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Melee/PM: GameClucks (Washington): August 3rd!


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
God dammit LOL

alright eawa, ill cya later then >_<

edit: why dont you guys just take a train to next GC? Its cheap, you don't have a limit to how many people you can fit, and its immune to snow.


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
trains aren't immune to snow o.O snow slows them down SOOOO much hahaa

anyways, seriously, take the train

trains are cool regardless of the number of people. (well, it's probably not as fun with one person lol)


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Cougs are winning it anyways, doesn't matter :)
Atleast it isn't on Sunday.. Seahawks game > Apple Cup

Uhh Jamie wtfx you told me to wake up at 7 so I'm at Jason's.. Awake.. waiting for the word to wake Nikki >_>

Answer your phonez text messages.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
Ales/Russian will take the entry fee money at the front today...since last time was some mystery as to how it worked, we will do it the normal way.. $10 per person per tournament.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
wow this ***** busted out REAL NAMES

except for ka hahahaha

and i will forever pronounce it "kaw" like a crow.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Just posting to let you guys know I'm not coming anymore due to school. Sorry for not being able to make this one. I know Eric will **** most of the americans for me anyways :laugh: <3 WA
Props to Adam for callin that ****. *I'm such an *** xD*

I know you probably didn't... but did anything get recorded? Is that "Rob" Robbie Coyle of Burnaby, BC, Canada who placed 3rd in teams with u Dan?

EDIT: Way to dominate as usual Ammon. Did Eric give u a hard time?

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
Bleh I'm comin for Ammon next time, all in good sport of course =).

Good **** mega camper eric I get lost when you laser me from under the backside of a platform for 10 seconds XD.

Practice is in order.


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington

1st - Nate / Ka
2nd - Otto / Shane
3rd - Rob / Dan


1st - Ka
2nd - Eric
3rd - Nate
4th - Dan
5th - Shane / GIMPY

dan forgot me T-T

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
I'm just playin guys. Last place goes to ME for not showing up =D. Sounds like Nate needs Manuel advice for beating Falco's with Marth xD.

See you all at Dan2 <3
Either that or I could play like 2 friendlies against Falco within a month of a tourney lol.

Eric is way smart when playing though thats for sure =).


Smash Champion
May 4, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
I was worried about playing against Marths and Sheiks, but I got ***** by endless Falco's today. I did better against DJ Nate up there than I did against some random Falco.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Ggz everyone I played.

My only highlight was beating Dan and Robbie in doubles when I hadn't even played yet that day with cold hands.

Good **** Mike, thanks for teaming with me. Losing to Gimpy/Silv was ghey.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
Either that or I could play like 2 friendlies against Falco within a month of a tourney lol.

Eric is way smart when playing though thats for sure =).
Thanks for the compliment Nate:)


Dan: Thanks for lettting us stay at your place for the night. Very nice house you live in. Good matches at GC as well I thought i was gonna lose for sure after the first match.. whew.:p

Nate: Liked your hair:p Very close and intense matches against you at GC camping for the win. However i noticed you didnt get me in many combos as you used to. Also you have a MUCH BETTER marth then Manuel does I dunno what Adam was talking about. You brought a VCR to record right? Were any matches at GC recorded?

Ka Master: Good matches in winners and Finals crazy stuff you pulled off there. Nice playing ya again and Eating Chipotle with ya:p You better come to Canada sometime >=]

OttO: Good MM with ya I finally win one yay! Im sure if you went Fox though you would have won. :p Anyway you got a good Falco there I got pretty lucky in the 1st match for sure.

EGGZ: Sorry I didnt feel like having a MM after the tournament cause I was pretty much bored with the game after that.. If you come to Canada next weekend ill be sure to have a MM with you before the tournament, so I dont get bored with the game. :p Fun friendlies though.

Teddy: Good Friendlies after the tournament your Peach is better in some ways then Hitsugaya's.

Gimpyfish: Nice seeing you after a long time of not seeing you.:( Have a safe trip back to California. Sorry your matches against me didn't go very well for you. I'll see ya at Dan 2!

