Aww, you're right, I'm just totally insecure!
Consider it like this:
Person A speaks with a heavy New England accent and tends to unwittingly end sentences with "y'know whudim sayin'?" Person B would be a douchebag to hate Person A whose speech patterns are environmentally conditioned and ingrained. Person A is blameless.
Now consider the scenario we have with Tera: Person A speaks perfectly intelligible English but CHOOSES to speak with a high-pitched whine like a baby and ends every sentence with "DEATH TO THE PARCHMENT WELLS!" Person B hates Person A. In fact, every person hates Person A. Every person is justified in doing so, because Person A is consciously making the decision to call attention to herself where attention has not been earned. This is infamy and attention-whoring, also known as Celebrity Syndrome. There is nothing but despicable shame in this.
Further argument against my awesome wisdom will result in a warning.
Not to bring up the argument again, (but this is just so no one will take sides on an issue of a member who personally doesn't give a crap about it all.) but hre's another example:
Person A is perfectly able to talk normal. However, something happened in person A's (Tera253's) life that made her decide to change. then Person B said: "Hey, person A is a *** for talking all differnt and person C was like "Shut the heck up. she can do that if she wants to."
and then person B and person C have an e-duke-it-out (argument online) about which is right and which is wrong. Person A on the other hand, free of pointless cares, looks at them with a confused look on her face, wondering what the heck they're up to. when she realizes she starts it, she says: "wow." and then continues what she was doing before all this--playing SSB64: a 4-stock match, 2-on 1, Sector Z, no items.
2P: Captain Falcon (CPU, LVL 9) green
3P: Link (CPU, level 9) green
4P: Pikachu (Tera253, AKA Person A) blue
win/loss ratio:
4 wins, 3 losses.
Now, if Tera was an attentionwhore, she would have mentioned NOTHING about the losses, claimed that there were 3 CPU's, and that she beat them all 99-stock without even getting 2% damage. c'mon, is this really all the difficult:
the verdict: Tera apologizes for irritating people, but in all honesty does not care if the whole world turns against her, like it did in '95.
the OTHER verdict: thank you Duke for returning this to topic. that could be considered a good, honorable trademark assuming you do it elsewhere.