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Mipha, Champion of the Zoras, for Smash Switch


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
While my heart is with Urbosa, i would welcome any champion as a fighter.

Mipha imo have the added value of being able to represent the spears of BOTW from where they could get easy moves, and water (greninja.... mario?) as an element is more unique than electricity (pikachu, robin) or fire (everyone and their dogs)

in other words, i think that withouth too much effort they could create an unique fighter. a range harasser with water moves that either give you mobility or move the oponent, and a little self heal mechanich like wiifit.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
The main reason I brought that up was one Sakurai interview where he used "potential for continuing relevance" as a criterion for putting characters in, which is a big reason that Zelda's not really gotten any newcomers for a while since most are one-game only.
Honestly, Sakurai picks and chooses who he applies this rule to.

Even if they were the main characters, there was no guarantee that the FE characters would be relevant in the future when he chose them in Brawl and Smash 4. Most of the Zelda characters we've supported are far more iconic than the FE cast, so it seems a little silly if Sakurai had concerns about continuing relevance with a series as popular as Zelda but not with FE.

I'm still not sure how to feel about Zelda getting the Champ moves. On one hand I'd like to see how they handle it, but on the other we'd lose the long range teleport and lose another special to a non-offensive move, plus I've really grown fond of the Goddess Spells.
It could work, but even though I think it has the potential to turn out well, it seems unnecessary and wasteful to use the Champions like that. There's no way Sakurai could implement the Champions in future versions of Zelda, so we'd basically be swapping out the old moveset for one game and giving it back to her in the next Smash.

Even though I don't want to see them this way either, I'd rather get the Champions as Assist Trophies before a new Zelda moveset involving them. At least then, they'll be able to have notable roles in future Smash games.


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
if we are giving all the champions moves to a single character, that one may as well be Kass, everyone favorite Bird Bard (kinda how ness got a tons of moves that worked on smash, but werent from him), as a BOTW Zelda representation. Link and Zelda in the future may eventually mutate in other stuff, but the BOTW character can stay kinda like Shiek.

AAAND regarding future relevancy, smash will always help a character ciment future relevancy, look at shiek, captain falcon or jigglypuff.

(still, i secretly hoping we get the all of them :3)


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Honestly, Sakurai picks and chooses who he applies this rule to.
isnt that just the bitter truth, oh well

AAAND regarding future relevancy, smash will always help a character ciment future relevancy, look at shiek, captain falcon or jigglypuff.
well that depends what you mean by relevance shiek has only appeared in one main series game and arguably jigglpuff's relevance comes from still being included more recent pokedexs
Last edited:


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Today is Mipha's day in the RTC thread (well, not yet anyway). Since I put a lot of time in my post, I thought I'd put it in the Mipha thread too. Hope you guys like it!


Well, here it is. My case for Mipha. It's lengthy, but I tried my best to cover as much as I could to convince those who read it why Mipha could and should be playable in Smash. I don't expect anyone to read through all of it (although I would be extremely grateful if you did), but I do hope you'll at least skim through and read anything that catches your eye. Maybe if I'm lucky, I might be able to convince you to be more open to the idea and give Mipha a decent chance.

Who is Mipha?

Representing the fish-like Zora, Mipha is one of the five Champions in Breath of the Wild tasked with defeating a monstrosity known as Calamity Ganon. She is a timid and somewhat awkward Zora princess who is gifted with the special power to heal wounds. She fights her enemies with a trident known as the Lightscale Trident, and she has shown herself to be an excellent and graceful spear fighter, as well as a superb swimmer. Much like her older Ocarina of Time counterpart, Ruto, she holds strong feelings for Link, hoping that one day she'll be lucky enough to marry him.

In BotW, her role as a Champion was to pilot the massive Sheikah weapon known as Vah Ruta and fire it at Calamity Ganon to assist Link in his fight. However, Ganon corrupted Vah Ruta and took form as Waterblight Ganon, killing Mipha before she could attack. Exactly 100 years later, the corrupted Vah Ruta awakens and begins to terrorize her Zora's Domain with a massive downpour of rain. With the help of Sidon, Mipha's younger brother, Link boards the corrupted Vah Ruta and defeats Waterblight Ganon, allowing Mipha to regain control of Vah Ruta and assist Link with his second attempt to face Calamity Ganon.

How Would Mipha Play?
There's already a full moveset in Mipha's thread (and it's way better and far more specific than mine). However, I thought I'd share my own take on how she'd play, just so people could get a general idea of why I think she'd be unique.

Mipha's main weapon is the Lightscale Trident (as seen by this lovely replica made by a fan).

I doubt I need to explain anything here, but her trident would work like a spear, allowing Mipha to attack fighters from a long distance. Because of this, Mipha would probably work best as a defensive character, using her trident's long reach to keep aggressive fighters who like to get close at bay. However, fighters who break through her defenses would have an easier time attacking her, as her trident does not have the same mobility as a sword. She'd also have a hard time with projectiles.

While it's not seen in the game, Mipha also owns a Sheikah Slate (it's the only way she can access her Divine Beast). Not much to say here except maybe Sakurai could giver her what's left over from whatever Sheikah Runes Link doesn't end up using in his new moveset. I was thinking maybe Cryonis, since ice is a central part of Vah Ruta. Mipha could summon a pillar of ice directly in front of her to act as a shield against attacks, as well as an additional platform if she needs to get to a higher area.

The ice is durable, but certainly not indestructible. Only one can be summoned at a time.

But the real kick to Mipha that would make her so unique is her healing abilities. We don't have a true healer character in the game (aside from WFT, who can't heal more than 2%) who doesn't need to meet certain conditions before they can heal. Ness/Lucas needs to absorb energy attacks and Robin needs to get close to a character and use Nosferatu. Mipha, however, would be able to heal on her own. Imagine if Mipha had a special similar to Cloud's Limit Break (minus auto charging as she takes damage) that would heal damage once charged for a certain amount of time. It wouldn't be anything too unreasonable. Maybe heal 5-7% after 7-9 seconds of charging. I think this could create some really interesting playstyles. It forces your opponent to be more aggressive and not camp, as you can just stand there and heal if they don't take action. Also, think about when you launch a character off the stage. Do you go after the player and go for a KO, or do you stay behind and try to heal?

Now to compensate for her ability to heal, I think Mipha would be made one of the slower fighters, as giving her a fast run speed would encourage camping (although a slow speed actually suits a Zora. They're faster in water, not on ground). Her attacks, however, would be lightning quick.

As for her Final Smash, well...

I'm not really sure what it could be. ;)

We don't have any spear fighters, and we don't have any healer characters. Tie those two together and you have a pretty unique combo.

Why is Mipha Likely?
"Timing was Perfect?"

If you've forgotten, let me remind you what the entirety of 2016 was like.

"Nintendo, it's been forever! When is Zelda Wii U coming out?"
"lol nintendo didn't reveal the nx at e3. nintendo is doomed."
"I'm starting to think Zelda Wii U is just an elaborate prank."

Seriously, no one would shut up about two things: "Zelda Wii U" and the "NX". Regardless of what part of 2017 Sakurai started development on Smash Switch, these two things were a hot topic. Now if Sakurai knew that such a huge AAA title was being released on a brand new console, a console that was responsible for him starting development on Smash Switch in the first place, then why wouldn't he want to consider it when he made the roster? Even if he wasn't initially aware of Mipha's existence, wouldn't it at least make sense for him to look at BotW so that he could look at the new versions of Link and Zelda? After all, there's no way he could plan for a new moveset or properly design them unless he looked at the game in advance.

With such a big title coming out on the Switch, I have a hard time imagining Sakurai not wanting to look deeper into BotW and weigh his options. The game was in late development by then, so Mipha's abilities, her design, and her cutscenes were likely finalized or very close to being finalized.

"She Fits the Theme"

Unfortunately, almost every Zelda character is at an automatic disadvantage because of the confirmation of BotW Link. Since BotW is getting center spotlight, it would be admittingly strange for Sakurai to go back and revisit a popular character from Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, or even Skyward Sword. The timing is poor for these guys, and there's not really a way you can get any of them to work with the BotW theme without making it seem forced (mainly because none of these characters even appeared in BotW, unless you count elderly Impa). Mipha on the other hand doesn't have this problem. She's one of the few Zelda characters who perfectly ties in with the theme without taking creative liberties.

Now to be fair, I will point out that Sakurai went with a TP theme in Brawl and still added Toon Link. However, since Toon Link was a clone and a replacement of sorts for Young Link (who definitely wouldn't fit the TP theme either), I'm not sure if this would be a good argument to bring up if you're making a case for a full-fledged newcomer.

"First Time's the Charm"

The Zelda characters we've been supporting over the past decade have been rejected once, twice, and for some, three times. Mipha is one of the only characters aside from her fellow Champions and a few HW originals who has never been considered for a Smash game, giving her the advantage over others. This means that Mipha's absolute best shot is now, whereas the other characters are in a tougher spot since they were rejected when their relevancy was at its peak. It's now or never.

"A Little Popularity Never Hurts"

"What the heck are you talking about!? Mipha isn't a popular request in Smash?"

That's probably what you're thinking, right? Well actually, I'm referring to her popularity in BotW, not in the Smash community. Ever since the release of the game, Mipha has been a well-recieved character. Many fans consider the Zora arc to be their favorite part of BotW, and Mipha's consistently been one of the most popular Champions, especially in Japan, where she is easily the fan-favorite. Heck, her amiibo was the only one of the four Champions to sell out online at every retail store in the US. The only Champion who comes close to beating Mipha is Urbosa. With Daruk and Revali, it ain't even close.

Now I have to point out that if Sakurai chose Mipha, it was likely before any of this even happened, meaning that her reception from fans might not have been a factor that existed back then. Still, I thought it was worth mentioning, just on the off-chance that it somehow did help her chances.

"For Crying out Loud! It's Breath of the Freaking Wild We're Talking About!"

BotW was such an impactful game that I honestly cannot see Sakurai avoiding adding a Zelda character again. BotW was a huge step for the series, and it broke away from tired traditions to create something extremely innovative and original. It did so phenomenally well that there's not really any excuse for Sakurai to not acknowledge that by adding a new character.

But what if Sakurai didn't know BotW would be successful, you say? Well, even if he didn't add Mipha on the initial roster, BotW was released in early March 2017. That's still well over a year and a half before Smash Switch would be released. Yes, I know Sakurai typically avoids adding characters later in development, but believe me, if there was ever a game big enough to make Sakurai feel like revisiting it for the sake of adding a newcomer, BotW would be that game.

"She's Related to Sidon"

I mean, if I were the director, this would be more than enough to convince me to add Mipha. Here's to hoping Sakurai shares the feeling.

Common Arguments against Mipha
"We can't get one Champion without getting all four."

I had to put this one first because it's the one I see the most. Truth be told, this is an argument I still don't quite understand. No one ever said the Champions were a package deal, yet everyone acts like these guys are four inseparable characters who can't exist without each other. Starter Pokemon have the same amount of importance, but did that stop Sakurai from cleaving Charizard from Squirtle and Ivysaur? Did Sakurai feel bad for picking Greninja and not Delphox? Obviously not. He picked the Pokemon that he felt like would be the best choice to represent the series. The Champions should be no different.

However, it seems like some people are convinced that the Pokemon situation is completely different, so allow me to approach this from a second perspective.

A popular belief is that the Champions would be better fit as Assist Trophies or as part of a new moveset for Link/Zelda. Now if you're someone who believes that adding a single Champion on the roster would be unfair, let me ask you this. Can you say with 100% absolute, concrete, unwavering confidence that if the Champions were to become Assist Trophies or part of a moveset, all four Champions would be used in the same capacity? That means all four Champions would become Assist Trophies, and all four Champions would be used in Link or Zelda's new moveset. If you can't confidently say this, then how is this any different than having one or two Champions on the roster? If your reasoning behind not thinking a Champion should be on the roster is because it wouldn't be fair, then how would making Mipha be the only Assist Trophy or Revali's Gale be the only Champion ability in Link's new moveset be any better? The answer is, it's not.

The Champions are susceptible to the same problem, regardless of how you integrate them in Smash.

"There are dozens of more memorable Zelda characters Sakurai could add, so why would he choose Mipha or any of the other Champions?"

I don't entirely disagree with this statement. Mipha's time in the spotlight was rather brief compared to other Zelda characters, and I think there are plenty of more memorable Zelda characters out there. However, this is why I don't think the argument works. What characters are you comparing Mipha to? Probably Skull Kid, Impa, Midna, and Tingle, right? Here's the thing - these guys have existed anywhere from 10 to 20 years. How old is Mipha? Barely even a year old. Obviously Mipha can't compete with the likes of these guys. They've had years and years to appear in games, merch, and other forms of media, whereas Mipha is currently relying entirely on the promotion from BotW. She might not seem iconic now, but that doesn't mean she lacks the potential to be iconic in the future.

To put it simply, Mipha is young. She has plenty of time to grow and build herself an image before we can actually say she isn't iconic or popular enough.

"(Insert Zelda character here) is WAY more unique than Mipha!"

