Donut of the Blue Fire, HollaAtchaBoy, hotdogturtle, hotgarbage, Humpy Thrashabout, Hype, Hyro, HyugaRicdeau, I'm You, ihavespaceballs, IrisKong, Irow, I_am_Cheer, j0s3ph, Jakebudden, Jar'd, jason_voorhese329, Javon89, Jayford, Jigglymaster, jmo brawler, JOE!, jokey665, Jon?, JPeGImage, Juggleguy, justaway12, JWT2k6, Jys072595, k/mh, K1K3, kackamee, KamiStriker, Kamui Ryu, keeper, Kewkky, Kholdstare, Kilut, King Beef, King Yoshi, KirbyKaze, Kishin, kleenexboxman, kr3wman+, KrazyKnux, kSo_Chun, Kudemo, KumaOso, Kyo Kusanagi, kyoskue, Kyu Puff, Laijin, LaserBust, lax guy5, LAX_, lcampoy8, leafgreen386, Lemon?, Lifeisweird, Linkshot, Liquid-117, LivewiresXe, Livvers, Llumys, Lokee, lonejedi, Lord Rayku, lordhelmet, lou4222, Lovage, Luigi player, Luigi_Lova62, luke_atyeo, Lythium, m&m1992, M3tr01D, M@rik, M@v, Magik0722, magikguy, Maniclysane, Marc, marthshadow, matrix13, matt4300, MattDotZeb, MCmaniacDBR, mcmuff1nman, Meadow, Meme, Menergy125, MeSSi, Metaknight457, Metal~Mario, Mewtwo_2000, mib004, Mifune, Mike G, Milos, Miztik, MK26, MnM, Mogwai, Moko, monkeyx4, moogle, mountain_tiger, Mr. Escalator, Mr. Game and Pichu, mr.fizwidget, Msingh0, Muhznit, MuraRengan, MXXD123, n3wbie, N64, n88_2004, Naota21t, Ndayday, Neb, NeverFiniteX, NeverKnowsBest, NF Alex, ngfc_0, nickcam, NightroGlycerine, NightSky, Niko45, Nikz0r, Ninfreak, Ninja Edd, Nintendude1189, Nintens, nipoo, noodles, Nova9000, odlid, OneGreyWolf, Overswarm, Owa5489, P-99, Pakman, Pakpak, Paladin77, papermarkis, Peachkid, Pengie, Pharaoh.Pch, Phen, phi1ny3, Phiddlesticks, pickle962, Piggyman86, pikazz, Pika_Cam, PK Zucco, Plairnkk, Plan 9, Player-1, Player-4, PNDMike, pockyD, pokelover980, Popertop, powuh_of_PIE, PozerWolf, practice_mAn, precision, professor mgw, Professor Pro, prog2112, pure_awesome, QDVS, QuestionMonkey, Quic, Quik17, quinnydinny, RageofNidhogg, Rappster, raydude, Reaver197, Red Ryu, RedShadow530, Reioumu, Reneblade, Rickerdy-doo-da-day, Riddle, Riddlebox, Ripple, riverkitsune~, Rkey, RocketPSIence, Rockettrainer, Rockmix, Rohins, ROMBO69, Ronike, RPGsFTW, saliksaliksaliksalik, sammy p, Santi, Sariku, sasook, SauceKay, ScaryLB59, ScAtt77, Seagull Man, Seikishidan Soru, Shadic, shadow1pj, Shaky, shanus, Shenlong, Shinku, shlike, Siglemic, Signia, Silent Beast, Silly Kyle, SirIKE, Skrlx, skyheart, SleepyK, Slice~, Smash Daddy, smash64, SmashChu, smasher4roy, smashfan666, smashtwisted, Smooooooom, Smooth Criminal, SnackAttack, Sneak8288, So Fatal, SoldierRift, some-guy, Sonic Storm, sonicmaster5000, SoulPech, ssbbFICTION, stabbedbyanipple, StaFu, Stealth Raptor, stingers135, SunLeo89, Suntan Luigi, superyoshi888, swordsaint, T. Webb, Tails chao, takeurlife2, Tambor, Tamoo, TaterSalad0811, Te-Jay, Tearbear, TechnoDreamer, tedward2000, Teneban, Terios the Hedgehog, Tesh, th0rn, Th3 Master Composer, The BlackChrimson, The MC Clusky, The Nameless Wanderer, The Paprika Killer, The Real Inferno, thechunkylover, ThePointingMan, TheReflexWonder, TheTantalus, thethirdkoopa, thexsunrosered, The_Fool, ThreeSided, Tink, tirkaro, TK1991, TokiDoki, Tommy_G, Trela, TwentyTwo, T_Bag, UberMario, Umbreon, Uncle0wnage, Underload, UTD Zac, verge, Vex Kasrani, Viction, VideoKidHEERO, Vincent46, Voidious, Vulcan55, Vyke, Wafles, wakka444, Wave Kusanagi, Weejoh, What's The Point, Wiimote, Will_, WingedKnight, Writer Kupo, x After Dawn x, Xane, Xatic, Xis66, xLeafybug =D, Xonar, xxCANDYxx, XxCrossReaverxX, Xyro77, xYz, xzax1337, Youko, yuki, Zeborg, zeldspazz, zeriph, Zeruel21, Zeton, Zig-Zag!, Zinth, Zori, zulie2389, Zulu EU, _KuyaSombreo_, ~Espy~, ~Firefly~, ~Van Jones~


