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Miiverse Daily Smash 4 Photos (Closed for its successor)

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Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
I just made a song to commemorate Ashley's appearance in Smash. This has been modified to fit the culture of where I live.

One mile right next door
Who's that girl in old John's house now?
****, forgot her name
I think is Arsehy

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
So I heard Ashley is an AT...

Kinda sucks cause I wanted her to be playable... Ahh well at least she's in the game.

Also that rumor is fine with me cept for:
>Lyn AT removed
>PT returns
>Tingle ir Ghir over Impa
>No Takamaru
I overslept, so I'm an hour late.

Ouch. Ashley is an AT.

She looks awesome, and a little weird. Kinda has an artificial, doll-like appearance.
And I wonder what this means for Kat and Ana.

View attachment 6505

I thought of Kyon, so I searched and I found this:
Nevar forget.

*Insert Nelson Muntz's laugh here*


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
Oh. Kyon's video. No offense to him but he needs to grow up if thats how he's acting. It's just as bad as the thirty something year old man i saw legitimately crying over the fact that he can't play Bayonetta 2 because he refuses to buy a Wii U. (I'm not kidding about the grown man crying)


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
I actually liked SSE. Not the best thing ever, but it certainly wasn't that bad.
I know, just playing on words. :p

But yeah, she got her own scooter she could use I suppose.
Main'd. IDC if she's even in the game or not, she's my main now.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Oh. Kyon's video. No offense to him but he needs to grow up if thats how he's acting. It's just as bad as the thirty something year old man i saw legitimately crying over the fact that he can't play Bayonetta 2 because he refuses to buy a Wii U. (I'm not kidding about the grown man crying)
Link? I need to see this.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Let's go down the "Supposed Leaked List"

*Rosalina is the only Mario newcomer.
-So the leaker never mentions Luma? The character is literally called: Rosalina & Luma suspicious right off the bat.

*Waluigi and Toad were at once considered, but Waluigi remains an Assist Trophy, and Toad a move for Peach.
-This just sounds like a clever lie to make the leak sound more real.

*Bowser Junior, Paper Mario and Daisy were never considered. Bowser Junior was planned to be an Assist Trophy, but was scrapped.
-Another clever lie to make it seem more real.

*Fawful is a new Mario Assist Trophy. He acts like Mr. Resetti, but will attack opponents at random.
-This one seems believable, but it weird that he gives such an accurate description of what Tom Nook does but doesn't even mention what Fawful will be doing during these attacks.

*Diddy Kong will be the next revealed veteran, to coincide with Tropical Freeze’s release date.
-Unless this list was leaked after Dedede this statement is fake, but a reassuring guess considering all the characters we've had that came out coinciding with game releases.

*Diddy is paired with Dixie Kong as a tag-team, similar to Zelda and Sheik. Dixie has a separate moveset from Diddy, but it’s still being worked on.
-This just doesn't seem real.

*King K. Rool is a newcomer, the heaviest character on the roster. He is powerful and can KO light characters with 2 good Smash Attacks. His final smash has him use the blunderbuss and fire cannonballs from the top of the screen while they fly in from the sides as well.
-Okay wait a minute, so this person knows King K. Rools final smash, but doesn't mention the final smash for any of the other characters they listed, I mean if you know the final smashes why not leak the Villagers?

*Gangplank Galleon is a stage.
-I could see this happening if King K Rool actually made it into the game.

*There is a new Zelda character, although it’s kept a secret so far. The names heard most often are Tingle and Ghirahim.
-Wow...what? They say at the bottom of the list Pac-Man is the "FINAL" newcomer. How the hell do you know the "FINAL" newcomer without knowing who the new Zelda character is (if there really even is one).

*Ganondorf will be buffed, although he still retains some of C. Falcon’s moves. He can equip a sword using his Down Special.
-Yea considering he was the worst character in brawl, anyone and there mother could predict a buff. Equipping a sword on Down Special just doesn't sound real.

*Chrom is a Fire Emblem newcomer. He wields the Falchion, and does not replace Ike.
-Takes a highly predicted charachter and doesn't give any more info, other than the obvious weapon he wields. Ike has a unique moveset anyways, he was never going anywhere.

*Chrom is expected to be revealed to celebrate the anniversary of the first Fire Emblem.
This is just knowledge, based on previous character reveals. I could say Yoshi will be revealed when a Yoshi game gets released in Japan and you would probably believe me.

*Lyn’s Assist Trophy from Brawl has been scrapped.
-Seems plauisble.