This is entirely subjective. I've seen people find ways to incorporate BotW elements into Impa's moveset and make her sound like one of the most unique additions we could ever get. But when it comes to Mipha, an actual character from BotW? It's like their creativity hits a brick wall. "What could she do besides stabbing people with her weird shiny fork?"

Just because you think a character would or wouldn't be unique doesn't mean they'll be reflected that way in Smash. Need proof? Look at Ganondorf. Then look at Ice Climbers. The only thing that matters here is Sakurai himself. It's who would HE see potential in, not who WE would see potential in. This goes back to my point about Mipha never being able to be considered for Smash before. A lot of people say things like, "Impa would be Sakurai's first choice for the next Zelda rep because she's recurring and has the most to offer." That may or may not be true, but keep in mind that this would be Impa's fourth opportunity to get in Smash. If Impa really is the most obvious choice to Sakurai, why hasn't he added her yet? This certainly isn't the best time he could've added her, and the fact that she's been around for so long and still hasn't become playable tells me that Sakurai has some hesitations with adding her. Since we know for a fact that Sakurai has never been able to reject Mipha, there's currently nothing to indicate that he's either against the character or doesn't see potential in her. Of course, that also means that there's nothing to indicate that he's in favor of the character either, but it's still a good position to be in regardless.

"Who cares if BotW was popular? Not every Zelda game needs to be represented on the roster."

Very true. Not every Zelda game needs to be represented on the roster. And at this point, that's been the case for the past 15 years. Not counting designs, Wind Waker (2002) was the last game to get a character on the roster.

This is something I've seen a lot of people say whenever they see someone supporting a Champion. It's not so much about thinking a successful game like BotW needs to get represented on the roster as much as it is thinking that BotW has the best shot of getting a newcomer compared to the other Zelda games. Even though I like Mipha as a character and think she'd be a great addition, I also think she has a better shot than a majority of the Zelda cast. There's nothing wrong with supporting a character because you think they'd be likely. As a matter of fact, most of the Gen VII Pokemon we want in Smash got as much support as they did just because we all think they're likely to be added. If likeliness wasn't something we took into consideration when we support characters, then maybe we'd all still be clamoring for Zoroark and Sceptile.

If this is the argument you're using, then your main problem is likely being able to see the Champions as unique or playable characters, rather than simply just thinking BotW doesn't need a character. For that, I'd recommend looking at some movesets for the Champions and listen to what some of the supporters have to say. See if your opinion changed any after that.

"There are four Champions in BotW. What makes Mipha more likely than them?"

Now this is one argument I struggle with. All four Champions have equal importance. All four Champions have moveset potential. All four Champions have gotten equal promotion. The only thing Mipha has that separates herself from the rest is her popularity, and unfortunately, there likely wasn't enough time for that to be a factor unless she was added later in development. Honestly, Sakurai could get away with adding any of the four Champions (although some will probably be met with a warmer welcome than others :4falco:).

That being said, I can still explain why I would think Mipha would be more likely than the other three.

First off, the iconicness of the Zora race. Zoras have been in the LoZ series since the very first game, and they've continued to make appearances since then. They've appeared in plenty of popular Zelda games, such as Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, A Link Between Worlds, and of course, Breath of the Wild. Their history easily trumps the likes of the Gerudo and (especially) the Rito, and the only Champion race that has a longer, broader history than the Zora is the Gorons. Needless to say, the Zora species are a staple of the Zelda series, and I think that's something that gives Mipha an advantage over some of the other Champions.

Second, there's Eiji Aonuma himself. The Zora are one of his, if not his most, favorite races in the Zelda series. An example of this can be seen in a recent interview by Nintendo UK. When asked if he would rather be a Zora, a Goron, or a Deku Scrub, Aonuma responded by smiling and holding up a Zora mask to his face (at the very least, this hints to us that Aonuma would likely prefer Mipha over Daruk). Another example of this can be found in a interview following BotW's second DLC pack. In this interview, Aonuma is directly asked who his favorite Champion was. His answer? Mipha (although he claims it might have previously been Urbosa). If Sakurai was having a difficult time choosing which Champion to add in Smash, I have no doubt that Aonuma would be a strong advocate for Mipha, should he have any involvement in Sakurai's decision.

My third and last point, the Zora themselves and how they were treated in BotW. This part is entirely subjective and shouldn't be taken as a solid argument, but I think it's still worth mentioning, especially if you've played BotW before. When players get to the part of BotW where Link is told by Impa that he needs to free the Divine Beasts, the one that most happen to free first is Vah Ruta. This almost seems intentional, as the area Link needs to find to begin the Zora arc (Lanayru Wetlands and Lanayru Tower) is extremely close to Kakarico Village and Hateno Village (the places Link is told to go to after completing the first area of the game). There's also plenty of Zora NPCs sprinkled around the nearby area, automatically telling you exactly where to go when you walk near them, something that wasn't done with the other three arcs. While there's nothing to verify it, I think the Zora were intended to be the first of the four races players find when playing BotW. If that's truly the case, this gives Mipha a slight edge over the other three, as the Zora arc would supposed to have intended to be the player's first impression of freeing the Champions and the Divine Beasts. Then there's also the amount of effort put into the Zora arc. A lot of people agree that the Zora arc is the best of the four arcs, and that's because they feel like the other arcs (particularly the Rito and the Gorons) didn't feel as special or long as the Zora's. If the development team spent extra time on fleshing out the Zora arc, that might indicate that (1) they really liked that part of the game and wanted to perfect it as much as they could, or (2) that was the first area they completed, thereby giving them the more time to add on to it.

"Mipha is just another one-shot character. She'll be no different than the rest."

Another good point. If Skull Kid, Midna, and Ghirahim couldn't make it in, why is Mipha different? Truth is, we might never understand why those guys never got in Smash. They had a lot of potential, yet failed to be anything more than an Assist Trophy. For a lot of people, Mipha is destined to follow that same path. While I can't give you a solid explanation on why the other one-shots were rejected, I can at least tell you why I think Mipha's situation differs from theirs.

Let's start with Skull Kid and Melee. Skull Kid was born at a rather unfortunate time to be considered for Smash. Before Melee came to be, Link was the only character on the roster. There were plenty of options to choose from, and adding Skull Kid was probably less of a priority than adding the main characters, Zelda and Ganondorf. By the time Brawl rolled around, it may have been too late for him. That's likely what held him back - a combination of bad timing and too much competition from other newcomers. Mipha doesn't really have this problem. Timing is definitely in her favor, and while she does have some stiff competition, none of them are anywhere close to being as important to the series as Zelda and Ganondorf. Yeah, there are some recurring choices that make more sense than Mipha (Impa, Tingle), but at the same time, they aren't exactly big enough to feel like the roster is incomplete without them.

Next is Midna and Brawl. I still don't quite understand why we didn't get this character. Timing was great, she fit the new TP theme, had a large role in her game, and she would've made a great addition to the roster. Instead, all we got in Brawl was a toony replacement for Young Link. The only explanation I can come up with here is that Sakurai may have felt like the Zelda series needed a break after getting four new characters in Melee (and this would help explain why Mario didn't get any true newcomers either). If that's the case, then Mipha definitely doesn't have the same problem as Midna. We've had a drought of Zelda newcomers for two games now, and fans are starting to feel as if Zelda is being neglected on the roster. Mipha won't be rejected because of over-saturation on the roster.

Last is Ghirahim and Smash 4. Honestly, this one shouldn't have come off as surprising. Even if timing was great, Skyward Sword was considered to be a subpar Zelda game. This game had mediocre sales, had mixed reception from fans, and was considered to be the worst 3D Zelda game in quite some time. Even if Zelda was due for another character, SS was definitely not the game Sakurai would've felt obligated to give a character to. Needless to say, BotW is the polar opposite of SS. Mipha will definitely not be rejected because Sakurai didn't feel like her game deserved a character, and you can quote me on that anytime you'd like.

Overall, I think Mipha lacks most of the things that might have held back the other one-shots. That's not to say Mipha doesn't have her own problems, because she definitely does. She has three other equally important counterparts who could easily steal that spot away from her. Still, there's not much reason to think history will repeat itself, or at least not in the same way it did with the other one-shots. If Mipha gets rejected, it'll likely be for a different reason than the others.

"Isn't it possible for Sakurai to just skip the Zelda series and not add anyone?"

This is the last argument I wanted to address. Short answer - yes, it is certainly possible. Sakurai could feel like there aren't any relevant Zelda characters worth adding and once again not give us anything.

However, I don't really see the point in doing so. Even if we can't agree on who should get added, there's a unified voice requesting more Zelda characters. What reason is there for Sakurai to wait even longer? Should he ask Aonuma to incorporate Impa into the next Zelda game so she's extremely relevant again by the time the next Smash game rolls around? Should he wait until we get a new Zelda game with one-shot characters slightly more important to the story than the Champions? If Sakurai treats every Smash game like it's his last, why would he hold off on adding another Zelda rep, especially after a game as successful as BotW?

Despite popular opinion, I believe our best shot at getting a Zelda newcomer is now, because if something like BotW can't get us a newcomer, we sure as heck won't be getting anything from a future Zelda game.

If you're someone who still isn't sold on the idea of Mipha, I totally get it. She's a new character to a series that's been around for over thirty years. You've been supporting Zelda characters far more iconic than her, and seeing her in Smash is something that might not sit well with you. She's probably not your first, second, or maybe even seventh choice. Still, I hope you'll at least try to look past all that and see Mipha for what she is. Even if she's not as iconic as Skull Kid or Tingle, she's still unique. That's something you can't take way from her, regardless of how new she is. She's also from BotW, the best-selling game in the history of the Zelda series that over ten million people have bought since its release a little over a year ago. No other Zelda character can say something like that.

It's fine if you doubt her chances. It's fine if you don't like her. But please, don't just write her off entirely like most people tend to do. She's got a better shot than you think, so try to be fair and give her the chance she deserves.

...And, that's that. If you actually took the time to read all this, I'm extremely impressed with your dedication to see all that I had to say. If you only read two sentences, well, that's still time that you took to read this, so thanks. Here's to hoping some of you are as optimistic about Mipha as me.



Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Today is Mipha's day in the RTC thread (well, not yet anyway). Since I put a lot of time in my post, I thought I'd put it in the Mipha thread too. Hope you guys like it!


Well, here it is. My case for Mipha. It's lengthy, but I tried my best to cover as much as I could to convince those who read it why Mipha could and should be playable in Smash. I don't expect anyone to read through all of it (although I would be extremely grateful if you did), but I do hope you'll at least skim through and read anything that catches your eye. Maybe if I'm lucky, I might be able to convince you to be more open to the idea and give Mipha a decent chance.

Who is Mipha?

Representing the fish-like Zora, Mipha is one of the five Champions in Breath of the Wild tasked with defeating a monstrosity known as Calamity Ganon. She is a timid and somewhat awkward Zora princess who is gifted with the special power to heal wounds. She fights her enemies with a trident known as the Lightscale Trident, and she has shown herself to be an excellent and graceful spear fighter, as well as a superb swimmer. Much like her older Ocarina of Time counterpart, Ruto, she holds strong feelings for Link, hoping that one day she'll be lucky enough to marry him.

In BotW, her role as a Champion was to pilot the massive Sheikah weapon known as Vah Ruta and fire it at Calamity Ganon to assist Link in his fight. However, Ganon corrupted Vah Ruta and took form as Waterblight Ganon, killing Mipha before she could attack. Exactly 100 years later, the corrupted Vah Ruta awakens and begins to terrorize her Zora's Domain with a massive downpour of rain. With the help of Sidon, Mipha's younger brother, Link boards the corrupted Vah Ruta and defeats Waterblight Ganon, allowing Mipha to regain control of Vah Ruta and assist Link with his second attempt to face Calamity Ganon.

How Would Mipha Play?
There's already a full moveset in Mipha's thread (and it's way better and far more specific than mine). However, I thought I'd share my own take on how she'd play, just so people could get a general idea of why I think she'd be unique.

Mipha's main weapon is the Lightscale Trident (as seen by this lovely replica made by a fan).

I doubt I need to explain anything here, but her trident would work like a spear, allowing Mipha to attack fighters from a long distance. Because of this, Mipha would probably work best as a defensive character, using her trident's long reach to keep aggressive fighters who like to get close at bay. However, fighters who break through her defenses would have an easier time attacking her, as her trident does not have the same mobility as a sword. She'd also have a hard time with projectiles.

While it's not seen in the game, Mipha also owns a Sheikah Slate (it's the only way she can access her Divine Beast). Not much to say here except maybe Sakurai could giver her what's left over from whatever Sheikah Runes Link doesn't end up using in his new moveset. I was thinking maybe Cryonis, since ice is a central part of Vah Ruta. Mipha could summon a pillar of ice directly in front of her to act as a shield against attacks, as well as an additional platform if she needs to get to a higher area.

The ice is durable, but certainly not indestructible. Only one can be summoned at a time.

