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The measures to resolve it sound a bit hectic. Having to go back and adjust the volume on every single sound. Some like Link and Zelda sound fine while Luigi and Mario sound quiet.Oh no I wasn't shooting down your opinion, rather I was giving my take on the volume thingy and what I think could be done to resolve it
hypothesis n ****
Schweet! I'll add this soon. And yes you are correct. That is the only thing different about the edited .gct file.i THINK i got everything right.
and if i understand the op right, i don't need the gct if i don't want the powershield sfx?
He's already included dood. Download the general Melee SFX mod and he's in an obviously named folder there.When will you release the announcer?
Ummmm not sure dood. You are playing the latest version of P:M yes? ^ These things should've been all you needed to do to get it working.Ok I'm really confused at how I'm meant to install this, could someone help me out?
I've downloaded the Melee marth voice sfx zip file, and extracted 26.sawnd into projectmj\pf\sfx\26.sawnd and FitMeleeMarth.pac into projectmj\pf\fighter\marth\FitMarth.pac, but nothing seems to be changing. Am I doing something wrong?
Glad ya got things working! Also the Navi taunt thing was intentional for reasons... that I still haven't gotten around to working on. And I will definitely fix the Link sword swingy sounds when updating.Nevermind. After some digging I figured out exactly what I needed to do through a previous post on this thread from Fortress about the exact issues/questions I was having.
Was much simpler than I thought. The sound effects are all awesome. I may add the Melee announcer as well. I have the menu sound effects as well as all of the voices. They work nicely and take me back. This makes Project M feel MUCH more like Melee. The hit sounds! The slash sounds! I've missed them so much! :') you've made this Link main very happy sir. Good luck on completing this project! It's incredible. Thank you for all of your hard work.
Update: I also thought I'd report this. Not a big deal. But I thought it was worth reporting incase you have OCD. Minor bugs?
-When Link does his Navi taunt where you barely tap the side taunt. There is no audio for Navi saying "Hey! Listen!" Like usual. There is a fairy sound, but il that's it.
-Also. When Link does the twirling sword taunt and puts his sword back in its sheathe, there is no audio when he swings the sword. There is only the sound of him putting the sword in the sheathe.
So I figured I would point out some oddities I noticed.
-Mario's entry voice is still his Brawl voice, I would recommend changing it to the "Lets-a-go!" from Mario 64 (I think that clip is in the Melee files too?)
-Pikachu's F-smash plays two voice clips; the one he has from Brawl, and the one you added from Melee at the same time. Sounds very weird, haha.Never mind, those two were the result of me not installing properly
-Pikachu's Fair and Dair sounds when he is spinning are non-existent, I could have sworn in Melee an electric noise was played for his Fair? Maybe not for his Dair though. It seems strange, maybe default sounds have just corrupted my memory.
-Both Mewtwo and Roy's dodging sounds have been replaced with a sword swing sound, although this isn't entirely your fault as their dodging noises were directed to a sound that you ended up replacing with no knowledge that it was linked to these characters.
-The crowd is like, really frickin' loud (ESPECIALLY when someone gets hit insanely hard). Do you think you could lower the volume of them so that they don't eat the entire auditory spectrum?
-Is it me or is everyone really quiet when compared to Roy and Mewtwo's voices? Actually no I think Roy has the loudest and clearest voice out of everyone
Just off the top of my head. This pack is insanely good
Ya I thought the crowd might be a bit too loud. Also know about Roy and Mewtwo... That keeps getting the Rosa Parks treatment for some reason though... lol. I don't generally have any problems with any of the characters being too quiet at least in my experience... They were all made slightly louder than their normal voice clips because I thought Brawl's voices were too low in general, higher quality as well as I'm sure you can tell (Toots own horn lol)Responses:
-Mario's voice change? Yes. Consistency is good.
-I haven't noticed this myself
-I haven't noticed this either
-I had no idea but I had faced Mewtwo and Roy while I was practicing against bots(Maybe I combo'd them so hard that they never dodged and I never heard it lol)
-I agree about the crowd being too loud(especially when they're cheering, the chants sound fine though)
-I think some of the characters are a bit quiet. Maybe there is a method to make it so all the voice clips have generally equal volume? I noticed mainly the Star KOs on the Melee audio clips is a bit quiet.
I agree that the pack is awesome. I'm assuming Amazerommu is the only one who knows how to port the clips properly and is willing to share the project with the community(that is kindness at a whole new level).
