Even though it's insanely likely Palutena will get in, I have this nagging feeling the Sakurai could decide not to based on the fact he didn't initially put King Dedede and Meta Knight in Smash Bros because he didn't want to over represent his own games. With all the Kid Icarus items and refrences, what if he's using that as a means of representing the game without puting in a new character? Thoughts?
This was a valid argument before the Palutena Leak.
After the leak, Sakurai kept showing off Kid Icarus content until he eventually trolled a statue of her.
Now she's in Salromano's Leak too.
And Sakurai himself trolls a Pseudo Palutena trophy right after showing Pit's new final smash.
When all we were going off was what we thought made sense, and what would fit well due to recent prominence, popularity, and moveset potential...
There was doubt.
But time after time Sakurai has ensured us she'll be playable.
In Brawl, all she was was a Final Smash. That's gone.
People said the Palutena Leak could be of an Assist.
Isabelle has no outlines on the 3ds.
The arguments against her have all been shot down time after time.
None are left.
If Sakurai was so modest and didn't want to make it look like he was "pushing content" from Kid Icarus into the game instead of representing equally...
Why was Pit in Yoshi's place of Nintendo's main 8 series in the beginning of the original trailer for Smash Bros Wii U/3ds?
The starter series went from Mario, Yoshi, DK, Link, Samus, Fox, Pikachu, Kirby to Mario, DK, Link, Samus, Pit, Fox, Pikachu, Kirby
Sure, in SSB64 we have characters from series that have yet to get a 2nd character, but out of the starter series?
It was only Metroid, but Zero Suit Samus is now her own character, therefore is a 2nd rep.
That singles Pit out as the only one alone.
And there's no KI character more iconic than Palutena other than Pit.