happens at like every european national/regional these days. Ice usually wins.Well... I guess I won't be watching Apex then.
Seriously though, some matches I'd like to see are...
-Any combination of the top 4 vs eachother
- Pewpewu vs Dr. PP
- Javi vs. Mango
- Hax vs Pewpewu
- Hax vs Hbox
- SFAT vs Leffen
- Ice vs M2k
- Hax vs S2j
- Pewpewu vs. Hbox
- Fly vs Chu
- Ice vs Overtriforce
- Gucci Vs Hax
- Darkrain vs Gucci
- Unknown vs Silent Wolf
- Pewpewu vs Silent Wolf
- Mango vs Leffen
- Jeapie vs Gucci
- Hax vs Pretty much any other Falcon
- Pewpewu vs Taj
Will add more...