I'm out


Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2008
Montreal, Quebec
Hey guys. So there were "freeze warnings" on TV in Florida today. (Cause temperature might go bellow 0 overnight). I thought it was pretty lulz so I decided to share.
lol same story in DC my sister is there and the temperature is -7, so all the stores closed and no cab's want to pick her up from the hotel since it's too cold and there is too much snow !!


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
I mean whats so dumb about the sniper class?
The huntsman is terribly designed imo. You shouldn't be rewarded so much for being able to aim in your opponent's direction without second guessing yourself :p

Charging targe makes me cringe :<

steamid: guggalicious

finally done with finals!

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
Sorry, no one has played Melee in Montreal since 2004.

...But seriously, come to the weeklies, we have a lot of active Melee going on over there and you can meet some players around here. You can find info about the weeklies in my sig.

Since I need more text to make my sig appear, here's a list of people online so they can namesearch themselves:

ThatGuy, 'Ejo', *SniperNightOwl*, -Annet211-, -ANTi-, -Hilt-, -Jumpman-, -Rei-, -Tempest-, .joel, 01011010, 112, 1UPChris, :mad:, :V, Acherontic, Acrean, Adetque, Admiral Pit, Advent Lee, Aibou, Akuma2120, Alessandra, Allied, AlphaZealot, Alphicans, ama(m/t), Amazing Ampharos, Angelglory, arch knight, Arty, Atomsk_92, AZenith, Bad!, bambam95, Bandit, BearsAreScary, BetaBahamut, bigserg, Bionic Sonic, BL!TZ, Bl@ckChris, Black Tyranno, blackanese, bladeboys, BlargCow, Blazing, Blinds, blizako, Bloodcross, Blood_Hawk, Bloshi, bmaster77, Bnzaaa, BOB SAGET!, BoredPeanut, Brizzle, burntsocks, CaliburChamp, Ch3s, CHAiN-ACE, chaoechidna, chaoscontrolASH, ChaosDrifter, Chaosgriffin, ChaosKnight, ChaosofST, chaosscizzors, ChiboSempai, Chill, chillindude829, chisox2894, Chuee, Clai, clowsui, CluelessBTD, Cobalt, cobaltblue, Col. Stauffenberg, Corrupted, Count, Coyn3Masta, Criosphinx, Crystalnite, curiousthoughtsbear, Cyner, D'oH, D.B.K., da K.I.D., dabuz, DaDAM631, DaiAndOh, DallasPhat, DarkDragoon, Darr06, Dazwa, DC, defsithe, Delta-cod, Demacrez, demonictoonlink, Denzi, derkapalooza, DiamondJ09, Diddyknight, DJRome, DMG, Doc71890, Dodongo, Dorsey, Dr Drew the Dragon, Dragonrage, Dragonz7, ds22, Duchock, Duff0, Duskshadow, Dyyne, DZhou, E-Jolteon, Earthbound360, Ebo!, Ehic, EmanjL, ErikG, Esca, ETWIST51294, e__, Fabian, falconpunch64, Filter, Finch, firemario149, Fizzle_Boy, Flayl, Fletch, Flower Avatar, flyinfilipino, Fogo, FoonZ, forute, freezinboi280, frenchfri, Frogles, FrozenHobo, Fubudis, G-Beast, g-regulate, gamemasterdevil, gamesandgoodies, Ganonsburg, Gantz ak-47, getapanda, Gf2tw, Glusent, GoadMoose, Goat M.D., God of Humility, GOD!, goosefactor, Guest438, Gultigargar, haloredvsblue13, hamburglar, handsockpuppet, Hatacatan, HelpR, Hey_Its_Nacker, highandmightyjoe, hiROI, HK Donut of the Blue Fire, HollaAtchaBoy, hotdogturtle, hotgarbage, Humpy Thrashabout, Hype, Hyro, HyugaRicdeau, I'm You, ihavespaceballs, IrisKong, Irow, I_am_Cheer, j0s3ph, Jakebudden, Jar'd, jason_voorhese329, Javon89, Jayford, Jigglymaster, jmo brawler, JOE!, jokey665, Jon?, JPeGImage, Juggleguy, justaway12, JWT2k6, Jys072595, k/mh, K1K3, kackamee, KamiStriker, Kamui