I want a Mario and Luigi stage instead /: That series hasn't gotten enough love in Smash bros.
Well, they at least could have chosen proper music because not really a fan of try try (I'm sure there could have a better choice).
But I see more more the following: both could get decent rep (least having a music each), Paper Mario only, but not M&L only. It seems they kinda did both with more on Paper Mario, but because WiiU = FAR more music, it might means better choices for M&L (I still expect the same for Paper mario)
However, I just tough of something that might look badfor M&L: it's mostly on handheld which means that you should see more rep of this series id it got decent...that may look unfortunate for the WiiU...
I'm just talking from a repping perspective, but I'm not gonna lie: I didn't like superstar saga and I didn't enjoyed it as I tough I would from what I heard (mostly positive remarks).
So, you could say that I kinda agree, but my view is Paper Mario get a stage only or both get one. I just see Paper Mario a bit before M&L, but in no way it means M&L shoud get completely overshadowed.
Actually, I think someone in my Paper Mario pm found very subtile reference on M&L in the trophy description, but the same was found (3 I can confirm) on Paper Mario.
So, in short, I wouldn;t expect much because it;s home console repping, but that even is inaccurate because TTYD gote repped in 3ds decently.
Basically, just wait even if I wouldn't expect a stage...that's just me.