But the real kick to Mipha that would make her so unique is her healing abilities. We don't have a true healer character in the game (aside from WFT, who can't heal more than 2%) who doesn't need to meet certain conditions before they can heal. Ness/Lucas needs to absorb energy attacks and Robin needs to get close to a character and use Nosferatu. Mipha, however, would be able to heal on her own. Imagine if Mipha had a special similar to Cloud's Limit Break (minus auto charging as she takes damage) that would heal damage once charged for a certain amount of time. It wouldn't be anything too unreasonable. Maybe heal 5-7% after 7-9 seconds of charging. I think this could create some really interesting playstyles. It forces your opponent to be more aggressive and not camp, as you can just stand there and heal if they don't take action. Also, think about when you launch a character off the stage. Do you go after the player and go for a KO, or do you stay behind and try to heal?

Now to compensate for her ability to heal, I think Mipha would be made one of the slower fighters, as giving her a fast run speed would encourage camping (although a slow speed actually suits a Zora. They're faster in water, not on ground). Her attacks, however, would be lightning quick.

As for her Final Smash, well...

I'm not really sure what it could be. ;)

We don't have any spear fighters, and we don't have any healer characters. Tie those two together and you have a pretty unique combo.

Why is Mipha Likely?
"Timing was Perfect?"

If you've forgotten, let me remind you what the entirety of 2016 was like.

"Nintendo, it's been forever! When is Zelda Wii U coming out?"
"lol nintendo didn't reveal the nx at e3. nintendo is doomed."
"I'm starting to think Zelda Wii U is just an elaborate prank."

Seriously, no one would shut up about two things: "Zelda Wii U" and the "NX". Regardless of what part of 2017 Sakurai started development on Smash Switch, these two things were a hot topic. Now if Sakurai knew that such a huge AAA title was being released on a brand new console, a console that was responsible for him starting development on Smash Switch in the first place, then why wouldn't he want to consider it when he made the roster? Even if he wasn't initially aware of Mipha's existence, wouldn't it at least make sense for him to look at BotW so that he could look at the new versions of Link and Zelda? After all, there's no way he could plan for a new moveset or properly design them unless he looked at the game in advance.

With such a big title coming out on the Switch, I have a hard time imagining Sakurai not wanting to look deeper into BotW and weigh his options. The game was in late development by then, so Mipha's abilities, her design, and her cutscenes were likely finalized or very close to being finalized.

"She Fits the Theme"

Unfortunately, almost every Zelda character is at an automatic disadvantage because of the confirmation of BotW Link. Since BotW is getting center spotlight, it would be admittingly strange for Sakurai to go back and revisit a popular character from Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, or even Skyward Sword. The timing is poor for these guys, and there's not really a way you can get any of them to work with the BotW theme without making it seem forced (mainly because none of these characters even appeared in BotW, unless you count elderly Impa). Mipha on the other hand doesn't have this problem. She's one of the few Zelda characters who perfectly ties in with the theme without taking creative liberties.

Now to be fair, I will point out that Sakurai went with a TP theme in Brawl and still added Toon Link. However, since Toon Link was a clone and a replacement of sorts for Young Link (who definitely wouldn't fit the TP theme either), I'm not sure if this would be a good argument to bring up if you're making a case for a full-fledged newcomer.

"First Time's the Charm"

The Zelda characters we've been supporting over the past decade have been rejected once, twice, and for some, three times. Mipha is one of the only characters aside from her fellow Champions and a few HW originals who has never been considered for a Smash game, giving her the advantage over others. This means that Mipha's absolute best shot is now, whereas the other characters are in a tougher spot since they were rejected when their relevancy was at its peak. It's now or never.

"A Little Popularity Never Hurts"

"What the heck are you talking about!? Mipha isn't a popular request in Smash?"

That's probably what you're thinking, right? Well actually, I'm referring to her popularity in BotW, not in the Smash community. Ever since the release of the game, Mipha has been a well-recieved character. Many fans consider the Zora arc to be their favorite part of BotW, and Mipha's consistently been one of the most popular Champions, especially in Japan, where she is easily the fan-favorite. Heck, her amiibo was the only one of the four Champions to sell out online at every retail store in the US. The only Champion who comes close to beating Mipha is Urbosa. With Daruk and Revali, it ain't even close.

Now I have to point out that if Sakurai chose Mipha, it was likely before any of this even happened, meaning that her reception from fans might not have been a factor that existed back then. Still, I thought it was worth mentioning, just on the off-chance that it somehow did help her chances.

"For Crying out Loud! It's Breath of the Freaking Wild We're Talking About!"

BotW was such an impactful game that I honestly cannot see Sakurai avoiding adding a Zelda character again. BotW was a huge step for the series, and it broke away from tired traditions to create something extremely innovative and original. It did so phenomenally well that there's not really any excuse for Sakurai to not acknowledge that by adding a new character.

But what if Sakurai didn't know BotW would be successful, you say? Well, even if he didn't add Mipha on the initial roster, BotW was released in early March 2017. That's still well over a year and a half before Smash Switch would be released. Yes, I know Sakurai typically avoids adding characters later in development, but believe me, if there was ever a game big enough to make Sakurai feel like revisiting it for the sake of adding a newcomer, BotW would be that game.

"She's Related to Sidon"

I mean, if I were the director, this would be more than enough to convince me to add Mipha. Here's to hoping Sakurai shares the feeling.

Common Arguments against Mipha
"We can't get one Champion without getting all four."

I had to put this one first because it's the one I see the most. Truth be told, this is an argument I still don't quite understand. No one ever said the Champions were a package deal, yet everyone acts like these guys are four inseparable characters who can't exist without each other. Starter Pokemon have the same amount of importance, but did that stop Sakurai from cleaving Charizard from Squirtle and Ivysaur? Did Sakurai feel bad for picking Greninja and not Delphox? Obviously not. He picked the Pokemon that he felt like would be the best choice to represent the series. The Champions should be no different.

However, it seems like some people are convinced that the Pokemon situation is completely different, so allow me to approach this from a second perspective.

A popular belief is that the Champions would be better fit as Assist Trophies or as part of a new moveset for Link/Zelda. Now if you're someone who believes that adding a single Champion on the roster would be unfair, let me ask you this. Can you say with 100% absolute, concrete, unwavering confidence that if the Champions were to become Assist Trophies or part of a moveset, all four Champions would be used in the same capacity? That means all four Champions would become Assist Trophies, and all four Champions would be used in Link or Zelda's new moveset. If you can't confidently say this, then how is this any different than having one or two Champions on the roster? If your reasoning behind not thinking a Champion should be on the roster is because it wouldn't be fair, then how would making Mipha be the only Assist Trophy or Revali's Gale be the only Champion ability in Link's new moveset be any better? The answer is, it's not.

The Champions are susceptible to the same problem, regardless of how you integrate them in Smash.

"There are dozens of more memorable Zelda characters Sakurai could add, so why would he choose Mipha or any of the other Champions?"

I don't entirely disagree with this statement. Mipha's time in the spotlight was rather brief compared to other Zelda characters, and I think there are plenty of more memorable Zelda characters out there. However, this is why I don't think the argument works. What characters are you comparing Mipha to? Probably Skull Kid, Impa, Midna, and Tingle, right? Here's the thing - these guys have existed anywhere from 10 to 20 years. How old is Mipha? Barely even a year old. Obviously Mipha can't compete with the likes of these guys. They've had years and years to appear in games, merch, and other forms of media, whereas Mipha is currently relying entirely on the promotion from BotW. She might not seem iconic now, but that doesn't mean she lacks the potential to be iconic in the future.

To put it simply, Mipha is young. She has plenty of time to grow and build herself an image before we can actually say she isn't iconic or popular enough.

"(Insert Zelda character here) is WAY more unique than Mipha!"

This is entirely subjective. I've seen people find ways to incorporate BotW elements into Impa's moveset and make her sound like one of the most unique additions we could ever get. But when it comes to Mipha, an actual character from BotW? It's like their creativity hits a brick wall. "What could she do besides stabbing people with her weird shiny fork?"

Just because you think a character would or wouldn't be unique doesn't mean they'll be reflected that way in Smash. Need proof? Look at Ganondorf. Then look at Ice Climbers. The only thing that matters here is Sakurai himself. It's who would HE see potential in, not who WE would see potential in. This goes back to my point about Mipha never being able to be considered for Smash before. A lot of people say things like, "Impa would be Sakurai's first choice for the next Zelda rep because she's recurring and has the most to offer." That may or may not be true, but keep in mind that this would be Impa's fourth opportunity to get in Smash. If Impa really is the most obvious choice to Sakurai, why hasn't he added her yet? This certainly isn't the best time he could've added her, and the fact that she's been around for so long and still hasn't become playable tells me that Sakurai has some hesitations with adding her. Since we know for a fact that Sakurai has never been able to reject Mipha, there's currently nothing to indicate that he's either against the character or doesn't see potential in her. Of course, that also means that there's nothing to indicate that he's in favor of the character either, but it's still a good position to be in regardless.

"Who cares if BotW was popular? Not every Zelda game needs to be represented on the roster."

Very true. Not every Zelda game needs to be represented on the roster. And at this point, that's been the case for the past 15 years. Not counting designs, Wind Waker (2002) was the last game to get a character on the roster.

This is something I've seen a lot of people say whenever they see someone supporting a Champion. It's not so much about thinking a successful game like BotW needs to get represented on the roster as much as it is thinking that BotW has the best shot of getting a newcomer compared to the other Zelda games. Even though I like Mipha as a character and think she'd be a great addition, I also think she has a better shot than a majority of the Zelda cast. There's nothing wrong with supporting a character because you think they'd be likely. As a matter of fact, most of the Gen VII Pokemon we want in Smash got as much support as they did just because we all think they're likely to be added. If likeliness wasn't something we took into consideration when we support characters, then maybe we'd all still be clamoring for Zoroark and Sceptile.

If this is the argument you're using, then your main problem is likely being able to see the Champions as unique or playable characters, rather than simply just thinking BotW doesn't need a character. For that, I'd recommend looking at some movesets for the Champions and listen to what some of the supporters have to say. See if your opinion changed any after that.

"There are four Champions in BotW. What makes Mipha more likely than them?"

Now this is one argument I struggle with. All four Champions have equal importance. All four Champions have moveset potential. All four Champions have gotten equal promotion. The only thing Mipha has that separates herself from the rest is her popularity, and unfortunately, there likely wasn't enough time for that to be a factor unless she was added later in development. Honestly, Sakurai could get away with adding any of the four Champions (although some will probably be met with a warmer welcome than others :4falco:).

That being said, I can still explain why I would think Mipha would be more likely than the other three.

First off, the iconicness of the Zora race. Zoras have been in the LoZ series since the very first game, and they've continued to make appearances since then. They've appeared in plenty of popular Zelda games, such as Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, A Link Between Worlds, and of course, Breath of the Wild. Their history easily trumps the likes of the Gerudo and (especially) the Rito, and the only Champion race that has a longer, broader history than the Zora is the Gorons. Needless to say, the Zora species are a staple of the Zelda series, and I think that's something that gives Mipha an advantage over some of the other Champions.

Second, there's Eiji Aonuma himself. The Zora are one of his, if not his most, favorite races in the Zelda series. An example of this can be seen in a recent interview by Nintendo UK. When asked if he would rather be a Zora, a Goron, or a Deku Scrub, Aonuma responded by smiling and holding up a Zora mask to his face (at the very least, this hints to us that Aonuma would likely prefer Mipha over Daruk). Another example of this can be found in a interview following BotW's second DLC pack. In this interview, Aonuma is directly asked who his favorite Champion was. His answer? Mipha (although he claims it might have previously been Urbosa). If Sakurai was having a difficult time choosing which Champion to add in Smash, I have no doubt that Aonuma would be a strong advocate for Mipha, should he have any involvement in Sakurai's decision.

My third and last point, the Zora themselves and how they were treated in BotW. This part is entirely subjective and shouldn't be taken as a solid argument, but I think it's still worth mentioning, especially if you've played BotW before. When players get to the part of BotW where Link is told by Impa that he needs to free the Divine Beasts, the one that most happen to free first is Vah Ruta. This almost seems intentional, as the area Link needs to find to begin the Zora arc (Lanayru Wetlands and Lanayru Tower) is extremely close to Kakarico Village and Hateno Village (the places Link is told to go to after completing the first area of the game). There's also plenty of Zora NPCs sprinkled around the nearby area, automatically telling you exactly where to go when you walk near them, something that wasn't done with the other three arcs. While there's nothing to verify it, I think the Zora were intended to be the first of the four races players find when playing BotW. If that's truly the case, this gives Mipha a slight edge over the other three, as the Zora arc would supposed to have intended to be the player's first impression of freeing the Champions and the Divine Beasts. Then there's also the amount of effort put into the Zora arc. A lot of people agree that the Zora arc is the best of the four arcs, and that's because they feel like the other arcs (particularly the Rito and the Gorons) didn't feel as special or long as the Zora's. If the development team spent extra time on fleshing out the Zora arc, that might indicate that (1) they really liked that part of the game and wanted to perfect it as much as they could, or (2) that was the first area they completed, thereby giving them the more time to add on to it.

"Mipha is just another one-shot character. She'll be no different than the rest."

Another good point. If Skull Kid, Midna, and Ghirahim couldn't make it in, why is Mipha different? Truth is, we might never understand why those guys never got in Smash. They had a lot of potential, yet failed to be anything more than an Assist Trophy. For a lot of people, Mipha is destined to follow that same path. While I can't give you a solid explanation on why the other one-shots were rejected, I can at least tell you why I think Mipha's situation differs from theirs.