*King Gangrel and Aversa are the new Fire Emblem Assist Trophy. Gangrel runs around slicing with his sword, while Aversa flies above using Aversa’s Night. They are the “unexpected” Assist Trophy.
-I guess time will tell, but I seriously don't believe this. Not even a Tharja AT?

*No newcomers for Yoshi or Wario.
-Sounds like a rational enough guess.

*Wario’s overalls are now his default attire.
-So you could leak any damn thing you wanted, but you go and leak this....really now? Not even an item leak?

*The Kat & Ana Assist Trophy has been scrapped.
-I could see it happening, there are many Warioware chars after all.

*Ashley from WarioWare is a new Assist Trophy.
-You win this round, well played.

*Ridley is a newcomer, and is scaled down a bit. It was a major feat on the development team.
-I do not believe this for a damn second.

*No new Star Fox characters.
-This sounds reasonable considering how few games they have, and after brawl I don't think people were happy with a clone trio.

*Falco is farther away from being a Fox clone.
-And you couldn't share and example?

*Wolf is no longer a semi-clone.
-We would all hope so.....

*Villager has a female costume.
-After seeing the Male Fit Trainer, literally anyone could've guessed this.

*Mr. Resetti returns as an Assist Trophy.
-Apparently Resetti made children cry in New leaf, and many players found him annoying in brawl, I HIGHLY doubt this.

*Tom Nook is a new Assist Trophy. He apparently drops bells across the stage, which causes opponents to trip. (Due to Sakurai saying tripping is removed, it’s unknown if forced tripping, like this and Diddy’s bananas will return, or if only accidental tripping is removed.)
-The leaker really sounds unsure of themselves here, he could be an assist trophy but I don't by into this leak.

*Palutena is a newcomer, with her moves based directly off Uprising.
-Again, this is one of the most suspected characters to join the roster, and why not give us more info or a potential release date, like they did with some of the others on this list?

*Magnus is a new Assist Trophy, and acts similarly to Little Mac in Brawl.
-He's a major character in the newest game, and he's just the right size to be a AT over some of the other Kid Icarus chars, anyone who played it could guess him.

*All Pokemon veterans from Brawl return.
-A really good guess.

*Mewtwo returns.
-Again, highly suspected character. Sakurai even said: “We are thinking about it.” at I think it was E3. If I fabricated a smash4 leak list, I'd put Mewtwo on it too.

*Mewtwo and Lucario have very different movesets.
-So wait a damn minute, the leaker KNOWS both there movesets and couldn't tell us not even a single move???

*No new Kirby characters.
-Yea I could've guessed this, they got a pretty solid representation.

*Meta Knight will be revealed sometime in the summer of 2014.
-That sounds like one hell of a guess. So who is getting revealed in the spring of 2014?

*No changes made to the EarthBound series.
-Not even a new stage, Assist trophy, or item? Bull.

*All misc. characters return (Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B., Ice Climbers)
-Next to no one was exspecting them to get removed. This is a fairly obvious statement.

*Little Mac is a newcomer. He has the look from the Punch-Out!! reboot for the Wii.
-Another highly suspected charachter, what I find intresting is that this leaker mentions how King. K Rool is the heaviest character, yet doesn't expand on how small/light Little Mac will be.

*The Male Wii Fit Trainer is indeed an alt. for Wii Fit Trainer.
-Nearly everyone who saw this: http://prntscr.com/2jkt7r
had a strong feeling this was the case.

*Wii Fit Trainer has a butt attack. It is replaced by a headbutt for the male costume.
-The way this is worded makes it sound really true, I don't think this will happen tbh.

*King Hippo is an Assist Trophy.
-Yea or he could be a Boss....notice how the leaker never mentions any of the many modes smash has.

*The Ghosts from Luigi’s Mansion are an Assist Trophy.
-A really good guess considering the year of Luigi, and New Moon.

*Snake returns.
-I will eat my hat if this is true.

*Pac-Man will be the final newcomer. He is a secret character.
Very, possible and highly suspected, as were most of the things on this FAKE leak list.

You don't think Ridley could be playable

Suddenly I'm doubting the rest of your arguements

Deleted member

Lol listen to how the leaker says it:

*Ridley is a newcomer, and is scaled down a bit. It was a major feat on the development team.

Then they say:

*Tom Nook is a new Assist Trophy. He apparently drops bells across the stage, which causes opponents to trip. (Due to Sakurai saying tripping is removed, it’s unknown if forced tripping, like this and Diddy’s bananas will return, or if only accidental tripping is removed.)

