Smokin' Hot~
Go and study some smash history, I'm not exaggerating in the extreme. People have even made blatant lies to try and get a stage banned (that succeeded).Except this isn't the case. Maybe you perceive it that way because you disagree with the rulings that have taken place, but that's not the reality. Just because there's a small minority of forum goers that assume the reasons for a stage being ruled illegal doesn't mean that the rest of the community hasn't played the stage and already come to a consensus on it.
I mean I'm not saying that people can't be sheep, but I think you're exaggerating in this particular instance.
People need to just wait and see how they turn out. People just assuming they should be banned can quickly build into a large mentality for no reason, and people with that assumption when the game comes out will be looking to confirm that bias.