Hey Dog, I don't think you realize that even if they take out the current advanced techniques, people who are good at the game will just find new techniques to exploit, making the playing field a so called "unfair" in your opinion.
Guess what? Life in general isn't fair. If you think that life is "fair" then you are deluded. In the working world people who get promoted aren't always the ones most qualified for the job, it really depends on how many allies they make, and how visible they make themselves.
You also probably aren't a true competetive player of any game, since you seem to think that these advanced techniques are not fair. It is also not really knowing how to do advanced techniques that helps you, but the application of these tactics. I've seen lots of stupid people who know how to wavedash and shffl, but they will wavedash and shffl right into my smashes. That doesn't seem to provide any advantage there, it actually hinders them. I would say every other fighting game probably has more of a gap between pros and newbies. Take Capcom vs. SNK 2 for example, there is a little glitch called roll canceling, which basically gives you invincibility for the first 20ish or so frames of a special move. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is possibly more broken then any other game still played today, after all it has semi-infinites and other techniques that would overwhelm new players, a type of guard crush glitch that with meter, makes you eat a super if you are in the air, and lots of other little quirks. There is no such thing as a fair game, and it's either step up and embrace the competition, or shut up.
I know that as soon as the game comes out, I will be looking for new glitches to give an advantage over other player, along with learning the system of the game and what has priority over other attacks. That is what the smart player does. If anyone plays you and calls you cheap, then you are doing the right thing, as long as you are not doing some glitch that makes the game unplayable such as freezing the game, freezing the other character, or something of that extemity. Wavedashing isn't even the most important technique in Melee, L-canceling is probably more important, and it was put in the game on purpose.
You seem to think that the game should be made as an even playing ground for all people, but realistically it's never going to happen. There are going to be things that the developers never intended that will become a part of the high-level metagame eventually. I recommend that you read David Sirlin's "Playing to Win" book, which is available to read on his site for free. Maybe then you will realize that the mentality you have towards the game right now is a scrub mentality. It doesn't matter that you think you are a competetive player, since the actual MENTALITY that you have is that of a scrub. Also scrubs are different from newbies. If you don't know the difference, google that ****.
I actually don't care if they leave Melee techniques out of Brawl, since I know myself and the rest of the true competetive community will just find new ways to play the game and make it so called "unfair" in your opinion. We will also thoroughly enjoy doing so.