Let's start with Skull Kid and Melee. Skull Kid was born at a rather unfortunate time to be considered for Smash. Before Melee came to be, Link was the only character on the roster. There were plenty of options to choose from, and adding Skull Kid was probably less of a priority than adding the main characters, Zelda and Ganondorf. By the time Brawl rolled around, it may have been too late for him. That's likely what held him back - a combination of bad timing and too much competition from other newcomers. Mipha doesn't really have this problem. Timing is definitely in her favor, and while she does have some stiff competition, none of them are anywhere close to being as important to the series as Zelda and Ganondorf. Yeah, there are some recurring choices that make more sense than Mipha (Impa, Tingle), but at the same time, they aren't exactly big enough to feel like the roster is incomplete without them.

Next is Midna and Brawl. I still don't quite understand why we didn't get this character. Timing was great, she fit the new TP theme, had a large role in her game, and she would've made a great addition to the roster. Instead, all we got in Brawl was a toony replacement for Young Link. The only explanation I can come up with here is that Sakurai may have felt like the Zelda series needed a break after getting four new characters in Melee (and this would help explain why Mario didn't get any true newcomers either). If that's the case, then Mipha definitely doesn't have the same problem as Midna. We've had a drought of Zelda newcomers for two games now, and fans are starting to feel as if Zelda is being neglected on the roster. Mipha won't be rejected because of over-saturation on the roster.

Last is Ghirahim and Smash 4. Honestly, this one shouldn't have come off as surprising. Even if timing was great, Skyward Sword was considered to be a subpar Zelda game. This game had mediocre sales, had mixed reception from fans, and was considered to be the worst 3D Zelda game in quite some time. Even if Zelda was due for another character, SS was definitely not the game Sakurai would've felt obligated to give a character to. Needless to say, BotW is the polar opposite of SS. Mipha will definitely not be rejected because Sakurai didn't feel like her game deserved a character, and you can quote me on that anytime you'd like.

Overall, I think Mipha lacks most of the things that might have held back the other one-shots. That's not to say Mipha doesn't have her own problems, because she definitely does. She has three other equally important counterparts who could easily steal that spot away from her. Still, there's not much reason to think history will repeat itself, or at least not in the same way it did with the other one-shots. If Mipha gets rejected, it'll likely be for a different reason than the others.

"Isn't it possible for Sakurai to just skip the Zelda series and not add anyone?"

This is the last argument I wanted to address. Short answer - yes, it is certainly possible. Sakurai could feel like there aren't any relevant Zelda characters worth adding and once again not give us anything.

However, I don't really see the point in doing so. Even if we can't agree on who should get added, there's a unified voice requesting more Zelda characters. What reason is there for Sakurai to wait even longer? Should he ask Aonuma to incorporate Impa into the next Zelda game so she's extremely relevant again by the time the next Smash game rolls around? Should he wait until we get a new Zelda game with one-shot characters slightly more important to the story than the Champions? If Sakurai treats every Smash game like it's his last, why would he hold off on adding another Zelda rep, especially after a game as successful as BotW?

Despite popular opinion, I believe our best shot at getting a Zelda newcomer is now, because if something like BotW can't get us a newcomer, we sure as heck won't be getting anything from a future Zelda game.

If you're someone who still isn't sold on the idea of Mipha, I totally get it. She's a new character to a series that's been around for over thirty years. You've been supporting Zelda characters far more iconic than her, and seeing her in Smash is something that might not sit well with you. She's probably not your first, second, or maybe even seventh choice. Still, I hope you'll at least try to look past all that and see Mipha for what she is. Even if she's not as iconic as Skull Kid or Tingle, she's still unique. That's something you can't take way from her, regardless of how new she is. She's also from BotW, the best-selling game in the history of the Zelda series that over ten million people have bought since its release a little over a year ago. No other Zelda character can say something like that.

It's fine if you doubt her chances. It's fine if you don't like her. But please, don't just write her off entirely like most people tend to do. She's got a better shot than you think, so try to be fair and give her the chance she deserves.

...And, that's that. If you actually took the time to read all this, I'm extremely impressed with your dedication to see all that I had to say. If you only read two sentences, well, that's still time that you took to read this, so thanks. Here's to hoping some of you are as optimistic about Mipha as me.

Read nearly all of it, really well put together.

I agree that Mipha rises above the other Champions (poor Urbosa) and so if Sakurai is looking for a Zelda newcomer she would be up there with Impa and such.

I reallllly like the idea of a defensive/healer character, one of the only reasons I'm ok with her over Urbosa lol. I honestly feel like it all depends on Sakurai looking for a Zelda newcomer, and whether he would want a newer relevant character or go for an older fan favorite. Too bad none of the recent rumors even mention new Zelda characters and I can unfortunately see that :/

However I am predicting a Zelda newcomer for now, and your post as solidified my reasoning for predicting her, so thank you!


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I am not necessarily convinced that Mipha would be in, but good analysis nonetheless. :)

BTW, most people speculate that the roster project plan began in 2016, not 2017.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
1. Note that Sheik, Human Ganondorf and Toon Link were all one-shot characters when their respective Smash debuts released.
2. I think for the Brawl roster, between Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, Wind Waker just happened to be the game to get a character. So it's not so much about Midna being a one-shot character as much as it was Sakurai opting for a Wind Waker character.
3. I don't think healing works as a mechanic in Smash, or at least not without encouraging a camping playstyle. That said, as someone who occasionally uses WFT just to heal as much as possible and get hit as little as possible I think it'd be a fun playstyle and one that could really use all of Mipha's assets. (With her Spear, Mipha's Grace and Ice Blocks all providing a defensive utility. Even if Bandana Dee gets in, that playstyle is not something he can use)
4. For my idea of incorporating Champions in Smash through Zelda's moves, all Champion's Powers would occupy a Special move slot, so yeah, it'd be equal. That said, they don't have to be equally represented. Pokémon Trainer literally picking Charizard to be transferred to Smash For provides a strong enough case for Mipha in that sense
5. You mention Impa having had her chance in Smash For, but all of the arguments that apply for Ghirahim's exclusion also go for her.

Just some ramblings and spur ideas on the analysis posted above ( Cosmic77 Cosmic77 )


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I am not necessarily convinced that Mipha would be in, but good analysis nonetheless. :)

BTW, most people speculate that the roster project plan began in 2016, not 2017.
Glad you caught that. It was supposed to be 2016.

It's fine if you still have doubts. If I couldn't convince you Mipha was likely, then hopefully I was able to show you why she'd be cool.

Deleted member

Today is Mipha's day in the RTC thread (well, not yet anyway). Since I put a lot of time in my post, I thought I'd put it in the Mipha thread too. Hope you guys like it!


Well, here it is. My case for Mipha. It's lengthy, but I tried my best to cover as much as I could to convince those who read it why Mipha could and should be playable in Smash. I don't expect anyone to read through all of it (although I would be extremely grateful if you did), but I do hope you'll at least skim through and read anything that catches your eye. Maybe if I'm lucky, I might be able to convince you to be more open to the idea and give Mipha a decent chance.

Who is Mipha?

Representing the fish-like Zora, Mipha is one of the five Champions in Breath of the Wild tasked with defeating a monstrosity known as Calamity Ganon. She is a timid and somewhat awkward Zora princess who is gifted with the special power to heal wounds. She fights her enemies with a trident known as the Lightscale Trident, and she has shown herself to be an excellent and graceful spear fighter, as well as a superb swimmer. Much like her older Ocarina of Time counterpart, Ruto, she holds strong feelings for Link, hoping that one day she'll be lucky enough to marry him.

In BotW, her role as a Champion was to pilot the massive Sheikah weapon known as Vah Ruta and fire it at Calamity Ganon to assist Link in his fight. However, Ganon corrupted Vah Ruta and took form as Waterblight Ganon, killing Mipha before she could attack. Exactly 100 years later, the corrupted Vah Ruta awakens and begins to terrorize her Zora's Domain with a massive downpour of rain. With the help of Sidon, Mipha's younger brother, Link boards the corrupted Vah Ruta and defeats Waterblight Ganon, allowing Mipha to regain control of Vah Ruta and assist Link with his second attempt to face Calamity Ganon.

How Would Mipha Play?
There's already a full moveset in Mipha's thread (and it's way better and far more specific than mine). However, I thought I'd share my own take on how she'd play, just so people could get a general idea of why I think she'd be unique.

Mipha's main weapon is the Lightscale Trident (as seen by this lovely replica made by a fan).

I doubt I need to explain anything here, but her trident would work like a spear, allowing Mipha to attack fighters from a long distance. Because of this, Mipha would probably work best as a defensive character, using her trident's long reach to keep aggressive fighters who like to get close at bay. However, fighters who break through her defenses would have an easier time attacking her, as her trident does not have the same mobility as a sword. She'd also have a hard time with projectiles.

While it's not seen in the game, Mipha also owns a Sheikah Slate (it's the only way she can access her Divine Beast). Not much to say here except maybe Sakurai could giver her what's left over from whatever Sheikah Runes Link doesn't end up using in his new moveset. I was thinking maybe Cryonis, since ice is a central part of Vah Ruta. Mipha could summon a pillar of ice directly in front of her to act as a shield against attacks, as well as an additional platform if she needs to get to a higher area.

The ice is durable, but certainly not indestructible. Only one can be summoned at a time.

But the real kick to Mipha that would make her so unique is her healing abilities. We don't have a true healer character in the game (aside from WFT, who can't heal more than 2%) who doesn't need to meet certain conditions before they can heal. Ness/Lucas needs to absorb energy attacks and Robin needs to get close to a character and use Nosferatu. Mipha, however, would be able to heal on her own. Imagine if Mipha had a special similar to Cloud's Limit Break (minus auto charging as she takes damage) that would heal damage once charged for a certain amount of time. It wouldn't be anything too unreasonable. Maybe heal 5-7% after 7-9 seconds of charging. I think this could create some really interesting playstyles. It forces your opponent to be more aggressive and not camp, as you can just stand there and heal if they don't take action. Also, think about when you launch a character off the stage. Do you go after the player and go for a KO, or do you stay behind and try to heal?

Now to compensate for her ability to heal, I think Mipha would be made one of the slower fighters, as giving her a fast run speed would encourage camping (although a slow speed actually suits a Zora. They're faster in water, not on ground). Her attacks, however, would be lightning quick.

As for her Final Smash, well...

I'm not really sure what it could be. ;)

We don't have any spear fighters, and we don't have any healer characters. Tie those two together and you have a pretty unique combo.

Why is Mipha Likely?
"Timing was Perfect?"

If you've forgotten, let me remind you what the entirety of 2016 was like.

"Nintendo, it's been forever! When is Zelda Wii U coming out?"
"lol nintendo didn't reveal the nx at e3. nintendo is doomed."
"I'm starting to think Zelda Wii U is just an elaborate prank."

Seriously, no one would shut up about two things: "Zelda Wii U" and the "NX". Regardless of what part of 2017 Sakurai started development on Smash Switch, these two things were a hot topic. Now if Sakurai knew that such a huge AAA title was being released on a brand new console, a console that was responsible for him starting development on Smash Switch in the first place, then why wouldn't he want to consider it when he made the roster? Even if he wasn't initially aware of Mipha's existence, wouldn't it at least make sense for him to look at BotW so that he could look at the new versions of Link and Zelda? After all, there's no way he could plan for a new moveset or properly design them unless he looked at the game in advance.

With such a big title coming out on the Switch, I have a hard time imagining Sakurai not wanting to look deeper into BotW and weigh his options. The game was in late development by then, so Mipha's abilities, her design, and her cutscenes were likely finalized or very close to being finalized.

"She Fits the Theme"

Unfortunately, almost every Zelda character is at an automatic disadvantage because of the confirmation of BotW Link. Since BotW is getting center spotlight, it would be admittingly strange for Sakurai to go back and revisit a popular character from Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, or even Skyward Sword. The timing is poor for these guys, and there's not really a way you can get any of them to work with the BotW theme without making it seem forced (mainly because none of these characters even appeared in BotW, unless you count elderly Impa). Mipha on the other hand doesn't have this problem. She's one of the few Zelda characters who perfectly ties in with the theme without taking creative liberties.

Now to be fair, I will point out that Sakurai went with a TP theme in Brawl and still added Toon Link. However, since Toon Link was a clone and a replacement of sorts for Young Link (who definitely wouldn't fit the TP theme either), I'm not sure if this would be a good argument to bring up if you're making a case for a full-fledged newcomer.

"First Time's the Charm"

The Zelda characters we've been supporting over the past decade have been rejected once, twice, and for some, three times. Mipha is one of the only characters aside from her fellow Champions and a few HW originals who has never been considered for a Smash game, giving her the advantage over others. This means that Mipha's absolute best shot is now, whereas the other characters are in a tougher spot since they were rejected when their relevancy was at its peak. It's now or never.

"A Little Popularity Never Hurts"

"What the heck are you talking about!? Mipha isn't a popular request in Smash?"