Ryu, keeper, Kewkky, Kholdstare, Kilut, King Beef, King Yoshi, KirbyKaze, Kishin, kleenexboxman, kr3wman+, KrazyKnux, kSo_Chun, Kudemo, KumaOso, Kyo Kusanagi, kyoskue, Kyu Puff, Laijin, LaserBust, lax guy5, LAX_, lcampoy8, leafgreen386, Lemon?, Lifeisweird, Linkshot, Liquid-117, LivewiresXe, Livvers, Llumys, Lokee, lonejedi, Lord Rayku, lordhelmet, lou4222, Lovage, Luigi player, Luigi_Lova62, luke_atyeo, Lythium, m&m1992, M3tr01D, M@rik, M@v, Magik0722, magikguy, Maniclysane, Marc, marthshadow, matrix13, matt4300, MattDotZeb, MCmaniacDBR, mcmuff1nman, Meadow, Meme, Menergy125, MeSSi, Metaknight457, Metal~Mario, Mewtwo_2000, mib004, Mifune, Mike G, Milos, Miztik, MK26, MnM, Mogwai, Moko, monkeyx4, moogle, mountain_tiger, Mr. Escalator, Mr. Game and Pichu, mr.fizwidget, Msingh0, Muhznit, MuraRengan, MXXD123, n3wbie, N64, n88_2004, Naota21t, Ndayday, Neb, NeverFiniteX, NeverKnowsBest, NF Alex, ngfc_0, nickcam, NightroGlycerine, NightSky, Niko45, Nikz0r, Ninfreak, Ninja Edd, Nintendude1189, Nintens, nipoo, noodles, Nova9000, odlid, OneGreyWolf, Overswarm, Owa5489, P-99, Pakman, Pakpak, Paladin77, papermarkis, Peachkid, Pengie, Pharaoh.Pch, Phen, phi1ny3, Phiddlesticks, pickle962, Piggyman86, pikazz, Pika_Cam, PK Zucco, Plairnkk, Plan 9, Player-1, Player-4, PNDMike, pockyD, pokelover980, Popertop, powuh_of_PIE, PozerWolf, practice_mAn, precision, professor mgw, Professor Pro, prog2112, pure_awesome, QDVS, QuestionMonkey, Quic, Quik17, quinnydinny, RageofNidhogg, Rappster, raydude, Reaver197, Red Ryu, RedShadow530, Reioumu, Reneblade, Rickerdy-doo-da-day, Riddle, Riddlebox, Ripple, riverkitsune~, Rkey, RocketPSIence, Rockettrainer, Rockmix, Rohins, ROMBO69, Ronike, RPGsFTW, saliksaliksaliksalik, sammy p, Santi, Sariku, sasook, SauceKay, ScaryLB59, ScAtt77, Seagull Man, Seikishidan Soru, Shadic, shadow1pj, Shaky, shanus, Shenlong, Shinku, shlike, Siglemic, Signia, Silent Beast, Silly Kyle, SirIKE, Skrlx, skyheart, SleepyK, Slice~, Smash Daddy, smash64, SmashChu, smasher4roy, smashfan666, smashtwisted, Smooooooom, Smooth Criminal, SnackAttack, Sneak8288, So Fatal, SoldierRift, some-guy, Sonic Storm, sonicmaster5000, SoulPech, ssbbFICTION, stabbedbyanipple, StaFu, Stealth Raptor, stingers135, SunLeo89, Suntan Luigi, superyoshi888, swordsaint, T. Webb, Tails chao, takeurlife2, Tambor, Tamoo, TaterSalad0811, Te-Jay, Tearbear, TechnoDreamer, tedward2000, Teneban, Terios the Hedgehog, Tesh, th0rn, Th3 Master Composer, The BlackChrimson, The MC Clusky, The Nameless Wanderer, The Paprika Killer, The Real Inferno, thechunkylover, ThePointingMan, TheReflexWonder, TheTantalus, thethirdkoopa, thexsunrosered, The_Fool, ThreeSided, Tink, tirkaro, TK1991, TokiDoki, Tommy_G, Trela, TwentyTwo, T_Bag, UberMario, Umbreon, Uncle0wnage, Underload, UTD Zac, verge, Vex Kasrani, Viction, VideoKidHEERO, Vincent46, Voidious, Vulcan55, Vyke, Wafles, wakka444, Wave Kusanagi, Weejoh, What's The Point, Wiimote, Will_, WingedKnight, Writer Kupo, x After Dawn x, Xane, Xatic, Xis66, xLeafybug =D, Xonar, xxCANDYxx, XxCrossReaverxX, Xyro77, xYz, xzax1337, Youko, yuki, Zeborg, zeldspazz, zeriph, Zeruel21, Zeton, Zig-Zag!, Zinth, Zori, zulie2389, Zulu EU, _KuyaSombreo_, ~Espy~, ~Firefly~, ~Van Jones~
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha way too good. just going down and copying the list of names on the front page