The leaker makes it sound like they knew on a personal level that "It was a major feat on the development team" but then in another quote on the leak list, they make it sound like they don't know even know a thing about Sakurai and his plans.

Ridley could happen, I've jut never been able to picture it, would ridley ever touch the floor or just sort of hover slightly above it?

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
Ridley could happen, I've jut never been able to picture it, would ridley ever touch the floor or just sort of hover slightly above it?
Well if they were looking to shrink him down, a smart design choice would be to hunch him slightly over on the ground. I'd picture him like MK when it comes to movement, having him stay on the ground except for running.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
My perspective of the leak

Rosalina is the only Mario newcomer.
Well luma was not mentioned but still only rosalina so far luma is just rosalina second move set in other words this is correct

Waluigi and Toad were at once considered, but Waluigi remains an Assist Trophy, and Toad a move for Peach.
This seems legit Waluigi is not popular enough and toad I figured would still

Bowser Junior, Paper Mario and Daisy were never considered. Bowser Junior was planned to be an Assist Trophy, but was
Same as what zandro said this could make it commencing

Fawful is a new Mario Assist Trophy. He acts like Mr. Resetti, but will attack opponents at random.
Ok from the mario and luigi game that made sakurai introduce luigi again sounds believable. It would be more believable if the Nabbit was the assist trophy in my opion.

Diddy Kong will be the next revealed veteran, to coincide with Tropical Freeze’s release date.
As long as no one gets revealed for the smash bros 64 15th anniversary this is 100% correct (oh and for the thing at the end of January either)

Diddy is paired with Dixie Kong as a tag-team, similar to Zelda and Sheik. Dixie has a separate moveset from Diddy, but it’s still being worked on.
At first this sounded bogus but that was until I just remember that this could replace the banana peel move since tripping got removed which made banana peel in peril of being kicked (and plus it is for a DKC game)

King K. Rool is a newcomer, the heaviest character on the roster. He is powerful and can KO light characters with 2 good Smash Attacks. If not reveal for DCKTF then a direct will still be hopeful

His final smash has him use the blunderbuss and fire cannonballs from the top of the screen while they fly in from the sides as well.
I can believe this would be his final smash

Gangplank Galleon is a stage.
Thumbs up if king k rool is confirmed

There is a new Zelda character, although it’s kept a secret so far. The names heard most often are Tingle and Ghirahim.
That sounds iffy but its still possible

Ganondorf will be buffed, although he still retains some of C. Falcon’s moves. He can equip a sword using his Down Special.
I believe this is correct

Chrom is a Fire Emblem necomer. He wields the Falchion, and does not replace Ike.
Yes I can agree with this even though ike might be kicked but he does not replace ike

Chrom is expected to be revealed to celebrate the anniversary of the first Fire Emblem.
Ok will see if this is correct when ever fire emblem 1 came out

Lyn’s Assist Trophy from Brawl has been scrapped.
Not enough proof but still a pretty bad assist trophy in brawl

King Gangrel and Aversa are the new Fire Emblem Assist Trophy. Gangrel runs around slicing with his sword, while Aversa flies above using Aversa’s Night. They are the “unexpected” Assist Trophy.
I have no idea who these guys are so feelings neutral for this one

No newcomers for Yoshi or Wario.
Well duh

Wario’s overalls are now his default attire.
50/50 shot of being correct but definatly still getting both costumes again

The Kat & Ana Assist Trophy has been scrapped
They work like Latios and latias so believe able

Ashley from WarioWare is a new Assist Trophy.
That sounded bogus until today

Ridley is a newcomer, and is scaled down a bit. It was a major feat on the development team.

No new Star Fox characters.
Thumbs up for this

Falco is farther away from being a Fox clone.
That will put a smile on my face if this is correct

Wolf is no longer a semi-clone.
That would be great but soons iffy due to weapons

Villager has a female costume.
Thumbs up sound legit

Mr. Resetti returns as an Assist Trophy.
Ya think

Tom Nook is a new Assist Trophy. He apparently drops bells across the stage, which causes opponents to trip. (Due to Sakurai saying tripping is removed, it’s unknown if forced tripping, like this and Diddy’s bananas will return, or if only accidental tripping is removed.)
Well assist trophys causing it sounds ok but

Palutena is a newcomer, with her moves based directly off Uprising.
Way to request to sound bogus

Magnus is a new Assist Trophy, and acts similarly to Little Mac in Brawl.
How can a sword fighter be simular to little mac assist trophy

All Pokemon veterans from Brawl return.
Again well duh

Mewtwo returns.
The chance of this being correct the odds of being in a house with a pair of shoes somewhere in the house

Mewtwo and Lucario have very different movesets.
Different story when it comes to mewtwo x if that's a form in

No new Kirby characters.
It won't be long till DDD side special being throwing a waddle/sparkler/spike ball gets confirmed so yea believable

Meta Knight will be revealed sometime in the summer of 2014.
False if he's not revealed till october

No changes made to the EarthBound series.