That's probably what you're thinking, right? Well actually, I'm referring to her popularity in BotW, not in the Smash community. Ever since the release of the game, Mipha has been a well-recieved character. Many fans consider the Zora arc to be their favorite part of BotW, and Mipha's consistently been one of the most popular Champions, especially in Japan, where she is easily the fan-favorite. Heck, her amiibo was the only one of the four Champions to sell out online at every retail store in the US. The only Champion who comes close to beating Mipha is Urbosa. With Daruk and Revali, it ain't even close.

Now I have to point out that if Sakurai chose Mipha, it was likely before any of this even happened, meaning that her reception from fans might not have been a factor that existed back then. Still, I thought it was worth mentioning, just on the off-chance that it somehow did help her chances.

"For Crying out Loud! It's Breath of the Freaking Wild We're Talking About!"

BotW was such an impactful game that I honestly cannot see Sakurai avoiding adding a Zelda character again. BotW was a huge step for the series, and it broke away from tired traditions to create something extremely innovative and original. It did so phenomenally well that there's not really any excuse for Sakurai to not acknowledge that by adding a new character.

But what if Sakurai didn't know BotW would be successful, you say? Well, even if he didn't add Mipha on the initial roster, BotW was released in early March 2017. That's still well over a year and a half before Smash Switch would be released. Yes, I know Sakurai typically avoids adding characters later in development, but believe me, if there was ever a game big enough to make Sakurai feel like revisiting it for the sake of adding a newcomer, BotW would be that game.

"She's Related to Sidon"

I mean, if I were the director, this would be more than enough to convince me to add Mipha. Here's to hoping Sakurai shares the feeling.

Common Arguments against Mipha
"We can't get one Champion without getting all four."

I had to put this one first because it's the one I see the most. Truth be told, this is an argument I still don't quite understand. No one ever said the Champions were a package deal, yet everyone acts like these guys are four inseparable characters who can't exist without each other. Starter Pokemon have the same amount of importance, but did that stop Sakurai from cleaving Charizard from Squirtle and Ivysaur? Did Sakurai feel bad for picking Greninja and not Delphox? Obviously not. He picked the Pokemon that he felt like would be the best choice to represent the series. The Champions should be no different.

However, it seems like some people are convinced that the Pokemon situation is completely different, so allow me to approach this from a second perspective.

A popular belief is that the Champions would be better fit as Assist Trophies or as part of a new moveset for Link/Zelda. Now if you're someone who believes that adding a single Champion on the roster would be unfair, let me ask you this. Can you say with 100% absolute, concrete, unwavering confidence that if the Champions were to become Assist Trophies or part of a moveset, all four Champions would be used in the same capacity? That means all four Champions would become Assist Trophies, and all four Champions would be used in Link or Zelda's new moveset. If you can't confidently say this, then how is this any different than having one or two Champions on the roster? If your reasoning behind not thinking a Champion should be on the roster is because it wouldn't be fair, then how would making Mipha be the only Assist Trophy or Revali's Gale be the only Champion ability in Link's new moveset be any better? The answer is, it's not.

The Champions are susceptible to the same problem, regardless of how you integrate them in Smash.

"There are dozens of more memorable Zelda characters Sakurai could add, so why would he choose Mipha or any of the other Champions?"

I don't entirely disagree with this statement. Mipha's time in the spotlight was rather brief compared to other Zelda characters, and I think there are plenty of more memorable Zelda characters out there. However, this is why I don't think the argument works. What characters are you comparing Mipha to? Probably Skull Kid, Impa, Midna, and Tingle, right? Here's the thing - these guys have existed anywhere from 10 to 20 years. How old is Mipha? Barely even a year old. Obviously Mipha can't compete with the likes of these guys. They've had years and years to appear in games, merch, and other forms of media, whereas Mipha is currently relying entirely on the promotion from BotW. She might not seem iconic now, but that doesn't mean she lacks the potential to be iconic in the future.

To put it simply, Mipha is young. She has plenty of time to grow and build herself an image before we can actually say she isn't iconic or popular enough.

"(Insert Zelda character here) is WAY more unique than Mipha!"

This is entirely subjective. I've seen people find ways to incorporate BotW elements into Impa's moveset and make her sound like one of the most unique additions we could ever get. But when it comes to Mipha, an actual character from BotW? It's like their creativity hits a brick wall. "What could she do besides stabbing people with her weird shiny fork?"

Just because you think a character would or wouldn't be unique doesn't mean they'll be reflected that way in Smash. Need proof? Look at Ganondorf. Then look at Ice Climbers. The only thing that matters here is Sakurai himself. It's who would HE see potential in, not who WE would see potential in. This goes back to my point about Mipha never being able to be considered for Smash before. A lot of people say things like, "Impa would be Sakurai's first choice for the next Zelda rep because she's recurring and has the most to offer." That may or may not be true, but keep in mind that this would be Impa's fourth opportunity to get in Smash. If Impa really is the most obvious choice to Sakurai, why hasn't he added her yet? This certainly isn't the best time he could've added her, and the fact that she's been around for so long and still hasn't become playable tells me that Sakurai has some hesitations with adding her. Since we know for a fact that Sakurai has never been able to reject Mipha, there's currently nothing to indicate that he's either against the character or doesn't see potential in her. Of course, that also means that there's nothing to indicate that he's in favor of the character either, but it's still a good position to be in regardless.

"Who cares if BotW was popular? Not every Zelda game needs to be represented on the roster."

Very true. Not every Zelda game needs to be represented on the roster. And at this point, that's been the case for the past 15 years. Not counting designs, Wind Waker (2002) was the last game to get a character on the roster.

This is something I've seen a lot of people say whenever they see someone supporting a Champion. It's not so much about thinking a successful game like BotW needs to get represented on the roster as much as it is thinking that BotW has the best shot of getting a newcomer compared to the other Zelda games. Even though I like Mipha as a character and think she'd be a great addition, I also think she has a better shot than a majority of the Zelda cast. There's nothing wrong with supporting a character because you think they'd be likely. As a matter of fact, most of the Gen VII Pokemon we want in Smash got as much support as they did just because we all think they're likely to be added. If likeliness wasn't something we took into consideration when we support characters, then maybe we'd all still be clamoring for Zoroark and Sceptile.

If this is the argument you're using, then your main problem is likely being able to see the Champions as unique or playable characters, rather than simply just thinking BotW doesn't need a character. For that, I'd recommend looking at some movesets for the Champions and listen to what some of the supporters have to say. See if your opinion changed any after that.

"There are four Champions in BotW. What makes Mipha more likely than them?"

Now this is one argument I struggle with. All four Champions have equal importance. All four Champions have moveset potential. All four Champions have gotten equal promotion. The only thing Mipha has that separates herself from the rest is her popularity, and unfortunately, there likely wasn't enough time for that to be a factor unless she was added later in development. Honestly, Sakurai could get away with adding any of the four Champions (although some will probably be met with a warmer welcome than others :4falco:).

That being said, I can still explain why I would think Mipha would be more likely than the other three.

First off, the iconicness of the Zora race. Zoras have been in the LoZ series since the very first game, and they've continued to make appearances since then. They've appeared in plenty of popular Zelda games, such as Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, A Link Between Worlds, and of course, Breath of the Wild. Their history easily trumps the likes of the Gerudo and (especially) the Rito, and the only Champion race that has a longer, broader history than the Zora is the Gorons. Needless to say, the Zora species are a staple of the Zelda series, and I think that's something that gives Mipha an advantage over some of the other Champions.

Second, there's Eiji Aonuma himself. The Zora are one of his, if not his most, favorite races in the Zelda series. An example of this can be seen in a recent interview by Nintendo UK. When asked if he would rather be a Zora, a Goron, or a Deku Scrub, Aonuma responded by smiling and holding up a Zora mask to his face (at the very least, this hints to us that Aonuma would likely prefer Mipha over Daruk). Another example of this can be found in a interview following BotW's second DLC pack. In this interview, Aonuma is directly asked who his favorite Champion was. His answer? Mipha (although he claims it might have previously been Urbosa). If Sakurai was having a difficult time choosing which Champion to add in Smash, I have no doubt that Aonuma would be a strong advocate for Mipha, should he have any involvement in Sakurai's decision.

My third and last point, the Zora themselves and how they were treated in BotW. This part is entirely subjective and shouldn't be taken as a solid argument, but I think it's still worth mentioning, especially if you've played BotW before. When players get to the part of BotW where Link is told by Impa that he needs to free the Divine Beasts, the one that most happen to free first is Vah Ruta. This almost seems intentional, as the area Link needs to find to begin the Zora arc (Lanayru Wetlands and Lanayru Tower) is extremely close to Kakarico Village and Hateno Village (the places Link is told to go to after completing the first area of the game). There's also plenty of Zora NPCs sprinkled around the nearby area, automatically telling you exactly where to go when you walk near them, something that wasn't done with the other three arcs. While there's nothing to verify it, I think the Zora were intended to be the first of the four races players find when playing BotW. If that's truly the case, this gives Mipha a slight edge over the other three, as the Zora arc would supposed to have intended to be the player's first impression of freeing the Champions and the Divine Beasts. Then there's also the amount of effort put into the Zora arc. A lot of people agree that the Zora arc is the best of the four arcs, and that's because they feel like the other arcs (particularly the Rito and the Gorons) didn't feel as special or long as the Zora's. If the development team spent extra time on fleshing out the Zora arc, that might indicate that (1) they really liked that part of the game and wanted to perfect it as much as they could, or (2) that was the first area they completed, thereby giving them the more time to add on to it.

"Mipha is just another one-shot character. She'll be no different than the rest."

Another good point. If Skull Kid, Midna, and Ghirahim couldn't make it in, why is Mipha different? Truth is, we might never understand why those guys never got in Smash. They had a lot of potential, yet failed to be anything more than an Assist Trophy. For a lot of people, Mipha is destined to follow that same path. While I can't give you a solid explanation on why the other one-shots were rejected, I can at least tell you why I think Mipha's situation differs from theirs.

Let's start with Skull Kid and Melee. Skull Kid was born at a rather unfortunate time to be considered for Smash. Before Melee came to be, Link was the only character on the roster. There were plenty of options to choose from, and adding Skull Kid was probably less of a priority than adding the main characters, Zelda and Ganondorf. By the time Brawl rolled around, it may have been too late for him. That's likely what held him back - a combination of bad timing and too much competition from other newcomers. Mipha doesn't really have this problem. Timing is definitely in her favor, and while she does have some stiff competition, none of them are anywhere close to being as important to the series as Zelda and Ganondorf. Yeah, there are some recurring choices that make more sense than Mipha (Impa, Tingle), but at the same time, they aren't exactly big enough to feel like the roster is incomplete without them.

Next is Midna and Brawl. I still don't quite understand why we didn't get this character. Timing was great, she fit the new TP theme, had a large role in her game, and she would've made a great addition to the roster. Instead, all we got in Brawl was a toony replacement for Young Link. The only explanation I can come up with here is that Sakurai may have felt like the Zelda series needed a break after getting four new characters in Melee (and this would help explain why Mario didn't get any true newcomers either). If that's the case, then Mipha definitely doesn't have the same problem as Midna. We've had a drought of Zelda newcomers for two games now, and fans are starting to feel as if Zelda is being neglected on the roster. Mipha won't be rejected because of over-saturation on the roster.

Last is Ghirahim and Smash 4. Honestly, this one shouldn't have come off as surprising. Even if timing was great, Skyward Sword was considered to be a subpar Zelda game. This game had mediocre sales, had mixed reception from fans, and was considered to be the worst 3D Zelda game in quite some time. Even if Zelda was due for another character, SS was definitely not the game Sakurai would've felt obligated to give a character to. Needless to say, BotW is the polar opposite of SS. Mipha will definitely not be rejected because Sakurai didn't feel like her game deserved a character, and you can quote me on that anytime you'd like.

Overall, I think Mipha lacks most of the things that might have held back the other one-shots. That's not to say Mipha doesn't have her own problems, because she definitely does. She has three other equally important counterparts who could easily steal that spot away from her. Still, there's not much reason to think history will repeat itself, or at least not in the same way it did with the other one-shots. If Mipha gets rejected, it'll likely be for a different reason than the others.

"Isn't it possible for Sakurai to just skip the Zelda series and not add anyone?"

This is the last argument I wanted to address. Short answer - yes, it is certainly possible. Sakurai could feel like there aren't any relevant Zelda characters worth adding and once again not give us anything.

However, I don't really see the point in doing so. Even if we can't agree on who should get added, there's a unified voice requesting more Zelda characters. What reason is there for Sakurai to wait even longer? Should he ask Aonuma to incorporate Impa into the next Zelda game so she's extremely relevant again by the time the next Smash game rolls around? Should he wait until we get a new Zelda game with one-shot characters slightly more important to the story than the Champions? If Sakurai treats every Smash game like it's his last, why would he hold off on adding another Zelda rep, especially after a game as successful as BotW?

Despite popular opinion, I believe our best shot at getting a Zelda newcomer is now, because if something like BotW can't get us a newcomer, we sure as heck won't be getting anything from a future Zelda game.