Also yes... this is pretty much spot on. I settled with boosting the dB of the sound clips to the point slightly louder than Brawl's clips cause reasons of clipping occurring and such. I actually had to lower Ness' PK Thunder sound when he hits himself with it because it would do exactly that. I might have removed the duplicate voice call in his .pac file as well to fix that... Also Roy's voice clips were boosted the same way... well... in a similar way maybe? His clips are noticeably louder than the rest of the cast though which I guess is okay, but I do like some kind of uniformity with the sound.I believe this is actually a problem with Brawl in how it mixes the voice volumes into the game. Making the voice clips max volume (without causing distortion issues) seems to alleviate this for the most part, but it still causes some clips to be rather quiet. Now the definitive solution to this is to go into the .pac files and have every instance of the character's voice set to play twice rather than once (this is what is done when characters get hit at high percents and I believe the PMBR did the same with the entirety of Roy's voice, that's why they are so loud), but that would require going back through every character...
I was confused as well. All you basically do is what the instructions say. Take the files and merge them with your files. You want to hit the "Copy and replace" option when it's brought up. The main file to replace is the RSBE01.gct or something I can't remember off the top of my head. After that you want to drop the ".sawnd" and ".bnk" files you have from the download of the Melee SFX pack into the "sfx" folder. After that or before, you want to go into the "fighter" folder. *I did this individually because I messed it up the first time and got afraid of making another mistake.* In the Melee SFX pack you should have "Fit[character name].pac" files in there. Take those and put them over the "Fit[character name].pac" In the original project m files. I did this one by one. For example, you would delete "FitMario.pac" in the original files and replace it with "FitMario.pac" file from the Melee SFX pack in the download. This was explained in the instructions. Personally after messing up the first time, I decided to have a drive with my build copied onto it as a backup just incase. I recommend doing the same if you'd like to. Provided your on a Windows computer, it should be as simple as a drag and drop, replacing all the necassary files needed.I'm really confused as to how to set this up for hackless method. What files to I need to edit exactly to get this working?
and if i understand the op right, i don't need the gct if i don't want the powershield sfx?
nah. as Amazerommu stated, the .gct only changes the powershield sfx. project m already makes use of an alternate file loader or whatever that'll handle everything. the gct in this thread has nothing to do with the characters loading alternate sfxyes you are correct. That is the only thing different about the edited .gct file.
It can be verified because I stated above that I've failed at doing this before. That's why I had a backup the second time around. If you have access to a windows computer with an SD slot at home just create a copy of your build before you try to change the sfx as a backup and leave it on your desktop. After that, try changing the sfx and test it to see if it works. If you have access to a Windows computer with an SD slot at home, I fail to see why you can't the try trial and error method if your not 100% sure.So you're saying I can just put a select number of .sawnd files in and that's it? Can this be verified?
Yes you can do that dood. The fighters wouldn't have their own separate downloads if that weren't the case. But do be aware that you need the general Melee SFX download for the sound effects to work 100% correctly. It doesn't affect any doodz in particular tho.So you're saying I can just put a select number of .sawnd files in and that's it? Can this be verified?
And your opinion got explained. Brawl hacking in general is pretty complicated.I wasn't aware it was that difficult to do. I was only giving an opinion is all.
Ya. Sowwy I'm such slowness as of late. My time... Is minimal. Frickin like 4 months now with no update?! This ain't the PMBR!Is an update ever going to happen?
Hey Amazerommu, if it helps, I have the 12 Ganons set up already. I just need to switch the costumes so that Brawl Ganon is first.Ya. Sowwy I'm such slowness as of late. My time... Is minimal. Frickin like 4 months now with no update?! This ain't the PMBR!
Oooooooooooooooo gimme dat filez! I have it kinda workin... it just... with the SJS CSP pack, I think that may be what's causing it to freeze. If I can get things to work with that... Then I'll be a go-go.Hey Amazerommu, if it helps, I have the 12 Ganons set up already. I just need to switch the costumes so that Brawl Ganon is first.
I've been getting that a lot lately. I know it's particularly hard to hear the sounds his up smash makes... which is weird, cause it's the same sound that a lot of other characters use. Although I do think I fixed that in the last update by having it play the sound twice for his smash attacks... Is there anything other than that that sounds particularly low? He seems alright to me. But m speakers are kiiiiiinda badass (lol except not really at all), so that may be a contributing factor...Are Fox's SFX low by default or is the BGM too loud?
I was watching your Melee SFX Fox preview and I'm led to believe that for some reason, Fox's SFX are lower than usual.
