I don't understand why a mod of a game should have more priority over a new game in the series.
Because, maybe the tournament are made first for the players and not to promote a game, and if a game is aclaimed by players this game deserve to be consider as important in a tournament's organisation either he is the newest or not.
But all the actuel struggle with ProjectM left aside or be insidiously shutdown is so typical of every popular mod's story. The chances are near zero that One day the story end's like Counter Stryke with nintendo buying the name PM but watching what's happening it is truly edifying.
Reggie Fils Aimé is a great, awesome guy. I don't have any insider at nintendo but i am convinced that he is the one made Nintendo's Kyoto Direction to understand many occidental common business fact.
Nintendo has always fought agains ANY use of its license eyond its yoke, from nintendo game's video on youtube to the presence off any smashbros game in any tournament. But that was before.
ProjectM succes couldn't anymore be ignored. Zelda/sheik, samus/zerosuitsamus were splitted in PM,smash4 splitted them too. PM gave more flat stages for competitive play smash4 also did it (apparently forgetting that little platforms have theirs importances in competitives play).
Then, the WiiU came out and made bad sales figures.
And for 2014 , Smashbros4 became a more major asset for the wiiU's health. Nintendo sponsored E.V.O 2014, gave his blessing for mélée at the event. ALL THIS TO PREPARE SMASH4 ARRIVAL. There are no chance, no coincidence;
SAKURAI is gentle in his public speech but HE NEVER LIKED THE WAY MELEE GOES COMPETITIVE OR SHOULD I SAY "HARDCORE COMPETITIVE". He did all the changes in brawl in the consciousness of what he did, kill the competitive game and he had already had to admit in the past.(The players randomly fall, seriously!).
Nintendo is the careless amusement with skills possibility for those who find fun in it. But competitive game of mélée (and PM by extension) , are at a far extreme position.
I am not an apple lover or hater, just a watcher but, I remember Steve jobs had sworn to destroy Android Market. I think deep in his heart Sakurai is not really far from that about ProjectM.
I don't doubt tournament's organisator have may reason to left PM aside. But I am sure they know that is a good picture for nintendo support.
Nintendo made his move and is up to PM fans now.