If you're someone who still isn't sold on the idea of Mipha, I totally get it. She's a new character to a series that's been around for over thirty years. You've been supporting Zelda characters far more iconic than her, and seeing her in Smash is something that might not sit well with you. She's probably not your first, second, or maybe even seventh choice. Still, I hope you'll at least try to look past all that and see Mipha for what she is. Even if she's not as iconic as Skull Kid or Tingle, she's still unique. That's something you can't take way from her, regardless of how new she is. She's also from BotW, the best-selling game in the history of the Zelda series that over ten million people have bought since its release a little over a year ago. No other Zelda character can say something like that.

It's fine if you doubt her chances. It's fine if you don't like her. But please, don't just write her off entirely like most people tend to do. She's got a better shot than you think, so try to be fair and give her the chance she deserves.

...And, that's that. If you actually took the time to read all this, I'm extremely impressed with your dedication to see all that I had to say. If you only read two sentences, well, that's still time that you took to read this, so thanks. Here's to hoping some of you are as optimistic about Mipha as me.

Read the whole thing. Very nice analysis. However there is one point that works in Mipha's Favor that I'd like to add. And that's that Sakurai and team really seem to value unique potential in newcomers. There are a few examples of this I could list, but I'll stick to this one.

When it came to having a new Fire Emblem Character in Smash 4 Sakurai looked at both Chrom and Robin and ultimately decided against Chrom because he just felt too much like a mix of Marth and Ike.

At the very least, this does give Mipha an edge over the other Champions. Urbosa, while an amazing character in Botw, probably has the smallest amount of unique potential of the Champions. With Link likely being the one who will utilize most of the Sheikah Slate Runes and Urbosa being a Sword and Shield user like Link who really only has Lightning as a unique trait for her they would probably put Urbosa in the lowest priority in this regard.

Revali's unique potential isn't exactly low. But the biggest problem is comparison to Decidueye since both of them are Archery Birds. Now I will say upfront that I think it's very possible for Revali to play substantially different from Decidueye. The Pokemon could be more about Sniping while having Grass (and maybe some Ghost) powers. While the Champion could focus more on mixing archery with wind powers to help knock opponents off stage and pester them while they're there.

But still, the comparisons to the probably more likely Decidueye do provide an obstacle for Revali that Mipha doesn't suffer from as much.

Daruk is..............................admittedly tied with Mipha for unique potential as far as I'm concerned. We have had heavyweight characters before, one who wields a hammer no less (Daruk's Boulder Breaker does function very much like a hammer). But Daruk does have the edge of being a heavyweight with a play style more focused on waiting and defending before striking back hard.

Now that I think about it I guess Mipha does have a slight edge over Daruk here since we've never had a Spear fighter in Smash before. But while Mipha could throw in Water attacks like what Ruto does in Hyrule Warriors (could even have a Silver Scale hanging from her wrist) I will point out that Bandanna Waddle Dee is very likely and also uses a Spear. I could also mention Fjorm from Fire Emblem Heroes as an Ice Elemental Spear users who could run the risk of being very similar to Mipha that Bandanna Dee admittedly doesn't. But I do think Mipha is more likely than Fjorm so it probably won't be a problem.

Deleted member

How good are her, as well as the rest of the BotW champions' chances of being in Smash?
Cosmic77 made a post here earlier today that gives a pretty solid scope on Mipha's Chances. As for the others, hard to say. I'm pretty sure they'd only add 1 Champion and given how Mipha seems to be the most likely that doesn't bode the best for the others. But if you want my personal opinion on the other 3. From Most likely to least likely, Daruk, Revali, Urbosa.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 15, 2018
Today is Mipha's day in the RTC thread (well, not yet anyway). Since I put a lot of time in my post, I thought I'd put it in the Mipha thread too. Hope you guys like it!

Well, here it is. My case for Mipha. It's lengthy, but I tried my best to cover as much as I could to convince those who read it why Mipha could and should be playable in Smash. I don't expect anyone to read through all of it (although I would be extremely grateful if you did), but I do hope you'll at least skim through and read anything that catches your eye. Maybe if I'm lucky, I might be able to convince you to be more open to the idea and give Mipha a decent chance.

Who is Mipha?

Representing the fish-like Zora, Mipha is one of the five Champions in Breath of the Wild tasked with defeating a monstrosity known as Calamity Ganon. She is a timid and somewhat awkward Zora princess who is gifted with the special power to heal wounds. She fights her enemies with a trident known as the Lightscale Trident, and she has shown herself to be an excellent and graceful spear fighter, as well as a superb swimmer. Much like her older Ocarina of Time counterpart, Ruto, she holds strong feelings for Link, hoping that one day she'll be lucky enough to marry him.

In BotW, her role as a Champion was to pilot the massive Sheikah weapon known as Vah Ruta and fire it at Calamity Ganon to assist Link in his fight. However, Ganon corrupted Vah Ruta and took form as Waterblight Ganon, killing Mipha before she could attack. Exactly 100 years later, the corrupted Vah Ruta awakens and begins to terrorize her Zora's Domain with a massive downpour of rain. With the help of Sidon, Mipha's younger brother, Link boards the corrupted Vah Ruta and defeats Waterblight Ganon, allowing Mipha to regain control of Vah Ruta and assist Link with his second attempt to face Calamity Ganon.

How Would Mipha Play?
There's already a full moveset in Mipha's thread (and it's way better and far more specific than mine). However, I thought I'd share my own take on how she'd play, just so people could get a general idea of why I think she'd be unique.

Mipha's main weapon is the Lightscale Trident (as seen by this lovely replica made by a fan).

I doubt I need to explain anything here, but her trident would work like a spear, allowing Mipha to attack fighters from a long distance. Because of this, Mipha would probably work best as a defensive character, using her trident's long reach to keep aggressive fighters who like to get close at bay. However, fighters who break through her defenses would have an easier time attacking her, as her trident does not have the same mobility as a sword. She'd also have a hard time with projectiles.

While it's not seen in the game, Mipha also owns a Sheikah Slate (it's the only way she can access her Divine Beast). Not much to say here except maybe Sakurai could giver her what's left over from whatever Sheikah Runes Link doesn't end up using in his new moveset. I was thinking maybe Cryonis, since ice is a central part of Vah Ruta. Mipha could summon a pillar of ice directly in front of her to act as a shield against attacks, as well as an additional platform if she needs to get to a higher area.

The ice is durable, but certainly not indestructible. Only one can be summoned at a time.

But the real kick to Mipha that would make her so unique is her healing abilities. We don't have a true healer character in the game (aside from WFT, who can't heal more than 2%) who doesn't need to meet certain conditions before they can heal. Ness/Lucas needs to absorb energy attacks and Robin needs to get close to a character and use Nosferatu. Mipha, however, would be able to heal on her own. Imagine if Mipha had a special similar to Cloud's Limit Break (minus auto charging as she takes damage) that would heal damage once charged for a certain amount of time. It wouldn't be anything too unreasonable. Maybe heal 5-7% after 7-9 seconds of charging. I think this could create some really interesting playstyles. It forces your opponent to be more aggressive and not camp, as you can just stand there and heal if they don't take action. Also, think about when you launch a character off the stage. Do you go after the player and go for a KO, or do you stay behind and try to heal?

Now to compensate for her ability to heal, I think Mipha would be made one of the slower fighters, as giving her a fast run speed would encourage camping (although a slow speed actually suits a Zora. They're faster in water, not on ground). Her attacks, however, would be lightning quick.

As for her Final Smash, well...

I'm not really sure what it could be. ;)

We don't have any spear fighters, and we don't have any healer characters. Tie those two together and you have a pretty unique combo.

Why is Mipha Likely?
"Timing was Perfect?"

If you've forgotten, let me remind you what the entirety of 2016 was like.

"Nintendo, it's been forever! When is Zelda Wii U coming out?"
"lol nintendo didn't reveal the nx at e3. nintendo is doomed."
"I'm starting to think Zelda Wii U is just an elaborate prank."

Seriously, no one would shut up about two things: "Zelda Wii U" and the "NX". Regardless of what part of 2017 Sakurai started development on Smash Switch, these two things were a hot topic. Now if Sakurai knew that such a huge AAA title was being released on a brand new console, a console that was responsible for him starting development on Smash Switch in the first place, then why wouldn't he want to consider it when he made the roster? Even if he wasn't initially aware of Mipha's existence, wouldn't it at least make sense for him to look at BotW so that he could look at the new versions of Link and Zelda? After all, there's no way he could plan for a new moveset or properly design them unless he looked at the game in advance.

With such a big title coming out on the Switch, I have a hard time imagining Sakurai not wanting to look deeper into BotW and weigh his options. The game was in late development by then, so Mipha's abilities, her design, and her cutscenes were likely finalized or very close to being finalized.

"She Fits the Theme"

Unfortunately, almost every Zelda character is at an automatic disadvantage because of the confirmation of BotW Link. Since BotW is getting center spotlight, it would be admittingly strange for Sakurai to go back and revisit a popular character from Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, or even Skyward Sword. The timing is poor for these guys, and there's not really a way you can get any of them to work with the BotW theme without making it seem forced (mainly because none of these characters even appeared in BotW, unless you count elderly Impa). Mipha on the other hand doesn't have this problem. She's one of the few Zelda characters who perfectly ties in with the theme without taking creative liberties.

Now to be fair, I will point out that Sakurai went with a TP theme in Brawl and still added Toon Link. However, since Toon Link was a clone and a replacement of sorts for Young Link (who definitely wouldn't fit the TP theme either), I'm not sure if this would be a good argument to bring up if you're making a case for a full-fledged newcomer.

"First Time's the Charm"

The Zelda characters we've been supporting over the past decade have been rejected once, twice, and for some, three times. Mipha is one of the only characters aside from her fellow Champions and a few HW originals who has never been considered for a Smash game, giving her the advantage over others. This means that Mipha's absolute best shot is now, whereas the other characters are in a tougher spot since they were rejected when their relevancy was at its peak. It's now or never.

"A Little Popularity Never Hurts"

"What the heck are you talking about!? Mipha isn't a popular request in Smash?"

That's probably what you're thinking, right? Well actually, I'm referring to her popularity in BotW, not in the Smash community. Ever since the release of the game, Mipha has been a well-recieved character. Many fans consider the Zora arc to be their favorite part of BotW, and Mipha's consistently been one of the most popular Champions, especially in Japan, where she is easily the fan-favorite. Heck, her amiibo was the only one of the four Champions to sell out online at every retail store in the US. The only Champion who comes close to beating Mipha is Urbosa. With Daruk and Revali, it ain't even close.

Now I have to point out that if Sakurai chose Mipha, it was likely before any of this even happened, meaning that her reception from fans might not have been a factor that existed back then. Still, I thought it was worth mentioning, just on the off-chance that it somehow did help her chances.

"For Crying out Loud! It's Breath of the Freaking Wild We're Talking About!"

BotW was such an impactful game that I honestly cannot see Sakurai avoiding adding a Zelda character again. BotW was a huge step for the series, and it broke away from tired traditions to create something extremely innovative and original. It did so phenomenally well that there's not really any excuse for Sakurai to not acknowledge that by adding a new character.

But what if Sakurai didn't know BotW would be successful, you say? Well, even if he didn't add Mipha on the initial roster, BotW was released in early March 2017. That's still well over a year and a half before Smash Switch would be released. Yes, I know Sakurai typically avoids adding characters later in development, but believe me, if there was ever a game big enough to make Sakurai feel like revisiting it for the sake of adding a newcomer, BotW would be that game.

"She's Related to Sidon"

I mean, if I were the director, this would be more than enough to convince me to add Mipha. Here's to hoping Sakurai shares the feeling.

Common Arguments against Mipha
"We can't get one Champion without getting all four."

I had to put this one first because it's the one I see the most. Truth be told, this is an argument I still don't quite understand. No one ever said the Champions were a package deal, yet everyone acts like these guys are four inseparable characters who can't exist without each other. Starter Pokemon have the same amount of importance, but did that stop Sakurai from cleaving Charizard from Squirtle and Ivysaur? Did Sakurai feel bad for picking Greninja and not Delphox? Obviously not. He picked the Pokemon that he felt like would be the best choice to represent the series. The Champions should be no different.

However, it seems like some people are convinced that the Pokemon situation is completely different, so allow me to approach this from a second perspective.

A popular belief is that the Champions would be better fit as Assist Trophies or as part of a new moveset for Link/Zelda. Now if you're someone who believes that adding a single Champion on the roster would be unfair, let me ask you this. Can you say with 100% absolute, concrete, unwavering confidence that if the Champions were to become Assist Trophies or part of a moveset, all four Champions would be used in the same capacity? That means all four Champions would become Assist Trophies, and all four Champions would be used in Link or Zelda's new moveset. If you can't confidently say this, then how is this any different than having one or two Champions on the roster? If your reasoning behind not thinking a Champion should be on the roster is because it wouldn't be fair, then how would making Mipha be the only Assist Trophy or Revali's Gale be the only Champion ability in Link's new moveset be any better? The answer is, it's not.

The Champions are susceptible to the same problem, regardless of how you integrate them in Smash.

"There are dozens of more memorable Zelda characters Sakurai could add, so why would he choose Mipha or any of the other Champions?"

