Here are my reads thus far, because I was way too impatient to sleep on it.
Right now I feel like the Tonberry wagon only has one piece of evidence pointing to him being scum, which is a lot less than ToasterBrains for me. I'm waiting for him to give his reads and whatnot tomorrow.
- Hoove of Suspicion, for now.
His early game smelled really suspicious to me (it still does, but it's easily explained away by the "herp derp RVS doesn't matter" mentality lots of players have). Ironically, the strongest townpoint he has is his case against me, which indicates that he's scumhunting. His case was extremely weak, but I guess it's fair to assume I'm the only person who thought so at the time. There were obviously questions raised that I needed to answer so that we'd all be on the same page.
- I'm inclined to lean town
Soup is on my radar for sure. I must have missed Vinyl's case on him the first time through (probably because I was busy defending myself from Badwolf). Not about to sleep on him just cuz he's the IC. His "hands off approach to being an IC" this game is a really convenient excuse to vote however he wants with no justification, and then challenge
us to figure out why. When Vinyl called him on it, he still opted to not give reasons for his actions. Since I had previously stated that I thought I knew what his motives were, he knew he could just kick back and allow me to clear his name. If you look at his list of "reads", you'll notice that they are more or less identical to Badwolf's, right down to the fact that I was "a conundrum". Are they really that like minded? Or is Soup just letting us do all the work for him?
- Pretty scummy. I've got my eye on you
I'm not so sure about him. He plays way too dumb, then suddenly he seems to be a borderline mastermind. The fact that everyone keeps telling him that he's noobtown, and then he argues with them about it, doesn't clear it up for me. He thinks and talks in terms of WIFOM way too much for me to trust anything he says. (Wine In Front Of Me. This is a concept from the Princess Bride often used in Mafia. It refers to the infinite loop of thought that your enemy might put poison in your wine, but he might also know you'll suspect that, and instead put the poison in his own wine.)
- I'm only inclined to lean town by process of elimination. Otherwise he would be hella Null read
Vinyl appears to be hunting scum. I think we share a similar read on Soup at this point, and since he brought it up before anyone else, I know he's thinking for himself. I'd like to see more in the next few days so I can try to solidify this read more.
- Town lean
I've already made my case on him, but it boils down to his obvious bandwagon votes on BSP, and his constant lurking while contributing nothing. His responses when pressured about leave much to be desired.
- Hella scummy
Obv scum

Nah he hasn't posted enough for me to know.
- By default, this makes him a null read, for now
Flying way under the radar so far. Hasn't been totally inactive, but hasn't posted much of anything useful. Get some reads out there please!
- Null read
- Refer to Tyranitar read
- Refer to Tyranitar read
I'm with you guys on this dude. I don't know WHAT to make of him. He is a mystery wrapped in a riddle.
- Swag read