All misc. characters return (Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B., Ice Climbers)
Easily believable and true thumbs up for this

Little Mac is a newcomer. He has the look from the Punch-Out!! reboot for the Wii.
Ok how many time do I have to say well duh

The Male Wii Fit Trainer is indeed an alt. for Wii Fit Trainer.

Wii Fit Trainer has a butt attack. It is replaced by a headbutt for the male costume.
I don't blame him that would be akward for a man to have a butt attack (except farting ofcoarse)

King Hippo is an Assist Trophy.
Show me little mac then I will believe

The Ghosts from Luigi’s Mansion are an Assist Trophy.
Sure that sound like a good rumor

Snake returns.
That's 50/50 but then again we were wrong about toon link being kicked so I'm ok with this

Pac-Man will be the final newcomer. He is a secret character
Sakurai said no special treatment for namco but he diden't say anything about refusing to add 1 namco character and plus smash bros 4 will be a game that makes history due to sonic mario megaman and pacman being in one game if confirmed

Oh yea and this is for Zandros opinion about the Ridley part

Hulk is me guy in his hand is zandro
Last edited:


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
People please remember that Sakurai said no RANDOM tripping, not tripping as a whole.


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2013
Excited to see what this assist trophy does. Never played WarioWare but sorry to all the Ashley supporters. D:


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
I don't know if it was brought up, but I don't care what Ashley does IF AND ONLY IF she gets her white hair and red eyes when she does something:


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2013
I always liked Ashley and kinda entertained the idea of her being playable, but I don't really think I ever thought it was possible. I'm glad she made it in the game as an assist; her model looks fantastic (can I say that about a 9 year old?). Hopefully her attack does her credit.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
People please remember that Sakurai said no RANDOM tripping, not tripping as a whole.
No Sakurai just said tripping was removed but didn't specify whether it was just random tripping or forced tripping as well.

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
Wait....but what about Peach, Zelda, and Rosalina? They wear dresses....

I'm fine with it for the boys. Link x Marth droppin their pants?

I'd be sitting there like. Finally. ITS ABOUT TIME! Now EAT THOSE DOUGHNUTS!


I hope tonights update is something I'll appreciate.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2013
Kalos Victory Road
Guessing time? I got 1-3 correct depending on if you think Ashley counts as an item (Assist Trophy) or character or what.

Here's my guesses:
1. It will feature a new stage
2. Said stage will be from a series who hasn't had a stage rep so far (Kirby, Pokemon, Star Fox, Fire Emblem, etc)
3. A character from said series will be featured in the screenshot
4. Said character will be doing a silly pose


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Guessing time? I got 1-3 correct depending on if you think Ashley counts as an item (Assist Trophy) or character or what.

Here's my guesses:
1. It will feature a new stage
2. Said stage will be from a series who hasn't had a stage rep so far (Kirby, Pokemon, Star Fox, Fire Emblem, etc)
3. A character from said series will be featured in the screenshot
4. Said character will be doing a silly pose
1. It will be a Wii U picture.
2. It will reveal something new about a revealed veteran.
3. It will take place on the Pyrosphere.
4. It will seem to disconfirm a character.


Sep 26, 2013
So, think we'll get anything for Smash's 15? It's on a Tuesday, and iirc Tuesday has been a popular days for reveals? Granted, I don't expect anything til Diddy.


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2013
lol someone on Miiverse thinks Wario is gonna be an assist trophy.

I like to go there and laugh (and cringe) at the uneducated.

Is that bad?

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I don't know if it was brought up, but I don't care what Ashley does IF AND ONLY IF she gets her white hair and red eyes when she does something:
I think Luigi would be trembling in fear if that ever happened.

Luigi: That girl is giving me nightmares! I don't want that!

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
You know, I just realized something. WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! was released on the date of March 21, 2003 in Japan. Maybe Wario will be revealed to honor the anniversary of that game.


Sep 26, 2013
Yoshi's New Island apparently comes out in the States in March... Sadly I don't think Japan gets it for quite awhile.
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