Happy Belated Birthday Dad!: Pssh! DOODZ! Where are the birthday wishes!? Haha. I'm 24 years old nao... I feel old as feck...
We have really close birthdays, I just turned 22 on the 22nd of May! TIL...Happy Belated Birthday Dad!
All jokes aside happy birthday for real man, you deserve it! My birthday is on the 18th so yay for May.
The general age for competitive smashers is from 18+ and up since they need a car and permission to travel. I thought the same thing when I first started though too!
Marth has the same voice in Brawl as in Melee, BUT he had different SFX. To get rid of Marth's sword sounds, you can delete 7.sawnd, however this gets rid of general Melee sounds for everyone.(Sword swings on everyone but Roy, for example)THANK YOU so much. PM Falco/Fox feel so much better with the Melee SFX.
Also I tried deleting 26.sawnd (Melee Marth SFX file) and putting back Marth.pac back into my PM folder, but it still sounds like Melee Marth. Any reason to why it's not working?
Happy Belated Birthday Dad!
All jokes aside happy birthday for real man, you deserve it! My birthday is on the 18th so yay for May.
The general age for competitive smashers is from 18+ and up since they need a car and permission to travel. I thought the same thing when I first started though too!
Holy frack 2 days between our birthdays is nuts. We could have a Smash Party on the closest weekend and it would be the most Smashtastic event in the existence of anything ever.We have really close birthdays, I just turned 22 on the 22nd of May! TIL...
THANK YOU so much. PM Falco/Fox feel so much better with the Melee SFX.
Also I tried deleting 26.sawnd (Melee Marth SFX file) and putting back Marth.pac back into my PM folder, but it still sounds like Melee Marth. Any reason to why it's not working?
^ This guy is badass. He purteh mawch gawt it rat own da moni.Marth has the same voice in Brawl as in Melee, BUT he had different SFX. To get rid of Marth's sword sounds, you can delete 7.sawnd, however this gets rid of general Melee sounds for everyone.(Sword swings on everyone but Roy, for example)
I'm literally in the process of finally fixing that now. Also... in the case of Roy's sword swings, they're gonna be changed to regular... and if I can somehow squeeze the space... they'll both have better quality sound effects... I'll wait and try that in the future though after I fix the dash problems and such. I got their voices to have the Brawl echo already and now just have to edit their FitDood.pac files to have da Melee dodging sfx and such. Oh also playing around with Mewtwo's Shadow Ball sounds to see if I can make them work. It's different in Brawl... so it might not sound exactly the same.I'm having an issue with the SFX. I don't know if this is a known glitch or anything but with Mewtwo and Roy their dash and roll noise both have sword swing noises. Can anybody tell me why that is?
Yussssss, thank you based Amazerommu!Roy's Star KO voice sounds so much better with the Brawl echo... That is all. (Subtle update haha)
@Holy frack 2 days between our birthdays is nuts. We could have a Smash Party on the closest weekend and it would be the most Smashtastic event in the existence of anything ever.
^ This guy is badass. He purteh mawch gawt it rat own da moni.
I'm literally in the process of finally fixing that now. Also... in the case of Roy's sword swings, they're gonna be changed to regular... and if I can somehow squeeze the space... they'll both have better quality sound effects... I'll wait and try that in the future though after I fix the dash problems and such. I got their voices to have the Brawl echo already and now just have to edit their FitDood.pac files to have da Melee dodging sfx and such. Oh also playing around with Mewtwo's Shadow Ball sounds to see if I can make them work. It's different in Brawl... so it might not sound exactly the same.
Also @Rage83 ! Dat 12 Costume Ganon... HALP!! Plz? lol
Sorry for the double post, but the stuff for the 12 Ganons is done. It's dangerous to go alone, take this! : https://www.cubby.com/pli/12Ganonstuffs.7z/_43aa383786f9455da98e5be32737ad7a
Hoe... lee... frack. You've earned like... 2500 points x2. Firstly for the maximumness... secondly for dat old school Zelda reference! lolSorry for the double post, but the stuff for the 12 Ganons is done. It's dangerous to go alone, take this! : https://www.cubby.com/pli/12Ganonstuffs.7z/_43aa383786f9455da98e5be32737ad7a
5000 points? Awesome! Wait.....It's still under 9000.Hoe... lee... frack. You've earned like... 2500 points x2. Firstly for the maximumness... secondly for dat old school Zelda reference! lol
So...Not to be rude, but has there been a move forward with Ganon yet?Hoe... lee... frack. You've earned like... 2500 points x2. Firstly for the maximumness... secondly for dat old school Zelda reference! lol