To the other Americans I played good matches and I hope to see you all at Dan 2 or perhaps at the next GC depending when it is...


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Altoncolwell (7:09:39 PM): hello?
eggz2021 (7:10:31 PM): wha?
Altoncolwell (7:11:33 PM): whats up *****?
Altoncolwell (7:11:58 PM): that pic looks like u BTW
eggz2021 (7:11:35 PM): thats what its supposed to do
eggz2021 (7:11:39 PM): omg u said *****
eggz2021 (7:11:40 PM): im telling
Altoncolwell (7:12:54 PM): thats no where near as offensive as saying the part with "er" at the end
eggz2021 (7:13:54 PM): why?
Altoncolwell (7:14:50 PM): It just is, BTW
Altoncolwell (7:15:00 PM): when I called u
Altoncolwell (7:15:11 PM): Whee were u?
Altoncolwell (7:15:17 PM): ottos?
eggz2021 (7:14:44 PM): home?
eggz2021 (7:14:46 PM): oh
eggz2021 (7:14:47 PM): when
eggz2021 (7:14:48 PM): you called like
eggz2021 (7:14:52 PM): all day for 2 days straight
Altoncolwell (7:15:49 PM): No, I called for like 20 min XD
Altoncolwell (7:15:55 PM): on friday
Altoncolwell (7:16:35 PM): who were ur friends? I want to meet them
Altoncolwell (7:16:50 PM): my bro wants to play u at halo 2 on xbl
Altoncolwell (7:17:27 PM): whats jem's xbl gamertag?
eggz2021 (7:16:58 PM): SupahJem
eggz2021 (7:17:11 PM): dj combo, silent wolf, and ka master were my friends LOL
Altoncolwell (7:18:02 PM): saying yo mama?
Altoncolwell (7:18:10 PM): on the phone??!
Altoncolwell (7:18:26 PM): ZOMG XD!
Altoncolwell (7:19:59 PM): hello?
eggz2021 (7:19:53 PM): rofl
eggz2021 (7:19:55 PM): ****s real
Altoncolwell (7:21:37 PM): was that otto I was speaking to?
eggz2021 (7:21:04 PM): idk
Altoncolwell (7:21:51 PM): on the phone next to the guy said yo mama?
Altoncolwell (7:23:23 PM): in the background?
eggz2021 (7:23:13 PM): >_>
eggz2021 (7:23:13 PM): idk
Altoncolwell (7:24:25 PM): u don't no, or u no
Altoncolwell (7:24:30 PM): >_>
eggz2021 (7:24:37 PM): >_>
eggz2021 (7:24:39 PM): you mean
eggz2021 (7:24:41 PM): "know"?
Altoncolwell (7:25:47 PM): yah, I just type "no" because it's shorter
eggz2021 (7:25:25 PM): 2 keys shorter
eggz2021 (7:25:32 PM): i'd prefer not looking like a ****** and typing know
Altoncolwell (7:26:44 PM): thats YOUR style.
Altoncolwell (7:27:05 PM): I just type it because it's 2 keys shorter
eggz2021 (7:26:38 PM): well
Altoncolwell (7:27:17 PM): and can be understood
eggz2021 (7:26:43 PM): i guess you prefer looking like a ******
eggz2021 (7:26:48 PM): LOL
Altoncolwell (7:27:37 PM): don't be dumb shane
Altoncolwell (7:27:58 PM): how u do at GC?
eggz2021 (7:28:00 PM): bad
eggz2021 (7:28:01 PM): i lost to dan
eggz2021 (7:28:12 PM): after double 3 stocking bladewise
Altoncolwell (7:29:06 PM): how u think I'd do at GC?
Altoncolwell (7:30:25 PM): oww!!
eggz2021 (7:30:17 PM): >_>
eggz2021 (7:30:21 PM): i think
eggz2021 (7:30:28 PM): you could easily beat bladewise
eggz2021 (7:30:34 PM): probably jumpfreak
eggz2021 (7:30:39 PM): and maybe me and silent wolf
eggz2021 (7:30:49 PM): based off of what I hear from peaches at least
Altoncolwell (7:31:41 PM): but silent is my technical counter part
Altoncolwell (7:32:07 PM): peaches told u that?