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2007
Sorry, no one has played Melee in Montreal since 2004.

...But seriously, come to the weeklies, we have a lot of active Melee going on over there and you can meet some players around here. You can find info about the weeklies in my sig.

Since I need more text to make my sig appear, here's a list of people online so they can namesearch themselves:

ThatGuy, 'Ejo', *SniperNightOwl*, -Annet211-, -ANTi-, -Hilt-, -Jumpman-, -Rei-, -Tempest-, .joel, 01011010, 112, 1UPChris, :mad:, :V, Acherontic, Acrean, Adetque, Admiral Pit, Advent Lee, Aibou, Akuma2120, Alessandra, Allied, AlphaZealot, Alphicans, ama(m/t), Amazing Ampharos, Angelglory, arch knight, Arty, Atomsk_92, AZenith, Bad!, bambam95, Bandit, BearsAreScary, BetaBahamut, bigserg, Bionic Sonic, BL!TZ, Bl@ckChris, Black Tyranno, blackanese, bladeboys, BlargCow, Blazing, Blinds, blizako, Bloodcross, Blood_Hawk, Bloshi, bmaster77, Bnzaaa, BOB SAGET!, BoredPeanut, Brizzle, burntsocks, CaliburChamp, Ch3s, CHAiN-ACE, chaoechidna, chaoscontrolASH, ChaosDrifter, Chaosgriffin, ChaosKnight, ChaosofST, chaosscizzors, ChiboSempai, Chill, chillindude829, chisox2894, Chuee, Clai, clowsui, CluelessBTD, Cobalt, cobaltblue, Col. Stauffenberg, Corrupted, Count, Coyn3Masta, Criosphinx, Crystalnite, curiousthoughtsbear, Cyner, D'oH, D.B.K., da K.I.D., dabuz, DaDAM631, DaiAndOh, DallasPhat, DarkDragoon, Darr06, Dazwa, DC, defsithe, Delta-cod, Demacrez, demonictoonlink, Denzi, derkapalooza, DiamondJ09, Diddyknight, DJRome, DMG, Doc71890, Dodongo, Dorsey, Dr Drew the Dragon, Dragonrage, Dragonz7, ds22, Duchock, Duff0, Duskshadow, Dyyne, DZhou, E-Jolteon, Earthbound360, Ebo!, Ehic, EmanjL, ErikG, Esca, ETWIST51294, e__, Fabian, falconpunch64, Filter, Finch, firemario149, Fizzle_Boy, Flayl, Fletch, Flower Avatar, flyinfilipino, Fogo, FoonZ, forute, freezinboi280, frenchfri, Frogles, FrozenHobo, Fubudis, G-Beast, g-regulate, gamemasterdevil, gamesandgoodies, Ganonsburg, Gantz ak-47, getapanda, Gf2tw, Glusent, GoadMoose, Goat M.D., God of Humility, GOD!, goosefactor, Guest438, Gultigargar, haloredvsblue13, hamburglar, handsockpuppet, Hatacatan, HelpR, Hey_Its_Nacker, highandmightyjoe, hiROI, HK Donut of the Blue Fire, HollaAtchaBoy, hotdogturtle, hotgarbage, Humpy Thrashabout, Hype, Hyro, HyugaRicdeau, I'm You, ihavespaceballs, IrisKong, Irow, I_am_Cheer, j0s3ph, Jakebudden, Jar'd, jason_voorhese329, Javon89, Jayford, Jigglymaster, jmo brawler, JOE!, jokey665, Jon?, JPeGImage, Juggleguy, justaway12, JWT2k6, Jys072595, k/mh, K1K3, kackamee, KamiStriker, Kamui Ryu, keeper, Kewkky, Kholdstare, Kilut, King Beef, King Yoshi, KirbyKaze, Kishin, kleenexboxman, kr3wman+, KrazyKnux, kSo_Chun, Kudemo, KumaOso, Kyo Kusanagi, kyoskue, Kyu Puff, Laijin, LaserBust, lax guy5, LAX_, lcampoy8, leafgreen386, Lemon?, Lifeisweird, Linkshot, Liquid-117, LivewiresXe, Livvers, Llumys, Lokee, lonejedi, Lord