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Minions' Revenge - A new minion comes, and an old friend returns.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2010
Johto Region
Shoot, I didn't realize the MRPP chat went down..

Oh well, might as well retype what I came up with.

Wheelie - Actually rather innocent and childlike, mostly a part of the coalition out of sheer boredom. Eager and fast talking, but not too bright. In fact, he tends to forget large details and has a short term memory. Easily distracted.

Toad - Drastic overachiever. He's sick of the way of the royal guard, who simply try to look intimidating by holding large spears and shields they cannot actually use. He's out to prove his ability, and he has the heart to do it. However, he's also a bit of an outcast within the Minion coalition. He's still a Toad and doesn't enjoy doing some of the darker things that the group plans, sometimes hindering everyone else when he's involved.

Bob-Omb - Somewhat tempermental and controlling, Bob-Omb is actually a very capable leader. He's certainly more capable than most of the other minions, dispite his egoism. He tends to be very violent, foul-mouthed and critical, but otherwise is actually very good at organizing the team's thoughts when calm.

Piranha Plant - Slow talking and lazy, Piranha Plant is actually a sleeping genius. With the right motivation, he actually comes up with very good plans to get the group what it wants. He mostly comes up with his ideas in the middle of a meal (which should be something just off camera, and outlandish sounding like "fried pygmy Turkish delights"). As far as being a team player goes, he's not very willing, somewhat whiny, and has trouble communicating with the others due to a thick foreign accent.

Hammer Bro. - A member of the most elite sect of the Koopa Troop, this Hammer Bro. deserted due to being the best of the best there is. Tired of constantly showing up his comrades, he decided to take them all on at once. He's the most physically capable of the group and is certainly not afraid to show off. However, he's also easily distracted in the name of competition. He's quick to go off on his own plans instead of those that the others agreed to, hopeful to prove himself. Obviously this keeps screwing up, and eventually should put a damper on his self esteem.

Waddle Doo - Like Bob-Omb, Waddle Doo is eager to lead. However, he's much more apologetic and clumsy than the former while being more level headed. As a team player, he tries his best to be helpful, which he can be. He has his moments where he can be quick witted and even crafty, but often times this oppertunity doesn't stay open long enough and messes him up in some way. He's also the only one who can consistently understand Piranha Plant.

Waddle Dee (if we get one) - A rather stock character who can only say "Wanya" and requires translation via Waddle Doo. He's shy, somewhat cowardly and obviously lacks communication with his team members. The only reason he's tolerated is due to his speedy and effective physical labor skills. Eventually, he should start to learn some English, albeit incredibly broken.

Biospark - While he wants to be a stereotypical shadowy figure, he's an extremely large ham. He speaks bombastically of his ability and feats of strength and occasionally speaks in (poorly written) haiku. As far as team participation goes, he tends to vanish at the first sight of danger, coming back later with some outlandish excuse that everyone buys. At one point, he should have an extremely cheesy theme song written for him ALA Bang Shishigami that plays as he actively does something (and fails).
Hmm. I'd have to say, I'd be more like Piranha Plant... but instead of a foriegn accent, I just mumble too much, apparantly. Although I can hear myself loud and clear, something always seems to be blocking my voice. XD If pikazz would let me, I'd be him. Just take out accent, insert mumbling.


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2010
i gotz ideas for biospark :
-First, i must restart him xD
-Second, i have two ideas of attack :

N-B : throws a kunai
F-B : Same as Fox or Falco


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
Shoot, I didn't realize the MRPP chat went down..

Oh well, might as well retype what I came up with.

Wheelie - Actually rather innocent and childlike, mostly a part of the coalition out of sheer boredom. Eager and fast talking, but not too bright. In fact, he tends to forget large details and has a short term memory. Easily distracted.

Toad - Drastic overachiever. He's sick of the way of the royal guard, who simply try to look intimidating by holding large spears and shields they cannot actually use. He's out to prove his ability, and he has the heart to do it. However, he's also a bit of an outcast within the Minion coalition. He's still a Toad and doesn't enjoy doing some of the darker things that the group plans, sometimes hindering everyone else when he's involved.

Bob-Omb - Somewhat tempermental and controlling, Bob-Omb is actually a very capable leader. He's certainly more capable than most of the other minions, dispite his egoism. He tends to be very violent, foul-mouthed and critical, but otherwise is actually very good at organizing the team's thoughts when calm.

Piranha Plant - Slow talking and lazy, Piranha Plant is actually a sleeping genius. With the right motivation, he actually comes up with very good plans to get the group what it wants. He mostly comes up with his ideas in the middle of a meal (which should be something just off camera, and outlandish sounding like "fried pygmy Turkish delights"). As far as being a team player goes, he's not very willing, somewhat whiny, and has trouble communicating with the others due to a thick foreign accent.