I don't entirely disagree with this statement. Mipha's time in the spotlight was rather brief compared to other Zelda characters, and I think there are plenty of more memorable Zelda characters out there. However, this is why I don't think the argument works. What characters are you comparing Mipha to? Probably Skull Kid, Impa, Midna, and Tingle, right? Here's the thing - these guys have existed anywhere from 10 to 20 years. How old is Mipha? Barely even a year old. Obviously Mipha can't compete with the likes of these guys. They've had years and years to appear in games, merch, and other forms of media, whereas Mipha is currently relying entirely on the promotion from BotW. She might not seem iconic now, but that doesn't mean she lacks the potential to be iconic in the future.

To put it simply, Mipha is young. She has plenty of time to grow and build herself an image before we can actually say she isn't iconic or popular enough.

"(Insert Zelda character here) is WAY more unique than Mipha!"

This is entirely subjective. I've seen people find ways to incorporate BotW elements into Impa's moveset and make her sound like one of the most unique additions we could ever get. But when it comes to Mipha, an actual character from BotW? It's like their creativity hits a brick wall. "What could she do besides stabbing people with her weird shiny fork?"

Just because you think a character would or wouldn't be unique doesn't mean they'll be reflected that way in Smash. Need proof? Look at Ganondorf. Then look at Ice Climbers. The only thing that matters here is Sakurai himself. It's who would HE see potential in, not who WE would see potential in. This goes back to my point about Mipha never being able to be considered for Smash before. A lot of people say things like, "Impa would be Sakurai's first choice for the next Zelda rep because she's recurring and has the most to offer." That may or may not be true, but keep in mind that this would be Impa's fourth opportunity to get in Smash. If Impa really is the most obvious choice to Sakurai, why hasn't he added her yet? This certainly isn't the best time he could've added her, and the fact that she's been around for so long and still hasn't become playable tells me that Sakurai has some hesitations with adding her. Since we know for a fact that Sakurai has never been able to reject Mipha, there's currently nothing to indicate that he's either against the character or doesn't see potential in her. Of course, that also means that there's nothing to indicate that he's in favor of the character either, but it's still a good position to be in regardless.

"Who cares if BotW was popular? Not every Zelda game needs to be represented on the roster."

Very true. Not every Zelda game needs to be represented on the roster. And at this point, that's been the case for the past 15 years. Not counting designs, Wind Waker (2002) was the last game to get a character on the roster.

This is something I've seen a lot of people say whenever they see someone supporting a Champion. It's not so much about thinking a successful game like BotW needs to get represented on the roster as much as it is thinking that BotW has the best shot of getting a newcomer compared to the other Zelda games. Even though I like Mipha as a character and think she'd be a great addition, I also think she has a better shot than a majority of the Zelda cast. There's nothing wrong with supporting a character because you think they'd be likely. As a matter of fact, most of the Gen VII Pokemon we want in Smash got as much support as they did just because we all think they're likely to be added. If likeliness wasn't something we took into consideration when we support characters, then maybe we'd all still be clamoring for Zoroark and Sceptile.

If this is the argument you're using, then your main problem is likely being able to see the Champions as unique or playable characters, rather than simply just thinking BotW doesn't need a character. For that, I'd recommend looking at some movesets for the Champions and listen to what some of the supporters have to say. See if your opinion changed any after that.

"There are four Champions in BotW. What makes Mipha more likely than them?"

Now this is one argument I struggle with. All four Champions have equal importance. All four Champions have moveset potential. All four Champions have gotten equal promotion. The only thing Mipha has that separates herself from the rest is her popularity, and unfortunately, there likely wasn't enough time for that to be a factor unless she was added later in development. Honestly, Sakurai could get away with adding any of the four Champions (although some will probably be met with a warmer welcome than others :4falco:).

That being said, I can still explain why I would think Mipha would be more likely than the other three.

First off, the iconicness of the Zora race. Zoras have been in the LoZ series since the very first game, and they've continued to make appearances since then. They've appeared in plenty of popular Zelda games, such as Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, A Link Between Worlds, and of course, Breath of the Wild. Their history easily trumps the likes of the Gerudo and (especially) the Rito, and the only Champion race that has a longer, broader history than the Zora is the Gorons. Needless to say, the Zora species are a staple of the Zelda series, and I think that's something that gives Mipha an advantage over some of the other Champions.

Second, there's Eiji Aonuma himself. The Zora are one of his, if not his most, favorite races in the Zelda series. An example of this can be seen in a recent interview by Nintendo UK. When asked if he would rather be a Zora, a Goron, or a Deku Scrub, Aonuma responded by smiling and holding up a Zora mask to his face (at the very least, this hints to us that Aonuma would likely prefer Mipha over Daruk). Another example of this can be found in a interview following BotW's second DLC pack. In this interview, Aonuma is directly asked who his favorite Champion was. His answer? Mipha (although he claims it might have previously been Urbosa). If Sakurai was having a difficult time choosing which Champion to add in Smash, I have no doubt that Aonuma would be a strong advocate for Mipha, should he have any involvement in Sakurai's decision.

My third and last point, the Zora themselves and how they were treated in BotW. This part is entirely subjective and shouldn't be taken as a solid argument, but I think it's still worth mentioning, especially if you've played BotW before. When players get to the part of BotW where Link is told by Impa that he needs to free the Divine Beasts, the one that most happen to free first is Vah Ruta. This almost seems intentional, as the area Link needs to find to begin the Zora arc (Lanayru Wetlands and Lanayru Tower) is extremely close to Kakarico Village and Hateno Village (the places Link is told to go to after completing the first area of the game). There's also plenty of Zora NPCs sprinkled around the nearby area, automatically telling you exactly where to go when you walk near them, something that wasn't done with the other three arcs. While there's nothing to verify it, I think the Zora were intended to be the first of the four races players find when playing BotW. If that's truly the case, this gives Mipha a slight edge over the other three, as the Zora arc would supposed to have intended to be the player's first impression of freeing the Champions and the Divine Beasts. Then there's also the amount of effort put into the Zora arc. A lot of people agree that the Zora arc is the best of the four arcs, and that's because they feel like the other arcs (particularly the Rito and the Gorons) didn't feel as special or long as the Zora's. If the development team spent extra time on fleshing out the Zora arc, that might indicate that (1) they really liked that part of the game and wanted to perfect it as much as they could, or (2) that was the first area they completed, thereby giving them the more time to add on to it.

"Mipha is just another one-shot character. She'll be no different than the rest."

Another good point. If Skull Kid, Midna, and Ghirahim couldn't make it in, why is Mipha different? Truth is, we might never understand why those guys never got in Smash. They had a lot of potential, yet failed to be anything more than an Assist Trophy. For a lot of people, Mipha is destined to follow that same path. While I can't give you a solid explanation on why the other one-shots were rejected, I can at least tell you why I think Mipha's situation differs from theirs.

Let's start with Skull Kid and Melee. Skull Kid was born at a rather unfortunate time to be considered for Smash. Before Melee came to be, Link was the only character on the roster. There were plenty of options to choose from, and adding Skull Kid was probably less of a priority than adding the main characters, Zelda and Ganondorf. By the time Brawl rolled around, it may have been too late for him. That's likely what held him back - a combination of bad timing and too much competition from other newcomers. Mipha doesn't really have this problem. Timing is definitely in her favor, and while she does have some stiff competition, none of them are anywhere close to being as important to the series as Zelda and Ganondorf. Yeah, there are some recurring choices that make more sense than Mipha (Impa, Tingle), but at the same time, they aren't exactly big enough to feel like the roster is incomplete without them.

Next is Midna and Brawl. I still don't quite understand why we didn't get this character. Timing was great, she fit the new TP theme, had a large role in her game, and she would've made a great addition to the roster. Instead, all we got in Brawl was a toony replacement for Young Link. The only explanation I can come up with here is that Sakurai may have felt like the Zelda series needed a break after getting four new characters in Melee (and this would help explain why Mario didn't get any true newcomers either). If that's the case, then Mipha definitely doesn't have the same problem as Midna. We've had a drought of Zelda newcomers for two games now, and fans are starting to feel as if Zelda is being neglected on the roster. Mipha won't be rejected because of over-saturation on the roster.

Last is Ghirahim and Smash 4. Honestly, this one shouldn't have come off as surprising. Even if timing was great, Skyward Sword was considered to be a subpar Zelda game. This game had mediocre sales, had mixed reception from fans, and was considered to be the worst 3D Zelda game in quite some time. Even if Zelda was due for another character, SS was definitely not the game Sakurai would've felt obligated to give a character to. Needless to say, BotW is the polar opposite of SS. Mipha will definitely not be rejected because Sakurai didn't feel like her game deserved a character, and you can quote me on that anytime you'd like.

Overall, I think Mipha lacks most of the things that might have held back the other one-shots. That's not to say Mipha doesn't have her own problems, because she definitely does. She has three other equally important counterparts who could easily steal that spot away from her. Still, there's not much reason to think history will repeat itself, or at least not in the same way it did with the other one-shots. If Mipha gets rejected, it'll likely be for a different reason than the others.

"Isn't it possible for Sakurai to just skip the Zelda series and not add anyone?"

This is the last argument I wanted to address. Short answer - yes, it is certainly possible. Sakurai could feel like there aren't any relevant Zelda characters worth adding and once again not give us anything.

However, I don't really see the point in doing so. Even if we can't agree on who should get added, there's a unified voice requesting more Zelda characters. What reason is there for Sakurai to wait even longer? Should he ask Aonuma to incorporate Impa into the next Zelda game so she's extremely relevant again by the time the next Smash game rolls around? Should he wait until we get a new Zelda game with one-shot characters slightly more important to the story than the Champions? If Sakurai treats every Smash game like it's his last, why would he hold off on adding another Zelda rep, especially after a game as successful as BotW?

Despite popular opinion, I believe our best shot at getting a Zelda newcomer is now, because if something like BotW can't get us a newcomer, we sure as heck won't be getting anything from a future Zelda game.

If you're someone who still isn't sold on the idea of Mipha, I totally get it. She's a new character to a series that's been around for over thirty years. You've been supporting Zelda characters far more iconic than her, and seeing her in Smash is something that might not sit well with you. She's probably not your first, second, or maybe even seventh choice. Still, I hope you'll at least try to look past all that and see Mipha for what she is. Even if she's not as iconic as Skull Kid or Tingle, she's still unique. That's something you can't take way from her, regardless of how new she is. She's also from BotW, the best-selling game in the history of the Zelda series that over ten million people have bought since its release a little over a year ago. No other Zelda character can say something like that.

It's fine if you doubt her chances. It's fine if you don't like her. But please, don't just write her off entirely like most people tend to do. She's got a better shot than you think, so try to be fair and give her the chance she deserves.

...And, that's that. If you actually took the time to read all this, I'm extremely impressed with your dedication to see all that I had to say. If you only read two sentences, well, that's still time that you took to read this, so thanks. Here's to hoping some of you are as optimistic about Mipha as me.

I read the whole thing just now and this is a very excellent analysis on Mipha`s chances.:) And i agree with most of the points you made especially on Mipha being above the other older Zelda characters. The only competition she has is the other three champions, but here`s she does making it in.
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Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
The reason people assume the four champions would have to get in together is because Nintendo PROMOTES the Champions as such. Note how despite the lack of popularity for Daruk and Revali, both received amiibo along with Mipha and Urbosa (and all four were packaged together as well!)

The game the four hail from also treats them as equals. A champion was chosen from each race, an exceptional individual FOR that race. And considering the open nature of BotW, you can encounter any champion at any point. I happened to run into Mipha first and she's adorable so that's why she stuck out to me, but all four of them are still side characters with equal importance to the main plot of the game. Adorable fish waifuor otherwise, Mipha is no more relevant than Daruk, Thicc Urbosa or Falco.

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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Sorry I couldn't respond to everyone's comments sooner. Got busy with overtime at work yesterday. But I'm here now!

Read nearly all of it, really well put together.

I agree that Mipha rises above the other Champions (poor Urbosa) and so if Sakurai is looking for a Zelda newcomer she would be up there with Impa and such.

I reallllly like the idea of a defensive/healer character, one of the only reasons I'm ok with her over Urbosa lol. I honestly feel like it all depends on Sakurai looking for a Zelda newcomer, and whether he would want a newer relevant character or go for an older fan favorite. Too bad none of the recent rumors even mention new Zelda characters and I can unfortunately see that :/

However I am predicting a Zelda newcomer for now, and your post as solidified my reasoning for predicting her, so thank you!
Glad you liked it, and thanks for reading my post.

Sadly, I can also see us not getting any newcomers if any of the Champions fail to get in. Brawl and Smash 4 showed me just how critical timing and relevancy is to a newcomer's chances, so if he couldn't add the more popular characters when they were highly relevant, I just can't see him doing it now of all times.

Regardless, I remain optimistic. This will be the game where we get someone new.

Read the whole thing. Very nice analysis. However there is one point that works in Mipha's Favor that I'd like to add. And that's that Sakurai and team really seem to value unique potential in newcomers. There are a few examples of this I could list, but I'll stick to this one.