Rayku, lordhelmet, lou4222, Lovage, Luigi player, Luigi_Lova62, luke_atyeo, Lythium, m&m1992, M3tr01D, M@rik, M@v, Magik0722, magikguy, Maniclysane, Marc, marthshadow, matrix13, matt4300, MattDotZeb, MCmaniacDBR, mcmuff1nman, Meadow, Meme, Menergy125, MeSSi, Metaknight457, Metal~Mario, Mewtwo_2000, mib004, Mifune, Mike G, Milos, Miztik, MK26, MnM, Mogwai, Moko, monkeyx4, moogle, mountain_tiger, Mr. Escalator, Mr. Game and Pichu, mr.fizwidget, Msingh0, Muhznit, MuraRengan, MXXD123, n3wbie, N64, n88_2004, Naota21t, Ndayday, Neb, NeverFiniteX, NeverKnowsBest, NF Alex, ngfc_0, nickcam, NightroGlycerine, NightSky, Niko45, Nikz0r, Ninfreak, Ninja Edd, Nintendude1189, Nintens, nipoo, noodles, Nova9000, odlid, OneGreyWolf, Overswarm, Owa5489, P-99, Pakman, Pakpak, Paladin77, papermarkis, Peachkid, Pengie, Pharaoh.Pch, Phen, phi1ny3, Phiddlesticks, pickle962, Piggyman86, pikazz, Pika_Cam, PK Zucco, Plairnkk, Plan 9, Player-1, Player-4, PNDMike, pockyD, pokelover980, Popertop, powuh_of_PIE, PozerWolf, practice_mAn, precision, professor mgw, Professor Pro, prog2112, pure_awesome, QDVS, QuestionMonkey, Quic, Quik17, quinnydinny, RageofNidhogg, Rappster, raydude, Reaver197, Red Ryu, RedShadow530, Reioumu, Reneblade, Rickerdy-doo-da-day, Riddle, Riddlebox, Ripple, riverkitsune~, Rkey, RocketPSIence, Rockettrainer, Rockmix, Rohins, ROMBO69, Ronike, RPGsFTW, saliksaliksaliksalik, sammy p, Santi, Sariku, sasook, SauceKay, ScaryLB59, ScAtt77, Seagull Man, Seikishidan Soru, Shadic, shadow1pj, Shaky, shanus, Shenlong, Shinku, shlike, Siglemic, Signia, Silent Beast, Silly Kyle, SirIKE, Skrlx, skyheart, SleepyK, Slice~, Smash Daddy, smash64, SmashChu, smasher4roy, smashfan666, smashtwisted, Smooooooom, Smooth Criminal, SnackAttack, Sneak8288, So Fatal, SoldierRift, some-guy, Sonic Storm, sonicmaster5000, SoulPech, ssbbFICTION, stabbedbyanipple, StaFu, Stealth Raptor, stingers135, SunLeo89, Suntan Luigi, superyoshi888, swordsaint, T. Webb, Tails chao, takeurlife2, Tambor, Tamoo, TaterSalad0811, Te-Jay, Tearbear, TechnoDreamer, tedward2000, Teneban, Terios the Hedgehog, Tesh, th0rn, Th3 Master Composer, The BlackChrimson, The MC Clusky, The Nameless Wanderer, The Paprika Killer, The Real Inferno, thechunkylover, ThePointingMan, TheReflexWonder, TheTantalus, thethirdkoopa, thexsunrosered, The_Fool, ThreeSided, Tink, tirkaro, TK1991, TokiDoki, Tommy_G, Trela, TwentyTwo, T_Bag, UberMario, Umbreon, Uncle0wnage, Underload, UTD Zac, verge, Vex Kasrani, Viction, VideoKidHEERO, Vincent46, Voidious, Vulcan55, Vyke, Wafles, wakka444, Wave Kusanagi, Weejoh, What's The Point, Wiimote, Will_, WingedKnight, Writer Kupo, x After Dawn x, Xane, Xatic, Xis66, xLeafybug =D, Xonar, xxCANDYxx, XxCrossReaverxX, Xyro77, xYz, xzax1337, Youko, yuki, Zeborg, zeldspazz, zeriph, Zeruel21, Zeton, Zig-Zag!, Zinth, Zori, zulie2389, Zulu EU, _KuyaSombreo_, ~Espy~, ~Firefly~, ~Van Jones~
Im not here! QQ =o