Hammer Bro. - A member of the most elite sect of the Koopa Troop, this Hammer Bro. deserted due to being the best of the best there is. Tired of constantly showing up his comrades, he decided to take them all on at once. He's the most physically capable of the group and is certainly not afraid to show off. However, he's also easily distracted in the name of competition. He's quick to go off on his own plans instead of those that the others agreed to, hopeful to prove himself. Obviously this keeps screwing up, and eventually should put a damper on his self esteem.

Waddle Doo - Like Bob-Omb, Waddle Doo is eager to lead. However, he's much more apologetic and clumsy than the former while being more level headed. As a team player, he tries his best to be helpful, which he can be. He has his moments where he can be quick witted and even crafty, but often times this oppertunity doesn't stay open long enough and messes him up in some way. He's also the only one who can consistently understand Piranha Plant.

Waddle Dee (if we get one) - A rather stock character who can only say "Wanya" and requires translation via Waddle Doo. He's shy, somewhat cowardly and obviously lacks communication with his team members. The only reason he's tolerated is due to his speedy and effective physical labor skills. Eventually, he should start to learn some English, albeit incredibly broken.

Biospark - While he wants to be a stereotypical shadowy figure, he's an extremely large ham. He speaks bombastically of his ability and feats of strength and occasionally speaks in (poorly written) haiku. As far as team participation goes, he tends to vanish at the first sight of danger, coming back later with some outlandish excuse that everyone buys. At one point, he should have an extremely cheesy theme song written for him ALA Bang Shishigami that plays as he actively does something (and fails).
lol, a perfect describe of the character :D
Hmm. I'd have to say, I'd be more like Piranha Plant... but instead of a foriegn accent, I just mumble too much, apparantly. Although I can hear myself loud and clear, something always seems to be blocking my voice. XD If pikazz would let me, I'd be him. Just take out accent, insert mumbling.
oh, i wanted to be him D: xD
it would be harder for me to play bob-omb instead for piranha plant
There should still be auditions and stuff. Y'know, in case of background noise and poor microphone quality and all that stuff.
does a good webcam microphone count? xD my webcam record good sound. otherwise I have one microphone or I can borrow one from my school xD

we need to decide What for character they will be over.
since this is an machinima, they dont have be on their originally character. at least they can walk, jump, stand ect.
we need to discuss what character they will be over (just for machinima use) so they got one character each.

Bob-omb: he didn't have much bones and some of his bones was kinda messy (since he was an item). I am not sure about bob-omb. need to check him out but if he can be over one that has low amount of bones and low walk index it should be fine.

Piranha Plant: he didn't have much bones either and he is an mario kart wii model which case the bones on his "body" starts after the first but I thought he cant walk or jump in the machinima, only pop in and out from the ground by squat xD I am not sure which bob-omb and piranha plant can be over for the best choose.

Ultimate chimera: if he will be in the machinima, he work on walk index 2, not one and has more than 35 original bones but I believe he can work great on shiek / DK / pikachu

not machinima related but I will try to make someone playable on monday and his name starts on L----- |3


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010

Ultimate Chimera should definatly be over DK becuase of his slow but powerful attacks

Pirahna plant.. hmm lets see I say add bones and put him over someone not useful like peach even tho it would sound quite weird but we could always fix that through psa

Bomb-Omb: Put him over ness and give him a explosion psa >:D

Toad as you know is over Yoshi so im keppin him there


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)

Ultimate Chimera should definatly be over DK becuase of his slow but powerful attacks

Pirahna plant.. hmm lets see I say add bones and put him over someone not useful like peach even tho it would sound quite weird but we could always fix that through psa

Bomb-Omb: Put him over ness and give him a explosion psa >:D

Toad as you know is over Yoshi so im keppin him there
the powerfulness och speedness can be fixed in psa xD

44 to 103 on piranha plant D: and he had around 15-20 original bones. dont believe it gonna work

and bob-omb on ness doesn't work either, ness walk index is on 5, and there starts the body of bob-omb (i believe)

oh, thought about one thing. what happeneds if piranha plants speaks swedish in the machinima and then we have subtitles in english what he saying xD


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2010
I guess its time for me to reveal my secret project that I've been working on.

So far I don't have a character planned yet because his transn can either be his first or second bone or his bone index 0 and 1 whatever you want to call it. So I've been working on him secretivly and decided to reveal so he could have a chance in getting into the machinima.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
Guess we all know who cam is representing lol

Lemmy: He is sorta loopy and doesn't tend to be all quick. But his goofiness pays of because behind all of his clumsiness hes actually a very intelligent person. He has the hidden mind to lead the Minions Coalition but because of his goofiness, clumsiness, and loss of focus at times everybody seems to underestimate his abilities. He is a slight outcast when it comes to the Minions Coalition so him and the other outcasts (Toad and Hammer Bro) have something and common and are friends because of it.


