K, now, let's take a took at the last 15 years on professional gaming. The WCG, world leader in PC tournaments had gone no where but down hill UNTIL they picked up console games. In fact, their biggest paying year is when the Ogres won the Halo2 event. Since then, theyve been garbage.
MLG, starting with Halo50k, has earned more credibility, bigger venues, and the BIGGEST payouts. While you may think it takes no skill, I'd like to see you plug in your mouse and KB and face me in Halo3. See if it helps you stop the carnage I will bring on you.
Mouse and KB vs Controller is just a style of play. Neither is better. I mean, if you use the Wiimote to play, and you beat M2k, are you an idiot for using a lame *** controller?
Think before you speak, maybe you'll have someone read your post and think other things besides how annoying you sound.
I go to sleep.work, and I just stay the same. ^_^!!!
YOU BETTER ****ING BE. I won't stand these scrubs being below you. Top 3 should be me you and fatal. Hurry up already.