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2006
Quebec city,Canada
I just watched kimbo's last match in UFC and man that match was brawl at it's finest, the other guy was definitely planking!! lol
Yeah was a great fight lol even if kimbo is just starting to get technical in his fight i can tell he wont get far beside getting a lot of love from his fan. And btw by dropping randomly here I will have at least to say merry ****ing xmas all and i just love being random considering i post here about 1 time each 6 months but since i got myself a gc and melee back and found some people to play with i guess im seeking player around there....again


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Anyone in here can host some of the GTA players for 1-2 nights if possible. Any help appreciated even 1 person.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
im 30-40 minutes away (by bus/metro) from the venue, and I could host like 3-4 people I guess.

More if they're willing to sleep on a couch/on the floor, etc.


Smash Cadet
Nov 11, 2009
Hey all, NCBA just created a forums section regarding games that will be available at NCBA.


Just click on the forums tabs and register to the forum. We did not include Street fighter, Smash or Tekken since we believe that there is an obviously big enough forum out there. (Smash Boards being one of them :D) but for the other games that we did not see a big community website or forum in Montreal for are the following

Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
NHL 2010
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
Halo 3
Halo 3 ODST

Feel free to join and give those games a community!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2006
Quebec city,Canada
Lol for the halos keep left and go out of the mtl threat xD nah kiding but for community for these game i remember seeing a mtl/qc thread in h3forum.com and mlgpro.com so you might want to look there....btw is there any biweekly or weekly running that got somewhat no randoms that i could go this january if i pass by mtl? With melee and/or brawl
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