eggz2021 (7:32:42 PM): yeah, your definitely almost as technical as silent wolf
eggz2021 (7:32:45 PM): peaches told me that, yup yup
eggz2021 (7:32:50 PM): hes a big fan of yours
eggz2021 (7:32:55 PM): i cant get him to shut up
Altoncolwell (7:33:44 PM): actually I am pretty technical.
eggz2021 (7:33:13 PM): hes always like "man, if redyoshi could come to these GC tourneys, you guys would know the powers of eastern WA"
eggz2021 (7:33:26 PM): except instead of "Eastern WA", he says "Ewazizzle"
eggz2021 (7:33:40 PM): so all of us western WA people have started calling it Ewazzizle too
Altoncolwell (7:34:24 PM): I just need to work on my moonwalking and edgecancelling
Altoncolwell (7:34:39 PM): I want to play you in friendlies.
eggz2021 (7:34:15 PM): me too
Altoncolwell (7:34:54 PM): I'll sandbag hardcore
eggz2021 (7:34:23 PM): (i want to play me in friendlies, cuz im ****in awesome)
eggz2021 (7:34:25 PM): wut
Altoncolwell (7:35:02 PM): JK
eggz2021 (7:34:28 PM): u sandbagging ****
Altoncolwell (7:35:14 PM): about the sandbagging
Altoncolwell (7:35:42 PM): I'll put effort in the friendlies
Altoncolwell (7:35:49 PM): Is GC big?
Altoncolwell (7:35:56 PM): just curios
eggz2021 (7:35:49 PM): last GC was small
Altoncolwell (7:36:26 PM): I am making a rise of eastern WA smash vid,
eggz2021 (7:35:51 PM): but normally a lot come
Altoncolwell (7:36:51 PM): heres how me and peaches set went
Altoncolwell (7:37:00 PM): 3 stocked his sheik on stadium
Altoncolwell (7:37:10 PM): got 1 stocked on YS
Altoncolwell (7:37:21 PM): 1 stocked him on battlefield
Altoncolwell (7:37:38 PM): 2 stocked his sheik with my marth
Altoncolwell (7:38:00 PM): I also 3 stocked his peach on stadium
Altoncolwell (7:38:26 PM): owww!!!!!!!
eggz2021 (7:37:56 PM): woah
eggz2021 (7:37:59 PM): you won 4 times?
eggz2021 (7:38:00 PM): nice. >_>;
Altoncolwell (7:38:59 PM): ow i slammed my **** in the door ****!
eggz2021 (7:38:48 PM): hate when that happens
eggz2021 (7:38:49 PM): **** hurts
eggz2021 (7:38:52 PM): happens so often too
eggz2021 (7:39:00 PM): i guess you should just
eggz2021 (7:39:03 PM): walk around with pants on
eggz2021 (7:39:05 PM): instead of
eggz2021 (7:39:09 PM): having wood all the time
eggz2021 (7:39:12 PM): and trying to **** your door
Altoncolwell (7:39:55 PM): lol ow
Altoncolwell (7:40:17 PM): was that stuff bout peaches telling u true BTW?
Altoncolwell (7:41:39 PM): i g2g soon
Altoncolwell (7:41:45 PM): farts
Altoncolwell (7:42:13 PM): 3
Altoncolwell (7:42:15 PM): 2
Altoncolwell (7:42:17 PM): 1
Altoncolwell (7:42:22 PM): hes back
Altoncolwell (7:42:27 PM): whos back
Altoncolwell (7:42:37 PM): its the fat man
Altoncolwell (7:42:45 PM): oh ****
Altoncolwell (7:43:21 PM): evan typing now
Altoncolwell (7:43:41 PM): bye
eggz2021 (7:43:14 PM): >_>
eggz2021 (7:43:16 PM): kbye
Altoncolwell signed off at 7:43:54 PM.
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