When it came to having a new Fire Emblem Character in Smash 4 Sakurai looked at both Chrom and Robin and ultimately decided against Chrom because he just felt too much like a mix of Marth and Ike.

At the very least, this does give Mipha an edge over the other Champions. Urbosa, while an amazing character in Botw, probably has the smallest amount of unique potential of the Champions. With Link likely being the one who will utilize most of the Sheikah Slate Runes and Urbosa being a Sword and Shield user like Link who really only has Lightning as a unique trait for her they would probably put Urbosa in the lowest priority in this regard.

Revali's unique potential isn't exactly low. But the biggest problem is comparison to Decidueye since both of them are Archery Birds. Now I will say upfront that I think it's very possible for Revali to play substantially different from Decidueye. The Pokemon could be more about Sniping while having Grass (and maybe some Ghost) powers. While the Champion could focus more on mixing archery with wind powers to help knock opponents off stage and pester them while they're there.

But still, the comparisons to the probably more likely Decidueye do provide an obstacle for Revali that Mipha doesn't suffer from as much.

Daruk is..............................admittedly tied with Mipha for unique potential as far as I'm concerned. We have had heavyweight characters before, one who wields a hammer no less (Daruk's Boulder Breaker does function very much like a hammer). But Daruk does have the edge of being a heavyweight with a play style more focused on waiting and defending before striking back hard.

Now that I think about it I guess Mipha does have a slight edge over Daruk here since we've never had a Spear fighter in Smash before. But while Mipha could throw in Water attacks like what Ruto does in Hyrule Warriors (could even have a Silver Scale hanging from her wrist) I will point out that Bandanna Waddle Dee is very likely and also uses a Spear. I could also mention Fjorm from Fire Emblem Heroes as an Ice Elemental Spear users who could run the risk of being very similar to Mipha that Bandanna Dee admittedly doesn't. But I do think Mipha is more likely than Fjorm so it probably won't be a problem.
And that's something I feel like a lot of people are overlooking with the Champs. Everyone is so caught up with comparing them to the other Zelda characters and downplaying their importance that they seem to forget that these guys are unique in their own rights. Any of these guys would make a great newcomer, and I doubt Sakurai would immediately brush these guys off without at least considering their possible movesets in his head for a little bit.

How good are her, as well as the rest of the BotW champions' chances of being in Smash?
In my opinion, they're in a better position than most of the other Zelda characters. We already see that Sakurai is going with a BotW theme in Smash, so it wouldn't be too surprising if he chose a Champion to tie in with BotW Link and Zelda.

Now what are the odds of getting multiple Champions? Ehh... Not very high to be honest. Getting all four is completely out of the question for me, as Pokemon in Brawl is the only instance where we technically got four unique newcomers from the same franchise. I suppose it's possible for Sakurai to go the extra mile and add two Champions, but that seems like wishful thinking. For now, let's concentrate on getting a single Champion.

The reason people assume the four champions would have to get in together is because Nintendo PROMOTES the Champions as such. Note how despite the lack of popularity for Daruk and Revali, both received amiibo along with Mipha and Urbosa (and all four were packaged together as well!)

The game the four hail from also treats them as equals. A champion was chosen from each race, an exceptional individual FOR that race. And considering the open nature of BotW, you can encounter any champion at any point. I happened to run into Mipha first and she's adorable so that's why she stuck out to me, but all four of them are still side characters with equal importance to the main plot of the game. Adorable fish waifuor otherwise, Mipha is no more relevant than Daruk, Thicc Urbosa or Falco.

And again, Greninja was no more important than Delphox or Chesnaught, but Sakurai still chose the frog regardless. Starter Pokemon typically get the same amount of advertising and promotion in the first year or so of their game's release, and even if one is more popular than the others, that doesn't means everyone is going to pick the favorite starter. I'm sure not even half of the people who bought X and Y chose Greninja as their starter.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Yeah, I just saw that Brawl did factor in Phantom Hourglass.
well youre right phantom hourglass probably didnt factor into is inclusion but the other toon link games probably didnt rgardelss of weater or not theyre the same incarnation

dont think smash pasy much attention to link various incarnations


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
well youre right phantom hourglass probably didnt factor into is inclusion but the other toon link games probably didnt rgardelss of weater or not theyre the same incarnation

dont think smash pasy much attention to link various incarnations
Link as he appeared in The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass, with big eyes and an expressive face. He lived peacefully on Outset Island until a bird captured his little sister, and he came to her rescue. In The Wind Waker, he had to crawl, press up to walls, and the like. His green clothes were worn on his 12th birthday and are the lucky outfit of the hero of legend.

Toon Link's trophy description in Brawl. It's specifically the WW and PH version. So, a two-timer then

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Sorry I couldn't respond to everyone's comments sooner. Got busy with overtime at work yesterday. But I'm here now!

Glad you liked it, and thanks for reading my post.

Sadly, I can also see us not getting any newcomers if any of the Champions fail to get in. Brawl and Smash 4 showed me just how critical timing and relevancy is to a newcomer's chances, so if he couldn't add the more popular characters when they were highly relevant, I just can't see him doing it now of all times.

Regardless, I remain optimistic. This will be the game where we get someone new.

And that's something I feel like a lot of people are overlooking with the Champs. Everyone is so caught up with comparing them to the other Zelda characters and downplaying their importance that they seem to forget that these guys are unique in their own rights. Any of these guys would make a great newcomer, and I doubt Sakurai would immediately brush these guys off without at least considering their possible movesets in his head for a little bit.

In my opinion, they're in a better position than most of the other Zelda characters. We already see that Sakurai is going with a BotW theme in Smash, so it wouldn't be too surprising if he chose a Champion to tie in with BotW Link and Zelda.

Now what are the odds of getting multiple Champions? Ehh... Not very high to be honest. Getting all four is completely out of the question for me, as Pokemon in Brawl is the only instance where we technically got four unique newcomers from the same franchise. I suppose it's possible for Sakurai to go the extra mile and add two Champions, but that seems like wishful thinking. For now, let's concentrate on getting a single Champion.

And again, Greninja was no more important than Delphox or Chesnaught, but Sakurai still chose the frog regardless. Starter Pokemon typically get the same amount of advertising and promotion in the first year or so of their game's release, and even if one is more popular than the others, that doesn't means everyone is going to pick the favorite starter. I'm sure not even half of the people who bought X and Y chose Greninja as their starter.
No no no. You're not using Pokemon to weasel your way out of this. All franchises in Smash are not created equal. Pokemon is a completely different franchise, and moreso has a huge factor in it's favor: the anime. Every Pokemon in Smash so far has had a prevelant role in the anime or it's movies, and the starters always have this same luxury as they are the first Pokemon you pick from and your rival picks one as well. Sakurai may have taken a shot in the dark with Greninja and it paid off, but with the starters they are guaranteed a big role and have a big chance for future appearances. Combine this with the facts I've already laid down and the fact we've never gotten a playable one-off Zelda character and Mipha alone stands no chance.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
No no no. You're not using Pokemon to weasel your way out of this. All franchises in Smash are not created equal. Pokemon is a completely different franchise, and moreso has a huge factor in it's favor: the anime. Every Pokemon in Smash so far has had a prevelant role in the anime or it's movies, and the starters always have this same luxury as they are the first Pokemon you pick from and your rival picks one as well. Sakurai may have taken a shot in the dark with Greninja and it paid off, but with the starters they are guaranteed a big role and have a big chance for future appearances. Combine this with the facts I've already laid down and the fact we've never gotten a playable one-off Zelda character and Mipha alone stands no chance.
Wow, are you seriously asking for Zelda specifically to bring in a newcomer from an equal group of characters in order to prove Mipha can be in.

Pretty high standards.

Anyway quite funny how half of the Zelda cast either is or can be argued to be a one-off.

Ganondorf's human form only appeared in OoT
Sheik is OoT one-off
Toon Link is based entirely on his Wind Waker self, with the trophy description mentioning he's the Link from WW and PH, so technically a two-timer.

And you might say, "yeah they're all exceptions due to cloning and transformations" but that's the mess called Zelda representation for ya.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Wow, are you seriously asking for Zelda specifically to bring in a newcomer from an equal group of characters in order to prove Mipha can be in.

Pretty high standards.

Anyway quite funny how half of the Zelda cast either is or can be argued to be a one-off.

Ganondorf's human form only appeared in OoT
Sheik is OoT one-off
Toon Link is based entirely on his Wind Waker self, with the trophy description mentioning he's the Link from WW and PH, so technically a two-timer.

And you might say, "yeah they're all exceptions due to cloning and transformations" but that's the mess called Zelda representation for ya.
Ganondorf's human form has appeared in Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, and if you want to get technical, Hyrule Warriors.

Sheik was added solely to add variety to Zelda's kit.

And no. I'm simply stating why Zelda will not get a champion. I don't actually want any of them in the game. They're cool characters but they're entirely one-dimensional and are a package deal (in some cases literally they are packaged together). Beyond that they are tertiary characters in the Zelda lore. There's no way any of them are getting in alone, and we certainly aren't getting four Zelda newcomers in one game.
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Ganondorf's human form has appeared in Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, and if you want to get technical, Hyrule Warriors.

Sheik was added solely to add variety to Zelda's kit.

And no. I'm simply stating why Zelda will not get a champion. I don't actually want any of them in the game. They're cool characters but they're entirely one-dimensional and are a package deal (in some cases literally they are packaged together). Beyond that they are tertiary characters in the Zelda lore. There's no way any of them are getting in alone, and we certainly aren't getting four Zelda newcomers in one game.
Should've mentioned "prior to Melee". I know he appears in Twilight Princess.

And well, I'm simply stating why nothing is truly impossible.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Should've mentioned "prior to Melee". I know he appears in Twilight Princess.

And well, I'm simply stating why nothing is truly impossible.
Ganondorf also had two benefits on his side - an already existing model for an upcoming Zelda title, and a similar body type to Falcon (hence his clone status). The Champions don't have these benefits (outside of maybe Revali but in b4 Mipha gets in as a Little Mac clone).


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
None of the Champions ended up in an existing character's moveset. In addition, we haven't seen any of them in an Assist Trophy (not that it matters, as a single Champion AT doesn't deconfirm them all. I doubt all four Champions are separate ATs).

Looks like Mipha's good for now. So long as she isn't revealed as an Assist Trophy during E3, she still has a genuine chance.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 15, 2013
I actually don't like Mipha but the zora in general are my favorite non human Zelda race so eh

Up b cryonis platform is obvious
Neutral B, zora fin boomerang from majoras mask,
Side B would shoot out water kinda like pacman she would follow (reference princess Ruto summoning water in Hyrule warriors)
Down b could be the electric shield from majoras mask, maybe a reflector

Spear attacks and perhaps some of the karate zora link did for her normal attacks

I don't know to implement grace into her moveset

My Mipha represents the entire zora race
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Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
I don't really have a Switch yet. So, I guess I'm getting Breath of the Wild for my Wii U. I support!


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
Both Mipha and Ubosa are my most wanted Champions so count me as a supporter for Mipha.
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Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2018
I would make my peace with any Champion making it into the game. I don't necessarily think that the Champions are a set where you either have to include all of them or none of them. If I would have to rank them, I'd want Urbosa the most, then Rivali, then Mipha, and then Daruk. Mipha would be my third choice, but I'd still be happy because she had meaningful connections with characters in BotW, represents the Zora and evokes Ruto's legacy, and would would be cool because of her trident and water-surfing abilities.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I would make my peace with any Champion making it into the game. I don't necessarily think that the Champions are a set where you either have to include all of them or none of them. If I would have to rank them, I'd want Urbosa the most, then Rivali, then Mipha, and then Daruk. Mipha would be my third choice, but I'd still be happy because she had meaningful connections with characters in BotW, represents the Zora and evokes Ruto's legacy, and would would be cool because of her trident and water-surfing abilities.
Coicidentally, Mipha and Daruk are the ones I want most, while Revail and Urbosa are the ones I want least.

Actually, Daruk and Revali are somewhat interchangeable for me. Urbosa is the only one I'd really be disappointed with, mainly due to her signature weapon being less unique than the other three Champs (particularly Revali) and the Gerudo being less iconic than the Zora and Gorons. That being said, I'd gladly take Urbosa over not getting any of the Champions playable.


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2018
Coicidentally, Mipha and Daruk are the ones I want most, while Revail and Urbosa are the ones I want least.

Actually, Daruk and Revali are somewhat interchangeable for me. Urbosa is the only one I'd really be disappointed with, mainly due to her signature weapon being less unique than the other three Champs (particularly Revali) and the Gerudo being less iconic than the Zora and Gorons. That being said, I'd gladly take Urbosa over not getting any of the Champions playable.
That's how I feel about Daruk. I'd be happy to have a Goron in the game, I just personally liked the other Champions more. My reasoning for liking them are more about their characterization in BOTW and less about potential SSB functionality (but it would be satisfying to play as Urbosa with her lightning snap!).
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Isaac: Venus Adept

Smash Lord
Dec 31, 2015
Breath of the Wild is a game that means alot to me so it'd be awesome if we get another Zelda rep after all this time. I made this for you guys. I also made some for the other three champions which I'll be posting shortly
Mipha Smash Ultimate.JPG
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