*says in a clownish voice of a goofy one*: WELL HEY GUYS!!! WHAT ARE WE GUNNA DO NOW!!!/ Ya know just because im goofy does not me I have no intellect/ OOF! WHOOPS SORRY GUYS.../ We should head that way *Ludwig*: No we should not!


Theres my Idea of his personality and how he would talk


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2010
Might as well post this since lemmy now joined

Lemmy Progress:
CSP and Selections
Sound Effects
Alt Textures

I have already done iggy koopa x3
Why not post him in here then?


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
Might as well post this since lemmy now joined

Lemmy Progress:
CSP and Selections
Sound Effects
Alt Textures

Why not post him in here then?
Nice banner.. also what did you think of my personality thing cam think it fits him?

Darksonic and camonsters, you might want to know that somebody made all of the kooplings.
Hmm.. If thats the case and pikazz said they were vertexed of bowser maybe we can get another koopaling have up to maybe three... actually if we were to move the pcs and pac files depending how the bone structure thingy works we could fit all the koopalings It just depends


^this is what im talking about

Here are all the people bowser can go over

Toon Link

If someone could get me those bowser hacks I can replace them in a snap


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
It sounds perfect for lemmy but I don't really get how toad woks with it because toad isn't an enemy he's more of a peach minion
Read whats below cam and youll understand

Toad - Drastic overachiever. He's sick of the way of the royal guard, who simply try to look intimidating by holding large spears and shields they cannot actually use. He's out to prove his ability, and he has the heart to do it. However, he's also a bit of an outcast within the Minion coalition. He's still a Toad and doesn't enjoy doing some of the darker things that the group plans, sometimes hindering everyone else when he's involved.

Btw I edited my last post on page 73 you should all take a look at it maybe it might help


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2010
I read it and I think that it would be better to try and use the koopalings from nsmbw because they are better and they actually aren't just bone edits and textures. Plus the ones from the iso come with a few animations at least.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
I read it and I think that it would be better to try and use the koopalings from nsmbw because they are better and they actually aren't just bone edits and textures. Plus the ones from the iso come with a few animations at least.
That is true.. well anyway whoever they are on will be fine, Im gunna go test me mic out


My brother just got a external hardrive so at the moment were getting Iso's

I will resume squat later on today then work on attacks then



Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2010
Johto Region
Yay! Another minion... question is, who'd do the others? And can we please get a Boo model/animations out of the NSMBW iso?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2010
i have a king boo model but its too big and needs to be resized but it works fine if you want i can give you
EDIT:here it is:
EDIT2:i think you can resize him in the scale .1 of the skl root and translation Y to 5
EDIT3:Awesome GameWatching !! excelent


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2010
I can get you a boo model. Just give me 10-15 minutes and I should have everything you need for it.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010

Serrix are you trying to represent boo? I noticed youve been trying to get him in your grasp lately. Also Im getting my own computer so Toads progress will be much faster then before im thinking 10 animations per hmm 30 minutes


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2010
Johto Region
Serrix are you trying to represent boo? I noticed youve been trying to get him in your grasp lately. Also Im getting my own computer so Toads progress will be much faster then before im thinking 10 animations per hmm 30 minutes
Yea, I guess so. I'm shy like Boo when it comes to certain things. :054:


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
Actually, I manged to put the teresa_A model and textures over the Green Alloy. Considering just how much a Boo can do, it shouldn't be too bad.
I say kirby only because I thought you could give him a couple of specials and I sorta tought up of his new moves

B: Dissapear for about 5 seconds

B Side: A push type of move

B Down: Slams on the ground

B Up: Meta knights up b

Final Smash

Pits final smash except with boo's

Also if were going to be doing fight scences id like to know because I can do the attacks but I need help with PSA


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2010
Johto Region
I say kirby only because I thought you could give him a couple of specials and I sorta tought up of his new moves

B: Dissapear for about 5 seconds

B Side: A push type of move

B Down: Slams on the ground

B Up: Meta knights up b

Final Smash

Pits final smash except with boo's
Eh... the Neutral and Side ones I'm somewhat iffy about. Down I really don't get how he does so, considering he goes through objects and can't control his speed as well. Up doesn't seem right for Boo. I'm leaving him on alloy, he's not much for specials.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
I agree with this statement.

and I guess I missed a LOT, judging by the talk about a machinama.
and whoever needs help with psa's I guess I can help, I'm getting pretty good if I do say so myself. :laugh:
I need help with mine and help fixing my landing animations they sink again lol also l need help animating his specials


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2009
Somewhere in twoson.
hay kangaroogreen can you help me with a psa for ludwig von koopa he freezs the game
well the freezing has nothing to do with the psa, so yeah, I suppose I could do it when you get it fixed. :)

I need help with mine and help fixing my landing animations they sink again lol also l need help animating his specials
post the animations and I suppose i'll fix them. :p

and specials are actually pretty hard to do. that's why I haven't done wheelie's yet.
sooo do them last.
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