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Melee/PM: GameClucks (Washington): August 3rd!


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2005
Des Moines/Renton, WA
I'd like to team with you again Gimpy.
However I think that I promised Emo$ I'd team with him.... I think. I dont know, it was a long night.
But if I can convince RC to come, I'm definitely teaming with him.

Luigi Ka-master

Smash Lord
Sep 8, 2005
Laie, HI
Shane can I come over thursdaya and friday night? thursday is Thanksgiving so yea, check with the family and stuff lol.

Edit: LOL @ FD being non existant in that tournament ***s.

Also, Shanes crazy smart and skilled now xD. As in I don't wanna play him, not that he wasn't before >.>.

Edit 2: f a gs*

XD, impressive 2nd edit nate

don't worry gimpy, if it makes you feel any better my controller broke for no good reason...


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2007
So I just found out that my parents pre ordered Mario Galaxy and they never told me and they forgot to pick it up the day it came out so now we are going to pick up our pre ordered Mario Galaxy two weeks after it came out.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Who is Xeris?

Teddy, I think it was The Dan you promised to team with Emo$. Cause he said he'd pay for all the gas and stuff. Cause Jamie said he is teaming with Emo$ for GC.

EDIT: Gimpy wanted a story, so here we a go.

Once upon a time during sophomore year of High School..

*cloudy vision thing going back in time happens*

It was a wednesday, and me and a bunch of friends were going to this fly church for wednesday. One of those fun church things that don't really act serious.. I got picked up first.

As we picked up more people, there were too many for the car. So the girls were like Jeremy, Jake, get in the trunk. And I was like wtfx, this is bull****, I'm the tallest and have the longest legs. And they basically said no johns. So I'm like whatever. I get in on the inside, Jake on the outside. I am not fully down yet, and the girl tries slamming the trunk shut.. But there is some metal long thing that goes down with the trunk when you close it (Atleast with this car) and she was slamming it into my head. Like, literally, into my head. I was swearing and everything and she wouldnt stop trying to slam it shut. It went into my head, and there was blood coming out everywhere. She finally got it shut, and they started driving, and I was like "My head is bleeding a lot" and, again, the girl basically said no johns. Jake could like, feel my blood. And was like holy **** dude, you alright? After about 10 minutes, we arrived at church, and I got out, and some dumb asian girl was like "JEREMY DID YOU DYE YOUR HAIR RED?!" And I was like "no.."

And everyone was like /gasp /omg /sorry and took me home. I had to lie to my mom about what happened, and I had to lie to the doctor next day. On that same night, Chris Daughtry got kicked off American Idol, and to this day I still proclaim that wednesday as The Worst Day Ever. Maybe that is why I play smash weird. The end.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
I will not be at GC until prob 2 or 3 on Saturday... previous commitments that were made a year ago that i forgot about.

I will be there, but I will need either Nate to start the thing off, so you all just friendly until I get there and then we get down to business then...

I would prefer that Nate starts it, because my 2-3pm could easily end up being 4pm...

Thanks and sorry all!


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
I say start at 2. Friendlies are fun for awhile, but I dont want people to get too warmed up XD.

Gimpy Jamie said he has a silver controller in the car and doesnt know whose it is. Maybe I'll bring it for you, dunno.

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
Yea I can't stay later than 6-6:30 either. Got dinner plans @ 7:30. I don't mind starting it or w/e, though its hard to not play any matches at all while running it, but i guess there aren't any friendlies oging on during the tourney anyway.

Can i just pay you back for one you buy gimpy? I dont wanna like go to the store >.<


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
the silver one has a destroyed control stick, I've got a bunch of spares that I used to use. I have my OC3/FC controller, my SCC controller, and the one Ammon uses.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
how many good ness mains r there?

besides nessby lol
Define good.

If you're talking pro, it's just Simna, you can add Mofo if you count retired players.

But there's a few just below Simna too, N.OW , Reik, AngryLobster, and Dan Smith might fit your definition of good. Plus Mow uses him for a tournament now and again, though I think he mains Zelda...>_>.
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