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Modesto SSB-B/M Tournaments- Read page 176


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
i am considering giong to the NCB on sat, i am not 100 % sure yet though, if i were to go, could i just drive to your hous and we go from there, i'd love to not have to drive and get lost and somehow magically find a freeway that takes us where we want to go


Smash Ace
May 17, 2006
I will go with you MacD as loong as I don't have to pay gas!! I am so poor as it is...I know how to get to san jose by heart,,,but if you guys need money then whateeevvvvveeeeeerrrrrrrrrr


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
how manyy can you fit??? and how many mpg does your car get

and so basically i traded a girl to get my friday shift and i changed it to sat, but now if i want to go, which really do, i need to get off sat, shouldn't be that hard but since it's thanksgiving tomrorow, we'll see


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
if you don't go to stockton, it should only take about a tank from modesto unless you get really bad mpg on the freeway like my care would, but my moms get more like 25-30ish (idk) and i need a little more then a tank up to a half but that is noramlly cause of stockton and getting lost

mainly cause idk if you need to charge 15 or not, i was thining 10, but then realized i noramlly have at least 3 other people which makes 30 anyways


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
yea i know it is,

and that'd be cool, my first logic was wrong though XD but i didn't feel like getting rid of it

and i wouldn't mind paying the extra little money to not have to drive


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
kim beat me in a set yesterday 3-1 YAYUHZZZZ

i told you he'd be good when he stops playing on HDTV.

modesto rankings:
1. turkey
2. ChoKo
3. other food in thanksgiving dinners
4. choknater, hmw, park

lmfao this thread is hilarious, jamie you hella spam


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
whats choko or who's choko

argh, now idk if i can go, cause of work and college apps and school work

mainly cuase of work caused i'd have to find someone to cover myshift today before i left
i'd love to, i will know tonight by 8 i think


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2006
Merced/San Jose
Gas is indeed very expensive, but I don't know about 15 bucks per person.

Math ftw:

MPG is Miles/Gallons
Therefore, Miles/MPG is Gallons

These calculations are done assuming there is only driving to the location and back.

15 Bucks per person X 4 for 4 people: $60
Miles from Merced to Downtown SJ (give or take 10): 120
Miles from Modesto to Downtown SJ (give or take 10): 89 miles

Gas Prices: Range from $3.50 to $3.90
If gas was $4 a gallon, you get 15 gallons in your tank from the 4 people. (60/4)

Assuming 15 gallons is a full tank:
If it takes you a full tank to go to SJ from Modesto, your MPG is 5.9
If it takes you a full tank to go to SJ from Modesto and back, your MPG is 11.9
For Merced, it would be 8 MPG for 1 way and 16 MPG round trip

If your MPG is around 20:
You could go from Modesto to SJ in 4.46 Gallons
You could go from Modesto to SJ and back in 8.9 Gallons
For Merced, it would be 6 Gallons 1 way and 12 Gallons round trip

You would only need about 9 gallons of gas to make a round trip from Modesto and about 12 gallons of gas to make a round trip from Merced.

9 Gallons X $4 = $36
12 Gallons X $4 = $48

Of course, this is assuming $4 gas, which we know it isn't. Premium is like $3.80 at most, and regular is around $3.60 per gallon. Also, we assume that it's only 4 people in the car, including the driver which I'm assuming is paying the same amount for gas.

So therefore, assuming 4 people in the car driver included, each would pay about 10 bucks from Modesto, and maybe 13 from Merced. If there were 5 people, it would be about 7 bucks per person from modesto, and 10 from Merced.

Without the driver paying for gas, 4 people would pay 10 and 3 people would pay 12 from Modesto, and 4 people would pay 12 and 3 people would pay 16 from Merced.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2006
Gas is indeed very expensive, but I don't know about 15 bucks per person.

Math ftw:

MPG is Miles/Gallons
Therefore, Miles/MPG is Gallons

These calculations are done assuming there is only driving to the location and back.

15 Bucks per person X 4 for 4 people: $60
Miles from Merced to Downtown SJ (give or take 10): 120
Miles from Modesto to Downtown SJ (give or take 10): 89 miles

Gas Prices: Range from $3.50 to $3.90
If gas was $4 a gallon, you get 15 gallons in your tank from the 4 people. (60/4)

Assuming 15 gallons is a full tank:
If it takes you a full tank to go to SJ from Modesto, your MPG is 5.9
If it takes you a full tank to go to SJ from Modesto and back, your MPG is 11.9
For Merced, it would be 8 MPG for 1 way and 16 MPG round trip

If your MPG is around 20:
You could go from Modesto to SJ in 4.46 Gallons
You could go from Modesto to SJ and back in 8.9 Gallons
For Merced, it would be 6 Gallons 1 way and 12 Gallons round trip

You would only need about 9 gallons of gas to make a round trip from Modesto and about 12 gallons of gas to make a round trip from Merced.

9 Gallons X $4 = $36
12 Gallons X $4 = $48

Of course, this is assuming $4 gas, which we know it isn't. Premium is like $3.80 at most, and regular is around $3.60 per gallon. Also, we assume that it's only 4 people in the car, including the driver which I'm assuming is paying the same amount for gas.

So therefore, assuming 4 people in the car driver included, each would pay about 10 bucks from Modesto, and maybe 13 from Merced. If there were 5 people, it would be about 7 bucks per person from modesto, and 10 from Merced.

Without the driver paying for gas, 4 people would pay 10 and 3 people would pay 12 from Modesto, and 4 people would pay 12 and 3 people would pay 16 from Merced.

XILO is stingy!!!

EDUT: I am going to Get banned by taking over the sac thread!!
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